A story built one template at a time

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The last person to edit was Alula!


  1. You can only add one template at a time. You must wait for someone else to have edited to be able to add a template.
  2. Connected content does not count as a "template". (Example of connected content: Template:Zorkheader)
  3. The template has to somehow add on to the story. You'll probably find some way to be able to do it.
  4. You can only add templates.
  5. Please do not add templates like Moccaspin or Earthquake. Especially not Eldritch Zone. It is not required not to, just strongly advised.
  6. Have fun!


Newcookie.gif Luna has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

Jumping Humpback whale.jpg


A group of users including Luna and John have been squished by a whale!
Don't take this too seriously. One of the story-writers, Fenris2010 just wants to let you know that the group of users including Luna and John did something really silly, which may or may not include angering Evil Reboz because the random person John killed was Evil Reboz's assistant.

alula was here
Pine fresh.gif
DaniPine3 was planted in this user's page :]
Pine fresh.gif
Pichu has invaded this userpage. You cannot stop him.

Bill Cipher was Here!

Bill Cipher was Here!

“that's... not how you do a "was here" template, bill.”

~ Pichu on the quote above

Yes it is!

Yes it is!

“All of you do realize that John and Luna just got crushed by a whale, right? The main characters just got crushed by a whale.”

“I think you should be aware of the hardships that creating a story using only templates can have. I, being the great writer that I am, surely would be able to perform such task; but you people don't seem to be capable, as it is proven that in the incoherent plot -if it can be even called a plot, that is- you have just started writing, all you managed was to kill the main characters. Truly an underwhelming performance...”

“oooohhhhh, a new story for me to eat!”

~ Eating.gif

“Screw off pesky cat. Stories aren't meant to be eaten! They're made to get me paid.”

“oh hi there mr. wilde. i’m so sorry i couldn’t break you out of that prison back in 1896, i was busy eating the first ketchikan mormon church at the time”

~ Tiny.jpg

“Don't act as if you were a righteous being; you know damn well the only reason why you wanted to free me was so that I could end in your stomach.”

Trip-wire pipe bomb.jpg
This is a pipe bomb.*asplodes*
Trip-wire pipe bomb.jpg

“Oh no, a pipe bomb! *explodes into 500 bits*”

“ha get pwnt mr. wilde”

~ Tiny.jpg

“hey wait why am i getting deja vu all of a sudden”

Get fucked.
We all got invited here, we might as well solve a mystery n' shit.

Thank you all for meeting me in the Accusing Parlor tonight. If you're wondering what "j'accuse" means, and why I ran screaming it through the whole house, it means "I accuse" in French, and it's what people say when they accuse people of murder. I trust you know why we're all here. After I was mysteriously invited to this party, and after people started mysteriously dying, I decided to put my internet degrees in Criminology, and Criminography, to good use. But to accuse people of homicide, I have to start at the beginning.

The Chilling Investigation

The first murder was similar to this in its style and grace.

The First Murder: the story-eating cat

I have discovered that the first murder was committed in the dining room

with an obsolete pair of safety scissors right after the first scream! There, right in the middle of everything, was the PWNED body of the story-eating cat, the first of the three murders of the evening. After some clever investigation, I saw that, clutched in her right hand, was a pink ribbon... This was interesting, considering the conversation that had occurred at the dinner table... COLONEL MUSTARD!

At Dinner

I think we all remember the story-eating cat bragging about her job as an auctioneer. I remember the conversation she had with the Colonel being very awkward: full of pauses and hiccups and throat clearing. Also, she ordered a strange dish for a woman in her position: the macaroni and cheese. That dish has special significance in Louisiana, as the Colonel well knows. Now, I know for a fact that the Colonel had served overseas in that region for nigh five years. However, dinner was not the only thing linking the Colonel to the crime. It was the second murder that convinced me to start looking for clues.

The Second Murder: Pichu

The second murder occurred 54 seconds after the first. Pichu was found with his pants drawn around his ankles in the swimming pool with a spear sticking out of his chest. In there with him was a single red rose of unknown origin. I recall him telling us, before he went outside, that he had some "business" to take care of. I thought that it was strange that he would go outside so abruptly in the first place, because it was cold. And also there were bats. I don't like bats.

I believe that the evidence speaks for itself.


