User:OPOSSUM/OPOSSUMS ("A story built" series)
OPOSSUMS are a recurring race of marsupials in the "A story built one X at a time" series of verbal diarrhea, commonly associated with moccasins. OPOSSUMS often appear in large numbers, but they also commonly appear as just one creature, namely OPOSSUM himself. Groups of OPOSSUMS are often depicted as a vengeful race with hivemind-like tendencies.
Biology[edit | edit source]
OPOSSUMS have an instinct to hate Luna and wish that she never existed. One OPOSSUM is a fairly stupid creature on its own, but together OPOSSUMS can build large underground cities. Some can even talk.
OPOSSUM himself[edit | edit source]
The most infamous of all OPOSSUMS, simply known as OPOSSUM, is responsible for the abuse of the word "moccasins" all over Uncyclopedia, in the "A story built" series and elsewhere.
Appearances[edit | edit source]
A story built one word at a time[edit | edit source]
In the original A story built one word of a time, Alula claims that OPOSSUM loves Barbie, and innocent OPOSSUMS are stabbed in large numbers in the notorious California town of Ojai.
A story built one sentence at a time[edit | edit source]
In the sentence-based sequel, Gorefield and a blood monster summon an unimaginably large amount of OPOSSUMS and Aracuans, force them to fight, and destroy the space-time continuum. Later on in the story, OPOSSUM himself is tortured to death by Colonel Kurtz using words alone, horrifying DaniPine3.
A story built one paragraph at a time[edit | edit source]
OPOSSUM himselfis driven insane early on by an advertisement encouraging people to move to Finland. Later on, another OPOSSUM attempts to assault John and destroy Uncyclopedia, but is forced to retreat into a tree. This OPOSSUM was eventually banned from existing by a certain Uncyclopedia administrator, and later entered a loop of endless stupidity alongside John.
The dead OPOSSUM called upon an entire army of zombie OPOSSUMS that turned anyone that they touched into Aracuan Birds, which turned anyone that they touched into a zombie OPOSSUM. This army of OPOSSUMS and Aracuans took over every part of the world except North Korea. With nothing left to fight except each other, the two armies fought each other, with the Aracuans proving victorious; any surviving OPOSSUMS were forced to retreat underground.
OPOSSUM has worried about the universe being reset multiple times, although the universe was only ever reset in ASBOSAAT.
During John and Dave's fight with Mechasin, it was discovered that the existence of living OPOSSUMS is inversely linked to Luna's alive-ness. So when a few zombie OPOSSUMS fucked Luna back to life, they all died. As Luna woke up, you summoned several more OPOSSUMS, causing Luna to die again.
In a parallel universe, a still-alive Luna was taken into the OPOSSUMS' underground city, and several zombie OPOSSUMS touched Luna, turning her into an Aracuan bird. The OPOSSUMS also turned ʔK'âʞДe into an Aracuan Bird and stole the Un-existinator from him.
Luna eventually reverted from her Aracuanization and threw the Un-existinator like a grenade, causing it to explode (but reappear on Jupiter), as well as deleting Luna and several OPOSSUMS from existence. (The remaining OPOSSUMS' mere existence prevented Luna from ever being able to return, see above.)
Following those traumatic events, the OPOSSUM himself fled from his home in Ventura, California to escape Mechasin's trail of destruction. He hasn't quite reached his destination (Ketchikan) yet.
A story built one image at a time[edit | edit source]
OPOSSUM, who skeptical about this new image-based story, was immediately trapped in a "demon core" by the bird-people, had his noggin nicked by a pine tree (which OPOSSUM somehow dissolved in a "NaK solution"). OPOSSUM was then dissected, thereafter stuck in a state halfway between dead and alive for eternity.
A story built one time at a word[edit | edit source]
In "A story built one time at a word", Luna destroyed Jerma985 by smashing OPOSSUM brutally.
A story built one "a story at a time" at a time[edit | edit source]
In this quirky sequel, the highly intelligent parrot Laika is transformed into various forms before becoming an evil clone of OPOSSUM. This OPOSSUM impostor then consumed every moccasin he could see. He barely escaped from Lord Móckasiin before fleeing to California. He then took over the entire state as well as the brains of everyone in California, which he renamed to Greater Ojai.
The real OPOSSUM, henceforth referred to as POSSUM, was chilling out in his hometown of Ventura at the time. He attempted to flee the madness but was arrested on sight at the Greater Ojai-Oregon border, due to having been mistaken for his nefarious impersonator. POSSUM escaped from prison and then fled to Australia, which he knew was well outside of OPOSSUM 2's grip.
The OPOSSUMS invade Belgium[edit | edit source]
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