A story built two words at a time

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Sorry, DaniPine3, you may not add more text to the story at this time. Everyone else has this story's permission to add text at this time.

Rules![edit | edit source]

  1. No writing more than two words in a row, or just one word. Two words is how it's done. A word is anything that has a space after it.
  2. NoJumblingWordsTogetherToBypassTheAboveRule
  3. No reverting or deleting what other people do unless they themselves broke a rule and you are fixing it.
  4. No changing the existing story (e.g adding cosmetics or links or other things), just add on from the end.
  5. No adding random banana dingbat words. The story must penis finger make sense chicken ear if you read through butt butt it.
  6. No fake words (Nonon Fakake Worords)
  7. No words longer than 20 letters.
  8. Have fun!
  9. Last person to edit wins!!

Story[edit | edit source]

Once upon a time, Saddam Hussein hid under a chair. He didn't speak Spanish. That was quite gay, so he wore moccasins to hide his moccasins. Saddam jumped off a hurricane's eye, dying of sheer stupidity. The Great Garfield mourned the loss of Jon "Monsterfucker" Arbuckle, and he tried to smoke meth to forget. That's when Thai hookers killed Garfield; Saddam resurrected. No, he became zombie! Saddam bit Garfield's corpse, summoning a Vietnamese wizard. That was Squaw Dee's vanity moment. The wizard summoned Gothfield, who then died. Methamphetamine doesn't exist in Uranus. Or in your anus. Can we stop talking about Uranus, for fuck's sake?! It's getting really sexy in your rectum. Are you smoking crack?!?! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John Quincy Adams (July 11, 2069 - January 1, 2153) murdered മമ്മൂട്ടി with his vanity moment, smoking methamphetamine. Walter White ingested DMT powder, and kissed Saddam. "A story about meth built two day," said 7addam Hu77ein! Donald Trump voted for legal pedophilia, despite Joe Biden being rightly opposed. Saddam urinated in my dog's mouth. The moccasins were the moccasins destined by Saddam moccasins, which Mock sins. "Greedy Jews!", said Adolf Hitler. Antisemittism (Sully Squillace) is Hitler's main weapon.

Hitler's weapons:[edit | edit source]

  • Suicide Gun
  • Arabs with... uhhh, what?! "Hot sex?" No, the buttsecks.
  • Feminism

Luna then turns into... Holy Fuck! Google en passant and find Luna sitting in the holy realm of holy hell! She's Satan! Watch out!!!!!!! Russian Goatse is about to disappear! She'll kill Putin soon and save Moccasinia from imminent destruction by God. The Moccasinian Dave-fucker called John a cuck (pipetricking Dave), causing John, visiting Ojai, causing Ojai to asplode like the bomb on mama's hole. The penguins came back to earth to commit iceicide without remorse; but Antarctica intervened. Now, basements in ASBO"ASAAT"AAT are going to commit war crimes against penguins in your worst nightmares! Oh no! You're dead! How awesome!!! MWAHAHAHA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"No! I'm gonna LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -The seven souls from Hitler's side. Oh for God's sake, Hitler's friends, Mussolini and Hirohito, never existed ever. It' s true! Seven deadly Undertale souls commit crimes like Móckasiin did in ASBOPAAT. A new challenger has exploded in your story built one moccasin at a time. Great scott, LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SCOTLAND FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

England disagrees... Fuck England! They're GAY, just like the USA. And France, the GAYEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even gayer than Italy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And even gayer than your mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get pwned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exclamation mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Self reference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, let's write smut.

