Category:United States
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I WANT come into my country illegally, en masse. Go ahead, take our jobs instead of us shipping them to you, and NEVER become Americans. Your kind shall overcrowd our land and overwhelm our public social services paid by our taxpaying legal citizens. We need MAS immigrantes. VIVA LA RAZA, ASI. !VIVA MEXICO! ARRIBA!
- This is a category page. You might be looking for United States of America instead. Or not.
This category has the following 22 subcategories, out of 22 total.
- Democrats (United States) (2 P)
- Maps of the United States (2 F)
- Mueller investigation (14 P)
Pages in category "United States"
The following 165 pages are in this category, out of 165 total.
- UnNews:All clear after suspicious ink pen disposed
- UnNews:All other states to follow in the footsteps of CalExit, want to leave US as well
- AMC Matador
- UnNews:America loses as courts foolishly overturn Trump's travel ban
- American Empire
- UnNews:Americans preparing for Independence Day
- UnNews:Apple plans electric religion
- Area 51
- Arizona
- UnNews:Auction of purported Gipper poop canceled
- UnNews:Barbara Bush dies at 92
- UnNews:Biden apologizes for forgetting about Ukraine
- UnNews:Biden drops out, Harris now worth something
- UnNews:Bill Clinton’s name in geriatrophilic ho pimp’s diary
- UnNews:Bird lovers plan same-sex “oral-day” at Chick-fil-A
- UnNews:Bitches just won't shut up
- UnNews:Bogus hooker sells sex in Mississippi
- UnNews:Border separation: Don't be fooled by Trump executive order
- UnNews:Britain threatens to revoke independence if Trump wins election
- UnNews:British Peace Officers to be Armed with Fortnite Shock Hammers.
- UnNews:Bush blames Barney for Iraq war decision
- UnNews:California Stupidity Hits Biggest Level in Nearly 40 Years
- User:Cassie/SOPA
- UnNews:Christina Chandler announces her candidacy
- UnNews:Cleopatra investigation pending toxicology results
- UnNews:Colombia Protests Exclusion from Eurovision; USA Joins in Support
- Colony of America
- UnNews:Comedian faces backlash
- Confederation of British America
- UnNews:Congress votes to trademark 'United States of America'
- UnNews:Conspiracy Theory Conspiracies Ministry axes Alex Jones
- UnNews:Countries Unveil Breakfast Cereal Plan
- Death to America
- Denny's
- UnNews:Dihydrogen monoxide also found in W. Virginia water
- UnNews:DMV style compromise reached on gun control
- UnNews:Donald Trump declares Space Force
- UnNews:Donald Trump facing impeachment after GOP is assaulted by barrage of stonefruit in House of Representatives
- UnNews:Drunk pink elephant sees man at New Years' party
- UnNews:Hasidic NYPD recruit says she was fired over beard length
- UnNews:Hillbilly first man to touch rainbow
- History of the United States
- UnNews:Homeopathic terrorists launch assault on US economy
- UnNews:Hundreds of Patients Stuck in Oregon Hospital Beds
- UnNews:Hurricane Sandy diverts attention from election
- User:Hypster/SOPA
- Nantucket
- UnNews:Neil Young to premiere porno at SXSW
- UnNews:Net Neutrality dies at the hands of FCC in 3-2 vote
- UnNews:New safe ammo dampens gun debate
- UnNews:News media silent on Russian Embassy incident
- UnNews:North Carolina honors wounded warriors with VIP parking
- UnNews:North Korea uses starvation to power centrifuges; nuke expected in 45 minutes
- UnNews:Now, read the Schiff memo
- UnNews:Obama chides Romney on dick size
- UnNews:Obama draws rebuke from Netanyahu over Iran speech to Knesset
- UnNews:Obama forced to weigh in on Christie-Connie spat
- UnNews:Obama promises to climb every fiscal mountain to fix America
- UnNews:Obama to close Gitmo by drone striking it
