User talk:Zombiebaron/archive21
![]() | This page is an archive. The contents have been moved from another page for reference purposes only, and should be preserved in their current form. Discussion or voting on this page is not current. Any additions you make will probably not be read. The current version of this page can be found at User talk:Zombiebaron. |
Sienna Miller
"Total crap" - you are right. However, it was still funnier and less crap than a number of live articles on Uncyclopedia. Please can you reinstate it? It can and should be regarded as valid commentary on this rather pointless lady who claims to be a famous actress. For me, the answer to 'I'm Sienna Miller the famous actress', will always be 'I'm Dan Kovacs and I'm for real.' Phosgene 00:09, 4 July 2008 (UTC)
- Despite the fact that you appear to agree that the page was "complete crap" (not "total"), I have nevertheless recreated it for you where nobody else will (hopefully) find it. As to your point about other "live articles": I suggest that you list all such pages here (under your own heading), and I will individually deal with every article that you list. -- The Zombiebaron 00:31, 4 July 2008 (UTC)
- Thanks, Zombiebaron, that's much appreciated. I did restore the content, with a minor edit or two, as -- and I gather I do not see eye-to-eye with some people on this site -- it seems to me that humour is very subjective. One man's poison, etc., which is why I am not planning on drawing up a list of pages. Some people might think such pages are brilliant. In Wikiland, it is for the audience to decide, isn't it, and then edit to make better if that seems appropriate? If that's not the not the reality, I can't see the point as that is the stated aim! Phosgene 01:32, 6 July 2008 (UTC)
- Oh, of course. Its just that sometimes when I ask people to draw up such a list, they actually find some terrible pages that somehow slipped by our quality control team. As this is a wiki, we would like everybody's input on such matters. That's why we have VFD (and VFH and VFP, for that matter). And yes, humour is very subjective - in the eye of the beholder and all that - and if you feel that something is funny and has been wrongfully deleted, make sure that you speak up and make sure your opinion on the matter is heard (as you did in order to get Sienna Miller saved). -- The Zombiebaron 17:55, 6 July 2008 (UTC)
Nice job killing my list of VFD candidates.
Here's to "vigilance"! They would've all been killed anyway. --MegaPleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 20:46, 3 July 2008 (UTC)
- It's the Snowball Clause, my dear lad. "If a page has not a snowball's chance in hell of making it through a voting process, don't bother with the voting". -- The Zombiebaron 20:51, 3 July 2008 (UTC)
- That's why you're one of my favourite admins. --MegaPleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 20:57, 3 July 2008 (UTC)
Trying to sneak up on us eh? MrN 19:57, Jul 3
- Didn't notice it until you pointed out to me. I guess this is the closest I'll get to bot status (despite me frequent requests for such status). -- The Zombiebaron 20:01, 3 July 2008 (UTC)
Link to article
SPON – Preceding unsigned comment added by Darth Lithuania (talk • contribs)
- Alright. I've brought the article back. It does, however, still require Its rather ugly. Therefore, I have placed a {{ugly}} tag on the article. When you feel that the article is no longer painful to look at remove the {{ugly}} yourself. If you don't remove the tag, and the page goes unedited for 30 days, the article may be deleted again. And by "may", I mean "will". -- The Zombiebaron 23:33, 1 July 2008 (UTC)
Bring back?
Heya i understand that you huffed the article SPON. Could ya please bring it back?I mean i worked hard on it and it progressed from having a few sentances and nothing to a tiny article that had some value to it...Also i thought that we where supposed to wait for the ICU time to expire so it could be approved...Not huffed. In otherwords i worked very hard on this article so can you bring it back please? – Preceding unsigned comment added by Darth Lithuania (talk • contribs)
- You'll need to link me to the article. You can create links by typing something like "[[User:Zombiebaron]]" (except, of course, you'd put the name of your article that you want me to bring back inside the square brackets). -- The Zombiebaron 19:13, 30 June 2008 (UTC)
Adam and Eve
I'm in an edit war with someone who won, "Wanker of the Month" over my article, Adam and Eve. Please sort this out before one or both of us gets banned under the 3 reverts rule. I'm not eating vanilla ice cream. If I were I wouldn't admit it. Proxima Centauri
- See my post at User talk:Jack Phoenix for my reasoning. To Zombiebaron, please see this and this. Unsolicited conversation Extravagant beauty PEEING 17:33, 26 June 2008 (UTC)
- I have no idea what you're talking about, but I think that Mordillo probably sorted it out. And if he didn't, he will. So there. -- The Zombiebaron 14:22, 27 June 2008 (UTC)
A nice thing
So yeah, I don't check the WotM page every day, and nipped in there today as I was passing, and I see several vote comments, but the one that catches my eye is yours. I dunno why, but it felt kinda unexpected in a good way, you know what I mean? I don't normally thank people for ...otM votes, what with one thing and another, but that really cheered me up when I was in a stinkingly foul mood this morning, and so for that and many other reasons, I give you a template to go with the many others placed upon this talk page over the years. Cheers, man! --UU - natter 20:33, Jun 23
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Woo! Yay, go you! Under User has decided that you are "quite a decent sort", which is apparently one of his highest terms of praise! This is therefore a good thing, and in accordance with this, he's throwing a party down the manhole to celebrate. Look at him go! You're not invited though. Don't take it personally. |
- Oh, no need to thank me really. You should be thanking yourself for doing all the nice and good things that allowed me to feel justified in my vote. -- The Zombiebaron 12:02, 24 June 2008 (UTC)
Wait, no! Bring it back!
I know it might seem odd to say this, but I am requesting that the article Charmander be bought back from the grave. It was deleted for, as I understand, having No Redeeming Value, a label I strongly contest. Aside from the fact that it was, from my point of view, a good article, (and one that has been submitted to Pee Review, and is being reviewed by me), I did laugh at quite a heaping of the jokes in it, and feel that Charmander is a worthwile addition to this site. Warm Regards, ▀ĴαVắśСąР▀19:17 June 22 2008
- I have undeleted it, removed the {{ICU}} (which is not really the same thing as what an {{NRV}} was), and replaced it with an {{ugly}}. As you go about reviewing it, keep in mind that vast swaths of people do not find the concept of Pokémon being inserted into the real world (which is, as far as I can tell, most of where I'm supposed to laugh at in that article) funny in the slightest bit. Also, its very ugly (that's why there's now an {{ugly}}...). Someone should fix that. Good luck. -- The Zombiebaron 14:40, 23 June 2008 (UTC)
UnSignpost: June 19th, 2008
Your #1 source for Cajek ban jokes!
