Keep |
Keep. There are no problems with the actual content of the article as far as I know. Just to put it out there: I came up with "CADMIUM!" on my own to serve as a joke on the article. It has nothing to do with anything actually going on in the school as far as I know.Loopygrumpkins 01:06, March 26, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. I don't have any issues with it. —Paizuri MUN (Talk • Contribs • Poll!) 01:25, 26 March 2010 (UTC)
Keep. As mentioned by Loopygrumpkins, there are no problems with the actual content and I had never heard of "CADMIUM!" until I read the latest version. As Spike has pointed out oh-so-kindly to us, we are competent writers, good at coding an article, and have read HTBFANJS. It sounds like with those combined, it should be a great article--and I think the humor in it is funny no matter if you go to the school or not. Some content is based on the fact, but other information, since few would know, is made up but still hilarious. I would see no reason to delete it just because Spike advised us that articles such as these end up on this list. Billobob 03:08, March 26, 2010 (UTC)
- Keep But you kids, one of you at least take some control of the page and make sure that there are no real names used of any person, that nothing on the page demeans anyone at your school, and, well, you can guess the rest. Fuck up on this task and your page will getting huffed, for sure, if it doesn't get huffed by VFD. All that said, nice work on the article, it's a very full piece. Please consider adding to other pages or writing on a new topic. Aleister in Chains 3:49 26 3 mmx
Keep. It's specific but it's not bad. UN:CM is a guideline that we can show to noobs to explain why their arbicle about their best friend Jake was deleted. The actual rules, however, allow articles as long as they're (a) funny and (b) not abusive. This manages to be mildly amusing, despite the fact that I can't tell this school from a hole in the ground. --Pleb SYNDROME CUN medicate (butt poop!!!!) 02:41, March 27, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. One of the better school articles I've seen around here. Could use some pruning though. —Sir Socky (talk) (stalk) GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 15:13, 27 March 2010
- I've done a great deal of editing and adding, it may be in better shape now with more to go. Aleister in Chains 13:42 28 3 mmx
Delete |
Delete. These two kids are competent writers, good at coding an article, and one has even read UN:HTBFANJS. But I've advised them, on the article's talk page, that articles such as this one about their middle school in Cedarburg, Wisconsin inevitably wind up on VFD. They went away for two weeks, but one is now back--seems that someone at school has grown fond of the exclamation, CADMIUM!--the latest of many inside jokes to be preserved for posterity. Spıke ¬ 00:35 26-Mar-10
Delete. UN:CM - if the article were changed to be about a semi-fictional school, or as a reflection on school in general, it would be worth a weak keep, but it needs funnying up as well. Puppy Friday, 06:55, Mar 26 2010 UTC
Delete. per above. --Mn-z 07:10, March 26, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Vanity I am afraid. It is also one of those articles that will be impossible to improve/edit as only the authors know where the jokes lie buried. It also has some classic randumbo to boot:Webster Transitional School was established as a school for Nazi Zombies in 1944, in an attempt by Hitler to take over the United States of America from the inside. Crap copybook standard for this type of thing. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 07:52, March 26, 2010 (UTC)
- uh i don't really care uh huh huh huh huh huh --Roman Dog Bird 16:01, March 26, 2010 (UTC)
- Weak delete. Well written at least, and I think the two writers should go write something that isn't vanity.—Sir ¬_¬ | Banter HOMOPHOBE!!!
NOTM 06:12, March 28, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Per Romartus, he hits the nail on the head in my opinion. --ChiefjusticePS3 21:51, March 29, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. This is getting annoying. --Pleb SYNDROME CUN medicate (butt poop!!!!) 22:08, March 29, 2010 (UTC)
Comments |
- Previously mentioned in the Poopsmith's Lounge. Spıke ¬ 00:35 26-Mar-10
- I propose instead of condemning this article to deletion, some of the people who want to see it deleted should try to improve it first. I believe that if people who know nothing about the school at all contributed to the article, it could be funnier because other editors may not have the bias that Billobob or myself have. For more, see the "Deletion" section of Webster Transitional School's discussion page. Loopygrumpkins 17:29, March 26, 2010 (UTC)
- How can we possibly write about something that we don't know about? It would be just randumb nonsense. --Pleb SYNDROME CUN medicate (butt poop!!!!) 02:44, March 27, 2010 (UTC)
- I do that all the time - but why would I rewrite this when I don't think it has a lot of promise to begin with? Puppy Saturday, 07:36, Mar 27 2010 UTC
- I've done a good editing and some rewrite of most sections, more to go. Not a bad article at all, and maybe even a VFG page in its future. Al en'chain 13:45 28 3 mmx
- I don't mean to seem whiny, but could people please stop suggesting that I work on something else. I take great offense at that seeing as in the two months and four days since I first edited, I've majorly edited (as in practically rewritten) five articles, not including this one which is being considered for deletion. I've also created three other articles and made quite a few smaller edits to sections on many other pages. Since I don't spend every waking second of my life on this website, I wouldn't consider that focusing solely on one topic. Loopygrumpkins 18:25, March 28, 2010 (UTC)
- Four paragraphs up, you had no trouble telling all the article's detractors what we should work on. But all the editing help Aleister can give will not make this an article of general interest. It will remain an article about a middle school that has jocks, nerds, gamers, and a seemingly dictatorial administration, as though it were the only one. Users are directing you to useful work to extend hospitality to you--and are getting drama in return. Spıke ¬ 23:34 28-Mar-10
- Spike, seriously, just because you happened to stumble upon our article DOES NOT mean you have any kind of authority over it. Really, we already spent our time on it, and it seems your only argument is that it is something that few people will care about. Well, take a look at the schools category on here, and go complain about EVERY SINGLE random page about a school. Billobob 02:13, March 29, 2010 (UTC)
- Uh, he never said he had authority over it. He's a vigilant user who reported it to VFD for being vanity. As I said on the talk page, you're lucky, some might have QVFD'd it. And thanks for the advice, I might go do that myself. (Sorry about getting into your business, I just had to say it)—Sir ¬_¬ | Banter HOMOPHOBE!!!
NOTM 02:37, March 29, 2010 (UTC)
- Of course I'm the one responding with... DRAMA! And yet that response included the "Oh, but we're just humble people trying to help you" act. I just meant that maybe you should actually look into a subject before you make suggestions that could very eaasily be taken the wrong way. And what does hospitality have anything to with this? Loopygrumpkins 02:50, March 29, 2010 (UTC)
- Okay, calm down, people. The article is obviously gonna be kept, so let's all just...CALM THE FUCK DOWN. —Paizuri MUN (Talk • Contribs • Poll!) 02:53, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
- I'd also like to add that I didn't mean "You have no other work so go die noob!" I meant "OK, so you should just let this go and work on something else."—Sir ¬_¬ | Banter HOMOPHOBE!!!
NOTM 23:46, March 28, 2010 (UTC)
- I see that in Loopygrumpkins's time here, he has read our policies as well as writing. "Work on something else" means "you're done with this", not "you're a horrible person for not doing anything else". --Pleb SYNDROME CUN medicate (butt poop!!!!) 22:08, March 29, 2010 (UTC)
- No consensus after over a week. Keeperised. --UU - natter
10:15, Apr 6