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2009[edit | edit source]
{{subst:<dpl> linksto=Template:FA/2009 reset=all includepage={FA}:date ordermethod=title columns=3 rowcolformat=class=dpl-3-column mode=userformat listseparators=,\n* [[%PAGE%]],, secseparators= ''({{#time:j F|,}})'' allowcachedresults=true </dpl>}}
2008[edit | edit source]
- A Guide to Snark Hunting - An Edwardian Gentlemen's Companion (16 October)
- A bunch of aristocrats fucking. Awesome vid (3 January)
- A-level (3 November)
- Academia (4 January)
- Al Capone (20 April)
- Alien vs. Predator (11 January)
- All of the Above (10 March)
- America (2 March)
- America is the best!!! (15 June)
- American Dream (24 March)
- Andy Rooney (28 November)
- Ant (12 April)
- Are you colour-blind? (24 September)
- Art That Looks Like Nothing (18 August)
- Awkward Conversation (23 July)
- BBC Wireless 4 (27 November)
- Bacon and Cheese Sandwich of 1905 (8 January)
- Battle of the Sexes (16 April)
- Battleship Potemkin (19 May)
- Begging the question (28 August)
- Break Up Letter (14 January)
- Bubble Wrap (4 June)
- Bucephalus (2 October)
- Campaign Leaflet (14 April)
- Canadians: A Retrospective (30 November)
- Cell biologists are cooler than molecular biologists (14 October)
- Charles Lindbergh (9 March)
- Cis-zeatin O-beta-D-glucosyltransferase (6 June)
- Color Me Badd (10 September)
- Conservapedia (14 March)
- Consolation Prize (17 June)
- Creepy (29 October)
- Creepy guy who lives across the street (20 October)
- Custom Degrees (9 May)
- Cyanide (27 April)
- David Bowie (9 July)
- Defender of the Clown (8 May)
- Democrazy (21 May)
- Dishwasher (8 June)
- Double Entendre (27 September)
- Drugs (28 March)
- Dude (19 February)
- EPIC FAIL! (13 February)
- Edward the Gibbon (25 March)
- Enid Blyton (5 November)
- Erogenous Zones and Difficulties in Overcoming Finding Them (24 June)
- Eurovision Song Contest (24 May)
- Everything is great (4 August)
- Examples of Bias in Conservapedia (3 March)
- Faggot (6 October)
- Ferdinand von Zeppelin (18 May)
- File 8AO4F: The God Case (4 March)
- Fish Puns (24 October)
- Fourth Wall (20 June)
- France (8 October)
- Fuck the world (7 June)
- G Rated Talking Animal Movie (5 April)
- Game:Oliver Twist (10 May)
- Gemini (6 September)
- Gerry Cheevers (7 October)
- Get Some Mortgage (4 October)
- Getting pushed into bananas (Mario Kart) (19 August)
- Goldfish (26 September)
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears (13 July)
- Golf War (13 December)
- Grim Reaper (21 October)
- Guinness Brewmasters (23 June)
- Harry S. Truman (23 May)
- Hillyard & Brickman Corporation (30 March)
- Hippies (4 July)
- Homing pigeon (31 March)
- Hong Kong Feng Shui (28 January)
- Horatio Hornblower (11 March)
- Hot indiscriminate sex (18 July)
- How To:Survive a Japanese Game Show (30 August)
- HowTo:Be A Supervillain (18 September)
- HowTo:Become Stupid in 21 days (26 April)
- HowTo:Boil an egg (22 September)
- HowTo:Drive a train (16 September)
- HowTo:Get Around In A Fighting Tournament (30 June)
- HowTo:Hear a Picture (5 January)
- HowTo:Hotwire a car (20 September)
- HowTo:Learn Guitar (22 July)
- HowTo:Love me (15 November)
- HowTo:Mail a Letter (1 January)
- HowTo:Play the Skin Flute (31 January)
- HowTo:Pronounce Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (2 June)
- HowTo:Rob A Bank With Your Penis (12 October)
- HowTo:Show your appreciation for the band Led Zeppelin (20 March)
- HowTo:Turn Your Terminator On (3 August)
