This page is an archive. The contents have been moved from another page for reference purposes only, and should be preserved in their current form. Discussion or voting on this page is not current. Any additions you make will probably not be read.
Against. "Take that, Encyclopedia Dramatica. We think you suck so bad that we're going to feature you on our mainpage! That'll teach you to do whateveritis you do!" SirModusoperandiBoinc! 16:38, November 4, 2009 (UTC)
Against. Texty McText-based. •••Necropaxx(T){~}Wednesday, 22:15, Nov 4 2009
Invalid nom, not original. From the Rules of VFP: Please submit only ORIGINAL IMAGES to VFP. Images from elsewhere on the Internet can be used on articles, but will not be featured.SirModusoperandiBoinc! 01:19, November 13, 2009 (UTC)
I just realized that I was wrong about nothing I've done ever being on VFP. UnIdiot and I co-imaged this last year, if I recall. Partial self-nom and for. Cheap, stupid easy to make, but funny. The last one is the important one. - T.L.B.WotM, UotM, FPrize, AotM, ANotM, PLS, UN:HS, GUN 01:48, Nov 5
hahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhhahahhahahahhahahaahhaaaahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhahahahhahahahah no --SirDJ~Irreverent 10:33, November 7, 2009 (UTC)
No. Terrible image quality and a dumb joke. --AndorinKato 07:13, November 9, 2009 (UTC)
Against -- Also,penis. 05:48, November 10, 2009 (UTC)
Against — Avec DJ Irreverent. I found this image stupid then and I like it even less now. Besides, does this really count as original? All you have to do is open up Word 2003, click on Clippit, and type "Ur Mum LOL". In short, I think this image goes against much of what we stand for. Rbpolsen♦Come Rant·Come Look at all My Crap 21:32, November 14, 2009 (UTC)
This again? Well, FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --Roman Dog Bird 22:44, November 14, 2009 (UTC)
Against per above. --Mn-z 17:00, November 19, 2009 (UTC)
The Tragic Lumberjack Drownings of Ought Nine (when hundreds of lumberjacks driven mad by "the call of the city" threw themselves in the frigid Lake Superior) were a devastating blow to Canada's logging industry, prompting the Canadian government to begin enforcing rations of yule logs, beer, bear traps, cheaply-made moose heads and maple syrup in order to make up the deficit.
Self Nom + For. Made this for a PLS article. Colin said he liked it, so I tuned it up at Reefer Desk and brought it here. Yay! •••Necropaxx(T){~}Wednesday, 13:37, Oct 28 2009
For. If there's one thing I like more than a whore, it's a whore named Necropaxx. That, and I fucking love this image. It makes me giggle. Where the Wild Colins Are -LET THE WILDRUMPUS START! 06:24, November 7, 2009 (UTC)
Against Votes: 6
Against. Sorry Necro - this image actually annoyed me when I read the article, and I don't think it really has weight on it's own merit to hold VFP. Pup
Is that base image from Finding Nemo? regardless, I didn't laugh and didn't really get it so against. Orian57Talk10:09 2 November 2009
Against. Sorry dude, but there are a few issues I have with this, the fact that they don't look like they're drowning being the main one. And as an image, it doesn't make me laugh. And if you need a caption that long to support it, it's not working. Pretty well done, but not getting the chuckles needed for a vote. --UU - natter13:29, Nov 3
Against -- Also,penis. 06:19, November 15, 2009 (UTC)
Against. per UU. --Mn-z 17:06, November 19, 2009 (UTC)
Nom & For. The image can be found on many pages, and I made a template which uses the image. Besides, the image is funny. --Invincibleflamegruemaster 06:31, Nov 24 2009
Against Votes: 4
This was already featured. On VFH. •••Necropaxx(T){~}Tuesday, 06:42, Nov 24 2009
