User talk:Fredd The Mahmauscher/Archive 6
If this is thy talk page, please note that thou art deceased. The great and noble knight Lance-a-lot |
Archives: I•II•III•IV•V |
Yes, I do![edit source]
Also, rape!
14:27, 18 December 2009- The Fast And The Horny: Socky. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 14:32 • Friday, 18-12-2009
- Indeed. I'm constantly horny.
- I also do as well, thank you very much.
Would you like a cookie, sir?
- Anche tu, Giovanus? SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 15:16 • Saturday, 19-12-2009
- Vedo quello che hai fatto lì!
Would you like a cookie, sir?
- Vedo quello che hai fatto lì!
- Anche tu, Giovanus? SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
14:42, 18 December 2009
- I also do as well, thank you very much.
- Indeed. I'm constantly horny.
Thanks![edit source]
Mensaje![edit source]
User:Zana Dark/Templates/Purple Nurples/4
Cheers! ~Formerly Annoying Crap 23:00, 18 December 2009
AMUSE ME • 15:18 • Saturday, 19-12-2009
At last![edit source]
A sensible reason for a talk page move! Pup
AMUSE ME • 02:52 • Saturday, 19-12-2009
- Ave Ceasar. Mortorious te salutante. Pup
- Mors principium est.. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 15:00 • Saturday, 19-12-2009
- What the fuck kinda language is that?
Would you like a cookie, sir?
- Latin. YOUR ancestors' language. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 16:12 • Saturday, 19-12-2009
- Puteus ut est pro perdo.
Would you like a cookie, sir?
- Puteus ut est pro perdo.
- Latin. YOUR ancestors' language. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
- What the fuck kinda language is that?
- Mors principium est.. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
- Ave Ceasar. Mortorious te salutante. Pup
Can you believe it?![edit source]
I actually finished the review on time! It's a Christmas miracle! • • • Necropaxx (T) {~} Saturday, 11:13, Dec 19 2009
- yeah, I love you, man! :) SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 13:10 • Saturday, 19-12-2009
Re: How to Become King[edit source]
Hello again. Been a while. How did that article work out in the end? I'll have another read of it if I have the time. --Nikau 10:24, December 20, 2009 (UTC)
- It failed VFH.. Then got dumped in the vast nothingness of forgot-ness.. Heh, anyway, your help is welcome. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 11:37 • Sunday, 20-12-2009
Survivor[edit source]
You're opting out? But why? `Would you like a cookie, sir?
- Meh. Also, I tend to take such things seriously, and this one can give me a heart attack or something.. I'll just stand away and watch. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 22:02 • Sunday, 20-12-2009
- But I need someone to form a not-so secret alliance with!
Would you like a cookie, sir?
- Necropaxx is your man. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 03:44 • Monday, 21-12-2009
- No! Haven't you ever seen Survivor?!? He'll be my ally until the final 5 when he convinces the other 3 that I'd been sleeping with the judge!
Would you like a cookie, sir?
- Sleeping with Kingkitty? Yuck! SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 03:51 • Monday, 21-12-2009
- Exactly! You're not gonna make me face that alone, are you?
Would you like a cookie, sir?
- Ok. Me, you and Necropaxx can form a triple alliance. You drop a line to Necropaxx and tell him, now.. Also, NO BETRAYAL! SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 04:30 • Monday, 21-12-2009
- Ok. Me, you and Necropaxx can form a triple alliance. You drop a line to Necropaxx and tell him, now.. Also, NO BETRAYAL! SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
- Exactly! You're not gonna make me face that alone, are you?
- Sleeping with Kingkitty? Yuck! SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
- No! Haven't you ever seen Survivor?!? He'll be my ally until the final 5 when he convinces the other 3 that I'd been sleeping with the judge!
- Necropaxx is your man. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
- But I need someone to form a not-so secret alliance with!