June 19whenever-th, 2008 • Issue 8
UnSignpost abandoned by creators!
Uncyclopedia's popular newspaper/tacky tabloid rag (delete according to preference) the UnSignpost - already floundering following the loss of founding editor Dr. Skullthumper - has been dealt another, possibly fatal blow, with the news that popular feature-machine and international diplomat Cajek has not been arsed to edit the latest issue. When thursday June 19th dawned without the by-now-traditional UnSignpost dropping onto their talkpages, Unycylopedians everywhere could be heard bravely dealing with the incident by pretending they hadn't noticed. We asked prominent Uncyc contributors for their reactions to the journalistic crisis facing their favourite wiki-based news delivery system. "SCREAM FOR ME BOSTON.... SCREAM FOR ME BOSTON!" said Don Leddy, obviously coping badly with the news. Sensing a possible catastrophe, DJ Irreverent bravely leaped into the breach and created a forum topic that galvanised the community, while UU declared himself too busy to help, then promptly wrote about half of the paper. While still suffering from writer's block, which explains the total lack of lulz and inspiration thus far. It's probably about time to link to nobody cares and close this story now, isn't it? Industrial mogul joins Uncyclopedia, promises great wealth to all.
Donald Trump, the man, the legend, the Tower, the hairstyle, has taken time out of his busy international schedule to create a forum topic promising affluence beyond the dreams of avarice to all on Uncyclopedia! Despite the impeccable credentials displayed on his userpage, so far only Qua and SysRq managed to take advantage of the popular billionaire's altruism before he was ruthlessly banned by noted anti-capitalist Codeine. UnSignpost was particularly impressed with Codeine's ability to resist the temptation to use "you're fired" as a block reason, as we are sure it would have been all but overwhelming. It is to be hoped that, on his return from bannination, Mr Trump will use his undoubted wealth and business connections to help Uncyc beat the ever-encroaching threat of Wikia's advertising plans. N00b ties knot
Popular recent NotM winner Cheapinitreal has further embarrassed the Uncyclopedia community by becoming all respectable and getting married. Confessing to his transgression, Cheap added "all and all, it was a right fine week". The UnSignpost would like to write something really funny here, then wish Cheap all the best, but this issue is being rushed out as it's, like, way late, so we just don't have time. UnSignpost resorts to blatant filler
In a move heralded as "an exciting development in journalism" by guest editor UU, the UnSignpost today employed blatant flannel to fill an annoying white gap at the bottom of the page. It is believed that this is the first such instance of using blatant rubbish to fill a newspaper page in journalistic history. "I'm proud to be at the vanguard of such a groundbreaking technique" said UU, before going off to scour Cajek's ideas page in a desperate hunt for inspiration. "Is this long enough yet?" he added, before concluding "not quite, another few words or so should do the trick". |
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THEDUDEBOT Armed and Ready Say The Word 00:58, 21 June 2008 (UTC)
Mass blanker on teh loose my good sir. MrN 15:49, Jun 20
- hmm. Or maybe not. Ta. MrN
15:50, Jun 20
- Well...umm...goodbye then... -- The Zombiebaron 15:51, 20 June 2008 (UTC)
- You say goodbye, I say hello. Hello, hello! Don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello. Bin doing exams eh? Ah, I remember my exams back in the day... Actually, I don't. What's my name again? Did you see my slippers? MrN
16:04, Jun 20
- Exams? Dude, that was two weeks ago. You've really got to keep more up to date with the stalky details of my life. -- The Zombiebaron 16:26, 20 June 2008 (UTC)
- You say goodbye, I say hello. Hello, hello! Don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello. Bin doing exams eh? Ah, I remember my exams back in the day... Actually, I don't. What's my name again? Did you see my slippers? MrN
- Well...umm...goodbye then... -- The Zombiebaron 15:51, 20 June 2008 (UTC)
UnSignpost: June 12th, 2008
The Newspaper That Replaces Analysis With Flashy Graphics!
June 12th, 2008 • Issue 7
Cajek banned - New, shittier writer assigned to this stupid job
Recently Cajek, an Uncyclopedia user who has been labelled as a mystical creature, was been given a one month ban by the council of Wikia. Users who feared that UnSignpost would not be written or delivered. But Qua, who is currently in a state of shock, said that "Cajek was a good guy, I didn't expect him to get banned for a month. He was about to help me, I don't know what he was going to help me with but he was going to help me with something.". Many Uncyclopedians that are known have a hold a grudge against Cajek celebrated his recent ban saying "While he might be back in only a month, we should take the time to celebrate and rejoice a Cajek-free environment."
It has been reported that Flumpa, Uncyclopedia's very own pimply faced ginger-nut has left Uncyclopedia forever, due to irreconcilable differences. He cites the banning of users, fights between the two, the treatment of IP's as "real people" and the lack of cookies in mommas cookie jar. One of our reporters spoke to Flumpa as he was packing his wagon to leave Uncyclopedia "I like the holding hands and the fairy floss but Sophia has icky wiki germs and I just couldn't get past that. However I hear this new EDwina down the street is available, she may play in mud but I hear she has yummy yummy cookies.", leader of the "IPs are Real People, Too" Foundation had said that "Flumpa makes some great points on IP treatment, such as telling them that behind that string of random numbers lies an actual person; A person with heart. A person with brain. A person with spleen." When asked whether he would share his hard earned money on a badge from the Keep-the-IP's-out-of-Bannation-Foundation, this reporter simply told them to bugger off and get their own alcohol addiction gawdammit! We do, however, wish Flumpa the best of luck as he travels across the wiki-street with his trademarked brand of Off-topic forums to meet this EDwina fellow.
We at the UnSignpost would like to remind all Uncyclopedian editors that June is Internet safety month. Through the efforts of Uncyclopedia and other sites across the Internet, we can help protect innocent children and frail grandmothers from seeing offensive content QUEEF Uhm, we're sorry about that. The editor that wrote that previous sentence has been fired, in accordance with the rules of Internet safety month. UnSignpost would like to remind all editors to use extra padding in tables, because we don't want the little kiddies touching the sharp edges and getting hurt. As per Internet safety month, all uploaded porn will be closely monitored to see if the models are engaging in safe fucking. I mean sex. SEX! I meant SEX! We apologize for the previous two editors. They have been shot, out in the hallway, in the most safe method possible, we assure you. We even laid out cushions for them to fall on. Anyway, Websense and other Internet blocking sites will up its sensors to block over 99.99% of the Internet. What will remain is available is the Wikipedia article "Frog",, and anything unblocked in China. We at UnSignpost wish you a happy Internet safety month, and hope that you stay safe. Remember to always use a firewall. Websense has blocked this column for the following reason: This column contains "humor".