- HowTo:Win an Argument (26 October)
- HowTo:Write A Funny Band Article (14 June)
- HowTo:Write An Article That Stands No Chance Of Featuring On Uncyclopedia (4 September)
- HowTo:Write the Great American Novel (19 July)
- Humanity: A Retrospective (12 January)
- Hyperdrinking (21 March)
- I don't appreciate your attitude towards my potato chip situation (9 January)
- I lost your pet ferret (21 February)
- If you loved THAT, you’ll love THIS (17 February)
- Igor (20 December)
- In Confidence We Walk: Upton Sinclair's Keynote Speech to the National Writer's Consortium, 1943 (1 March)
- Insomnia (6 July)
- Interpretive Death (29 September)
- Iron Maiden (18 December)
- Isaac Newton (26 August)
- J'accuzzi (27 October)
- Japanese High Schools (13 June)
- Jerry Falwell (15 May)
- Jew Claw (2 August)
- Jimmy the Cowboy (27 December)
- Just pennies a day (23 February)
- Kitty porn (30 May)
- Lake Spooky (27 March)
- Laura Ingalls Wilder (3 September)
- Lewd Acts of the Apostles (14 August)
- List of people you do not want to come face to face with in a narrow hallway (26 March)
- Lysol (20 August)
- MSN Messenger's Guide to Manners, Proper Behavior and Slapstick (2 May)
- Main Page (1 April)
- March of the Penguin Brothers (24 February)
- Marie Curie (22 February)
- Marijuana (28 October)
- Megadeth (16 August)
- Melville the One Trick Pony (24 July)
- Michael Bay (13 November)
- Miles Davis (13 May)
- Misquoting Jesus (13 April)
- Mordor Jalapenos (5 May)
- Mousetrap (25 September)
- Much Ado About Nothing (26 January)
- NASA (23 October)
- Necrophiliphobia (15 July)
- Observational Comedy (7 November)
- Otter (15 April)
- Pacific War (24 January)
- Paradise Inc. (29 April)
- Paris Hilton (18 March)
- Pawnography (16 December)
- Perfect Disaster (10 June)
- Physics Act of 1707 (24 August)
- Physics doesn't exist, it's all about Gnomes (9 December)
- Playstation 4 (17 August)
- Please delete this page (2 October)
- Polish Inquisition (29 February)
- Pond Whales (5 August)
- Pontius Pilates (22 October)
- Pop Bomb (9 June)
- Pre-Market Economy (7 May)
- Prince and the Revolution (11 April)
- Pripyat River (15 August)
- Public service announcement (3 June)
- Pyromaniac (4 May)
- Rafael Nadal (2 October)
- Rashōmon (17 October)
- Regent University (14 September)
- Robert Mugabe (26 July)
- Robin Hood (9 August)
- Romance novel (5 December)
- Rough Pubs (14 February)
- Royal Pointless Military Things Tournament (25 April)
- Rule of Three (9 October)
- Sania Mirza (22 August)
- Sarah Plain and Tall (7 August)
- Scat (14 May)
- Schindler's Listcruft (12 July)
- Scrawlings of The Artist as a Young Drunk (22 March)
- Selective Inbreeding (15 March)
- Spontaneous Combustion (21 July)
- Star Wars (Japanese Opera) (28 May)
- Status Quo (21 April)
- Stoner High School (2 April)
- Superannuation (1 August)
- Taft Punk (30 July)
- Thanks for buying our product! Now, fuck you. (29 July)
- The Bunfight at the OK Corral (18 October)
- The Critique of Pure Reason (21 September)
- The Daily Show (30 April)
- The Dog Dies at the End (3 May)
- The Gathering Horror (21 August)
- The Incredible Adventures of MS PAINTMAN! (19 September)
- The Men in Blood-Stained Overcoats Who Stay Out of Sight, Waiting For Just the Right Moment (5 October)
- The Millennium (22 December)
- The Muffin Man (23 March)
- The Old Country (16 June)
- The Phallic School of Architecture (21 June)
- The Pun Invasion of Uncyclopedia (11 September)
- The Siege of Bordeaux (28 February)