Drama[edit source]
Hi, I have just wrote an article that parodies the social phenomenon on Uncyclopedia known as Drama. Seeing as its become a bit of a problem in the past few months (years?) I thought it would be quite cool to make a section at the bottom of the article about other users' opinions of Drama. So I thought I'd invite you to write one, preferably humourous. It's no big deal if you don't want to, but if you are interested, you can come up with a quote and either leave it here on your talk page and I'll add it later, or you can go straight to the article itself and add it there. Any suggestions on improvement are also welcome. Thnx. --Matfen 00:27, December 21, 2009 (UTC)
Article link here.
- Aw, what the hell? No invitation for me? I'm the most dramatic person on Uncyc. I hate you !! *sob*
Would you like a cookie, sir?
- It's my honour, mister. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 03:35 • Monday, 21-12-2009
Black Metal[edit source]
There's no need to add the stuff I removed from the black metal page. I made a new article for it. User:Mattfca (talk to me)
- Norsk Arysk Blakk Metall RAHHH! SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 16:03 • Tuesday, 22-12-2009
Welcome to UN:LEGAL![edit source]
In accordance with the Uncyclopedia Legal Department, I hereby verify your membership. You are now legally official and stuff. 16:44, December 24, 2009 (UTC)
- Why haven't you voted in Survivor yet? Day 1's almost over and my life is at stake!
Would you like a cookie, sir?
- I did. And now I'm at stake, too. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 08:13 • Friday, 25-12-2009
- I did. And now I'm at stake, too. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
Re:[edit source]
I'm an uncyclopedian. I have nothing against you, its a game and I was joking about the brick thing. OBTW I'm still not going to be an alliance with you.
Also, please don't remove stuff from my talk page. :P
-Mark Lourd (Inbox) 01:04, December 26, 2009 (UTC)
UnSignpost Delivery! - December something![edit source]
The Newspaper that took a long enough vacation to make former President Bush jealous.
December 17th, 2009• Issue 70 • Fuck You! I Felt Like It!
UnSignpost and random editor return from two month break, find that not much has changed
After 2 months, one would think that things would change. But from the looks of it, nothing really has for Uncyclopedia in the past few months with out UnSignpost. In particular, the problems in caring, changing things, doing other things and caring have gone from the problems of two months ago, to the problems of now, with nothing really changing. The causes of these problems, discovered after much digging through archives seems to be the general Nobody cares aditude of the site, and the general populations inability to really change anything, because they don't care. A random user who had been missing since around the last issue of UnSignpost made this comment. "Well, when I left, uncyc had been having its own problems and everyone had been complaining about the same things for some time and nobody really cared enough to do anything, or just couldn't make anything happen." says THEDUDEMAN, who had been missing since late September. "I thought I'd come back and see what was happening in the world of Uncyclopedia, and by the looks of it, nothing has changed" While the general population of Uncyclopedia has been alerted to these aging problems, nobody has raised any fuss to get any of them solved. It seems nothing will ever happen because as they all say, nobody cares. UU notices return of USP, hijacks article for own nefarious ends
Yeah, that title pretty much gives it away - evil admin UU has hijacked this section of the USP to announce two festive initiatives: the Mince Pie contest, and the Ban Parto-ho-ho-l, both of which are to be found on his userpage. So if you think you can eat more mince pies this Christmas than UU or current runaway leader Barry Gibb of Bee Gees fame, or if you want to request a friendly festive joke ban for one of your Uncyc chums, get yourselves across to the most festive userpage on the wiki! YOU ARE ALL LAZY TALLYWHACKERS! An Editorial. Alright you lazy sons of bitches (no offense to Zana, of course), what in the hell have you been doing these last few months? Gerry takes time away from this The Post was started by Cajek and Skully in May of 2008. That's really as far as I got with my research though, so I guess your history lesson is over. Regardless, how many amazing stories have been broken from the fine investigative journaling over the years? Like the time we broke the story that the UnSignpost