Category:Make it to Ketchikan

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Can YOU make it to Ketchikan?

Introducing: Escape from Ojai II, the UnGame to end all UnGames, featuring:

  • Over eight hundred subpages!
  • Full-screen backgrounds, that are somtimes 22MB! (The Background2 template can help with those, though.) (there's a sequel to the background template????????????????)

Yes, there is, Gergdown. I've been using it to load low-resolution previews of large images instead of the large images themselves.

  • CSS effects surpassed by nothing else on Uncyclopedia (except Alone in the Dark), whoever wrote that game has a much bigger brain than any of us!
  • Real-time action (but only in Moccasinia!)
  • Cheesy boss fights!
  • Eldritch flesh worlds!
  • Modern (2024-era) Uncyclopedia injokes!
  • Even more moccasins than its predecessor!
  • A nearly 2,000-mile West Coast adventure!

Pages in category "Make it to Ketchikan"

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 812 total.

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