Tommy Robinson

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“Tommy Robinson, I challenge you to a duel. You are not England's greatest Far right grifter. That is my title, now excuse me as I leave my newly won constituency, to fly over to the States to see my mate, Donald”

~ Nigel Farage, MP for Clacton

“Oh Tommy, Tommy Robinson, Here’s my wallet so take what you want.
Oh Tommy, Tommy Robinson, Paying for your constant legal battles is absolutely fine
Tommy, Tommy Robinson , its our dumbness that’s contributed to Britain’s decline”

~ Tommy Robinson supporters Song

“How dare you say that I am related to that ruffian! Do not say that, Sir ! It is harmful to my reputation and business”

~ The Snake Oil Salesman, well known American business man
Stephen Chistopher Yaxley Lennon, ala Andrew McMaster, Paul Harris, Wayne King, and Stephen Lennon.

Tommy Robinson is a fictional thug persona created by Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon[1]. He likes to masquerade as a working class whistleblower journalist, in the same manner that Elon Musk likes to masquerade as a legitimate businessman. The name "Tommy Robinson" is meant to convey the brave 1940s generation, whereas if you have actually read up about Yaxley-Lennon, he would be the sort of fella who your Grandparents and their mates would be raising their bayonets against.

‘Tommy’ likes to blame everything on Muslims and immigrants. He is obsessed with them. "Tommy" will act like a toddler who has thrown their toys out of their pram and intimidate actual journalists if they dare investigate him[2].

Tommy has a lot of supporters who also share his degraded obsession and believe that they are defending England by besieging a community which as suffered a tragedy[3]. The Deity Karma was so pissed off by the twats that she intervened twice in a week: with one who threw a brick at the police only to have it bounce back and hit him in the head, and then suffer as another moron's brick hit their nads[4]; then with another twat, who tried to bait a police dog with his arse[5], only to have the dog bite his arse. Give that brave dog the King's Gallantry Medal and some mouthwash!

A Series of Shameless Own Goals:  The Tommy Robinson Story[edit | edit source]

This is not "Tommy Robinson" and his supporters. Your grandparents would know "Tommy" is a wrong 'un if they saw him. Respect your grandparents!
KARMA IS A BITCH, BUT A GREAT BITCH!Still of a rioting Tommy Robinson supporter. This bozo threw a brick against the police only to have it bounce back and hit them in the head. They then suffered a brick hitting them in the balls.

“There are own goals and then there are kicks which lead to the football ricocheting and hitting your own balls. Arrogant persons who aren't even amateurs and yet claim to be professional footballers, constantly end up injuring their nads[6]

~ Gary Lineker,  Match of the Day
A Tommy Robinson Supporter peacefully explaining their politics to the London police over a cup of tea.

Transcript of a discussion between an Adult (A) and a still sober[7] Tommy Robinson Supporter (TWAT).

TWAT: “ The Establishment has always gone after Tommy; he’s a hero ! ”

A: “As a youngster Tommy lost his job”

TWAT: “He lost his job – it must be immigrants who took it”.

A: “No he lost it – allow me to continue - after being convicted of assault. Towards an off-duty police officer in a drunken argument. Tommy served a 12-month prison sentence. How is attacking a police officer excusable; how is being convicted also, for fraud[8] make Tommy a hero ?”

George Orwell laughing upon learning Tommy Robinson is a journalist.

TWAT: “…Tommy is a brave journalist!”

A: “Journalism is up the creek in Britain; however, whilst a lot of hacks do stupid things, none have ever been known to repeatedly intimidate other journos; going to their houses and threaten them with physical violence[9].”

TWAT:“That’s unfair. He reveals the truth about ‘em Immigrants and Muslims. They are all pedos and threats to Women!

A: “One of the journos whom Tommy intimidated was a woman; he stalked her because she was investigating whether he was abusing his crowdfunding money[10].”