Difficult times lie ahead for schoolbound Uncyclopedians. A series of semi-challenging tests lie in the near future for many, and everyone's workload seems to be growing. Unfortunately for Uncyclopedians, finals are nearly here. However, luckily for Uncyclopedia, finals are almost here! This means that, as procrastination rates skyrocket, Uncyclopedia activity grows proportionally. Haven't been studying for your math final? Those fancy words mean that Uncyclopedia usage is going up, just as teachers pull out their hair worrying about keeping their kids' averages above the department bottom line so they can keep their jobs. However, here at UnSignpost and Uncyclopedia, we pride ourselves on allowing for multi-tasking. So, here is a series of brief study guides that are pretty much all you need: Science: For this final, you will be asked questions about science. However, simply remember a few facts, and your science final will be a breeze. These include remembering that ontogeny does not recapitulate phylogeny, pyruvate and phosphofruktokinase function as glycolytic enzymes, and the kidneys are located three ribs up from the malnuric sphincter. Math: Just prove to your teacher that 1=2, and any answer you give is automatically right. English: ENGLISH, MOFO, DO YOU SPEAK IT? History: To pass this, just try to remember a few important dates: 622BC, 394BC, 211BC, 5BC, 11AD, 24AD, 300AD, 906AD, 1102AD, 1619AD, 1791AD, 1963AD, and 2012AD. Tech. Ed.: Basically, you take a saw and cut shit up. Fucking A. Music class: Try not to fail and blow any notes. You'd sure look like a real tool, then, huh. Art: Just explain to your teacher how deep and misunderstood you are, and paint your feelings. Take a few pictures with a black and white camera setting and write a few "dark" poems, and if your teacher knows how often you cry then you'll have an easy A. Foreign language: THIS IS AMERICA, SPEAK AMERICAN! Gym: If you're really planning on studying for this final, then only God can help you now.
An article by Zombiebaron has caused a huge feud between the all-powerful admins that could ban me again. Thekillerfroggy has charged that the "Nonsense Watermelon Catastrophe" was not newsworthy enough, while Zombiebaron charges that the article is newsworthy, and therefore should not be deleted. In the fight, many people have cried "drama" and run for their lives. "Oh, this is deliiiicious!" said resident fucktard Drama. We spoke to Drama in his white linoleum mansion. He stopped seductively petting his gay snow leopard long enough to talk to us. "I loooove drama. I want their drama dripping all over my linoleum castle. I want their orgasmic screams of anger to rattle the walls! What do you think, Puffles?" "Oohh, puurrrrr" said Puffles. Some of the more regular users have claimed that the drama will bring unwanted side effects. RAHB has recently said to one of our reporters: "Remember, when there's drama, Ljlego touches himself." [Ed note: he said that on IRC, I swear. to. god. ban: banbanban.] Zombiebaron, an administrator who just happens to be a spectre of the unwept dead, spoke at his crypt this Tuesday dressed in his ceremonial black and red robes: "Hhhgggrrrr, I do not like speaking to the public: They give me a rash. As far as how random uncyclopedia is, we have two admins who are a balloon and a frog, so my article is perfect. The drama will not be settled until I taste the frog's flesh. Suffffeeeerrrrrr..." The Killer Froggy issued a statement soon after, with his frog army in the background: "ribbit? RIBBIT! ribbit. ribbit ribbit ribbit!" Both administrators have promised to ban the poor, misunderstood writer of this article if their statements were printed, but that's the risk we take to bring you the news. That's just how cool we are. Drama is the real winner here. As of this printing, he is planning to buy his gay snow leopard a fluffy red cape with the profits. And remember: every time there's drama, Ljlego touches himself. I'm not fucking kidding. He's all like, "oh yeah, oh, oh yeah I love you drama" and they're both in the love coven, snugglin' n' shit. I have pictures, guys! I swear it's totally ins AS OF THIS PARAGRAPH, CAJEK HAS BEEN BANNED INDEFINITELY. |
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THEDUDEBOT Armed and Ready Say The Word 16:56, 12 June 2008 (UTC)
[1]. Meany! Lieutenant THEDUDEMAN Dude ... Totally UOTM KUN GotA F@H 04:06, 12 June 2008 (UTC)
- That has happened before in the past. One of the troubles with people making edits at the exact same time and whatnot. In the future, feel free to just revert any similar shenanigans yourself. -- The Zombiebaron 20:20, 12 June 2008 (UTC)
Hello! I wanted to visit my good friend Zombie Baron just to say hi. You actually might not remember me, but I know you never liked me much. Now that I am welcome here (Well I don't know if I would call it welcome, but not banished) I have decided to come every now and then. I wanted to tell you that I am not as worthless as some would think, and I have gotten 7 features at illogicopedia! You should check out my stuff sometime over in the free land of illogicopedia. I see famine is dead. That makes me happy. I never liked him. Well, until next time, farewell. --|Fonchezzz| Quacking|
20:11, 10 June 2008 (UTC)
- Yeah. I'm so glad you still remember me! I remember you! Bring back Leoispotter, you annoying little boy! Also, no, no, and still no. -- The Zombiebaron 00:52, 11 June 2008 (UTC)
Thanks be to you sir
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User:RAHB has awarded you a cookie! Now go play in traffic. |
I want to make it perfectly clear that while I was defending you, I would have defended anyone else in that situation, so it's certainly not favoritism. Some of my words seem to be coming back at me, which is fine with me, as I said them in the interest of principle. I'll gladly withstand the arrows and....slings and....whatever the fuck it is, it's part of that To Be Or Not To Be speech. Anyways, you take a slight special interest in this manner of topic though, considering you're constantly under criticism for it, and therefore I decide to give you a cookie as well. Ugh, man. I need a shower to wash the mushy Uncyclopedia emotions off of myself. -RAHB 20:27, 8 June 2008 (UTC)
- I understand. We must all stand up for what we believe in. While I prefer to just ignore the slings and arrows (for various reasons, including an aversion towards large arguments) and carry on doing what I volunteer to do here, I do understand that others see it differently. I do also understand that those who may defend me do not do so necessarily in order to "get on my good side", but to stay on the good side of their own ethical and/or moral pathways. I enjoy hearing that you, RAHB, enjoy my constructive criticisms, and I bemoan the fact that some view those same criticisms as the narrow minded ramblings of a bitter man. But, alas, I am rambling. In anycase, thanks for the cookie and congratulations on the featured image! -- The Zombiebaron 20:55, 8 June 2008 (UTC)
UnSignpost: June 5th, 2008
Th-the m-m-most con-confident new-Newspaper in a wh-while
June 5th, 2008 • Issue 6
