Andrew Tate

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Emory Andrew Tate III (born December 1, 1986), also known as Cobra Tate is an American-British kickboxer. When he's not beating men (or women, which he actually prefers now), he's a professional douche on social media. He also considers himself as someone who you should not leave your girlfriend, however, calling him a misogynist is wrong, seeing as he is misogyny. In fact, he has dubbed himself as the "#1 Women Hater of All Time", a title that is probably completely accurate, although leaving your girlfriend with him is probably fine since he repels women. Just like an actual cobra's poison itself, Tate has been known for having a toxic personality both online and offline, and he could easily scare off women. His personality exactly matches that of his nickname, although he is slightly less intelligent than actual cobra. As a result of being a misogynist, he has been kicked off of multiple social media platforms, only to come back again.

Early life[edit | edit source]

Andrew Tate originated from a top-secret government laboratory. At the time, the CIA was experimenting with creating the super-soldier, a being who would obey commands immediately, crush anything in their way, and commit various war crimes without crticizing their superiors many years later. After several failed attempts, on the first of December, 1986, Tate would be introduced to the world. However, as tests revealed that Tate was far too combative, the CIA done what they have historically chosen to do; give the problem to someone else. Hence, Tate ended up in Britain, being raised by an American chess master and a British woman.

Rise to infamy[edit | edit source]

Although Tate was initially harmless due to his pettiness, when he discovered toxic masculinity in the annals of 4chan, his life was forever sealed to douchebaggery. Alas, the year 2016 bore witness to the rise of Tate within the realm of Big Brother. However, far from ascending the ranks of adulation and acclaim, Tate was kicked out the show after being investigated for rape. Following that fiasco, Tate learned from then-investigated financial banker Jeffrey Epstein one thing: sex trafficking is really, really profitable.

The War Room[edit | edit source]

Tate owns the self-proclaimed "greatest global network" called the War Room. According to his website, the only way to join the War Room is if you're male, and have a massive schlong. It has influence in 70 countries (apparently) and its goal is to have all men be intelligent in a world where women are slaves, and "escape the matrix", whatever the heck that means. While the War Room is mostly online on Telegram, it will also grant men the privilege to attend any event with members of the War Room, though none of them dare venture outside their mother's basement. It claims to have made 88% of its members millionaires through its programs. He also runs another program similar to the War Room called the Real World, which is basically a 3-step get rich quick method, for Tate.

2022[edit | edit source]

On April 11, 2022, Tate's home in Romania was raided after a woman said that she was held against her will, which sparked an investigation into human trafficking. He was then released after being interrogated. Tate claims that he was being swatted. He then became very known through his appearances in InfoWars and being friends with those who had appeared in the program prior to his first appearance. That July, he had more searches than Donald Trump and COVID-19. Later in the month he called himself "The Greatest Misogynist of All Time", and stated that women should stay at home and than men would only date older teenagers because they're considered attractive.

He has had three Twitter accounts and despite policies about ban evasion, one of them was verified. It was banned shortly after. Because of his titles that he made up, he was banned on Facebook and Instagram. TikTok also banned him for the same reason. While YouTube did suspend his account, so he created a Rumble account, which is basically Youtube for Nazis. He also decided to delete his Twitch account. Tate responded that most of his comments were taken out of context but he takes responsibility on how they were received to others. Even Jake Paul of all people said that he thought that Tate was sexist, but he wanted him unsuspended from social media. Eventually, Elon Musk bought Twitter and unbanned Tate's account.

After being unbanned on Twitter, Tate decided to troll Greta Thunberg, which went badly, because she asked him "How dare you?" and proceeded to scream uncontrollably at passerby until she was sedated. Tate has converted to Islam, according to a post from his Gettr account. It seems that he likes to wear sunglasses inside his mansion according to images of him being posted online. Surprisingly, he has a fanbase, consisting of only men who couldn't get laid if their life depended on it.

Up until his arrest, Tate was trolling around on Twitter. If you had saw him by any chance in person while he was at home, remove his sunglasses immediately. Actually, maybe you didn't.

Arrest[edit | edit source]

Tate grew his hair out in exchange for house arrest.

On December 29, 2022, Andrew Tate and his brother got arrested.

On March 31, 2023, the Tate Brothers were free from prison, and instead were confined to their mansion on house arrest, in exchange for Tate growing his hair out (see image on right). During their jail time, Tate and his brother circlejerked each other.

In February 2025, Tate was allowed to leave his home and go to the United States.

See also[edit | edit source]

The truth-debunking doctors at RationalWiki have an even funnier article about Andrew Tate.