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Writer of the Month Award Writer of the Month September 2007

Uncyclopedian of the Month Award Uncyclopedian of the Month June 2008

Foolitzer Prize Award Foolitzer Prize Winner December 2007

Author of the Month Award UnBooks Author of the Month August 2007

Article Narrator of the Month Article Narrator of the Month October 2007

Poet Lowrate
This person is the winner of the Poo Lit Surprise, which they won for their article: Russian Roulette

Poet Lowrate
This person is the winner of the Poo Lit Surprise, which they won for their article: UnNews:Hitting children found to have positive effects on brain development

^^^^^With Cajek^^^^^

^^^^^With Ljlego and Modusoperandi^^^^^

^^^^^With SysRq^^^^^

^^^^^With The UnIdiot^^^^^

^^^^^With Mhaille and Prettiestpretty^^^^^

^^^^^With RAHB and Dr. Skullthumper^^^^^

^^^^^With Thekillerfroggy^^^^^

^^^^^With The UnIdiot^^^^^

Fries.png Quasi-Featured: UnNews:Original Van Halen lineup to begin touring, fighting again

Grand Cross of the Order