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Spang (2008)


 Directed by
 Uwe Boll

 Writing credits
1000 Uncyclopedians banging randomly at a keyboard
 Edward Bulwer-Lytton


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Showtimes & Tickets for Simi Valley,JJ (change location)

The Hourglass Figure Theatre: Degenerate Adult Cinema (add to my theaters)
Showtimes:12:40pm | 3:45 | 6:50 | 10:05 (more)

Genre: Adult / Massive failure / Special Education / Family (more)

Tagline: He will FU up!

Plot Outline: Slacker Spang is stuck in a bog of bad music, Cheetos and masturbation. Can he find his way to a more fulfilling life, or will he lose the girl, destroy the world and generally suck more than any organism has ever sucked before, including fecal bacteria? (more) (view trailer)

User Comments: This is not the truth of the life of Spang (more)

User Rating: IMDb stars.jpg 0.7/10 (6 votes) IMDb vote.jpg bottom 100: #1

Cast overview, first billed only:
Spang .... Spang
Spang's mum .... Marianne Perkybübs
Custom water powered bus.jpg
Hideously photoshopped purple eyesore .... Water-powered bus
Spang's sister .... "Luscious" Lei Mee
Woody Harrelson .... CIA Agent Timothy Green


Also Known As:
Err-aculate Conception (Japan)
MPAA: Rated NC-17 for graphic nudity, deviant sexuality and incest, all involving Spang
Runtime: USA:78 min, Scotland:217 min, North Korea:2 min (Decency Cut)
Country: Scotland
Language: Scottish, Nerd
Color: Some
Sound Mix: Absurdly accented
Certification: USA:NC-17 / UK:7 (required viewing) / Switzerland:MA / Canada:18A / Philippines:BANNED
/ Spang's mum:15
[first lines]
Spang: Choose life, choose a job, choose a career, choose a family, choose a fucking big television -
"Luscious" Lei Mee: Quoting Trainspotting will get you nowhere, big boy.
Marianne Perkybübs: That's what you think, hussy. Come to mama, you great hunk of Spang!
Spang: I always did like older women!
All: [laugh]

Awards: Nominated for 17 Golden Goatses: Worst Actor, Director, Screenplay, Supporting Actress, Best Sex Scene Involving Haggis, (more)

User Comments:

1 / 369 people found the following comment useful:
This is not the truth of the life of Spang, 06 July 2008
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Author: Sp4ng from the Scottish Highlands

This film depicts Spang in an inglorious light, despite the promises of the director that it would be a celebration of the achievements and numerous steamy shower encounters of my life. I mean Spang's life. Instead we get the incest, corruption and water-powered bus sex that were really only MINOR events in Spang's career. Depicting his mother as a 450-pound refrigerator repairwomen by day and plus-sized whore by night, while technically accurate, is a violation of the agreement Spang signed before principal shooting began.

Moreover, Spang's sister is portrayed as an attractive Chinese woman. In reality she is neither Chinese, attractive, nor a woman.

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Trivia for Spang (2008)

  • Spang lost three fingers and a handful of nose hair while filming the kama sutra scene. They are still missing.
  • Spang's mum has five breasts and eighteen nipples. The extras were removed via CGI.
  • The film was shipped to theaters in containers labeled "NEVER PLAY THIS FILM" to deter pirating. Except for three theaters, all run by illiterate managers in rural Alabama, all moviehouses took the labels at face value.
  • A double replaced Spang in the infamous "full frontal" sequence because of a problem Spang would rather not talk about.
  • The film became the first and so far only to gross exactly its production costs, approximately $32.
  • The syphilis-filled-pit scene was filmed on-location at Spang's house. All other scenes were performed on greenscreen.

Goofs for Spang (2008)

  • Factual errors: Lei Mee remarks several times on the immense size of Spang's member. Actually, Spang does not even have a penis.
  • Continuity: After the scene depicting Spang's birth, the film does a quick montage of the next twenty years which implies that Spang's life was happy and normal. In reality, it was filled with despair, toenail clippings and the literal absence of any kind of father figure for Spang, who was conceived via a sperm bank in Kansas City.
  • Incorrectly regarded as goofs: Spang does in fact break out in hives when in the presence of good music.
  • Audio/video unsynchronized: Due to his thick Scottish accent, none of Spang's dialogue can be heard in the film. It was replaced with Sylvester Stallone's audio track from Rocky IV.
  • Incorrectly regarded as goofs During the kitchen scene, Spang's mum seems to gain about twenty pounds over the course of eight minutes. This is due to a metabolism glitch and an overwhelming desire for mayonnaise-drenched french fries, not a continuity error.

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Why does spang's mum have more testicles than spang himselfarborman27
L@@K VI4GR4 MAKE YOUR SPANG +2instrtfghtr
Masterpiece, sheer brillianceSpung
Oh man you don't even wanna KNOW how many times I jerked off to thisTeflonElbow

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