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This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
This user is Canadian
…and stands for truth, universal health care, and HOCKEY!(List of Canadian Uncyclopedians)

“The King is wiser than us all!”

~ Oscar Wilde on DaMoleKing

“Psssht! Big Deal!”

~ Borat on DaMoleKing

“In Soviet Russia, Awesome is DaMoleKing!”

~ Russian Reversal on DaMoleKing

Sir Zach da Mole King, Born December 2, 1863, is an awesome, sexy individual who invented win. He is known to change genders, which is not unusual because many awesome people, including awesome itself are known to have an opposite gender. DaMoleKing has explored the world, and has discovered many places unknown to man prior to his discovery like YouTube, deviantART and Uncyclopedia. In 2012 he conquered Viacom, which not only saved the world from ending on the 21st of December that year, but has made him invincible. Encyclopedia Dramatica describes him as a stupid retarded over-rated wanna-be. However, Encyclopedia Dramatica is gay the main cause of AIDS wrong, for DaMoleKing is pure win and does not give a shit about the thoughts of nerds who crack off over furry sex Encyclopedia Dramatica.

DaMoleKing Facts[edit | edit source]