A story built one letter at a time

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Sorry, Squaw Dee, you may not add more text to the story at this time. Everyone else has this story's permission to add text at this time.

I don't have enough people with their noses over my shoulder to make a page nearly as popular as the original. But here you can only type one LETTER at a time, then wait for someone else to continue. OUIJA BOARD TIME!

Rules![edit | edit source]

  1. Do not write more than one letter/number at a time, you must wait for someone else to write another letter/number before adding another.
  2. No reverting or deleting what other people do unless they themselves broke a rule and you are fixing it.
  3. Random words will be almost inevitable here, but we want... SOME coherence.
  4. Punctuation, spaces, and yes, the number key (#), do not count as "letters", only letters and numbers count as "letters."
  5. Have fun!
  6. Last person to edit wins!!

Story[edit | edit source]

How wrong i was at Opossition- In A.C.D.C.'s supreme coconut tree the baguette bellowed a show fuming when Kirk woke up at Bosnia Universe. Tidy my room prior to making charcoal but do NoT queue my moccasins for scheme #6, that dancing muckbent kander i stroked you in your mooing moon, funniest thong I ever seen. What is a less cool than a Wendog. A Lite pepper, my Girl. Licking my moccasillys jui piutin Viaginitys open Seaunson Str on my penis' goonies lactatz on Larir l t me by O. J. N t A w 90 xt whom for the ball obesities. A six horsed arsehn fez my macdev cro-moggy morchasin l guess. A ttack Go eat shit fishers perfume my ass. Boji my arm is an arm.

100% Queer Moccasins[edit | edit source]

Amelia Beadmeel did argosine! Jimbo Wales might die seat fnurd the morchzilla! Shodcke p moar bisedixual.

Quattorsecond quilts mye Uncyclopedlia i e Souls as you $HIT my moccasins. $trokiകg ധeed me bp g-forc my boffin sussy baka! A$teroids qk Qatnip Q sensory eternal daytide meth mellot FArg Fuck the asthbot in the OP pursuits occitanian fume. Yer mom is Gay and queer; I like ferroutah cocoa nut Shark petting Bismtouth cyan transgender Brittany ex-garfielf f Zookeeper Whore. ʔ kKO'âÿДe's Un-c7c8op 42 Gay? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wrong person? $#!T! MY cunt hurts holy FuCk tires, a


elect Boqcker ti-8 Porrrrrrrrimmmm Morbius is way b!T¢#. W r o n g . The c abis ma'aam simcity N(). Who? No. Saitama T. Al Yankovick fr just die a bit loser >:]

I si demogorgonzola cocomocolocotock teapor sea "fish!" - Alula s

Selective quoting hits sharks coconuts to teacup me in brazil am I sus? Yes. You are. ඞ

Loki dies at Amish Paradise with Sith Leggings Disco Elysium Elysium Zelysium Velusa Vely Russeiluss. Teapist Florida nuptiala HALAL 9/11 percy jackson and the olympia olyensa murica!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!1!!

Gay second moccasin[edit | edit source]

The practice of weaker moccasins Otter raaaaaspi berry mmmmmmmmmoccasins at Oregon, OKlahoma, Texas, Québec \°=°/\°=°/\°=°/ ditmass h

My boring compuccuniluzlo boznai high for moccasins



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YMCA is GAY! W. D. Gaster breed on Mai. Se men ligma baal lz Deez Nut S 2000 fujoshi strolken my mechasin magnima comp m










The moccasin sleep[edit | edit source]

In a

|_(-_-).•°(moccasinli)(sle) πñø€ møcçå$íñ

The C han die odo owo uwu sw. I. uwu opal super mario sun woke uncyc as imported my bi girl penik (dodo bisee)

I'm breast-

M1 Abra[edit | edit source]

No more herbarium cockolupsi bromine crabs angloNsaxony bakers for butter expeditions. No heterosexuals allowed here, obviously. On time in my Oslo seasonal fudge ding-dick, ticks table lolcats meeeeeeeeeleed seeeeeeeex :3


uncyclopsedia wroclaw mars deus gay meow :3 nyaaaaaaa

a m

Wooloo super m0C¢å$i/\/$ños bitcoims/sexcells free wiily nine mines espergy! As if Mocça§íñ arsenic arsesnalss white bOjacct wHoreman xxHat i fucked

Squaw Dㅤ”

~ @$$ on @

mock a sin in time sylveon in tr9. QVFD am I queer? Yes

Ohmygoad I'm stroking my coño y cat mor-ons wiþðx.neo KKK sufferigne breadstick at Grillsby & sørreahli. Xvideos. what! my


zorg II on Fujcikolpudalula with estesroglopoggers m t f torrent$ on my Straw Pee. Fix yxnsex [][][][][][][][][m] to k alula sauce passers

<buv>M</buv>y porro polska pornograph theorize thongs onigxx

Neco arc[edit | edit source]

Moccasiñnss§ Nightgorsew cool kid DDR Revacon inside my necko ark ɘx̣ñô⍼wç art c++ b+-x i'm gay mom. "Ohmygad!" said Sally Fi, s lo sex WII U. Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ dicks sucki. AZ (AAA). Fuchsinaak. Aack! So i ran to W

Homewrist cat in gemst()/\/ex. Albat Poo hermit pressure.

A! An@| i'm fucked in the ass by a moccasin. And breastfeed banbifies anally fuck me please! Sarcram

Libidrek Z[edit | edit source]

!Gaaaaaay! !Bait! !S∈×! !PringleKunt! !Nuts.! !Kaz¿anx̱ʼ. ㏒s? s. yaaaaahhhh! i h o p e

Dickson is ㏒'d education sisyphus' roccosins cracked my a$$H()|€. Nut in a moccasin and dildo. ¿? ¡iigiiġ. Yx = bi g d

Yo Molcoshi! Look at time positrons frimsy ア. We whip your moccasAnins in dis👞 sewein see-t-g-culovt👞. K 🥔ok. Nothing really mattering моcсcᴀs

FUKCFE WALNUITGHI L![edit | edit source]

OPOMMMESS HIPPOMIS MArco Pteso see-thruster kornypost


Google eggs porg﷽ 🍑𓂸 I love cokcs! Juicy, penis dropping 🍆 nut bcoccyretsen sex. 𒐫ע 𒀝 𐎹𒂗

ﺧsñiff sñífḟ. ^w^ Usario, Waaah waah. BitcH. CUTN! HIT my ass diced in pingas.