Then it was featured by a different process. Besides, the image page doesn't have the featured template or symbol or anything feature-related other than the VFP template on it. So, technically, it ain't featured. Sorry, but it can still be featured. And VFH is for articles, not images. --Invincibleflamegruemaster 07:04, Nov 24 2009
And it wasn't already featured. The pretty much unchopped version was, by an ebullient rebel of an admin. SirModusoperandiBoinc! 00:25, November 26, 2009 (UTC)
Against. Just not amusing. And it relies on text for the joke. Whoremonal 23:58, December 4, 2009 (UTC)
Comment I miss Ceridwyn, but I just can't vote for it, as it's too awesome, and I can't vote against it, as the background pic is also too awesome. SirModusoperandiBoinc! 11:53, November 24, 2009 (UTC)
nom + 4 cute. --Mn-z 20:28, November 21, 2009 (UTC)
For. Anyone who votes against this is perfectly normal and not suspicious in any way. --Pleb SYNDROMECUNmedicate(butt poop!!!!) 00:16, November 23, 2009 (UTC)
For. There are too many reasons why I can't resist voting for this. — KneeChee 03:06, November 23, 2009 (UTC)
It's a manga drawing. Of what is supposed to be Uncyclopedia in abnormally busty schoolgirl form. Ha. Haha. Ha. •••Necropaxx(T){~}Sunday, 08:57, Nov 22 2009
what the fuck is this shit. --Roman Dog Bird 03:48, November 23, 2009 (UTC)
No. Because these cute manga things are just not funny. the explanation in the comments below doesn't make it funny either. As with all of these, it's well done, but not funny. --UU - natter15:21, Dec 2
I would like to mention that there is a message inside this picture. What Uncyclo-tan is wearing is a school uniform in Japan and her decorations are suggested in Pastafraism. Therefore she is actually resisting school rules for religious reason. And it extends the topic to Religious Freedom. What does Religious Freedom include? Can I create a religion withs odd dogmas to support my odd behavior?--SunnyChow 03:54, November 22, 2009 (UTC)
Against. Not that funny. Meh indeed. And isn't the punch text-based? Maybe that's too quibbley, but still not funny enough.Whoremonal 23:55, December 4, 2009 (UTC)
originality questioning its similar, it looks like only the text was changed. I'm not sure that would invalidate it though. --Mn-z 05:38, December 11, 2009 (UTC)
I'm gonna say, invalid nom, not original. The text is technically original, but since it's the same text as the original, but with the newspeak replaced with roughly the same thing in english, it's beyond derivative. SirModusoperandiBoinc! 04:52, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
Against. So that's an image that's been around for ages, with some of it removed with the eraser tool? Yeah, that's seconds of thought and effort right there. Plus, it doesn't make it funny. --UU - natter16:36, Dec 14
Limited originalitya simple google search shows that the base is unoriginal. The whitespace appears to be original, so this may or may be invalid. --Mn-z 22:06, December 13, 2009 (UTC)
Against. First you had to explain the joke for me to get it. Second it looks a little blurry at his waist. And third the guy isn't casting a shadow.File:Gba3.jpgFile:The empire small.jpgJoin Us 06:47, December 12, 2009 (UTC)
Against. Everything that guy above me said, plus that fact that it isn't funny. -OptyCSucks! CUN17:26, 12 Dec
Against per aboves. •••Necropaxx(T){~}Sunday, 01:13, Dec 13 2009
Against wtf, and not in an a good way. --Mn-z 22:07, December 13, 2009 (UTC)
Against. Even for those who know both sports well enough to get the "joke", (like me) it's not particularly funny - certainly not out of the context of the article. Secondly, it's not that well done - per what's been said above. – Preceding unsigned comment added by Under user (talk • contribs)
Against. Gilli lost his legs! Not funny anyway. --Tyypo 11:23, December 16, 2009 (UTC)
