“Sĩgñ ỹõũr
fũckĩñgcõmments, fõr Chrĩst’s sãkewith them!”
Õñe õf the earliest kñõwñ emõticõñs, the põpularity õf ~ (prõñõũñcẽd "TILL‑dãy" but mõre õfteñ cãlled "twiddles" õr simply "squiggly thiñg I ñever ñeed tõ type") peãked ãmõñg the fishiñg villãges ãlõñg the ɯ̃esterñ cõãst õf Ãtlãñtis duriñg the time õf the Põrpõise Hõrrõr, ãñd hãs beeñ iñ steãdy use ever siñce. The eãrliest recõrded iñstãñce õf ~ shãll be fõuñd iñ 2012 iñ Peru, cãrved beñeãth ã relief sculpture õf ã ɯ̃eãsel ãdõrñiñg ã põrcelãiñ cõmmõde dãted 1066BC. This iñtriñsic mysteriõusñess eñsures thãt the curreñt chief use is mãiñly ãs ã liñguistic device emplõyed by ãññõyiñg peõple tõ mãke themselves feel smug.
~s ĩñ hĩstõrỹ[edit | edit source]
Duriñg Wõrld Wãr 2, ~ prõved vitãl fõr smuggliñg much-ñeeded 'o's ãñd '~/'s ãcrõss eñemy liñes, restõriñg the emõticõñic bãlãñce õf põɯ̃er.
Beãt õut Rõlliñg O fõr the Tuñgsteñ Medãl iñ the Grañd Prix õf the XVKPrd Ãlphãlympiãd õf 1977.
Beñjãmiñ Frãñkliñ is õfteñ remembered fõr killiñg his dãughter Ãrethã, by cõveriñg ã ~ with cheese ãñd clãimiñg it tõ be ã Wheãt Thiñ, thus iñveñtiñg deãdly juñk fõõd.
Iñ the eãrly dãys õf the Iñterñets, mãñy ɯ̃ebsites used ~ tõ stãñd iñ fõr the mõre ãɯ̃kwãrd /webdocs/public/server/stupidstuff/buried/In/our/stupid/heirarchy. This ãllõɯ̃ed ã mõre frieñdly iñterñets ãddress of www.internets.com/~website, ãs õppõsed tõ the mõre ãccurãte ''www.internets.com/webdocs/public/server/stupidstuff/buried/In/our/stupid/heirarchy/website ɯ̃heñ Micrõsõft trãdemãrked ~, mõst ɯ̃ebsites fõuñd ãñõther sõlutiõñ ɯ̃ith DÑS ãliãses.
Geõrge W. Bush hãs beeñ cõñfirmed tõ hãve beeñ uñder the iñflueñce õf the ~ ɯ̃heñ decidiñg tõ ãttãck Irãq. It is uñcleãr ɯ̃hãt rõle ~ plãyed iñ Bush's decisiõñ, ãlthõugh Bush hãs beeñ quõted ãs sãyiñg "Me likes tilde fõr likiñg."
~s ĩñ scĩeñce[edit | edit source]
The eñtire sõutherñ hãlf õf the cõre õf Veñus is thõught tõ be mãde up õf ~s.
Whatever the fuck this is[edit | edit source]
Meanings[edit | edit source]
- Beiñg ãñ eñtirely cõñtextuãl emõticõñ, it is ñeãrly impõssible tõ ãscribe ã specific meãñiñg tõ ~, thõugh it's geñerãlly ãccepted tõ be fãirly rude, ɯ̃hãt with the leɯ̃dly curliñg eñds ãñd ãll.
- Iñ Eiñsteiñiãñ Physics ~ is used tõ deñõte fõõd ãñd beverãge requests. Fõr exãmple, is equivãleñt tõ "ãñ õrder õf dõughñuts.", equãls "Ñumber 29 Luñch Speciãl". It cãñ ãlsõ be used tõ twiddle relãtives.
- Iñ mãthemãtics ~ is used tõ deñõte equivãleñce relãtiõñs which, fõr exãmple, õbey the cõñditiõñ ãñd thus dõ ñõt õbey Russiãñ reversãl. (Iñ Sõviet Russiã twiddles relãtes YÕU!!) Russiãñ reversãl is ãñ ãñti-reflexive relãtiõñ.
Use[edit | edit source]
The dwãrves thãt live iñ Spãiñ, uñder the mõuñtãiñs tãll, used ~ tõ creãte letter Ñ. This letter is õñly used tõ lãugh ãt tõurists iñ Ãrgeñtiñã, Spãiñ, ãñd Ãmericã (the ceñter ãñd bõttõm ãreãs, yes, ... "Ãmericãñs"!) whõ ãre ãbsõlutely uñãble tõ prõñõuñce it.
~ cãñ be used tõ ãccess the mythicãl cõñsõle, iñ ɯ̃hich õñe cãñ eñter cheãt cõdes, hõwever, iñ õrder fõr the cõdes tõ wõrk õñe must first eñter the cõde sv_cheats 1 ãñd relõãd their life, ã feãt which is ãlmõst impõssible fõr the first versiõñ õf the humãñ rãce due tõ the iñstãbility fõuñd iñ hãlf õf mõst lifes. If yõu ɯ̃ish tõ use these sõ cãlled cheãt cõdes yõu must cõñsult ã 1337 h4xX0r ãñd ãsk if he hãs ãñy spãre pãtchwõrk cõãts. Iñ ã mõre mõderñ life sõurce eñgiñe, õñe dões ñõt hãve tõ relõãd their life, thõugh the õmñipõteñt server mãy restrict use õf either sv_cheats, cheãt cõdes in geñerãl õr the use õf õñes cõññectiñg põwer.
The lõwercãse versiõñ õf ~ is ` ãñd the upper cãse is ¬ ɯ̃hich mãkes it uñique iñ the Latiñ ãlphãbet ãs the õñly symbõl tõ hãve three cãses. It is ãlsõ the first letter iñ ãlphãbeticãl õrder. Ã lõt õf peõple igñõre the fãct thãt it exists. Ists. Yes. Mõre teã pleãse. Kthx.
It is ãlsõ used by ɯ̃eeãbõõ fuckers fõr wõrds.
~s iñ Esperãñtõ[edit | edit source]
Iñ Esperãñtõ, ~ is quite põssibly the mõst disgustiñg thiñg ever. It is recommended thãt wheñ cõñversiñg in Esperãñtõ, use ~ ɯ̃ith extreme cãutiõñ.
“I have fõrged, like ã fõrger õr a smith, the key tõ the ɯ̃õrld. Tãke it by the hãñds añd õpeñ the bãrriers tõ peõple’s heãrts. Except fõr the heãrt õf thãt ~y git, he sucks.”
~s iñ this wiki[edit | edit source]
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