TWAT: “Yes, he did appear to have new teeth after I gave half my wage but its Tommy[11]”.

A: “Tommy harassed the Journalist and their family, accusing their old man of being a pedo. Tommy was convicted of this and received a 5 year stalking ban order.

Speaking of Pedos, Tommy seems to have a thing about uncovering them."

TWAT: “Yeah, Its Tommy”

A: “He has been caught out engaging in bollocks several times about criminal cases[12], making daft claims about pedo grooming and attempting to witch hunt[13] – leading to great harm and for justice to be delayed[14].

In one case, the plonker went out of his way to support a wrong ‘un who was caught out lying about being groomed!”[15] [16]   

TWAT: Buts its ‘em Asians !”

A: Statistics show otherwise - an a 2011 government report showed that almost 85% of men found guilty of being sexually abuse with youngsters in England and Wales were white.


TWAT:   “ …..But Tommy is right about the bloody criminal immigrants coming over here, the Muslims taking over Britain”

A: “Tommy ala Stephen Christopher Yaxley Lennon, has also gone by the names, Andrew McMaster, Paul Harris, Wayne King and Stephen Lennon, to hide his criminal past.

Whilst some immigrants can be criminals, is it rational to suppose all are criminal ?

I notice that you are wearing a football shirt, does everybody in London support that team ?”

TWAT: “No. I got my hands hurt last week, fighting ----------- supporters”

A: “So you understand what I am saying ?”

TWAT: “I suppose”

A: In addition what do you think of that infamous sign that used to be put in the window of British motels..." No dogs, No Irish"...

TWAT: " I always wanted one of those."

A: One of Tommy's parents is Irish. So you worshipTommy, ala Mr Yaxley Lennon, but would deny him existence if you could ...that's interesting .

TWAT: "........"

A: You mentioned Muslims. Our nation has already had a tricky relationship with Islamic countries. Treating them like crap.  But I notice you are drinking Coffee”.

TWAT: Yes I love coffee”

“A: It is because of integration we have coffee. It was muslims who set up the first coffee houses in London in the 1600s.  How are they taking over Britain, with cafes?

I mean its been 400 years, why are they so slow with taking over Britain?”

TWAT: “….Tommy is a great bloke, I mean he posted the lyrics of“Something inside so strong” on X, that's a wicked tune”.

A: Tommy posted that whilst fleeing the Police.  In order to escape a court case[17].

That song was released in the late 80s and is anti-apartheid – against South Africa’s regime at the time[18].  Apartheid is a social form of segregation imposed by Colonists, other countries who have come into a nation and taken over…”

TWAT: “So what ?”

A: “You guys like to screech ‘We want our country back’, do you not see the hypocrisy ?”

TWAT: “….I suppose”  

A: “Tommy also actively supports that nation engaging in Apartheid now[19]. But to be fair, even their mad as cat piss supporters kicked him out when he dared to try to attend their march. They must know that him attending would undermine their creed. And to be even more fair they made certain he was arrested for breaching their request![20][21]

TWAT: “ We need to kick out the Illegals !”.

A: “ Tommy earlier this year, was detained in Canada, after entering that nation illegally[22][23]. And its not the first time the scutter did that[24]. If Tommy was a great journalist as you claimed earlier, why does he put his supposed profession at risk over and over again; a bit daft don’t you think?”

Elizabeth II (RIP), in 2018, upon learning that Tommy Robinson is supposedly the defender of our nation. She wasn't impressed.

TWAT: "If this was the 40s, Tommy would be defending our nation against the germans, I mean the Nazis. He is a patriot”

A: “……..Tommy was a member of the BNF[25] and supported a daft bloke who got his dog to do the nazi salute on command[26]. In addition he supported Farage, a guy who unashamedly, as a youth was a BNF member and used to sing nazi songs  and bully jewish students[27][28]. Tommy’s mob have also been known to beat up peaceful opponents, which is a bit like Hitler’s mob in the 30s [29]

TWAT: “….”