There are some things that you all must know about Pichu before we continue. I had a personal investigator research his past before I called you all in here. Here's what we now know:

  • AGE: It's hard to believe it, but Pichu was only 8 years of age. It's odd, I mean, considering what he did on his days off.
  • HOBBY: I have discovered that Pichu had a penchant for making Humble figurines. He has, on numerous occasions, used his knowledge of this hobby at his job.
  • OCCUPATION: Pichu used to be a writer on Star Trek until he was fired... for mysterious reasons. Reasons that neither I nor my investigator could uncover. I'm almost positive that he held a grudge for what he probably saw was an indignity. This grudge manifested itself in strange ways. Few of you probably know of Pichu's sordid past.
  • SORDID PAST: Pichu has been convicted on several misdemeanor counts of bank robbery. Considering the story-eating cat's occupation, I believe you can ALL see the connection.

This leads me to the, for lack of a better word, "AWKWARRRD" between he and the story-eating cat at dessert-time.

Everyone agrees that the chef WAS, IN FACT, Asian.


You may all recall the conversation at dinner, when Pichu challenged the story-eating cat to a best-of-9 Tic Tac Toe championship. When she refused the fourth time, Pichu seemed discouraged. When she accepted on the fifth time, Pichu forced us to watch the two of them play for an hour, and he forced the third murder victim to keep score.

The Third Murder: Alula

15 minutes after the second murder, Alula was found. She had been hung by a noodle in the upstairs closet. If you recall, she kept score of the "game" between the story-eating cat and Pichu. However, I bet you didn't know that she was an accomplice to Pichu's various crimes! For 5 years, Alula was the mastermind behind Pichu's pot ring! That's right. I bet you didn't know that.

The Evidence

Alula examining the suspicious golf trophy (from the fourier) on the front lawn, right before dinner was served.

The Murder Weapons

The murder weapons, you all may have noticed, were all items from Wal-Mart. You also may have noticed that all the murder weapons, except for the suspicious golf trophy, were stained with the victim's blood afterwards.

The Satin Glove

At each crime scene, a satin glove was found. Oh wait, did I not mention that? Sorry. Aaanywho, the gloves were all of the same size, and Colonel Mustard was seen wearing one at dinner, during the wrestling match, during dessert, and after he found the body of Pichu.

The Suicide Notes

At each crime scene, the victim was holding a suicide note. The suicide note was always written in a firm aristocratic lettering with a blue 1997 model BiC fountain pen on parchment scented with whale oil. Of particular note was the suicide note found with Alula, which was signed "CM".

The final piece of the puzzle.

The Suspicious Cook

The cook, who only spoke in Yiddish, was especially suspicious, considering that he was of Korean ancestery, wore a long twirling mustache, and had a tattoo of two dragons being intimate on his forearm.

The Missing Rifle

Even though it was never used, the rifle that was hanging in the trophy room disappeared right before the lights went out.

The Electric Failure

Right before, or after, the murder of the story-eating cat, the lights went out. I know that the fuse box is outside, far away from the murder scene. I also know that THE COLONEL used to be an electrician before joining the Coast Guard. However, I will need time to process this information.

The Confession Note

The confession note that was found with the suspicious golf trophy reads as follows:

Being of sound mind and body, I, the suspicious Asian chef, hereby declare that I 
committed all the crimes, and take full responsibility. It was not any of the other
guests, including the handsome Colonel, and I did it. I did it, I killed 'em.

However, I'm not fully convinced that the suspicious Asian chef really did write that note, considering that he only spoke Yiddish. It goes in the evidence pile anyway, as evidence that the suspicious Asian chef was lying.

The Suspects

One of the suspects now in custody.

After considering all the evidence, and gathering all the clues, I have narrowed down the list of suspects to four.


Every good investigator has to include all the options. Maybe I just forgot that I committed them. Maybe I was drunk. Maybe I was under hypnosis. Maybe I forgot that I forgot. Maybe I was drunk while under hypnosis. I'm not sure. Anyway, I will recuse myself from this investigation because I'm cool like that.


Well, I mean, since there's only three of us, and since your signature, "CM" was on all the "suicide notes", I'm guessing it's you, Colonel. However, like you said earlier, it's true that I could have forgot that I committed the murders, and it's true that I wasn't paying attention the whole time, and it's true that I also know how to fire guns, and it's true that I'm not perfect. Okay, okay, calm down. We still have two more suspects to go.

This case (artist's depiction)

The Chef

The chef, being an Asian, is almost at the top of my list. Asians are a tricky folk, full of tricks and trickery. In spite of that, he was gone when the murders were committed, and his hand didn't fit in the satin glove, which basically clears him... Okay, okay, it's true that he could have a twin... and he IS Asian... and that confession note was nearly suspicious...hmmm...

Indian Burial Grounds

This all could be a horror movie, and we're living in a house built on ancient Indian burial grounds. I mean, it could be.