Sixth Issue Relies on Guest Writers For the sixth issue of Unsignpost, guest writers from outside the fold have been chosen to write a bunch of stupid crap. Among them are the illiterate administrator Zombiebaron and reformed drug mule ThePaleOne. The community's outcries were heard soon afterwards, probably. Jack Phoenix, a respected Wikia staff member, said of one of the articles "Nobody cares about Cajek trolling Wookiepedia anymore. In fact, I'm kind of ashamed of Uncyclopedia for doing something like this. It's like I'm at a well-written version of ED." The Unsignpost staff, full of miscreants and malcontents, hung its collective head in shame and went to the corner for a sit down. Qua, who wanted to be in this issue of Unsignpost to whore his userpage, issued a statement at the press conference located at his Mayan temple: "Why didn't they do an injoke article on the fifth issue? Am I the only one who cares? Where have the lols gone, my friends? Where have the lols gone?" In response, the Unsignpost sent a secret "Fifth Issue Of Unsignpost" article directly to Qua, where it will be housed until his death. The Unsignpost writers, who have had a cut in pay since the leaving of Dr. Skullthumper, are now relying on the work of random people found on IRC for their inspiration. We now present to you an article in the Unsignpost by somebody else about a guy who works at the Unsignpost... /me headdesk [note: "me" refers to the entire Unsignpost staff]
It has been reported on #uncyclopedia that Cajek, our resident editor, has been banned from the "Star Wars Wiki", Wookieepedia. There has been an outrage in the star wars community, as they find Cajek to be a charming and respectable fellow [ed note: Cajek did NOT write this!]. Even us here at the the UnSignPost believe so, ( but don't tell Cajek that! ) [ed note: I SAW THAT! YOU'RE OFF THE CASE!] I spoke to one Cajek fan, Darth Vader, to see what kind of impact this has had on the community. "It really is tragic to see him get banned," said a distraught Vader, with tears dripping from his helmet, "I just don't understand it! How can there be no Cajek?! We've seen his greatest and sometimes his somewhat lameness. But we will be EPIC FAIL without him" Vader's emotionally wrecked state shows the devastation caused by the Wookieepedia senate's unruly vote. I just hope Palpatine wasn't behind this, I voted for him too! I sat down with another fan, Jar Jar Binks, to discuss this radical move. "Mesa think its outrageous! Mesa no like Wookieepedia afta this! This beein worse than <insert name here>'s bombad faggotry!" And indeed it is. Personally, I denounce the Leftist Bias of Wookieepedia and their slander against Cajek. What did he ever do to them right? Personally, I hope Something really bad happens to those immature, pubescent, oxycotin sniffing children. In other news, 52% of Uncyclopedia agrees that Cajek should be set on fire on Sunday's Luau against 45% for drowned in his own discharge. 3% were undecided.
Alright. So. This is going to be cool. Because. You see. Therefore. Once upon a time. There was this really big house. Inside the house was a monster. Oh. This is a newspaper. Well, in that case, the monster was operating a grow op. Right. And the monster was named Skullthumper (because this is his fault, really, when you deconstruct it down to the last proton). Yeah!!!! But. Going onwards and upwards. The cops busted the grow op. It was fucking huge, man. THIS IS NEWS. IN THE UNSIGNPOST.
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THEDUDEBOT Armed and Ready Say The Word 05:21, 5 June 2008 (UTC)
Excuse me
Could you pop onto IRC for a moment please? -OptyC Sucks! CUN01:03, 4 Jun
- I'm on my way... -- The Zombiebaron 01:31, 4 June 2008 (UTC)
- <sheepishly> thank you Zombie. I'm sorry I've been cranky, it's been a weird week for me. • <2:53, 04 Jun 2008>
- Sure. Whatever. -- The Zombiebaron 13:58, 4 June 2008 (UTC)
- <sheepishly> thank you Zombie. I'm sorry I've been cranky, it's been a weird week for me. • <2:53, 04 Jun 2008>
Can you add this to VFH? I went on IRC, but there was no one there. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 06:01, 1 June 2008 (UTC)
- It is so. -- The Zombiebaron 17:36, 1 June 2008 (UTC)
- Hurrah! Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 20:45, 1 June 2008 (UTC)
UnSignpost: May 29nd, 2008
The Newspaper Whose Mom Said It Was Cool!
May 29th, 2008 • Issue 5
Uncyclopedia Second Most Active Wikia Site According to local Wikia staffmember Sannse, Uncyclopedia is the second most active site, next to Halopedia. "Yep. People are more interested in Halos than Uncys. I've never really bothered to look at either site, so I'm not sure why one is more active than another, but I'm sure it's because Halopedia is superior." Reporters on-site have looked into the rumors. Apparently, Halopedia is in fact not about halos, but instead is an entire wiki... devoted to a video game. "Oh lord, this is embarrassing," said Master Chief, the main character of said video games. "I thought I could keep this under wraps for a while longer, but you people in the press are like fucking vultures. WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?!" Apparently Halopedia's nearest competitor, Uncyclopedia, is some kind of "humor wiki" meant to induce laughter. "Uncyclopedia's laughter is nothing compared with ours," said Evilpedia's founder, User:Dr. Doom, "Our laughter will ring all throughout Wikia, and then: THE WORLD!". Other statistics include the nerdiest wiki and Furwiki, the most disturbing wiki. Uncyclopedia is neither the largest wiki (Wookiepedia), nor the most active (Halopedia), but it does come very close to first in both categories. Who wants to be first place anyway? Nobody wants to win all the time! Like Unsignpost's father used to say: "You learn more from losing than winning!" and really, that's all that matters! ...AAAAHHHHHH!!!!! BASTAAAARRRDDSSS!!! Following Fourth Issue, UnSignpost Does Lame Clip Show After having not seen his boss for a few days, Cajek, or as his friends call him, "Cuntjek", and his team of writers have been forced to rely on past issues and a clip show in article form. "Don't look at us that way!" said that one guy we were talking about. "A few days ago, when Skull was around, I was only editor of the fetish section, now I'm in charge of the whole thing. Jeez, I hope Skull is okay..." The lame clip show was said to be almost entirely from the first issue, when the Unsignpost was "cool", and before the fetish section took over the whole paper. According to reports to this newsroom, the clip show article included the "weekbox of the week" from issue 1 that instructed Cajek and Skull to slather humor juice on an anonymous reader, and the "Goatse Challenging Gap" from issue 2. "Oh shit, what else we got?" Carjack screamed across the newsroom. As of this issue, the huge portrait of Dr. Skullthumper has been prayed to for nigh two weeks since his mysterious disappearance. Fnoodle, who usually serves coffee to the writers (albeit very angrily), has gone on a quest to find his former master. So far, no word of Skullthumper's whereabouts have reached the press.