A: “ I think you need to re-evaluate your support for Tommy, and knowledge of England and Britain, our history and relationship with other nations. For example during the Battle of Britain, many, many persons from Europe and Africa aided to defend Britain from the Luftwaffe. Additionally, after WW2 immigrant groups  such as the ‘Windrush generation, helped  Britain to recover economically and rebuild our nation”.

TWAT: “….”

A: “Perhaps you should go into your local Library and borrow a few books…”

TWAT: “What’s a library?”

A: “Lord, give me strength!”.

The Munter's wet dream.

The Logic of Tommy Robinson and his supporters[edit | edit source]

A horrific incident has occurred in England and the details of what happened are still unknown.[edit | edit source]

How do you respond?[edit | edit source]

  • You take to Social media and post rubbish[30]. Drivel that even a CHUD[31] wouldn’t go near, because they fear infection[32].
  • Your man-child supporters decide to travel to the location.
  • Upon arriving at the location of the incident, a vigil might be occurring[33]. Do your supporters respect the local community and peacefully offer solidarity and compassion?  BoLLocks !
  • They get pissed on the pound-shop lager and start a riot[34]. They go onto attack the local businesses and a mosque[35], because those people, well they need to get out of England – even though your supporters have never been to this part of England before and know sweet FA all about it.
  • When the police arrive in their anti-riot gear, your supporters hurl bricks at them and set fire to things, because you know England needs to be protected from criminals and using up the Police’s time is the best way, ain’t it ?
  • Your supporters scare the locals; persons in shock and grief[36].
  • Nevermind that you have added to their woes.
  • Nevermind your actions have affected their community and its businesses, with the council having to spend money on repairing things, because of your twattery[37][38].
  • Money which could have aided the community, maintaining public libraries, parks, swimming pools, aiding the local schools and social services; aiding vulnerable people.
  • You are protecting that community aren’t you…

…and that is the Logic of Tommy Robinson and his supporters. They no doubt like to lick windows, kiss hornets, hug bee hives and use muck as deodorant..  [edit | edit source]

Exclusive - A Whats App interview Seance with Historic English Figures ![edit | edit source]

Boudica: Tommy is such a tosser. I wouldn’t trust him to maintain my army’s bogs. And to be fair to the Romans, they probably wouldn’t trust the shit-newt with theirs, either.”

Alfred The Great: “ He reminds me of the arses I had to deal with, when uniting England. Fortunately, a lot of them died falling on their own swords, when we fought the Vikings. The arses made a great deal of holding the sword, but always with the blade itself, cutting their own hands in the process. The Arses.”

Charles Dickens: “ I once wrote ‘If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers’ and given how many times the twat has been to court, I  do wonder if the exhausted ladies and gentlemen draw lots regarding who has to deal with his latest dumb as fuck folly.  

Michael Winner: Tommy is the sort of deranged spanner that makes Richard Littlejohn seem respectful. And that says a lot.

Sylvia Pankhurst, Beatrice Webb and Brian Clough couldn’t attend and sent their apologies  

The Tommy Robinson Supporter Guide To Protesting[edit | edit source]

