Forum:Caption Contest

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Caption Contest
Note: This topic has been unedited for 5539 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

Didn't we used to have a Caption Contest a la The New Yorker? Do we still have a Caption Contest a la The New Yorker? Anyway, I think it was a great idea, and should probably be revived, featured on the Main Page, and advertised over all of Wikia through those little tiny boxes at the bottom and left-hand side of the page. Also, Wumbo is the #1 Google search result for "Wumbo", and because of this should probably be improved - I'd tag it with some nonsense but I've forgotten how. Also, I will probably never return to check on this poor little Forum Topic, and instead will entrust the ever-diligent members of the Uncyclopedia community to carry out my wishes.

HOMESTAR ME!!! TURTLE ME!!! t o m p k i n s  blah. ﺞوﻦ וףה ՃՄ ண்ஸ ފއހ วอฏม +տ trade websites 03:19, 3 December 2009 (UTC)

Holy crap it's Tompkins. --Andorin Kato 03:21, December 3, 2009 (UTC)
There can be a revived caption contest... if you truly want there to be one. Spang talk 04:10, 03 Dec 2009
So you just dropped by to tell other people to do something? Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 07:41, December 3, 2009 (UTC)
Tompkins hasn't been here in ages. Whoever is responsible for this needs to stop bumping old forum topics. --Pleb SYNDROME CUN medicate (butt poop!!!!) 15:43, December 3, 2009 (UTC)
Do you still live in Iowa? --EMC [TALK] 11:46 Dec 4 2009
Tompkins has a longer signature than than at least three dozen articles on Uncyclopedia. --Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 16:19, December 4, 2009 (UTC)
Caption contest seems like fun, no matter how long he has. -- Style Oranssiviiva.jpg Guide 17:55, December 7, 2009 (UTC)
I have continued Tompkins mandate of telling other people what to do by adding the "{{Proofread}}" template to the bottom of the Wumbo page.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  02:52, December 14, 2009 (UTC)

Since no one else is going to start this thing...

Go. Captionate this picture. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 23:25, December 7, 2009 (UTC)

How did you get my high school yearbook photo?! Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 00:58, December 8, 2009 (UTC)
Smugness became Kyle's trademark once he figured out how to keep the hampster from escaping.

Symbol for vote.svg For. My vote for winner, so far. --AKA The Pretentious Testicle GlobalTourniquetUnAstrologer, UnJournalist, shameless narcissistic America-hating liberal atheist award-winning featured writer 00:44, December 10, 2009 (UTC)
Symbol for vote.svg 'For.'Winner. Next picture please. -OptyC Sucks! Icons-flag-us.png CUN15:08, 12 Dec

Well, perhaps some sort of unimportant consensus?

How about, each contest is open for 5-7 days, and then 1-2 days of voting for the winner? We can probably just vote in the same way Opty and Global have already voted. Also, no voting for yourself. Don't be that guy. I guess, also, I can create some sort of thrown-together, meaningless award for whomever wins, if that is what the people want. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 19:50, December 12, 2009 (UTC)

Sounds good. Necropaxx (T) {~} Sunday, 01:06, Dec 13 2009
How about, instead of that, nobody cares? Spang talk 03:24, 13 Dec 2009
Symbol for vote.svg For. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 04:39, December 13, 2009 (UTC)

Now do this one

The plot to kill Indestructible Man (with a vat
of corrosive acid while he sleeps) predictably failed.
Symbol for vote.svg For. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 05:51, December 14, 2009 (UTC)
Symbol for vote.svg The win.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  08:51, December 20, 2009 (UTC)

And then there were another...