- The white guy in All-4-One (1 June)
- Thermopylae (18 January)
- Thomas Aquinas (29 January)
- Thomas Hardy (2 January)
- Thou (2 July)
- Threads Of Our Existence: Excerpts From the Secret Writing Journal Of F. Scott Fitzgerald (23 April)
- Titshugger Penishead McFucknutter (16 March)
- Tony Visconti (28 April)
- Traditional Values (26 June)
- Truthful Vending GmbH (18 February)
- Turing Duck Test (11 June)
- Two Humps (16 July)
- UnBooks:A Day In The Life Of A Redirect (10 July)
- UnBooks:A Story, About a Man, that Comes to an Eventual Conclusion (14 July)
- UnBooks:An Uncyc Ban Diary (13 October)
- UnBooks:Backstreet Abortionist's Handbook (20 July)
- UnBooks:Beep (10 August)
- UnBooks:Captain's Blog (27 August)
- UnBooks:Fischer Price (21 January)
- UnBooks:Frédéric Chopin's Guide to Better Lawn Care (5 September)
- UnBooks:Gone With d' Wind (15 February)
- UnBooks:Great Abridged Literature (21 November)
- UnBooks:Ill Met By Moonlight (7 July)
- UnBooks:James Brown's Chicken Soup for the Soul (30 January)
- UnBooks:Life as a 4⅝ Year Old (25 February)
- UnBooks:My New Life as a T-Rex (5 June)
- UnBooks:Official Informational Guide to the 2008 Beijing Olympics Games (6 March)
- UnBooks:One Hundred and Seventy Three Haikus About Stuff; Mostly Office Supplies (Annotated And Abridged) (8 July)
- UnBooks:Polar Express (11 October)
- UnBooks:Ronnie James Dio's Big Book of Nursery Rhymes (1 October)
- UnBooks:Surgical Phone (22 January)
- UnBooks:Tarquin Middleton: My Battle with Depression. (11 May)
- UnBooks:The Frogs (6 August)
- UnBooks:The Last Little Pig (7 April)
- UnBooks:The Night I Slept with Björk (3 July)
- UnBooks:The Tale of Captain Petey Widdershanks Blunderbub Shaleweather Monkeyturtle Johansen III, Buccaneer Extraordinaire (13 March)
- UnBooks:The True Story of: Jimmy and the aliens; based on a true story (7 March)
- UnBooks:The secret diary of Andrew Murray, aged 20¾ (29 June)
- UnBooks:Travel Guide For All Countries (5 March)
- UnBooks:USA ROCKS! (1 May)
- UnBooks:Vincent Van Gogh's Things To Do on a Rainy Afternoon (6 January)
- UnBooks:Who Killed God? (8 September)
- UnLegends:The Land Where The Sun Shines Not (6 May)
- UnMovie Review: The Dark Knight (7 September)
- UnMysteries:A Tissue Of Lies (28 July)
- UnNews:"Hungry Hungry Hippos" celebrates anniversary (8 April)
- UnNews:"WWJD?" leads to unfortunate end for local layabout (19 November)
- UnNews:Aftershock from Chinese earthquake knocks over American glass of water in "major tragedy" (29 May)
- UnNews:Apocalypse-expecting cultists come out from cave (17 May)
- UnNews:Area 51 opened to public (29 August)
- UnNews:Astronauts starting to suspect no one is coming for them (23 November)
- UnNews:Cancer is racist (11 November)
- UnNews:Corrections (30 September)
- UnNews:Dewey Defeats Obama (9 November)
- UnNews:Galactic Empire raises terror alert level to orange (25 August)
- UnNews:God Rewrites the Bible (1 September)
- UnNews:I have taken hostages (13 August)
- UnNews:Infomercial finally convinces area man to pick up phone, call now (25 October)
- UnNews:Irish voters get it all wrong (18 June)
- UnNews:Joe Schmidt "only good driver in the world!" (18 April)
- UnNews:John McCain calls for War on Bears (15 September)
- UnNews:Man forgets 9-11 (12 August)
- UnNews:Massive stadium brawl breaks out over contemporary solipsist philosophy (6 April)
- UnNews:Militant atheist decides her car keys never existed (7 December)
