Johnny Test

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Behold! The Cans Without Labels of children's animation. Oh my god, kill it with fire.

Johnny Test is the name of a TV cartoon show that aired between the year 2005 and 2014, as well as the name of its starring character, a childish teen with a pointy-stylished blond hair that made him look like his head was on fire. It was a highly controversial show due to its unoriginal premise, ripping off other beloved franchises such as Scooby Doo, Family Guy, The Fairly OddParents, Jimmy Neutron, Dexter's Laboratory, Men in Black, Star Wars, Wacky Races, and even Garfield. However, despite this, Johnny Test managed to stand on its own, creating an unique blend of pop culture references, that became really, really popular and beloved to many a child from the early 2000's.


Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jack Hoffman, and I have hated this yellow-haired prick ever since my eyes were cursed to grace his face. Whenever his face would showed up on the TV, I had an urge to punch it until he was lying dead on the floor; sadly, the TV screen was there to stop me from it, and the thing that ended breaking was either my hand, the TV, or both. But this hasn't stopped me from hating him, and I shall spread the word of my hatred to the rest of the world!

Now, I might explain how a beloved show from your childhood is actually "the worst thing" that effected our life.

History[edit | edit source]

Origin and development[edit | edit source]

Johnny Test was conceived by a very sad man that went by the name of Scott Fellows. Scott probably had an awful childhood, with an abusive mother and a father that thought getting milk was more important than taking care of his own son. That's the only reason I can come up why someone would want to ruin so many children by injecting them this garbage through their eyes. He deliberately wanted to kill the animation industry by creating this abomination of a show -yeah, his work on the Fairly OddParents and Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide was good, but Johnny Test was by far his most toxic creation yet.

Scott had tried to pitch this bootleg to Nickelodeon in 1995, but the higher ups at Nickelodeon were smart enough to say no, as they knew no one in their right mind would let their children see this and it would've outright make the company lose a lot of money; so much, that they would've shut down had they picked this show up as an original series. Unfortunately, rather than letting the idea die in peace, Scott would end up having his way by pitching it to Kids' WB instead, which would lately regret of their decision and give the show to the Canadians.

And just when you thought we'd be safe from Johnny Test, the broadcasting rights would move from the CW to Cartoon Network in 2008. And Cartoon Network began to treat this damn show like their golden boy until Teen Titans Go! came -which is an even worse show, honestly. Oh, and yes, they constantly use the whip crack sound effect in every episode. Scott Fellows wanted to use the whip crack constantly.

Production[edit | edit source]

If you're not convinced that the whole blonde doofus and redheaded scientist as siblings aspect ripped off Dexter's Laboratory, Scott Fellows even had the audacity to hire Chris Savino to produce and direct Johnny Test's first season.

The first sign that Johnny Test was the spawn of the devil was when they decided that it was a good idea to let Chris Savino be the producer of this show. Let me repeat myself. Chris Savino was the producer of this show. Chris Savino produced it! Chris Savino ... was the producer ... OF THIS FUCKING SHOW!

You know who Chris Savino is, don't you? He's the guy who RUINED Dexter's Laboratory and The Powerpuff Girls in their last two seasons. He also fucked up the Flintstones with the Flintstones: On the Rocks so much, that it even made Seth MacFarlane's cancelled reboot look good by comparison! He's also that guy that later made that annoying kids show about a kid with 12 sisters- how was it called? The Noisy Family? It's trash, anyways. This guy is a huge creep that sexually harassed their workers and got away with it. He also made a comic about a cat that wants to fuck his own mother, called "The Complex Adventures of Eddie Puss", which explains why his later work, "The Noisy Family", always seems to be bortherline gloryfing incest.

Premise[edit | edit source]

Johnny Test has the unique premise of having no premise at all. Instead, they just copy whatever is hip and trendy with the kids from the 2000's-early 2010's era, and throw it into a blender. The episodes were the result of the writers smoking crack and taking the first concept they could work with, and then see if they could fool their viewers by making them think that there was actually some sort of plot happening in the series.

Characters[edit | edit source]

These characters barely feel like characters at all, they're just machines. Unfunny joke machines!

Johnny Test[edit | edit source]

Johnny Test (not Johnny Depp or other Johnny), as described above, is the main protagonist and titular character of the show. He's a bratty asshole with funny hair whose best friend is a dog, because even the show acknowledges this guy would never have a single friend in real life. He also can speak with this dog, which makes it very obvious that this kid is on something.