was starting up. Or the time we told everyone Spang's talkpage was destroying the Wikia servers. A problem that still haunts us today. Without this venerable post, those stories never would have been unleashed upon the moronic and ignorant public that includes you, who are both a moron and ignorant. We need this thing to bring us the news, and make us laugh. We need this thing for the sake of parody. But, above anything else, we need this post in order to waste Dexter's time when he's forced to deliver them. Have you seen his edits around here over the past few weeks? That guy's getting to be WAY too useful, and if we don't stop him now, who knows what he'll do next. Fix VFH? Win Last person to edit wins? Nip this in the bud Uncyc. Nip this in the fucking bud. |
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UnSignpost Main Page • Contact the Editors • Sign Up for Delivery • Get the Userbox |
Late deliver courtesy of MegaPleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 00:01, December 30, 2009 (UTC)
Amazed thanks[edit source]
You're ridiculously kind. As it happens there is Hanna Barbera's "Gangs of New York" which is new(ish). Otherwise I'll have to try to finish the article I started on Dr Benjamin Spock's "Common sense book of baby and child care" by this time tomorrow. --Sog1970 20:45, December 30, 2009 (UTC)
- Well, the year is over, and the voting for the top 10 is at sight, so I was thinking which articles made me laugh most. More than half of them were yours.. Now I'm off to read (and laugh at) this article you linked my to. :) SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 20:54 • Wednesday, 30-12-2009
- It's very good, I didn't lol but I smiled and giggled all along. Maybe it's because I don't know those cartoon characters.. Eh, anyway, It's a nice take on a movie that really touched me (in my private parts) SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 21:13 • Wednesday, 30-12-2009
- You don't know Top Cat and Scooby Doo? - you must have been a sadly neglected child. --Sog1970 21:18, December 30, 2009 (UTC)
- Scooby Doo, yes. Top Cat, no. I was more of a Looney Toons kid, actually. That and Chinese cartoons. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 07:58 • Thursday, 31-12-2009
- Scooby Doo, yes. Top Cat, no. I was more of a Looney Toons kid, actually. That and Chinese cartoons. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
- You don't know Top Cat and Scooby Doo? - you must have been a sadly neglected child. --Sog1970 21:18, December 30, 2009 (UTC)
- It's very good, I didn't lol but I smiled and giggled all along. Maybe it's because I don't know those cartoon characters.. Eh, anyway, It's a nice take on a movie that really touched me (in my private parts) SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
Yet Another Template[edit source]
When will the insanity end? --
21:55, December 31, 2009 (UTC)And another thanks! --
12:37, January 6, 2010 (UTC)
Ladies & Gentlemen, Welcome To Violence ...the word and the act. While violence cloaks itself in a plethora of disguises, its favorite mantle still remains... sex. Violence devours all it touches, its voracious appetite rarely fulfilled. Yet violence doesn't only destroy, it creates and molds as well. Let's examine closely then this dangerously evil creation, this new breed encased and contained within the supple skin of woman. The softness is there, the unmistakable smell of female, the surface shiny and silken, the body yielding yet wanton. But a word of caution: handle with care and don't drop your guard. This rapacious new breed prowls both alone and in packs, operating at any level, any time, anywhere, and with anybody. Who are they? One might be your secretary, your doctor's receptionist... or a dancer in a go-go club!.................................................... |
Disregard the previous templates, this is the real one!-- 16:27, January 6, 2010 (UTC)
- Ta. You outdid yourself, mate! SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 16:35 • Wednesday, 6-01-2010
To 10 of the Month of which is of which like it is December.[edit source]
LEPRECHAUN. Would you like a cookie, sir?
A bouncy thanks![edit source]
Sir ACROLO KUN • FPW • AOTM • FA •(SPAM) 18:01, January 3, 2010 (UTC)
I know it's late, don't bitch at me. Bitch.[edit source]
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I WILL FUCKING EAT YOUR FAMILY!!! Oh, and thanks for the vote :)
![]() |
Would you like a cookie, sir?
- Ooo, I'm scared SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 20:52 • Monday, 4-01-2010
- You should be...
Would you like a cookie, sir?
- You should be...
