Battle for Dream Island
Warning: The following text might contain spoilers. This makes the article more aerodynamic, and thus more maneuverable at high speeds. Take caution and carry a first-aid kit at all times if you don't know that Maxim kills Rebecca, Dimentio was manipulating everything from behind the scenes so he could claim the Chaos Heart and use it to become all-powerful, John Preston kills the man controlling "Father" (who isn't real), Charlie Brown never talks to that red-headed girl, and Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!! |
Battle For Dream Island (also known as Beefy Die, Breaths Fried Deep It's, Blocky's Funny Doings International, Beryllium Fortress, Destruction Impossible, Beautiful Face Devotion Institute, and a few hundred other names that are even less important) is an animated Flash web series created by two 12-year-old oriental twins who have become far more successful than you. Spawned during New Years Day of the 21st century's second decade, the show is Total Drama Island but with objects fighting for an island. In all honesty, this could've been made by an 8-year-old and nobody would notice the difference. All characters (except for the host, the Remote, and the TV) are voiced by the creators of this show with a vocal distinction range of 7 distinct voices to choose from. Talent varies, many characters have the same voice, and voices change sporadically. Expect mediocre acting.
The show itself has received mostly positive feedback (albeit 50% of the critics were under the age of 10), creating a cult revolving around the show's mediocre animation and writing. Others just like it for Kevin McCallister MacLeod's Royalty-Free music.
Despite the series having millions of views and ruining the art styles of every web animator since 2010, the top assholes at Wikipedia won't allow you to make an article on it because no news website has reported on it yet. So much so that they had to make an essay about it. They made an article about the page to make it so that people wouldn't make an article about the page.
Plot[edit | edit source]
Battle for Dream Island[edit | edit source]

20 objects compete in a show hosted by the a dysfunctional speaker that has the same voice as an AT&T landline phone. As typical of AI, his ideas are rather uncreative and also often illegal. The titular island, a whole square mile of nothing but basic luxury and a single hotel, is called "Dream Island". At least, it supposedly contains that. The island never is shown in the show.
As any good writer would know, conflict is needed to create an entertaining story. Unfortunately, the story was made by two 12-year-olds. The result? The oriental animators and writers try to make "character arcs" that are just unnatural 2-3 conversations with no effect on anything. Character development is quite frequent, although it's just because the writers got bored and decided to change something with no explanation. In the end, you get nothing over 25 episodes of just a bunch of animated characters with rushed dialogue. Nobody wins anything because the idea of a climax is a bit too advanced for the writers. The underwhelming ending doesn't even effect the show afterwards. Speaking of "afterwards," the second season of the show is the following of the first season. Or it's just a separate continuation and not a season.
Placements[edit | edit source]
Name | Team | Gender | Placement | (mostly nonexistent) Personality |
Woody | Squishy Cherries | Male | 21st | Literally scared of ANYTHING. Generic comic relief character with no personality. |
Pin | Squishy Cherries | Female | 20th | Domineering shithead. Personality changes suddenly for no reason. Twice. They also develop a speech impediment, once again for reasons not explained. |
Squishy Cherries | Female | 19th | Slaps people for calling her a nickname. That's it. | |
Teardrop | Squashy Grapes |
Female | 18th | A pretty cool character, the best on this season, but goes away to morning... |
Another Name |
Female | 17th | A nerd, even though, she can do a bomb in seconds only using sticks. | |
Coiny | Another Name |
Female | 16th | SO BLAAAAANNNDDDD! Only keeps slapping Firey when Tennis Ball needs to do everything. |
Snowball | Squishy Cherries |
Male | 15th | The second best character, a pretty mean, and a pretty strong, unfortunately, he goes away to morning. |
Match | Squishy Cherries |
Female | 14th | Annoying girl, keeps talking shit with her |
Eraser | Squishy Cherries | Male | 13th | He says pink is manly, so yeah. |
Pen |
Squishy Cherries | Male | 12th | Pen is the guy who tries to be cool on the school, but the results is just a jerk, if he wins Dream Island he will name it "PENISLAND" |
Blocky | Squishy Cherries |
Male | 11th | Blocky's Funny Doings International, likes pranking the others. |
Tennis Ball | Another Name |
Male | 10th | Golf Ball's |
Pencil | Squishy Cherries | Female | 9th | Match's best friend, it's just her but more extresfull. Also her elimination was unfair because she WON THE CHALLENGE. |
David | Male | 8th | Come out of nowhere, and did nothing in the entire series (okay okay, at least he joins when it was merge), and now, he is eliminated | |
