A story built one clause at a time
Sorry, DaniPine3, you may not add more text to the story at this time. Everyone else has this story's permission to add text at this time.
Rules![edit | edit source]
- No writing two clauses in a row. A clause is anything that has both a subject and a predicate.
- For the purposes of this story, an interjection counts as a clause.
- No incomplete clauses. Every edit must add a full clause containing both a subject and a predicate.
- No reverting or deleting what other people do unless they themselves broke a rule and you are fixing it.
- No adding random banana clauses. The story must penis make sense chicken if you read through butt it.
- No clauses longer than 40 words.
- Use tags like <nowiki> sparingly.
- Have fun!
- Last person to edit wins!!
Story[edit | edit source]
We return to expand the moccacinematic universe once again. Yes. Stephen Hawking is here, and he's gonna kick your ass! Our beloved hero John Johnson unexpectedly challenged Stephen's actions, however. Stephen Hawking was going to summon Jeffrey Epstein but Jeff Bezos disagreed with him. They're also both dead, despite George Who Bushed's meddling in the situation. Actually, 9/11 was an outside job. It was performed by a moccasin.
But who owned the moccasin?[edit | edit source]
The Moccasin was owned by OPOSSUM, since he owns all the moccasins (OPOSSUM owns all the moccasins that aren't owned by Squaw Dee.) This would mean Squaw Dee owns more moccasins, but Squaw Dee's moccasins must be all fake if OPOSSUM owns all of the real ones. Thus, the story must be lying to us. Oh no!!!!!