Giving birth to a child can be a lot like shitting out a large turd. Don't forget to check before flushing.
Symbol for vote.svg The win.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  08:51, December 20, 2009 (UTC)
  • For the last time Olipro, flush when you're done! -OptyC Sucks! Icons-flag-us.png CUN22:11, 17 Dec
  • "No! No! No! Mistow Fisheewishes is not dead! He just westing! Hold on! I save you, Mistow Fisheewishes!" Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 22:23, December 17, 2009 (UTC)
  • Looks like QVFD is overflowing again. Those Uncyc admins are worthless. -OptyC Sucks! Icons-flag-us.png CUN22:32, 17 Dec
  • Giving birth to a child can be a lot like shitting out a large turd. Don't forget to check before flushing. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 23:52, 17 December 2009
Symbol for vote.svg For. Add "before flushing" at the end and you have my vote. --<<Bradmonogram.png>> 00:06, December 18, 2009 (UTC)
Done. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 22:31, 20 December 2009
Symbol for vote.svg Winner. I think this guy's a lock for Noob Of The Month. -OptyC Sucks! Icons-flag-us.png CUN16:44, 18 Dec
  • What?! When you have that much shit in the tub, where else is a guy supposed to take a bath? Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 17:11, December 18, 2009 (UTC)
  • No, honey. They're not going to buy the "it was still in its second trimester" story this time. --S0.S0S.0S.0S0 01:47, December 19, 2009 (UTC)
Symbol for vote.svg For. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 17:52, December 20, 2009 (UTC)


Add the most recent caption to the top.
One entry per person.

Sorry to inject this here, but I vote that the most recent captions should be added to the bottom. My reason for voting for this is because we read from top to bottom, and if two captions could be considered derivative of each other, the first of said captions should be the first that is experienced by a given laughter. Case in point: my caption is the first chronologically below to utilize the notion that he is doing this to help her and it is failing. By the time you get to mine this way, however, this notion has become a bit stale. But if you reverse the order, per my idea, you necessarily get a slightly bigger laugh out of mine. You didn't think that my vote on this was not self-serving, did you? --AKA The Pretentious Testicle GlobalTourniquetUnAstrologer, UnJournalist, shameless narcissistic America-hating liberal atheist award-winning featured writer 16:20, December 24, 2009 (UTC)

Hm,m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m... Well I thought that by putting the newest on top it brings more 'pop!' to it because you haven't had to wade all the way through the comments you've read time and time again. With the new comment right under the picture I think it allows us to better consider it, freshly and originally. But what do I know. Caption Order Vote?  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  07:31, December 28, 2009 (UTC)
Being a nerd and afraid of girls, Timmy developed a new
device designed to communicate with the cootie-ridden beasts.
  • Being a nerd and afraid of girls, Timmy developed a new device designed to communicate with the cootie-ridden beasts. Staircase CUNt 22:43, December 24, 2009 (UTC)
Symbol for vote.svg For.Sirmixxalot0 ima newbzor XD22:49, December 24, 2009 (UTC)
Symbol for vote.svg Another For. This caption is pretty good. --InvincibleFlameGrueMaster 12 27, 21:48
  • "Just one hearty blow from my trusty tuba, and voila! A portly soccer mom!" <applause> --S0.S0S.0S.0S0 22:26, December 24, 2009 (UTC)
  • While willing to give it a fair shot, Jane had her doubts about her husband's new "green" hairdryer design. -OptyC Sucks! Icons-flag-us.png CUN18:34, 23 Dec
Symbol for vote.svg For. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 18:41, December 23, 2009 (UTC)
Symbol for vote.svg For. Because.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  04:45, December 24, 2009 (UTC)

Below the picture, captions should go on ______ first:

Symbol heart vote.svg Love! Symbol for vote.svg For. Symbol keep vote.svg Keep. Red check mark.svg Strong keep. Symbol neutral vote.svg Abstain. Symbol comment vote.svg Comment. Symbol recycle vote.svg Recyclewrite. Symbol declined.svg Against. Symbol delete vote.svg Delete. Smite lightning.svg Smite. Symbol EXTERMINATE vote small.gif EXTERMINATE!
Ha!  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~ 

new image!

Symbol for vote.svg For. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 23:52, December 30, 2009 (UTC)
Symbol for vote.svg Also For.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  05 Jan 2010 ~ 07:56 (UTC)

new image, bitches


I think this Ronald ate that homeless man!  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  13 Jan 2010 ~ 05:48 (UTC)
  • Tried on child molestation charges in a shocking 2010 court case, Ronald McDonald went from opulent corporate icon to rock-bottom vagrant after a highly publicized out-of-court settlement. --S0.S0S.0S.0S0 03:14, January 14, 2010 (UTC)
    Symbol possible vote.svg Split 1/2 vote for!  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  15 Jan 2010 ~ 08:17 (UTC)

Yet another image