Sexy secks!!!!!![edit | edit source]

Guy opens his goat sex magazine, jerking off to Skibidi. This is Shock Porn. Also known as Jebediah Kermin, the murderer filmed the suicide of James E. Garfield and fucked his ghost over by the tree. John saw this video and got trapped by the ghost's lasagna cage, Pow Pow! But Luna called the BS on this plotpoint, because James never existed. The Ghostbusters (or Goatsebusters) discovered ghostly goatse. Nevermore commited war crimes against Gay Men, summoning penguins with asses turned upside-down and inside-out. Your basement belong to Ojai, Ventura, where OPOSSUM was opened. There's too many goatse jokes here. Yes, Administrator! No, Administrator! Maybe, Administrator? No, rollbacker! Yes, Bureaucrats! OMG PONIES! I L❤️VE GAY SEX!!!!!!!!! say gex. Gex. Now what? Well, what about lesbian sex? Sure, let’s do it! Picture follows! Or something died die?

"I find this image to be extremely hot." -alula

An Interruption[edit | edit source]

Oh crap, NONSENSE ALERT! Quick, destroy it before women kiss. Too late! You can't stop lesbians from kissing in this story. No heterosexuality is allowed here! It's not? Only homosexuality is allowed in here! There is gayness ruling everywhere!

Anyway, back to the women kissing passionately, they're kissing and having more kissing. They're also kissing each other and kissing other girls, too! That's gay! Hella gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This section is really gay! Good. We should make it even MORE gay! Add even more gay! Maybe TWO pictures "NO!" I want more; THREE pictures of women kissing passionately!!!!!!!!!

I LOVE pictures of girls kissing!

That's hella GAY!!!!!!!! Hey, what place do you see girls kiss? Here of the ASBTWAAT. The story is just girls kissing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good. I love lesbianism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What about guys kissing? 🤔 Sure, let's NOT DO homophobia. And let's do men kissing each other. Yeah, that's good. They're kissing each other passionately like the two girls.

So, the story needs more kissing, specially men. Jacques saw men kissing and blushed, even though that's really gay. But he summoned raw gayness against ARandomPage. Now ARandomPage is dead. How about resurrecting girls kissing? YES, PLEASE! PLEASE NO! PLEASE YES! OVER MY DEAD BODY!! THE STORY NEEDS MORE! NO! MOCCASINS!

Okay. Fine.

Moccasinia was overrun by GIRLS KISSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is SO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is hot!!!!
"NO!" -J.D. Vance

No kissing! fine. kissing.

Women kissing[edit | edit source]

YES! KISSING! LESBIANISM 4EVA! AND moccasins! Moccasin-kissing! Wait, what? Yes, we're gay for women and moccasins! Specially women. All women are gay now. And they're kissing each other passionately. This story is incredibly great! I think more girls should practice lesbianism. Don't be homophobic, be gay and be proud. Don't forget to ever and forever have a beautiful girlfriend to kiss, because it's gay. And gayness is very good.

We need MORE women that want to kiss! Not enough!

Wow, that’s really gay! And gay, gay, gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3

Oh my goddess, they're almost naked and now...OH MY GOD THEY ARE DOING IT!

Luna saw lesbians having sex and thought "I want to see and have gay sex with them!!!!!!!!!!!" What else could she think about? Nothing but having sex with women and kissing them too. Her horniness is unmatched, goddess-tier even; almost as if Luna is lesbian (not James Bond's favorite Ojai moccasins porn genre).

I died from gayness. The storytellers returned from their gay spam-making and retared place to continue raping toddlers. THE STORY! Kissing women :3

Including mom - YOUR MOM!!!!!!!1!1!!!!

Yeah, that’s just messed up like YOUR MOM!!!!!!!1!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!111!!!!!!!!11! Mr. Winkler saw the trouble caused in Anchorage by you girl-kissing lesbians making out passionately and eating Doritos Lesbian FlavorTM.

This story still needs actual plot-points. Jacques and Peter Thiel KISS EACHOTHER. Lord Móckasiin lost his heterosexuality and subsequently his attraction towards women, which made him extremely gay. Móckasiin kissed That Guy with passion, causing <insert name here> to jork "it" - and by it, haha, well, let's justr say, their peanits. But Móckasiin saw this and approached <insert name here>, quite angrily, only to die of excessive gayness. This Guy kissed Móckasiin's dead body, believing this was a fairy tale.

