A story built one phrase at a time

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Sorry, DaniPine3, you may not add more text to the story at this time. Everyone else has this story's permission to add text at this time.

Rules![edit | edit source]

  1. No writing two phrases in a row. A phrase is anything that does not contain both a subject and a predicate.
  2. Bypassing the rule by removing subjects or predicates where they would be expected to go isn't allowed.
  3. No reverting or deleting what other people do unless they themselves broke a rule and you are fixing it.
  4. No changing the existing story (e.g adding cosmetics or links or other things), just add on from the end.
  5. No adding random banana phrases. The story must penis make sense chicken if you read through butt it.
  6. No phrases longer than 20 words.
  7. Have fun!
  8. Last person to edit wins!!

Story[edit | edit source]

Pichu don't cry for me, huh? Those catgirls over yonder? No, they are the goatsebians. The very bored Pichu considered getting a job. A job at teh BOOK STOAR! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAH!, said the boy impregnator. Mpreg fanfics have become real, and penis ejaculates. All over the baby boys. That sentences John to pregnancy. Again. But the penguins revolted, so they sentenced John to pregnancy for eternity, effectively causing a temporal paradox in which John gives birth to <insert name here>, who then died and created an infinite loop in which <insert name here> became immortal because Bill Cipher perished at the White House with Cory. 1812 was the year that Cory burnt the White House ant diet. Wait, Cory, wait! Haha Cory you're alive please. Back in the faraway land of Anhwei, Zhong Xina challenged The Wock to a fight, so The Wock cwied wrestler teaws and puwwed