Hey, you voted for my article on VFH and helped make it a feature.[edit source]
8===========D~ ~ ~ ~O:
And I'm too lazy to make a proper template for it. Thanks! sausage lol 18:55, January 7, 2010 (UTC)
Fredd The Mahmauscher?[edit source]
That sounds like Mini The Moocher! ~ 08:41, January 8, 2010 (UTC)
- Hehehe! Say hello to the new me! What will my nickname be now by the way? ;) SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 08:46 • Friday,
- Fredmucher? ~
09:08, January 8, 2010 (UTC)
- That's longer than your name, man SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 09:13 • Friday,
- F the M? Pup
- That sounds cool, actually :) also, sorry for not following your advice of "less than 15 chars username" SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 10:02 • Friday,
- That sounds cool, actually :) also, sorry for not following your advice of "less than 15 chars username" SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
- F the M? Pup
- That's longer than your name, man SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
- Fredmucher? ~
If you think I'm gonna stop calling you Mooshy, you're F'ed in the H. Would you like a cookie, sir?
AMUSE ME • 12:26 • Friday,
What was wrong with your old one? • • • Necropaxx (T) {~} Friday, 17:43, Jan
- As I explained on sannse talk page, my old username was so stupid that I feel embarassed showing it to my friends. Also, did you notice the alliteration in your question? SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 19:06 • Friday, 8-01-2010
- If you'll notice, "Necropaxx" is not at the height of radicalocity either. Also, alliteration? What ware wou walking wabout? • • • Necropaxx (T) {~} Saturday, 04:27, Jan 9 2010
- One more thing. How on earth do you have "Fred" as your nickname? You said your name's Muhammad! • • • Necropaxx (T) {~} Saturday, 04:29, Jan 9 2010
- Mohammad Farid. Almost all my friends know me as "Fred", as 75% of Egyptian males have Mohammad or Ahmad as their first names. Also, Necropaxx is a really cool name, at least for a black metal fan. :P Also also, I've bolded the alliterating words for you. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 08:40 • Saturday, 9-01-2010
- Nerds.
Would you like a cookie, sir?
- Nerds.
- Mohammad Farid. Almost all my friends know me as "Fred", as 75% of Egyptian males have Mohammad or Ahmad as their first names. Also, Necropaxx is a really cool name, at least for a black metal fan. :P Also also, I've bolded the alliterating words for you. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
Water papyrus[edit source]
Hi. I had a quick look at it and did my best with proof-reading. But people who review my stuff will tell you that English isn't really my area, I'm a Welsh-Canadian (two peoples who don't speak English proper). I've changed the odd sentence round a bit - mostly to shorten ones that exceed three lines because it always seems to make them easier to read. The formatting is so much better than anything i can do that i wouldn't dream of interfering with it. I wasn't entirely familiar with the subject - is it something to do with the "Book of the dead"? So I haven't really invented anything much to add. But something may occur to me during the day, in which case I'll put it in the discussion page. The editted version is on User:Sog1970/Review - I hope it helps. I'll see if I can find a picture or two to suggest. --Sog1970 16:17, January 10, 2010 (UTC)
- Thanks a bunch, matey. You can directly edit whatever you like into the article, at any time. Your additions were real funny, thanks :)
- My next project will be Chapter for obeisance before giving breath to the inert one in the presence of cresent shaped horns. It'll basically be a guide for mouth-to-mouth breathing, written in archaic and studded with silly pharaonic rituals. Let me know if you're interested in a collab. :) • •
• • 17:09 • Sunday, 10-01-2010
Collab[edit source]
"Yeah, I know I've been a bastard, but I've tried, all alo-o-o-o-o-ong."
Anyways, I know I've sucked with helping in collabs in the past, but I've come to a complete roadblock in how to finish my most recent article. Do you wanna join in?
By the way, those lyrics are by Darwin's Jesus, in case you want to know. Would you like a cookie, sir?