Dukey[edit | edit source]

The bastard son of Scooby Doo and Brian Griffin.

Susan and Mary Test[edit | edit source]

Susan and Mary are Johnny's so-called "genius" sisters, although their experiments always end up blowing up in their face, which puts in question their supposed intelligence. They also treat their brother like shit (which the guy kinda deserves it, but doesn't justify the fact that they're horrible sisters), as they don't see him as a fellow sibling, but as a mere lab rat. On top of that, they're both in love of the same guy, a poor dude named Gil who has to suffer their constant stalking.

Bling Bling Boy[edit | edit source]

Eugene Hamilton is a pretentious snob that thinks he's hip enough to nickname himself "Bling Bling Boy". He's the main villain of the series, who for some reason is in love with Susan Test, and Johnny has to avoid that his brother-in-law ends up being some posh brat. His constant stalking of Susan is seen as disgusting and malevolous, yet the Test sisters' constant stalking of Gil is seen as quirky and funny. Talk about hypocrisy.

Other characters that don't really matter at all[edit | edit source]

  • Hugh and Lila Test are just Dexter's parents with roles reversed.
  • Lolo doesn't do anything interesting. Why is she a character in the show the first place?
  • Janet Nelson Jr. is discount Trixie Tang, and serves no purpose.
  • Sissy is the actual crush for Johnny Test, and it's creepy.
  • Mr. Black and Mr. White are literally Men in Black.
  • The Moonsies are just... why??? WHY DO THEY HAVE BUTTS FOR HEADS?!?!
  • Brain Feezer is basically Chris Chan if he was the Snow Miser.
  • Bumper is literally Francis from the Fairly OddParents.
  • Gil Nexdor is your generic pretty boy.
  • Zizrar is a totally NOTHING character!!! Just a rat wearing a crown.
  • Mr. Teacherman is totally useless.
  • Hank Anchorman is just discount Chet Ubetcha.
  • The General is another nothing character.
  • Wacko is just insane.
    • His twin brother the Tickler is Dan Schneider.
  • Mr. Mittens is just retarded.
    • His butler Albert is a ripoff of the Alfred from Batman.

Ted Tim Burnout is just a teenager with a pretty face; totally useless to the plot.

Note that ALL the characters listed here are totally usefool... yes really "useless"!

Music[edit | edit source]

OH, COME ON, KEVIN MANTHEI!!!! You're better than this!! You're the guy who made music for Invader Zim!!! Why do you have to rip-off Bastille Day by Rush??!!

I don't even have words for this part. Just play the video below and see hear it for yourself.

Revivals[edit | edit source]

Okay, who thought it was a good idea to bring Johnny Test back in 2021? Huh? Nobody asked for Johnny Test to return at all! Seriously, why are people being nice to this show now? I can't believe anyone actually liked this show at all! Are the fans blind and high? Stop listening to Zerex, guys!! He's delusional!! Johnny Test was the result of the WB network's demise, given Chris Savino's involvement with the first season! Do I have to remind you that the first season was handled by the man who ruined Dexter's Laboratory? So, no. Johnny Test does not deserve a critical reevaluation at all! It deserves more and more hate. Especially for how it ruined Kids' WB!, by premiering alongside Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island and Loonatics Unleashed in 2005.

You know what happens when you actually do research on Johnny Test? When you learn more about the show, you don't start to realize how good the show was, no, your hate for the show gets bigger. Scott Fellows only claimed that the merger between the WB and UPN into the CW caused the show to suffer budget cuts. No, it was how he treated the people who worked on season one. Madeleine Paxson, Scott Shaw, Joe Horne, and even Pat Ventura didn't wanna do Johnny Test. They all hated working on Johnny Test's first season, as even they viewed it as Scott Fellows and Chris Savino wanting to make a sad excuse of a show. Sound familiar? Much like John Kricfalusi, Scott Fellows has created a hostile working environment, not allowing crew members to do what they want, with the exception of Chris Savino.

You know what? Just talking about this show is bringing me yet again the urge to punch that prick's face. That's it, I'm leaving. I- I can't do it. I can't do it! Fuck Scott Fellows. Fuck Chris Savino. But most importantly, fuck you, Johnny Test. I hope you and your little sisters die in the hell where you belong.

Other childhood shows that should have never existed[edit | edit source]

Better cartoons that are worth your time[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

Cartoon Network.svg