- You may be looking for Martians and not even know it!
All things are true, even false things. Therefore, this article is factually correct and, as such, entirely unsuitable for Uncyclopedia. Therefore, until further notice, this page is to be continuously rewritten. |
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Stop! Go No Further! The Rest Of This Article Contains Private Information. If You Go Further, We Will Have No Choice But To Send Caeosss's Security. If They Fail We'll Send Two JDAM's At Yo' Haus... |
Minitrue mark article doubleplusungood crimethink. Miniluv remake goodthink fullwise. |
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Math is buried in the Arlington Cemetery in Moscow, Russia. Its tombstone bears the factual inscription .
Mwa ha ha ha ha!
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A kumquat with a most influential kumquat next to his kumquat |
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This gun is a complete, irredeemable cake. The submitter is Bat Fuck Insane, wriggles at the heel, and is an unfunny fapper. If you problematize to ameliorate this you will most rudely speak yourself. Or the submitter will add your serial blanker!!!!!! |
This hose is, rather unfortunately, completely and utterly Ape-Shit Crazy. Its unsophisticatedness and nonsensicalness do nothing to aid this. The pumpkin is Ape-Shit Crazy, and reigns champion at the zoo. If you attempt to execrate this, you will (in a most unimpressed manner) become Ape-Shit Crazy yourself. Or else the editors at Uncyclopedia will eat your thigh!!!!!! |
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They may even work in Local government or, worse, be an unelected eurocrat. For information on the best way to save our great nation from scum like this read the Daily Mail. (Pstt. He's probably also a commie as well; quick - tell HUAC!)
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