    Get yourself a short grade 2 haircut and wear your new Fred Perry[39] short sleeved shirt, a pair of jeans and maybe the old pair of Dr Martens.  Down that can of lager!
  • Shadow box in your bed set/ run down home whilst having GB News or TALK TV playing in the background. Down that can of lager!
  • Go into London via bus or train, carrying either the English flag or the Union Jack[40], and meet up with the other English, who all look like you. Down that can of lager!
  • Bark collectively in a manner that would make a XL pitt bull scared. Should a tourist asks if you are all extras for the upcoming 28 Days Later sequel, back away quickly. Down that can of lager!
  • Rant and rave, “We want our country back”, whilst posing for a photo holding the Union Jack. Down that can of lager!
  • Talk to the other perma tan louts about Jesus[41], St George[42] and Richard Lionheart[43], and how they would have fought for England against the immigrants, and the threat of multiculturism and Islam.  Down that can of lager!
  • Sing “Tommy, Tommy Robinson” as Brave Tommy goes onto the makeshift platform and call him a patriot as he complains that England has fallen and in turn asks for money to be donated his 500th crowd funder.  Prepare your wallet for Tommy and the Wallet Inspector as well.  Down that can of lager!
  • Listen to failed toff actor, Lawrence Fox as he goes on about immigrants and muslims and the woke. Make certain to leave before he asks his ex-wife to come back. Down that can of lager!
  • Go into the nearest pub and get further pissed. Go onto demand that bar staff  allow you to put on youtube and sing Skrewdriver like your Dad and you did in the 80s. Down that pint!
  • Hurl abuse towards them as the Police enter the premises to arrest you, shouting at them  “Its Freeze Peach, You are denying my Freeze Speech”.
  • Wake up in cell and demand that you can speak phone your Mum or Old Man and demand help yet again...

See also[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Case file: Stephen Lennon (AKA Tommy Robinson) – HOPE not hate
  2. Tommy Robinson given five-year stalking order for harassing journalist (
  3. Southport – A Day Of Horror | Searchlight (
  4. Watch: Southport rioter gets hit in the head with a brick and then takes a low blow | Metro Video
  5. Hartlepool riot thug goading cops delivered instant karma by police dog - Mirror Online
  6. Zero sympathy for Southport rioter bricked in the head, chest and privates (
  7. They are a rare breed, but do exist. Really they do !
  8. EDL's Robinson jailed for fraud | London Evening Standard | Evening Standard
  10. Nick Lowles on X: "Stephen Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson) is back in court this week trying to overturn a Stalking Prevention Order issued against him for harassing a journalist from a national newspaper who was writing an article accusing him of spending supporter donations on drugs and prostitutes🧵" / X
  13. Zelo Street: Oh Tommy - Back In The UK (
  17. Zelo Street: Oh Tommy Tommy - Bravely Ran Away (
  18. Tommy Robinson posts lyrics to anti-Apartheid song Something Inside So Strong while on the run after 'fleeing the country' on eve of contempt court case - as warrant issued for his arrest | Daily Mail Online
  19. Far-right extremist Tommy Robinson rallies in support of Israel – Middle East Monitor
  20. Tommy Robinson to march against antisemitism even though he is ‘not welcome’ | The Independent
  21. Tommy Robinson charged after attending antisemitism march in London - BBC News
  22. Tommy Robinson arrested in Canada after suspected immigration offence | World News | Metro News
  23. The great ‘Tommy Robinson’ passport mystery | Searchlight (
  24. EDL Leader Stephen Lennon, AKA Tommy Robinson, Jailed For 10 Months For False Passport | HuffPost UK News (
  25. Lowles, Nick and Cressy, Simon (July 2010) "The BNP Past of the EDL Leader", Searchlight n.21, pp.4–5.
  27. Nigel Farage's View On The Tommy Robinson Row May Surprise You - LBC
  28. Letter resurfaces from Nigel Farage's schooldays warning of “racist” and “fascist” tendencies (
  31. C.H.U.D. - Wikipedia
  33. Southport community 'left numb' by mass stabbing incident - BBC News
  36. Community in mourning after three girls killed in Southport knife attack - BBC News
  37. Clashes in Southport after town mourns in vigil for victims of stabbing attack - BBC News
  38. Southport residents repair wrecked streets and say killed girls 'didn't deserve' riot (
  39. Never wear Lacoste.
  40. The Flag of Great know representing the union of England, Scotland and Wales....
  41. Jesus Was a Refugee - Biblical Archaeology Society
  42. BBC - Religions - Christianity: Saint George
  43. King Richard I, the Lionheart, of England, Crusader (