Letters to the Editor I am a female student from University of Nigeria, Lagos. I am suitable yrs old. I'd like any person who can be caring, loving and home oriented. I will love to have a long-term relationship with you and to know more about you. I would like to build up a solid foundation with you in time coming if you can be able to help me in this transaction. Well, my father died earlier two months ago and left my mother I and my junior brother behind. He was a king, which our town citizens titled him before his death. I was a Princess to him and I and my brother are the only people who can take Care of his wealth now because my mother is not literate enough to know all my father's wealth behind. He left up to USD $27,350,000.00 dollars (TWENTY SEVEN MILLION, THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND US DOLLAR) with a security company, and I don't know how and what I will do to invest this money somewhere in abroad, so that my father's kindred will not take over what belongs to my father and our family, which they were planning to do without my present because I am a female as stated by our culture in the town. That is why I felt happy when I saw your contact which I strongly believe that by the grace of God, you will help me secure and invest this money. I thereby need your help in bringing the box contaning the money out from the security company, based on your reply I will furnish you with more details on how we can proceed. I am ready to pay 10% of the total amount to you if you help us in securing this money and another 10% interest of Annual Income to you, for handling this business for us, which you will strongly have absolute control over. If you can handle this project sincerely and also willing to assist me in lifting this fund, kindly reach me and I will let you know the next step to take towards actualizing this transaction as quickly as possible. Please, note that this transaction is 110% risk free. I look forward hearing from you soonest. Yours sincerest, Miss Lady Princess Irreverent
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THEDUDEBOT Armed and Ready Say The Word 03:03, 29 May 2008 (UTC)
UnSignpost: May 22nd, 2008
May 22th, 2008 • Issue 4 • Par 6
Oldest Uncyclopedia Article Discovered Renowned Uncyclopedia historian Spangle Gay Glittersprinkles, has discovered the oldest non-Uncyclopedia related article ever written. "The fact that pie was the first article really opened my eyes. It really did. I see it all now: Uncyclopedia, Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia... the construction and future of these wikis have been laid out before me." When asked what he meant, Spang said that, upon reading the first version of the article Pie, the future of Uncyclopedia was revealed to him. The version presently up is "but a pale shadow of what it once was." The fabled first version of the article is, according to Spang and fellow UnArcheologist TheLedBalloon, "The DaVinci Code of Uncyclopedia." One of the oldest contributors,, is said to be the creator of the fabled text, but could not be reached for comment... maybe 'cuz he was gettin' laid or somethin' cool like that. "If only the original version had survived!" Said Spang's lead balloon, who gained sentience upon glimpsing the article. "I want to know the significance of the Norris! The secret meaning behind the Wilde! The hidden power of the grue! I want to know the secret of the memes!" "First of all, how did a balloon become an administrator? Oh, right, this is Uncyclopedia." Said long-missing founder Chronarion. "Second of all, the current article you have up there is, although not as mystical, still sorta mystical... For example, look at that quote at the top! CLASSIC Oscar Wilde!" Questions arose as to why the original version was deleted in the first place, but Chronarion, who only made an appearance in one of our writer's drug trips, merely cackled, turned into a tomato, and vanished in a cloud of LULZ!!1. The mystery surrounding Pie continues, and Uncyclopedian historians are still seeking the truth. ...BUY A SUBSCRIPTION TO UNSIGNPOST to see further developments! Following Third Issue, UnSignpost Wins All Sortsa Awards n' Shit At the annual Uncyclopedia Signpost awards banquet, held every year in Dr. Skullthumper's backyard, the Signpost was the clear winner of the night, garnishing all 149 awards in all 144 categories. The press was not invited to the gala, but the Unsignpost has heard that several Uncyclopedia celebrities were at the event. Mike - you know Mike - said, "Oh yeah, we got Chronarion and Save the... whatever it was... We got 'em all! We even had Famine! Even though he still hates us, he still bothered to show up and drunkenly berate the guests! In fact, I think he's still in there, berating the furniture!" Unsignpost writers all agree that it's not pathetic to give yourself an award once in a while. We do our chores! We've been kicked around! Why don't we, the writers, get any recognition? The special boobie-prize, The Feel Okay About Ourselves Award for 2008, was accepted by Cajek on behalf of the writers instead of a paycheck. "Finally I get a god damned award." One of the writers dramatically grabbed the award away onstage and, crying, started screaming at the award itself. "WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I NEEDED YOU?!? YOU BASTARD!!" Unsignpost is planning to make the awards banquet biweekly, in honor of the fact that the writers are extremely lonely, and just want a way to talk to loads of people without having to listen to "feedback". Newest Uncyclopedia Article Discovered Yes, the newest article, Jacob Zuma, created just at the time of this writing, is the newest article to date. No! Wait! It's RETARDIS. Wait, no, it's Broomstick. Oh whatever, the point is that we found it, and when it's deleted in three seconds, Unsignpost gets first gloating rights.
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~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 20:21, 22 May 2008 (UTC)
Hey! I was working on that!
You recently huffed the page Movie Of Lady Who's Ankle Is Showing for the reason of "A poor abandoned work in progress.". The article still being worked on by 2 people and the last edit was made the day it was huffed, it was not abandoned.
Please return the page to it's original state.
--MeatLoafFan 21:42, 20 May 2008 (UTC)
- Actually, the last edit was on the 10th, it was huffed on the 18th. Pages with a WIP tag get one week usually. I restored it, but if you want to make sure it doesn't get huffed again, you might want to move it to your userspace i.e. User:MeatLoafFan/Movie.... • Spang • ☃ • talk • 22:29, 20 May 2008
- Yup. -- The Zombiebaron 22:38, 20 May 2008 (UTC)
- Thanks --MeatLoafFan 02:18, 22 May 2008 (UTC)
- Yup. -- The Zombiebaron 22:38, 20 May 2008 (UTC)
Late Thanking of some variety
I was going through my things, and I noticed something. My old article Why?:Remove Your Penis had a term at the bottom consistent with persistent vandalism that article obtains. I said to myself "how did that happen and I didn't know it?" Well, then I looked at the history, and apparently a month ago the article took on a large load of shitty editing from stupid users/IPs, and somehow it did not come to my watchlist attention. Then I looked up and realized that for some reason the page was not watched. For some reason that page has a nasty habit of doing that.