Ice Cube | Squashy Grapes | Female | 7th | She was innocent, but then she realized how painful is this world; now she just wants revenge. |
Rocky | Another Name |
Male | 6th | Disgusting as fuck, keeps vomiting everywhere(watch out), he was talking, but them, the creation decided to make him Teardrop, but, 100x worse. |
Spongy | Squashy Grapes | Male | 5th | Stupid Fatass, keep sitting over there doing nothing, he needs a diet, NOW! |
Flower | Squashy Grapes | Female | 4th | The most bad motherfucker character on the series, kills, punches and kicks everyone, she is brave, but afraid of bugs. |
Bubble | Squishy Cherries | Female | 3rd | A pretty docile one, she loves cakes, but look how she talks, what is her problem? Oh my God.>:( |
Leafy | Squishy Cherries | Female | Runner-Up | This thing is very weird, she is good, evil or weird at the same time. |
Another Name |
Male | Winner | Congratulations, Firey, you won Dream Island! Same as a pretty bland character, you deserve it! |
Battle for Dream Island: Again[edit | edit source]
The batshit follow-up gets released months after the end of the first series. The contestants don't get a real reward since there's no Dream Island anymore (WE'RE BATTLING FOR... NOTHING?!!1n1n1bb4?111), but the competitions were still there. Season Two also got a game that the twins barely had the balls to finish.
They instead battle for a sloppily made farm island.
5b[edit | edit source]
Speaking of the game, let's focus on that for a little bit. It was the second part of the 5-episode long arc, BFDIA 5. It acts as the bridge between BFDIA 5a and 5c. One of the teams, "Freesmart" (called that because "Freedumb" is too much), is a subject of vore and are eaten alive by Evil Leafy. This sets up the basis of the game, in which you must traverse Evil Leafy's strange insides. Somehow, her organ are conveniently all in the shape of platform levels, filled with moving obstacles, spikes, conveyors, trampolines, and a Lego dude. The game itself has this strange feeling to it that feels like being trapped inside a red leaf who can teleport all Slenderman and be all "get in my belly" vore or whatever. Oddly specific.
BFDIA 6[edit | edit source]
BFDIA 6 was once a fabled episode that would never come out. However, on September 1st, 2023, the two creators of BFDI, Jack and Jellify Huang (as evident from the channel name), threw a curveball when BFDIA 6 was suddenly dropped exactly 10 years after it was supposed to release. Also, in more recent episodes, this block of ice has been getting more lines, which people call "development." I don't see any development here! Anyways, thank god the ball of puff is gone, I don't want to give my children epilepsy.
Elimination[edit | edit source]
The process of elimination goes like this: the viewers vote off who they want eliminated in the next episode's elimination, which is referred to as "Cake at Stake". This is so because this who are safe take cake, and those at stake can't take cake until they are safe. The contestant with the highest votes is eliminated, and is put into the Tiny Loser Chamber (TLC). In there, the eliminated can kill themselves or live in there until they starve, because gray speaker box overlord is merciless.
In BFB-pre split however Four sends his eliminated contestants to force themselves to go to the E.X.I.T.
If you want a roster, you'll get a roster. There's the match in high school who just discovered nail polish, the bubble who can't live because she dies every five seconds, the giant sweaty sponge that everyone hates, the "bossybot", an open flame that you can physically slap in the face to your heart's content, and Needy(*SLAP* DON'T CALL ME NEEDY!) Needle. The Season Two roster got more confusing as fan characters were introduced, and a gap between the first two seasons allowed fans to vote which characters made it in. So we got a green blob of Jell-O, a seizure-inducing LSD puffball, and an auto-tuned shard of ruby. Including the half blind stick figure who is a shitty ripoff of Dora.
The characters made their appearance first in a series of comics made by the twins, called "Total Firey Island". The name? Total Firey Island. This is NOT stealing from Total Drama. Don't. Believe. The lies. Anyways, the open flame was not the host, as some might expect. In fact, he was eventually eliminated from the show! We're already getting rid of the main character back in 2006! See, Total Drama? You can actually eliminate important contestants without ruining the plot! Anyways, Pencil was declared the first winner ever of the series that would eventually become Total Dra- I mean Battle for Dream Island.
IDFB[edit | edit source]
The Third Season that has nothing to do with the previous seasons, and instead sets the objects in Yoyle City, a fictional town from Season Two. Hoe jokes aside, it makes an impression of mystery, such as Golf Ball getting triggered by a vase. No really. And the next episode isn't coming out until BFDIA and TPOT are even finished! from then, it was season 4. What a lame ass decision.