New Template Town[edit source]
![]() |
I'm pretty exhausted, so this one might be lonely!-- 15:45, January 12, 2010 (UTC)
FRED?![edit source]
evil name. <<新年快乐>> 10:31 January 13
The title[edit source]
Do you like it? --Pleb SYNDROME CUN medicate (butt poop!!!!) 08:08, January 15, 2010 (UTC)
- Ooh yea. • •
• 08:11 • Friday, 15-01-2010
- Hey, I didn't know you were into that kinda stuff. Alright, that's cool with me, brah. --Pleb SYNDROME CUN medicate (butt poop!!!!) 08:25, January 15, 2010 (UTC)
UnSignpost January 14th[edit source]
In Pure Russian Fashion, The Newspaper That Reads YOU!!
Jan 14th, 2010 • Issue71 • Keeping You Guessing
Uncyclopedia Voting Season Arrives, Users Driven To Voting Frenzy
UnSignpost's fearless reporter and mascot DogNewspaper (pictured) predicts a bumper month for whoring, in-fighting, backstabbing and bitching as users scramble to secure themselves a fleeting moment's recognition from up to several of their peers. Followed by next to no voting in February, as everyone recovers. From the desk of the Cabal: 2010 ordered to be Drama free
As Uncyclopedia drunkenly stumbles into the new decade, barely managing to hold down that spicy dinner it had for lunch, the non-existent cabal would like to wish all residents a happy new year. And by wish we mean order, residents would be subjects and by happy new year we mean fuck you all where communism hasn't failed yet. Yes ladies and gentlemen, we saw it all in 2009. We saw dozens of forums declaring that we're the worst (which we know), we saw numerous editors leave the front door open on the way out (come on people! it's bloody -7 outside!), we saw epic banninations (the simple joys of life), we saw prolific gay bashing (ideologically pure of course), we saw religious wars over sausages, we saw the worst 100 reflections of 2009 barely close before the midnight of December 31st. You promised in 2008 you wouldn't do that. You failed us. And so, ladies and gentlemen, we raise our collective arses from the toilet which was 2009, wiping it with the first anniversary edition of the UnSignpost, as this is the only good thing that ever came out of this rag of a newspaper. We would like to ask humbly that the population of Uncyclopedia do the following: Please, for the love of Sophia, remain calm; exit the building in an orderly fashion; remember that objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are; understand that allergen traces may be found in this Uncyclopedia. And always remember the prime directive: you are here to have fun. Or in short - shut the fuck up and go write an article. Thank you for your undivided attention citizens. You may now remove your muzzles. |
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UnSignpost Main Page • Contact the Editors • Sign Up for Delivery • Get the Userbox |
self-delivery by • • •
• 12:47 • Friday, 15-01-2010
Collab[edit source]
Sounds fun. i don't think I'll have a lot of time to do much this week end. But let me know what direction you think it may take and I'll try my best. Never collaborated with anyone else - it should be good. --Sog1970 18:38, January 15, 2010 (UTC)
- Cool. It needn't be done this weekend :) Anyway, the direction I think is best for it would be.. Errr.. The trivialities of kinghood.. In archaic.. You know, like dragons, warriors, epic battles against the dark lord, taxes, rebellions and that kind of shit.. Ehh, I have no solid concept; I make shit up as I go along. • •
• 19:23 • Friday, 15-01-2010
- Good. Because making up shit as you go along is how it should be. I read it briefly yesterday. i noticed you'd changed some r's to l's - like dlagon - I'm not sure if that makes it sound medieval. As a Brit it makes it sound Japanese to me. In medieval script S's was generally written as f. That could work, maybe. along with "Ye", "Thou" "Thee" "Thy" etc (I'm a bit vague about the difference between thee and thou. Oh, and "Art" for "Are". And perhaps the occassional "Verily" and "Forsooth". Gad, but methinks we may yet have some fun with this. --Sog1970 14:42, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
- The R's and L's were changed only in the last section where the advisor is Oriental. I planned to get rid of him in the following section, anyway.. Oh, and the difference between thee and thou is just a matter of parts of speech; if it's the subject it'd be thou, if it's the object it's thee. • •
• 15:47 • Saturday, 16-01-2010
- I should probably be humiliated that you clearly have a better grip of English than I do. But I'm Welsh so English is the language of the oppressor.--Sog1970 22:13, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