- UnNews:Our newest political-lobbyist is a primitive sea sponge
- UnNews:Pact with Satan ends fiscal cliff woes
- UnNews:Palestine dilemma: suicide or surfing
- UnNews:Pele to blow up Kilauea over political concerns
- User:PF4Eva/UnNews:Neil Young to premiere porno at SXSW
- UnNews:Photographer had bottoms up view of nuclear blast
- UnNews:Photon wins Boston Marathon
- Planet Earth 3
- UnNews:Police arrest suspect for PCP thought crime
- UnNews:President invokes Executive Cover-up to protect guilty Negro from Racism
- UnNews:Prof sues law school for bias against conservatives
- UnNews:Punxsutawney Phil predicts: "I'll see you all in hell"
- UnNews:Read the Nunes memo
- UnNews:Regulators seek to make air travel deadlier
- UnNews:Republican Presidential Candidate Eagle Calls Democrat Vice-Presidential Nominee Animal "Unhinged"
- UnNews:Republicans pin blame for storm on Obama
- UnNews:Rick Scarborough to Unleash Jesus
- UnNews:Riots and protests virtually ignored by Fox News
- UnNews:Russia meddles in Fox's 'The Four' singing competition
- UnNews:Russian children saved from hell
- UnNews:Russian warships, bases in Mexico worry US officials
- UnNews:Sally Yates testifies in Trump-Russia investigation
- UnNews:San Diego, California Prepares for Annual 'Festival of Boobies'
- UnNews:Sanctimonious taunted at South Carolina gay bar
- UnNews:Shortest fireworks show ever!
- User:SilentConsole/United Spades of Amerika
- Skibidi coup
- Space Race
- UnNews:Steve Bannon gone, returns to Breitbart
- UnNews:Stormy Monday News: Who's charged with what in Mueller investigation
- UnNews:Super Bout: McCain vs. Putin – who is ducking who?
- UnNews:The ambitious plan to build Star Trek's Enterprise
- UnNews:The American Civil War Is Imminent – All Because of Swifties
- The Popularity of War
- UnNews:Thirteen Russks, whattaya get?
- UnNews:Timewarp reveals Ahmedinejad future
- UnNews:Trump admits "candidacy" was gonzo marketing for Adult Swim
- UnNews:Trump claims toilets don't suck enough, vows to deregulate
- UnNews:Trump does something stupid yet again
- UnNews:Trump fires James Comey
- UnNews:Trump is the best thing to happen to America
- UnNews:Trump presidency just a dream, George W. Bush still president
- UnNews:Trump wanted Mueller fired in June; WH counsel threatened to quit
- UnNews:Trump's election win proven illegitimate
- UnNews:U.S. warns Gerard Depardieu: Stay out of our elections
- UnNews:Uncyclopedia to be preserved in the Library of Congress
- United States Capitol
- United States of Tyranny and Dictators
- UnNews:United States prepares to invade Mexico
- United States presidential election, 2020
- UnNews:US Attorney General refuses to prosecute self for contempt
- UnNews:US denies raucous bomb attack on Iran unclear scientist
- UnNews:US false flag warning level extreme
- UnNews:US national debt is owed to whom?
- UnNews:US to invade Syria just to show it can
- UnNews:Was 9/11 an outside job?
- UnNews:Washington lauds valiant Syrian terrorists
- UnNews:We need to talk about border separation
- UnNews:We sit down with President Biden, and the results will surprise you
- We Were Soldiers
- UnNews:Weird Super Bowl delays power outage
- UnNews:White House bans UnNews from briefing
- UnNews:Why we need a special prosecutor in Trump-Russia mess
- UnNews:Windows 8 baffles users; but, screw 'em!
Media in category "United States"
The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.
- 35 STAR US FLAG.gif 368 × 221; 2 KB
- ArizonaSign.png 1,044 × 746; 777 KB
- BigBeautifulWall.jpg 640 × 631; 133 KB
- Eye Beam Bus.JPG 1,500 × 600; 162 KB
- Flag of the United States.svg 1,330 × 700; 4 KB
- Map of USA with county outlines.jpg 774 × 504; 104 KB
- Octa nabi.PNG 796 × 236; 25 KB