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“Oh. You mean Albania? Croatia? Bosnia? Nah. They're all the same.”

~ A Foreigner on Serbia

“Косово је Србија!”

~ Serbian on Serbia

“Our abusive older borther”

~ Albanians on Serbia
Not Siberia
(The Magic Ping-Pong Ball)
Flag Coat of Arms
Anthem: "The two-faced eagle"
Serbia Where.jpg
Largest cityBelgrade
Official language(s)Serbian, Turkish and Kosovar
GovernmentMonarchy, Nazi Annexation, Communist, PARLIAMENTARY REPUBLIC
National Hero(es)Turkey, Eagles
 of Independence
Once of the Former Yugoslavian states that have broken up
ReligionChristianity Islam

Kosovo-Serbia Drama[edit | edit source]

Always remember kids, Serbia is *mostly* Balkan

In a nutshell, some people from Albania decided to come to Serbia, preusmibly to burn the churches. But the Serbs saw this incident happening with their amazing skills of being able to see into the future. So they built a wall around the area of Kosovo to save the Serbs.

However, it turns out the Albs lived there the entire time, so the wall building was pretty much pointless.

Now the desperate Kosovarzzzzzzz just whine all day about Serbia, begging for independence, even calling the helping of Albania and America. But the Koso-Albs have to accept that they can't fuck with Serbia and that the Silly Serbs will never listen, or even care becuase they're too busy smoking and drinking wine. They even have a website to thank everyone that supported their independence, how cute.

Ah... a beautiful day in a Serbian Town