- Also, I hadn't realised the Osama bin laden untweets were yours. That was class. Feel free to revert any edits I made
- Aw no man, those edits were awesome! I sense that so much fun this way cometh :) Also, thanks for the compliment, I feel much honoured. Also also, my grip of English is in no way better than yours, it's just that I've been interested in archaic ever since I was 15 so I know the basic rules :) • •
• 08:21 • Sunday, 17-01-2010
- Don't know if you like the statue picture. I'm not sure if it will fit in the openning section without being made too small. But you're much better at the formatting than I am. i leave it to you. --Sog1970 13:27, January 17, 2010 (UTC)
- In fact, I do like the statue picture, especially that the angle from which it was shot gives the illusion that the statue is indeed colossal. I'll play around a bit with the size and position until it fits, but first, I am writing the "slay the dragon" section. Don't Edit-Conflict me! :) • •
• 13:35 • Sunday, 17-01-2010
- In fact, I do like the statue picture, especially that the angle from which it was shot gives the illusion that the statue is indeed colossal. I'll play around a bit with the size and position until it fits, but first, I am writing the "slay the dragon" section. Don't Edit-Conflict me! :) • •
- Don't know if you like the statue picture. I'm not sure if it will fit in the openning section without being made too small. But you're much better at the formatting than I am. i leave it to you. --Sog1970 13:27, January 17, 2010 (UTC)
- Aw no man, those edits were awesome! I sense that so much fun this way cometh :) Also, thanks for the compliment, I feel much honoured. Also also, my grip of English is in no way better than yours, it's just that I've been interested in archaic ever since I was 15 so I know the basic rules :) • •
- Also, I hadn't realised the Osama bin laden untweets were yours. That was class. Feel free to revert any edits I made
- I should probably be humiliated that you clearly have a better grip of English than I do. But I'm Welsh so English is the language of the oppressor.--Sog1970 22:13, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
- The R's and L's were changed only in the last section where the advisor is Oriental. I planned to get rid of him in the following section, anyway.. Oh, and the difference between thee and thou is just a matter of parts of speech; if it's the subject it'd be thou, if it's the object it's thee. • •
- Good. Because making up shit as you go along is how it should be. I read it briefly yesterday. i noticed you'd changed some r's to l's - like dlagon - I'm not sure if that makes it sound medieval. As a Brit it makes it sound Japanese to me. In medieval script S's was generally written as f. That could work, maybe. along with "Ye", "Thou" "Thee" "Thy" etc (I'm a bit vague about the difference between thee and thou. Oh, and "Art" for "Are". And perhaps the occassional "Verily" and "Forsooth". Gad, but methinks we may yet have some fun with this. --Sog1970 14:42, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
Interview With an Egyptian Taxi Driver[edit source]
Just wanted to say -this was genius. SufiyaFatimaLevi 19:28, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
- Thank you. I have to admit, though, it isn't completely original. I found it in a very crude state somewhere on the internet, saw that it has great potential, exploited it; rewordet it, added jokes of my own, then Mordillo joined and made it into the FA it is, now. • •
• 19:51 • Saturday, 16-01-2010
Papyrus[edit source]
I looked it over for you. I didn't do it like I would a normal review, however, as that really wasn't what you were looking for. Sorry it took so damn long. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 19:56, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
- I've read it already, and it's pretty good. Thanks a lot. :) • •
• 20:00 • Saturday, 16-01-2010
- Not a problem Moosh/Fred. If you want any more help, or what to do a collab, or whatever, feel free to drop by and ask. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 05:27, January 17, 2010 (UTC)
I went to the Bazaar today[edit source]
And bought Egyptian strawberries. They better be good. ~ 22:45, January 16, 2010 (UTC)
- Ah, back in the day, Egyptian stawberry was naturally sweet, nowadays you need half a kilo of sugar for every kilo of strawberry. Good ol days... • •
• 08:00 • Sunday, 17-01-2010
HowTo:Be A King[edit source]
Is it ready to be nommed?