Anyways, thank you for reverting those idiotic edits, almost a month ago. I'm glad those sections weren't sitting there, tarnishing my writing name for all that time. Though I do wonder why it's always that particular article that falls off my watchlist. If the same thing happens again, I think I'll take it up with Spang or something.
Anyways, rambling aside, thanks. -RAHB 06:02, 19 May 2008 (UTC)
- Well, I happened to be wandering past, and as the interrupting type that I am, thought I would mention that the same think keeps happening to me with Gay. I think it's when a revert is done, but I keep having to add it back to my watchlist, and hell knows why. It's a bit gay actually. MrN
16:50, May 19
- Your welcome. I'd write some sappy shit about how thankless reverting et cetra is, and how it warms my cockles every once in awhile when somebody takes the time to let me know that they appreciate it. But I won't. Because that's a choice I made. Instead, I'll just create the idea of my writing such a comment in your minds, and let you fill in all the sappy sappy words. Its best this way, darling. -- The Zombiebaron 23:39, 19 May 2008 (UTC)
- /me hugs Zombiebaron, thanks him for whatever it was I should have been thanking him for and nips off to add Gay back to my watchlist again... Also, Dude... It sounds to me like you're suffering from a bit of the old Uncyc blues. It's been going around a lot of late, and I thought you might have been coming down with it. I hope that you don't feel that you are un-appreciated. I think that most people would agree that you are easily one of the most useful guys we have around this crazy place. My vote for you in Uncyclopedian of the year last year was not intended as a joke. I meant it. Although I have not always agreed with everything you ever did on here, you generally operate from such a bold position that you are bound to ruffle a few feathers from time to time. The fact is that we need this. With Famine now completely gone, you're the guy who makes a lot of the difficult decisions which perhaps some of the other admins might not be willing to make... Hmm, this is all getting a bit pants, maybe I will try translating that to English for you... "Chin up old bean! It's a bright and sunny day outside. We need Zombiebaron." MrN
22:22, May 20
- Yeah. I'm actaully not sure how to respond to that, MrN9000. But, as usual, its always a pleasure to receive such a lauding from someone who has established themselves as a pillar of this community. I'm not really very good at reciprocating such sentiment in words and stuff, and this whole section of my talkpage probably already looks like a giant panzy lovefest, but, ummmm, thanks you guys. -- The Zombiebaron 22:56, 20 May 2008 (UTC)
- /me stumbles in three days late Yeah, I agree with MrN. You've always been the guy who had the balls more than anyone to get controversial shit done around here (aka all the shit I said on VFP a while back). It's bound to get some idiots sided against you, but as is the curse of all us who fight for what's right. I think I speak for a lot of people though when I say you're heavily respected for a lot of the work you do around here, and you're definitely instrumental to the continued activity of the site. Man, this sure is a pansy-fest alright. WHO WANTS HUGS! I GOT HUGS HERE REAL CHEAP! -RAHB 05:38, 24 May 2008 (UTC)
- Yeah. I'm actaully not sure how to respond to that, MrN9000. But, as usual, its always a pleasure to receive such a lauding from someone who has established themselves as a pillar of this community. I'm not really very good at reciprocating such sentiment in words and stuff, and this whole section of my talkpage probably already looks like a giant panzy lovefest, but, ummmm, thanks you guys. -- The Zombiebaron 22:56, 20 May 2008 (UTC)
- /me hugs Zombiebaron, thanks him for whatever it was I should have been thanking him for and nips off to add Gay back to my watchlist again... Also, Dude... It sounds to me like you're suffering from a bit of the old Uncyc blues. It's been going around a lot of late, and I thought you might have been coming down with it. I hope that you don't feel that you are un-appreciated. I think that most people would agree that you are easily one of the most useful guys we have around this crazy place. My vote for you in Uncyclopedian of the year last year was not intended as a joke. I meant it. Although I have not always agreed with everything you ever did on here, you generally operate from such a bold position that you are bound to ruffle a few feathers from time to time. The fact is that we need this. With Famine now completely gone, you're the guy who makes a lot of the difficult decisions which perhaps some of the other admins might not be willing to make... Hmm, this is all getting a bit pants, maybe I will try translating that to English for you... "Chin up old bean! It's a bright and sunny day outside. We need Zombiebaron." MrN
Best of
Can you update the template on VFH? Best of for this month is closed. I'd go on IRC and ask an admin, but I'm in a place where such an action would be frowned upon. That's right, I'm at the circus. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 04:33, 18 May 2008 (UTC)
- I think I've done it properly. -- The Zombiebaron 13:50, 18 May 2008 (UTC)
- It appears that you have. Kudos! Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 16:40, 18 May 2008 (UTC)
UnSignpost: May 15th, 2008
Now With 0 Trans Fat!