- UnNews:Movie character fails to heed helpful advice (3 October)
- UnNews:Nature Now Rated NC-17 (25 June)
- UnNews:New Range of Low-Tech Personal Music Players Released (31 December)
- UnNews:OJ Simpson found guilty, sentenced to fifteen years in a resort hotel (29 December)
- UnNews:Obama selects cabinet, still undecided on bookshelf and coffee table (3 December)
- UnNews:PBS facing lawsuit after The Count's televised drunken profanity (19 June)
- UnNews:Presidential candidates devote all remaining funds to one voter (19 October)
- UnNews:Scientists devote massive funds from cancer research to production of an 'orgasmatron' (8 August)
- UnNews:Six Flags to sell severed legs in gift shop (20 January)
- UnNews:Something Wicked This Way Comes (24 April)
- UnNews:Strange "white stuff" falls from sky, America baffled (13 January)
- UnNews:Study reveals 1 in 4 teen girls has an STD; America congratulates teen boys on sexual exploits (17 March)
- UnNews:Survey on apathy cancelled due to lack of interest (12 March)
- UnNews:The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants angry about misrepresentation in movie (23 September)
- UnNews:Tobacco picketing found to be addictive (7 January)
- UnNews:Washed Up 70's Rock Band touring to promote new album (16 May)
- UnNews:Would-be-hero fatally defeated by common slime (1 July)
- UnNews:You Are Reading This Headline; About To Click On It (27 January)
- UnNews:Your family died (27 June)
- UnPoetia:Show Me Your Tits! (16 January)
- UnScripts: Genesis, Episode II: In the Garden of Eden (31 July)
- UnScripts:All Mixed Up (27 May)
- UnScripts:Average Cop (4 April)
- UnScripts:Grass in the Mist II (25 January)
- UnScripts:Heinous Dan (17 April)
- UnScripts:Noah's Ark (8 March)
- UnScripts:The JFK Shootout of 1963 (26 February)
- UnScripts:The Symposium (17 September)
- UnScripts:To'Romisha (10 April)
- UnTunes:Bobby Brown Goes Down (PMRC Edition) (28 September)
- UnTunes:I Am The Very Model of a Crazy Fundamentalist (17 January)
- UnTunes:Monkeys and Footballs (27 July)
- UnTunes:White trash girl (12 September)
- Uncyclopedia Health Service (16 February)
- Uncyclopedia:No Reading Articles (3 April)
- Unidentified man in green firing turret (25 May)
- United Nations Charter (19 January)
- Universe (musical) (2 September)
- Use a Coaster! (26 May)
- User:Argo v8.2/1984 Front Page (1 April)
- User:Lyletron (1 April)
- User:MrCleveland (2 October)
- User:Ninja Man/main (1 April)
- Veteran (31 May)
- Virginia Tech Massacre (10 October)
- Voter Information for the 2008 US Presidential Election (23 August)
- Walpurgis Night (11 August)
- What Would Jesus Do? (11 July)
- Why?:Am I a Power Ranger? (13 September)
- Why?:Blame Hitler (20 May)
- Why?:Burn a Furby? (22 April)
- Why?:Buy a Cereal-o-Matic (19 April)
- Why?:Do I Like Tango and Cash? (25 November)
- Why?:Do I have a drug dealer on my buddy list? (9 April)
- Why?:Does Christopher Meloni not have an emmy yet? (20 February)
- Why?:Don't You have a Girlfriend Yet? (31 August)
- Why?:Eat your broccoli (17 July)
- Why?:Get a tattoo of a tarantula on your face (27 February)
- Why?:Have Humongous Breasts (23 January)
- Why?:Is There a Moose On This Plane? (17 November)
- Why?:Save the mooses? (10 January)
- Why?:Take Your Fish To Work (29 March)
- Why?:Trade Your Family's Only Cow For Magic Beans (22 May)
- Why?:Use a wooden condom (12 January)
- Why?:Won't that damn CD player play my vinyls? (12 June)
- William Gladstone (5 July)
- World War IV (12 May)
- ☃ (24 December)