Just a bit of explanation: in games of snooker and cricket there are "centuries" which is 100 points scored by a player. Adam Gilchrist is Australian wicket-keeper and obviously he has to play as a batsman, he would get century (100 pts.) there. And here he is shown playing snooker where he also would be able to hit a century ;p SirPtok-BentonicznyPisz tutaj • KUN 20:15, December 11, 2009 (UTC)
BTW, That's NOT MY PICTURE; I just like it ;) Maybe somebody could fix it? I'm photoshop-noob. SirPtok-BentonicznyPisz tutaj • KUN 21:55, December 14, 2009 (UTC)
Also, the image was uploaded with a fair user by an experienced user, so it would be safe to assume its unoriginal if Todd can't be contacted. --Mn-z 02:58, December 26, 2009 (UTC)
Um. Yeah. "Copywrong" means it isn't original. SirModusoperandiBoinc! 06:51, December 26, 2009 (UTC)
Against. 1. Inside joke to the max - as in quite a few regular users probably won't get this. And not all those who do will like it. 2. Self-referential silliness? No - it's just a private joke between a few users. And not a very good one, from where I stand. Which brings me to: 3. Not even remotely funny to me. 4. Extreme textiness. 5. No. --UU - natter12:17, Dec 9
Its supposed to be an example of how something mind numbingly retarded, disturbing, & random can turn into something funny if its familiar enough. The joke isn't the in-joke per say, its that its an in-joke. Of course, I can understand the against vote(s). --Mn-z 19:52, December 10, 2009 (UTC)
What part of that is suppost to be the joke? I'm Confused--Tyypo 11:25, December 16, 2009 (UTC)
Against. It's a pretty well done illustration of a joke that's been around about as long as Australia. I think it may even first have been uttered by Captain Cook. --UU - natter18:16, Jan 3
QAULITY! This work of art seamlessly incorporates several different genres and influences, from the fine paintings of Rembrandt to the artist's African roots. I have never seem an image sum up the human experience so succinctly. --Pleb SYNDROMECUNmedicate(butt poop!!!!) 00:21, January 22, 2010 (UTC)
lolololololololololololololololol --Roman Dog Bird 22:07, January 22, 2010 (UTC)
Against Votes: 5
Pff. Everyone knows Rembrandt can't hold a candle to Monet. Get some real artwork here, pl0x. •••Necropaxx(T){~}Friday, 02:03, Jan 22 2010
QAULITY! This work of art seamlessly incorporates several different genres and influences, from the fine paintings of Rembrandt to the artist's African roots. I have never seem an image sum up the human experience so succinctly. MrN 02:43, Jan 24
Self-against As much as I appreciate it being nommed it was crafted specifically for an article and so doesn't stand on its own as an image. Sequence 11:28, February 2, 2010 (UTC)
Against. Depends too much on the word behind her head. "Hamburger" would be stupider than "Hampster". Still not really funny. – Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)
Against - Contrary to Necropaxx, I actually found this very funny. However, it's not worthy of feature. To text-based and inside jokish. – Kip > Talk•Works•• 06:18, Feb. 15, 2010
In A Wormhole. Notice how the wormhole "energy" flows over some of the images (cats and boy), and how it can be seen through the clear packaging containing the doll. Nice cats, by the way.
Nom and ForDrunkenshark has many good self-created images on her userpage. This is a recent one, and imnho, posterworthy. Wormholes are painless, they bring on many changes. Aleister in Chains 21:29 9 Feb. MMX
Point of picture being..?. --Eugenepimenov 02:41, February 15, 2010 (UTC)
It's pretty, it just looks good. What do you want, Laurel and Hardy throwing pies? Time to take this down and deep six it, but I still think its nice to look and if it was a poster it would sell to the college crowd. Aleister in Chains 3:12 15 Feb. MMX
For. On the first sight, I didn't get the joke due to my Polish-inflicted spelling of the "Uncyclopedia" word (Untzytzlophedya) :P SirPtok-BentonicznyPisz tutaj • KUN 14:11, January 26, 2010 (UTC)