Battle for BFDI/BFB[edit | edit source]
After the hiatus, and out of nowhere, a season 4 came, and it ate some ass before it rolled out. and EVEN MORE new characters, such as an annoying ass bracelet 'Bracelety' , a edgy light switch 'Liy' , a nail that thinks her mouth is a cat 'Naily' , a bitchy 'Lollipop', a Bag filled with Rocky's vomit named 'Barf Bag', a "Fan" who hates everything named 'Fanny', a Number-Screaming 'Saw', an Australian accented 'Tree', and a retarded 'Marker'. We also have flirting. Whoopee. And it started because some stupid flower wanted cyanide, and the most unfair part is that the stupid flower won the season after a British, green, smallest prime number caused the disgraceful split. Oh, and there was also this cuboid guy named Loser who sounds like he is still only 6 years old...oh wait, that's the Jell-O guy from Season 2. His name is fitting because he was eliminated on Episode 7, and now everyone hates him. But suddenly, just 8 episodes later, he's already back and people forgive him. Yeah...he got out a few episodes into post-split BFB.
Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two[edit | edit source]
Season 5 was introduced by some idiot named Two (who has a British accent) for the sole purpose of ruining BFB. They took 40 of the contestants and never appeared on BFB again, leaving only 14, plus two more debuts for TPOT. The very next episode added yet another contestant on their own team soley because they were simply late to the party. Eventually, the cast size will get so bloated that we're left with four times the size of the BFB cast before any of this "TPOT" shit happened.
Fanbase[edit | edit source]
Leaving a permanent mark on the internet, the fanbase has started to decline a bit in recent years, but at the same time, getting even more annoying. We have those cringe “OCs”, inflation, vore, straight up porn within the fifth image of a Google image search, and hooliganistic behavior on Wikipedia; pretty much anything you can get away with. Or that you technically can't get away with. Most of the time it's just the gross 5 year olds who's mommies let them use their iPad. The other side of the fanbase is a lot more tolerable.
People in the fandom[edit | edit source]
So, with all the popularity of BFDI, there are so many people on there these are the examples:
- Normal person: Keep doing the same as the creators. Only that.
- Female people: (Because female people don't count as normal) Female people on internet was always a problem because of R34 and posting shit. They keep using the Gen Alpha humor lots of times like if it's okay.
- Crazy People: They are SOOOOOOOOO weird. They are the R34 artists
(why do they heaven try to do two alive objects on sex)just about to do shit and traumatize young people. - Shippers: The ones that have the amazing idea of "HEY! These two are pretty cute near to each other, what about we make fan arts of them in love?~"
Object Shows[edit | edit source]
With BFDI's popularity, of course we will have lots of copies of it, here are some examples of copies:
- Inanimate Insanity: The most famous copy of BFDI, hosted by a phone, giving more focus on Total Drama Island, but it don't pass of a copy 10x worse and unfair.
- Animatic Battle: A copy of the 4th season of BFB, but there almost all characters are non-binary, genderless or another gender that isn't male or female, for some reason, the host is a ball with the Finland flag.
- Object Filler: A joke show where it's pretty poorly thanks for the creators of the show.
- The Daily Object Show: The object show where every day has a episode, one day, one episode, next day, other episode, the creator was to bored so he made it.
- hfjONE:They can't even compete in this one, it’s a non competition guys.
- Object Terror: This object show should belong on [adult swim], because, HOW ARE THE OBJECTS EVEN WITH BLOOD!?
- BURNER: A series animated by Sacri. They live in a orange block.
- The Five Secondly Object Show: Another series by Sacri. This time, he shows that is able to do a episode every 5 seconds(is he thinking he is flash?)
- Veggietales: If we accept that object shows are series where alive objects are on there, we can confirm that, Veggietales is a object show, even though, Veggietales is older than the own BFDI.
- Annoying Orange: The first object show made in real life.
- Object Idiot: an object show by who add this part, don't watch, it's Brainrot for some reason, the host is Bouquet from the second object show we mentioned this part.
- Battle For Circle: They are literally battling for a circle and everyone is a circle. Does this even count? This show was made by the damn creators of the show we listed 3rd. No more questions
Summary[edit | edit source]
All in all, it meant good, but ended up bringing just another thing to make fun of here at Uncyclopedia, where we make references half the time people don't understand.