The Conclusion


It is as I always suspected: THE CRIME...is unsolvable! I don't understand the link between the clock in the dining room stopping and the second murder. Or the hamster that the story-eating cat brought with her and the missing hunting rifle. Or the suspicious cook, the suspicious invitations, and the bookcase full of human skulls. Or the broken lamp in the living room. This crime is unsolvable, and I'm getting the HELL outta here. I've had enough of this nuthouse.

Cat (real).png
This user is a cat. They're just standing on two legs to make people believe they're human (and failing horribly at it).
Cat (real).png
This user is owned by one or more cats.

“y'all i'm not dead what the hell alula's not my accomplice either who even is alula anyway”

~ Pichu on the j'accusation

“wait a second, this isn't a story at all, is it? it's just a loosely connected collection of personalized templates. i can't eat that, i have standards! although i AM kinda hungry right now... guess i'll eat the remains of oscar wilde then”

~ Eating.gif
Bomb.png Somebody set up us the bomb.
For great justice take off every 'zig'.
Score: 1
Elapsed Time: 2000 hours
Keep (1)
  1. Symbol keep vote.svg Keep. I likes the ASBOWAAT series! I can take a look this weekend and funny it up. SLAPPALLAPPA LAPPALLAPPA CACATONEDITUCAN! SLAPPALLAPPA LAPPALLAPPA CACATONEDITUCAN!𝕆𝕛𝕒𝕚𝕆𝕡𝕠𝕤 TSE-TUNG! TSE-TUNG! TSE-TUNG! TSE-TUNG!
Delete (2)
  1. Symbol EXTERMINATE vote small.gif EXTERMINATE AND KERKILL! Dumb series that hasn't been funny in months. Olula.gif OLULA 16:16, 15 December 2024 (UTC)
  2. Symbol declined.svg Eat Yum Yum. Eating.gif 16:17, 13 December 2024 (UTC)

Aw fuck. They hate me here! 𝕺𝖘𝖈𝖆𝖗 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖊, 16:21, 13 December 2024 (UTC)

“holy shit a vfd”

~ Pichu on the template above

“I think they're vfding this page! HELP!”

~ The story

“aw phooey”

Story 2

“Hold on a darn second, you can't start a new story that soon! The previous wasn't even a story to begin with... also can somebody help me there's a cat trying to eat me help hELP”

~ Oscar Wilde on Story 2

“fuck you oscar wilde”

~ Cat biting finger.jpeg


“i LOVE nibbling on fingers! especially the ones of sodomites!”

~ Cat biting finger.jpeg

“Hey, what's your problem with that? A bit of respect for sodomites! Without us, the world would be filled to the brim with unwanted, annoying children... also AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

“i hate gays”

~ Cat biting finger.jpeg

“Ah, so you're not just a literal everyrhing-eating demon, but also a homophobe as well! That's just great! I knew I shouldn't have come here, but no, my curiosity got the best out of me, and now I've being eaten by a cat... speaking of which, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

“what? i don't eat people, i just nibble on their fingers until they bleed to death”

~ Cat biting finger.jpeg


“i'm a different cat. also i don't really have a name”

~ Cat biting finger.jpeg

“alright what did i miss”

“nothing. don't mind the fact that oscar's fingers are bleeding extensively”

~ Cat biting finger.jpeg

“holy cow”

~ Pichu on the bleeding finger




~ Oscar Wilde, dying from untreated bite wounds on his fingers

Oh Dear...

Beware! The evil eye is upon thee!

Hello, A story built one template at a time, and welcome to Uncyclopedia! Unfortunately, we've noticed that your contributions - not to put too fine a point on it - have been crap. Basically, we think you're a spammer/vandal/10-year-old. But don't despair! We have ways to make you talk.. ahem. I mean, there are ways to get you out of this mess.

If you read anything at all, make it the above four links. If you want to find out more about Uncyclopedia or need more help with something, try these:

Good luck and I'm sorry you got off to such a bad start. I hope you enjoy editing here and being an Uncyclopedian! Please sign your name on talk pages using four tildes (~~~~) or use the "sign" button (OOjs UI icon signature-ltr.svg) above the edit box. This will automatically produce your name and the date.

If you need help or think this template has been placed unfairly, please ask me or an admin on their talk page, rather than going bat-fuck-insane. Alternatively you can ask at the Dump, or add the following: {{help}} to this page along with a message and someone will come along and help you if they can. Again, welcome! 

No, but seriously.