14:51, 18 January 2010- Necro's gonna review it within 20 hours. So, tomorrow maybe. • •
• 15:25 • Monday, 18-01-2010
- Ah, good.
- You're right. Good review. Now the search engine's been fixed BTW, I checked and there isn't a How to be God - something for you to consider, perhaps. --Sog1970 09:15, January 19, 2010 (UTC)
15:51, 18 January 2010
- Ah, good.
Why the Name Change[edit source]
I liked Mahmoosha, it sounds, I don't know, mooshy, and I like mooshy.--Director
YOU 333 23:31, January 18, 2010 (UTC)
- It sounded kinda gay (in Arabic at least) when I showed my buddies my works here on uncyclopedia. And Fred is my real life nickname, so yeah. But you can still call me mooshy if you like. Everybody does. • •
• 08:51 • Tuesday, 19-01-2010
Papyrus Collab[edit source]
I didn't mean to ignore you or anything, your message just got lost above the UnSignpost that was delivered shortly after you left it. Anyway, I'd be totally willing to collaborate with you. How do you want to go about it? Brainstorm together, have me take a stab and rewriting the article, something else? —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 13:50, January 19, 2010 (UTC)
- Good. You do it, I'll just watch for now, then join you later with some minor edits. Now, go for it. • •
• 13:53 • Tuesday,
- K, sounds good, I'll have it done in the next couple days. If things work out well, maybe you and I could do that Interview with a Metalhead piece we once talked about? —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 21:02, January 19, 2010 (UTC)
UnSignpost 21th January 2009[edit source]
We're delivering it to your door anyways!
Jan 21st, 2010 • Issue 72 • Yorkshire-style news
Awards of the Year race thrillingly poised
In the most prestigious award of the lot, Writer of the Year, the race for second place behind prolific funny factory and champion-elect Hype is neck and neck between apparently-no-longer-hirsute TKF fan-club president and feature-machine Guildy and low-profile but high-quality-output, er, feature-machine Sog1970. But wait! There's still a chance they could get caught by the chasing pack of little-known and modest Scouser Mhaille, hetero macho-man Orian57, antipodean canine PuppyOnTheRadio and none-more-metal mosher Monika. Oh, and some other chancers have been nommed without polling a single vote (including DrStrange, who is currently looking likely to become the first Uncyclopedian ever to win WotM twice, but hasn't carried that form over to WotY - odd). Meanwhile, over at PotY, the race for second place behind Sonje is even closer, with both Modus and some n00b polling a creditable one nom but no votes each! Who will pull ahead by the end of the month? It's a competition you just can't keep your eyes off! Disappointingly, the UotY vote lets the side down, with seemingly a boring old race for first place between Belgian one-man categorisation whirlwind, maintenance addict, broken thing fixer, BUTT POOP!!! junkie and footwear-as-handwear exponent Socky and handsome English admin who wrote this article and is not in the least bit biased UU. The apparent scramble to be runner-up to whichever of these two is runner-up is far more interesting, as non-stop wikifixer MadMax goes up against Welsh Rarebit RabbiTechno, not-Yorkshire-enough admin Mordillo, vowel-free-zone Mnbvcxz and Moterfucking Nigger Lover Roman Dog Bird. Damned with the faint praise of a nom with no votes in this category are the pants bomber, talk page king FU Spang, human non-sequitur generator Modus and absent but deadly hockey nut Gerry. And finally, over where it's really at, the NotD cockfight is almost impossible to call! Will plucky outsider RC hold off the challenge of Apple, Apples and Maddie's life? The tension is quite literally unbearable! But remember kids: whoever "wins", we're all still losers. And now, your not-at-all-struggling-for-material Signpost brings you... Horoscopes!
For the rest of this week's horoscopes in full, see the horoscopes page, obviously. |
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Also, it's MrN9000's mum's 60th birthday!
17:35, Jan 21