Protected page


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This article just isn't funny.

Uncyclopedia has high standards of humour, and this article doesn't quite cut it yet. In fact, instead of making people laugh, it's been known to make hounds slobber. Please edit it to make it, you know, funnier. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

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This page needs to be fixed up.

Note to tagger: If possible, please include a more specific parameter to help categorize just what about the article needs to be fixed.
Please rewrite or improve this article so that it is higher quality. This may include making spelling, grammar, or punctuation corrections, reorganizing the content, or deleting bad content and clichés.
(Peer review is available here) If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

When editing this template, please also make appropriate changes to the subtemplate.

  • Articles besides those with the following parameters are added to Category:Articles to fix: redlink, bluelink, manyimages, deadend, and long, which puts them up for deletion at the end of 30 days.
  • Articles categorized as Vital or Featured are an exception to this, and will never show up on the maintenance list due to being 'special'.

Fix options

Specify the kind of fix as a parameter.
Using more than one will lump them under a 'This article has multiple issues' header.
Articles with this option are added to Category:Articles to fix unless otherwise noted.

Multiple issues:

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This article has multiple issues.

  • Short - needs to be expanded into a full article.
  • Poorly formatted - make it look like an article, with sections, paragraphs, headers, images, links, etc.
  • Dead end - add links before readers get stuck and die.
    If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

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This article needs formatting help.

Please make this look like a proper wiki article by adding links, headers, paragraphs, or any other formatting that it might need to stop looking so bad. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

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This article has too much listiness.

While it would be great for someone with ADD, most people would be just fine if you turned those lists into paragraphs. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

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This article is full of links that don't go anywhere.

And it's giving everyone a headache. Please link to some less existence-challenged articles. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

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This article has too many blue links.

Lest its readers tear their hair out from frustration at the redundancy, you ought to save it from its blueness by not linking the same words over and over again. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

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This article has too many images.

Please, remove some of the worse ones and clean it up a mite. With fewer pictures maybe someone'll steal a glance at the text. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

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An image or images should be included on this page to improve the quality.

If possible, please add some pictures to properly illustrate this page and then remove this message. Do not remove this notice until it receives some pictures. Failure to comply will result in this notice being added again. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

Articles with this option are added to Category:Articles with insufficient images .
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This article is a Dead End.

Please make this article less likely to trap people by adding appropriate links. (See here for instructions) If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

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This is just plain bad writing.

Please rewrite or improve the overall written quality of this article. That may include fixing spelling, grammer, paragraphing, sentence fluency, length, or general organisational issues, anything that would make it less bloody painful to read. You may want to submit this article for Pee Review. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

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This article needs a proofreading.

The wordage of this article appears to suffer from grammars, speeling, and\or punctuation issues. HALP! If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

Articles with this option are added to Category:Articles to be proofread.
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This article is quite drawn-out in spots.

Please make sure that its jokes don't overstay their welcome by cutting down on some of the content. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

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This page needs to be expanded.

Please add to this article to make it longer. Use proper formatting to make it look encyclopedic and try not to use excessive lists or quotes! If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

Articles with this option are added to Category:Stub.
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This article does not resemble an encyclopedia entry.

Uncyclopedia is a parody of a Wikipedia-style Encyclopedia and should be written accordingly, generally with definition and summary and information about the topic. And funny. It needs funny. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

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This article just isn't funny.

Uncyclopedia has high standards of humour, and this article doesn't quite cut it yet. In fact, instead of making people laugh, it's been known to make hounds slobber. Please edit it to make it, you know, funnier. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

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This article is terribly random.

Truth is funnier than outright Lies or Plain Nonsense, especially in this case. Please clean this article up so it's really about something, preferably the article topic. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

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This article appears to lack a unifying concept or idea.

Though parts of it may include decent ideas, without sticking to one of them the whole goes nowhere. Please amend this before someone makes amends another way. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

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This article relies heavily on stupid humor.

The humor in this article is just plain dumb, assuming it is humor. If you can add some more intellectual content, this article would thank you greatly. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

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This appears to be vanity.

It does, however, have to potential to be funny. Please edit it until it is, or it shall die a terribly lonely death. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

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This text does not appear to be entirely English.

Either move it to the appropriate wiki or finish the translation and clean up the prose so it reads proper here. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

Articles with this option are added to Category:Articles needing translation.