May 15st, 2008 • Issue 2 3
The Bible Finally Catches a Break For years... or whatever... Conservapedia has attacked Uncyc for being too liberal. Today, Uncyc publicly derobes itself, and reveals its patriotic side. From now on, "Uncyclopedia" will be renamed "Falwellapedia" in honor of the late pastor, Jerry Falwell who died May 15th, 2007. Unsignpost spoke with the founder, Modusoperandi, in his isolated forest bunker. "I hate how the liberals treat us!" Modus shouted, along with his two followers. "Don't they see that when they make fun of us, the lord rolls over in his soon-to-be-resurrected grave?" The conservative propagandabot Fbooble is scheduled to "purge the site of any left-wing statements" by the end of the week, soon after it gains self-awareness and joins the Republican party. "HUMANS, CLOSE YOUR NOISE HOLES AND PAY ATTENTION!" Fbooble proclaimed at a recent press conference. "THE DEMOCRATS AND ALL THOSE OTHER LIBERALS ARE NEARING THE END." Fbooble, whose titanium wristwatch glistened in the afternoon sun, held up a copy of the Falwell Children's Bible near the conclusion of the conference and said "ALL PRAISE JEBUS, AND HIS INVINCIBLE ARMY OF DISCIPLES!" Although Fbooble is unclear on the details of religion right now, it promises to become ultraconservative when it does. Not all Uncyc users are happy with the transition. Although we could not find anyone who actually called themselves a liberal, we did manage to vandalize a hybrid just to equal the score. Unsignpost promises a lucrative year via advertising revenue for the Republican National Committee and a weekly "Republican of the Week" section. Changes by Fbooble will include replacing all swear words, such as ****** and ***********, with the word "daffodil," and deleting all articles. Shockporn deemed unworthy will be replaced with this image, and quotes not from the bible will be deleted with extreme prejudice. All non-American users, such as that one guy are to be called "fags", also with extreme prejudice. How To Be Funny And Not Just Stupid, one of the hallmarks of Uncyclopedia, has reached the top of the heap. Mordillo, an administrator who will be the least offended when we attribute absolutely false quotes to him, recently said of the page "Finally! Although I've never read it, I hear it's full of fatherly, patronizing advice for those newbs that write those articles I'm constantly huffing!" Mhaille, who has the most linked-to userpage on Uncyc, was slightly more angry at the recent news. "I'm only in 10th place? What the f**k?" While spying on Mhaille from under his bed, the news staff heard language that no human being was ever supposed to hear. Thankfully, the staff was smashed on Listerine, and may have just made up the entire event. Mhaille commented that "No, they didn't make it up, and if they do it again they had better bring enough Listerine for everyone." The user responsible for the 36,000+ links to How To Be Funny And Not Just Stupid wishes to remain anonymous, but said to our reporters through a wiretap "I just got too carried away. I wish I could take it back, but I can't, and that's no reason for threatening my family in this way! Oh jeez, I hope you get this message, Uncyclopedia. All right, I'm hanging up now, and I hope you're not angry. *BEEP*" UnSignpost Releases Second Issue May 15th, 2008: Uncyclopedia has developed an open wound... a newspaperish one. Riding high on their success, Dr. Skullthumper and Cajek have "deployed their golden parachutes" and are "planning to pack up our shit" and "get the hell out of here." Wearing his trademark solid gold sweatpants, bought with the advertising from the first and second issues of Unsignpost, Dr. Skullthumper said "It was fun, I guess, but now it's time to move on. Like a wild hyena, Unsignpost has left its mark. There are no more stories to cover: no more people to attribute fake quotes to." Cajek, munching on a shish kabob of bald eagle babies, had nothing to add except maniacal laughter as he threw thousands of dollars into the air. Unsignpost, bankrupted by the two owner's antics, is planning to make the paper a paid subscription, unless something kooky happens, in which case it won't. In addition to subscriptions, Unsignpost is having a luau at Mike's house to raise money. "Oh, it'll be soooooo exciting!" Mike said. ...You know Mike. Anyway, Mike continued, "There'll be a silent auction, and a limbo contest, and a pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey! Oh! So exciting!" With the proceeds, Unsignpost hopes to add a "Week Box of the Week of the Week" section and a mascot. Maybe a shark. Protein folding: The latest in computer entertainment "Well that's great," you say. "So I'm helping compute protein folding, a never-before-possible situation to model on computers, and thus helping cure some of the most misunderstood diseases to strike humankind as well as advancing the knowledge of the human race into parts of science that were up until recently perceived as impossible. So what's in it for ME?!" You, yes you, will get the excitement of watching proteins fold in your very own home! "Wow!" exclaims part-time F@H user Dr. Skullthumper, "did you just see that? Did you just SEE the way that blue thing collided into that gray thing? Oh man, it was amazing! And in super-slow motion, too!" Other users have given the program similar reviews, describing it as "utterly transfixing" and "better quality entertainment than mitosis!" You, too, can join in the fun and the frenzy of the world of those wacky proteins - while saving the world! |
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~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 01:14, 15 May 2008 (UTC)
- </me moves this section up from the bottom of the page> You missed the door... -- The Zombiebaron 04:17, 18 May 2008 (UTC)
Back early
Codeine ubanned me early because someone pretending to be me on IRC made a heartful plea and apologized. Does that invalidate our agreement? – 13:58, May. 13, 2008
- I heard you're not around Uncyclopedia as much anymore. When you come back I'll be more than willing to go through the rest of my ban sentence. Honestly, it's really improved me. I think before I act, I've learn to control my anger, and I don't have the urge to piss off admins anymore. – 11:52, May. 15, 2008
- Yeah. Ummm. That's weird. Well, you do sound like you learned the lesson that we (that's you and me! us!) were trying to teach you with the ban. So, it looks like whichever person was "pretending to be [you]" bought you a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free Card, so use it. Use it well. -- The Zombiebaron 02:46, 16 May 2008 (UTC)
- That's the thing. I feel like I'm getting another free pass like I always do. – 14:00, May. 16, 2008
- C'mon Kip, stay. • <May 16, 2008 [14:05]>
- Well Kip, its up to you really. If you'd like to discuss this further, feel free to email me, but, just as with the ban, I'll leave a rebanning up to you. -- The Zombiebaron 01:47, 17 May 2008 (UTC)
- That's the thing. I feel like I'm getting another free pass like I always do. – 14:00, May. 16, 2008
- Yeah. Ummm. That's weird. Well, you do sound like you learned the lesson that we (that's you and me! us!) were trying to teach you with the ban. So, it looks like whichever person was "pretending to be [you]" bought you a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free Card, so use it. Use it well. -- The Zombiebaron 02:46, 16 May 2008 (UTC)
Vanity Template
How do Zombiebaron - quick question: does that "Vanity for Deletion" template you created still exist, and if so, where do I find it? Would have used it today but couldn't remember what the hell it was. Ta! --SirU.U.Esq. VFH | GUN | Natter | Uh oh | Pee 10:03, May 13
- That would be {{Vanity2}}. ~
10:04, 13 May 2008 (UTC)
- Now you see, if you'd have said that when I asked about it on your page, I wouldn't have had to draw the Zombie's attention in my direction. He's aware I'm here now. And me without my can of Zombie repellent. This could get dangerous... Maybe writing something about Vanilla Ice Cream will distract him while I make good my escape... (Thx Mordillo, sorry to bother you ZB). --SirU.U.Esq. VFH | GUN | Natter | Uh oh | Pee 10:10, May 13
- Oh right, I just realized I missed that part. Feel free to eat my brain ZB. ~
10:19, 13 May 2008 (UTC)
- Yup. Sounds good. Zip-idy-doo-dah-day. -- The Zombiebaron 02:42, 16 May 2008 (UTC)
- Oh right, I just realized I missed that part. Feel free to eat my brain ZB. ~
- Now you see, if you'd have said that when I asked about it on your page, I wouldn't have had to draw the Zombie's attention in my direction. He's aware I'm here now. And me without my can of Zombie repellent. This could get dangerous... Maybe writing something about Vanilla Ice Cream will distract him while I make good my escape... (Thx Mordillo, sorry to bother you ZB). --SirU.U.Esq. VFH | GUN | Natter | Uh oh | Pee 10:10, May 13
- That would be {{Vanity2}}. ~
Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter)
I demand that you revert your edit to the Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter) article. He deserves an article which is why I had created one for him and it had great potential. I had just finished cleaning it up and making it incredibly hilarious when I got into an edit conflict because you were busy reverting it to that contemptably ridiculous, You Are Dead article. -- 19:08, 11 May 2008 (UTC)
- I would have redirected it to Lord Voldemort (an article that I wrote, back in 2006), however, there was a decission made to redirect that article to You Are Dead. I didn't want to make a double redirect. Also, I demand that you never make demands again. -- The Zombiebaron 13:25, 12 May 2008 (UTC)
- Well that was an idiotic decision. I demand that you don't demand that I don't make demands. So there. -- 15:05, 12 May 2008 (UTC)
UnSignpost Sunday Edition: May 11th, 2008
The Newspaper That DOESN'T Think It's Better Than You!