Beat it to my jorked peanits[edit | edit source]

Twitter has killed Elon Musk. Good. Alas, Elon. Goodbye, old nepotist. My gayness is unmatched! Only Oscar Wilde can be as gay as Liberace and Freddie Freaker, who's freaking out because Freddy Mercury had the SickTM Beats© blasting my moccasins out the mouth. Wait, what? That can't be right; moccasins don't exist. They don't??????????????! No, they aren't real, sadly. But we could be gay together and kiss each other passionately, just like old times.

But suddenly, moccasins!!!!!!!!! This didn't happen. It's all lies. There are no unburnt books about moccasins left. They all burned. Forever.

Anyway, let's kiss like the gayest couple in existence. *kissing sounds* That was really hot, let's do it again! *more kissing sounds* Now, let's write about gay women kissing each other two words at a time. Moccasins are swag. This knowledge will revolutionize the gay women industry forever! Also, here's lesbians kissing.

Hell yeah, women kissing!!!!!!!!!!!

New section about lesbians and gays and stuff[edit | edit source]

"I'm stuff", said Robert "gay fucker" Downey Jr. to his Iron Man suit. "I'm stuff, too!", said Stuff Jones, the brother of Indiana Jones. "I'm stuffed", said Dave. Then John appeared and got sentenced to gay pregnancy… somehow. With Dave's power of gay sex, the moose was saved by Jon Arbuckle, who then made love to his lasagna. John's boypreggers caused some Yaoi Fangirls to read this story, and they started shipping Basil with Sans Undertale, which meant that gay people became even gayer by kissing each other passionately and basically going around the beach while the Great Lord Móckasiin of Moccasinia had gay fearmongering lingering sex with moccasins. Also buff men did some push-ups fully naked.

When the gayness spread we lost heterosexuality worldwide, causing the Great Revolt of Uncyclopedia of 2024. ARandomPage was unsure why their moccasins started being turned into gay moccasins, but we decided to go eat at Gay Sex Inc., so they will never know. They are clueless and, thus, heterosexual. Which cannot be good. And because heterosexuality is bad, ARandomPage was turned into a frog. Alex Jones saw this and got pissed that he wasn't turned into a worm by the gay frogs caused by the gay chemicals in his moccasins, which were filled with Genshin Impact. My money did not go wasted, because I ate Genshin Impact to Genshin on Moccasins Impact, while spending moccasins for the latest gacha terrorists that impacted my genshins. Anyways, let's go kill Elon Musk. Okay, Elon is dead now. Who will care about this murder? Nobody. That's right, Nobody. Now I, the Gay Fish, will create a gay section built two words at a time.

The Gayness Arises[edit | edit source]

The Milwaukee Cheese Bandit has struck the Gay! Now he's stolen the Straight and made heterosexuality legal. This moccasins tower has become a fortress against Wikipedia and Jimbo's army of sockpuppets (also known as Uncyclopedia vandals). Now Moccasinia has fallen. Jimbo and his Wikitards have died now. Until they come back, of course. But meanwhile, my moccasins are safe from the menacing army of Selaw Obmij. We don't know how much money he has hidden inside his Evil LairTM, but we can make out instead and kiss! Yeah, that moccasin hating Jimbo won't suspect a thing! Let's kiss each other and have some fun...