Evileye trans.png

The evil eye is upon thee.

noseblower moccasins problematize your parents brightly



Newcookie.gif The Great Lord Móckasiin of Moccasinia has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
You have been blocked from editing for a period of infinity for breaking ASBOWAAT law. If you think there are good reasons for being unblocked, please write them down on a pineapple and shove it right up your ass. Once the block has expired, you are welcome to make useful contributions, but it is highly recommended that you stop breaking ASBOWAAT law. Thaaanks! --The ASBOxAAT police

Oh no, it's the nefarious mention of Gay Sex™️!!!

GAY SEX!!!!!!!!!
GAY SEX!!!!!!!!!
GAY SEX!!!!!!!!!
GAY SEX!!!!!!!!!
GAY SEX!!!!!!!!!
GAY SEX!!!!!!!!!
GAY SEX!!!!!!!!!

“Get out of here, Emperor Fenris! You're not letting me watch two individuals engaging in gay sex!!!”



well, where did the Gay Sex™️ go?

“There was a Gay Sex™️? I didn't know there was.”

~ Fenris2010 on the non-existence of Gay Sex™️.

“nooooo not my Gay Sex™️”

~ Oscar Wilde on the non-existence of Gay Sex™️.
This user doesn't care.
This user does care.

“Hey, no I don't! I don't care! I don't care! I don't care!”

~ Fenris2010 on not caring

“That's a lie, I certainly do care!”

~ Fenris2010 on caring
Absolutely not
I'm the userbox, and i can confirm that Fenris2010 absolutely does not care at all.
Absolutely not
This user is entriely neutral in this situation, and doesn't either care or not care about it.
This user is a moccasin, and as such doesn't have any opinions. At all.

Fortunately for society, we have left all the gay sex and lesbian stuff way back earlier in the story. We already had ASB2WAAT for that, but Goatse is taking over that story. GLORY TO OPOSSUM, JACKSON AND COLONELKURTZ! WE SHALL PREVAIL OVER WHAT IS UNFUNNY WITH THINGS THAT ARE ONLY SLIGHTLY LESS UNFUNNY! BUT I AM KEEPING GOATSE OUT OF THIS STORY, BECAUSE THERE IS NO ROOM FOR GOATSE HERE, ONLY moccasins.
also lesbians are moccasinless

Purple cat.png
Wait, why is the entire page magenta now???
Purple cat.png
Purple cat.png
No idea why, but it certainly looks cuter now that it's magenta...
Purple cat.png
Purple cat.png
Purple cat.png
Purple cat.png
Purple cat.png
Cat (real).png
This user is a cat. They're just standing on two legs to make people believe they're human (and failing horribly at it).
Cat (real).png
This user is owned by one or more cats.
Cat (real).png
This user is a cat. They're just standing on two legs to make people believe they're human (and failing horribly at it).
Cat (real).png
This user is owned by one or more cats.
Cat (real).png
This user is a cat, and is tired of being a slave to other cats.
Cat (real).png
This user is a story-eating cat.
This user is a story-eating cat, and has also accidentally added Category:Feline Uncyclopedians to this story too!
This story-eating cat cannot tolerate that there are more than one story-eating cat in this page, and thus will proceed to eat the previous story-eating cat that added Category:Feline Uncyclopedians to this story.
This is an Uncyclopedia user page.

This is not an encyclopedia article. If you find this page on any site other than Uncyclopedia you are probably viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated and that the user this page belongs to may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Uncyclopedia itself.

Cat (real).png
This user is not a cat. This user is a person. Cats walk on four legs.
Cat (real).png
Cat (real).png
This user is a cat. They're just standing on two legs to make people believe they're human (and failing horribly at it).
Cat (real).png
Cat (real).png
This user is not a cat. This user is a person. Cats walk on four legs.
Cat (real).png
Meh, nobody cares about this article.
Get fucked.
This template is currently being busted by The Hell Busters. Please do not use this template, and if you see this template in use, please find a way to remove it, to help limit the spread of wiki-cancer. Thank you.

Stop hand nuvola alternate.svg
Proceed with caution, they are contagious and can transform you into one of them. Remember, the only known way to cure a living being of Olula Disease is to send such being EXACTLY three images of cucumbers.🥒🥒🥒
alula was here
Pine fresh.gif
DaniPine3 was planted in this user's page :]
Pine fresh.gif
i can't believe everyone copied this extremely jokey thing i made just to mess with someone who were getting annoyed at other people editing their userpage
well, we sure did copy it. you should feel flattered about it - imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness, after all.
yeah ok, but did it really have to take over half a year for everyone else to do that?
it seems so. what is it that annoys you more, though; the fact we copied you, or that it took us too much time to copy you?
both. also get your own userbox to put custom messages into. this one's mine