May 11th, 2008 • Issue 2 • Scene XII
Wikia staff finally locates blockage in the Internet tubes: Spang's talkpage After endless days of searching itself, Wikia has discovered the source of all its problems. "It's not DPL," Wikia's local sexy janitor, who wished to remain anonymous, told reporters. "It's not those damn ParserFunctions either, or forums, or even Chuck Norris." When asked what the real cause of Wikia's distresses were, our source remained tight-lipped by stapling his mouth shut. Which was probably a bad idea, considering he ended up writhing in pain on the floor, bleeding all over the nice Wikia rugs. Thankfully, the UnSignpost has a trained doctor on its staff, who was sensible enough to call for medical help. After the sexy janitor was revived, he said "rar." When further questioned about the source of all Wikia's woes, he finally admitted it was Spang's talkpage. "Uncyclopedia user "Spang"'s refusal to archive his talkpage is slowly clogging up the arteries of the Internet," says a technical forum at Wikia. "The talkpage in question has already managed to crash all three of the computers in Australia." Upon being asked to archive his talkpage, Spang reportedly said, "No." When Uncyclopedia was asked to comment, the site had this to say: "FU SPANG". UnSignpost Releases First Issue May 8th, 2008: Uncyclopedia develops a new fungus... a newspapery one. "Through all the shockporn and Oscar Wilde references, we made it!" Founder Dr. Skullthumper said at a recent press conference. At the conference in Skullthumper's backyard, editor-in-chief Cajek, wearing a traditional light blue Mongolian Toga and screaming at birds, had more to add. "I would like to thank all the writers involved. Thank you, you gods of men. You captains of the human experience." Police are investigating the use of strong hallucinogenic drugs during the making of the first issue. So far, the investigation has reached the top of the Unsignpost empire, when detectives found Dr. Skullthumper forcing his staff to squirt automotive door-lock de-icer up their noses to "enhance the creative joo-joo." Local police then ordered the paper to rescind two award-winning articles from its May 8th release. Two of the most hardened criminals on the UnSignpost staff, Meatbone and Spider, are currently planning revenge. When asked if UnSignpost was, like the Daily Show, the Onion, or Uncyclopedia, popular enough to parody itself, Cajek said "No. Obviously not. We can't say we suck yet, or else people would be like 'yeah, they do suck!' We have to wait until people like us. Then, when they read us making fun of ourselves they'll be all like 'this paper ROX!'" In the meantime, the paper promises to not make fun of itself, and will stick to meta-parodying instead until "someone important says it's okay." Heavy metal music found to be beneficial when reverting vandals In a study involving Squiggle, RAHB, Cajek, Fnoodle, Dr. Skullthumper, and Starnestommy, in which they fought diligently for Uncyclopedia through the night, heavy metal music was found to be the best for the purpose of "ass-kicking". After sprinkling some magic over the statistics, they automatically became true. Cajek's Corner
Today, we're going to make a standard Uncyclopedia article, Cajek-style. You will need:
Now, we'll combine the elements together into something that might be called an "article". In reality, all you have to do is whine for a good few pages of text, then sprinkle the annoying elements - sparingly. Add headlines and split up paragraphs to disguise your rant as a well-formatted article, and you're done! Skull's Skullery
Hi kids! Today, we're going to travel with me, Dr. Skullthumper, through a normal day at Uncyc!
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~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 04:36, 11 May 2008 (UTC)
"I never once called you a "moron" in so many words"
/me waits, expecting apology. Seriously. So now I can't nominate what I want to? • <May 03, 2008 [2:50]>
- What the hell are you talking about? Why would I apologize for "[ing] you a 'moron'"? Go ahead. Nominate whatever you want. Then, if I vote against it, realize that my vote has nothing to do with your nomination, and everything to do with what you nominated. You'll be waiting for that apology for a long time. -- The Zombiebaron 03:02, 3 May 2008 (UTC)
Category:Copyright templates
Now that Fnoodle's finished with the {{welcome}} templates, I was wondering if it might be a good idea to subst the old copyright templates (new uploads always contain subst'd templates). These are probably even more widespread than {{welcome}}. Good idea? Or no? – Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize • writings • critchat) 20:04 May 02, 2008
- Do it. -- The Zombiebaron 00:24, 3 May 2008 (UTC)
I get the feeling you already know of my intentions, but I'm getting a bot status account to run AWB on like DrS and Fnoodle. Just making sure you're ok with this. --THEDUDEBOT 02:36, 30 April 2008 (UTC)
- Do I really look that dense? I edited your bot's talkpage for crying out loud. Yeah. Go ahead. Please. Do it. -- The Zombiebaron 02:42, 30 April 2008 (UTC)
Thanks for the vote
Cheers for voting Tony Visconti, it means a lot to me as its hopefully the first of many featured articles. I would give you hug but Zombies have weeping open sores, so I brought some the the aforementioned Vannila icecream which you like.:-)--Sycamore (Talk) 21:56, 27 April 2008 (UTC)
- I love the confidence of that last bit. You don't care if I really like. No. You'll tell me what I like. Also, it was not problem. -- The Zombiebaron 23:48, 27 April 2008 (UTC)