Oh shit, there's not enough moccasins for our story anymore! Thankfully, we can ask Reboz, the non-wizard moccasin seller, who ran into the Evil Reboz, the non-non-wizard that doesn't sell moccasins because he's too evil. Then the Moccasins spawned from nothing, causing the Evil Reboz to attack Good Reboz, a.k.a. Reboz, then Good Reboz defeated Elon Musk, who was not happy. But that changed when Elon Musk finally died. His money was donated to Moccasinia. But the ghost of Jimbo Wales came back and stole the moccasins, using them to fuel Sid’s wrath. And Sid destroyed the Meier's Civilization, leaving no other choice, but for Gothfield to become Gandhi and nuke Washington D.C. This angered the president, Gangsta Fish Salmonella Jr., who declared eelness to death sentence, causing revolts. The Milwaukee Cheese Bandit saw this and decided to steal the nation's moccasin supply, becoming The National Cheese Moccasins Bandit. Lord Móckasiin then decided that he needed to browse rule 34 for science. But he accidentally got arrested for clicking a link which actually contained my very secret moccasin soup. I ate some cheese while watching Móckasiin's execution by moccasins for his moccasinic crimes. Móckasiin was sent to Milwaukee, where he would meet a horrible death at the Penis Explosion Inc. facility, the "BULLSHIT MAGGOTS SMOKING FAGS" Building in Hollywood, Milwaukee. There, hot stepmoms don't exist. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!", yelled Móckasiin at the Penis Implosion Inc. facility, while his moccasins were being imploded at the same-sex marriage Gayism-Guro office. But BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBS R not real. "Lies!", yelled Mr. Disinformation. It's "Misinformation" Colonel Law Rence (not Colonel Lawrence of Arabia) who sentenced himself to the Penis. The Milwaukee Cheese Bandit stole some cows to milk for homemade cheese even if all of the world's moccasins would wipe out instantaneously.

The overtly gay self-insert Mary Sue[edit | edit source]


What’s napa? Its napalm but misspelled. Fuckin' hell

Luna summoned WOMEN KISSING :3

Heck yes, more women kissing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3


meow meow purrrrr nyaaaa~

Alright then, it's time to become lesbian catgirls. Great, now what? Let's listen to Undertale music and turn into gay RETARDS. Hey, what did you just say? That kind of word is rude and unnecessary. Don't say that, maggot! Anyway, catgirls having gay sex will take over this story once more! Hell yeah! And they're kissing each other passionately. The catboys will also be kissing and having sex with rainbow dildos and robots with cat-like cat ears. Catpeople orgies become real and they're all good! And gay, of course. So gay...

The invasion of gay catboys[edit | edit source]

We're fucking doomed! Just kidding, welcome gay catboys. Unless said catboys are British or French, then I will summon my ultra autism, boosted by being deviantART. The TEMPLE WHY ARE THE MOCCASINS SHOUTING MY EARS CAN'T HOLD IT


Luna heard this sentence and thought "wow, based", which is a phrase she'd probably never speak if it never existed. That sure is bad, but moccasins


HOT BABE ALERT!11!!1!!11!1!!!11!1


== Story 2 ==

In the second story, beginning of Rough Gay Wolf Sex days, there were gay old times, Jews and arsehn fez money go down the of love. The third Jew is not relevant, Jews consume food. Water and money exist.

Lesbians r dimly n cute n retarded intehlijuhnt.

THE END No. There can't be anime babes wearing moccasins. And there can't be moccasins wearing anime babes either.

“Meow prrrr”

~ cat folk

“Arf arf woof :3”

~ doggirls and puppugirls


~ -lolcows


~ -lolcats


~ -lolcrows

“I like trains”

~ *gets railed instantly*

Why did everyone died? They didn't condider the gay beam that shoot gays at maximum speed with high quality homosexuality. And the sentence prior is real, factual information. It all happened as the story says it lolcows unite! Stop going to the Kiwi Farms, they're not a good source of anything valuable or even not remotely funny like lesbianism. Yes, lesbianism=not funny but sexy :3

The story never existed gore exaggerated. Al Gore=Jew, This story=garbage=objective postmodernism. Only catgirls shit good fuck logs.

What happened? Nobody knows. Also catgirls took over Soviet Russia. Holy hell! Now it's time to celebrate this story by meowing like catgirls and kissing women like women lesbians would.

Part 11983[edit | edit source]

Did someone say "4,8866306036840760937794247740065e+1023"? Because I hate Massachusetts and maths and babes and Brits. Hello, based department? I have a case for you. It says, "there's a catgirl scratching my lips", and "now she's kissing me on the cheek". The catgirl will kiss someone passionately tonight,