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The Bible
Cover artistGeorge Zimmerman
LanguageGod's language: English
  • Realistic fiction
  • Coming-of-age fiction
  • Religious fiction
  • Romance
  • Ancient fiction
Publication dateAt least eighty years after the Resurrection
Media typePrint
PagesWay too many (may vary)

The Bible (also known as The Holy Bile) is a pretentious mythological fiction novel that tried an experimental approach to storytelling, in which the narrative was told from the perspective of different narrators. It is one of the best selling fiction works of all time[1] and encompasses a wide array of genres, including drama, mystery, musical, action, mythology, tragedy, poetry, thriller, adventure, fantasy, horror, historical fiction, pornography, and snuff.

The authorship of The Bible is attributed to famous writer and religious leader YHWH, althought many believe it was a wholly ghost-written[2] collaboration of various authors. First being published by Stone Tablets Press around 6000 BC,[3], the book is a continuation of the acclaimed novel The Tanakh. It was separated into two volumes: Volume One (The Old Testament) and Volume Two (The New Testament). Volume One is centred on the mysterious figure, "The Father", whose actions are described only vicariously. Volume Two focuses on the progeny of The Father, dubbed "The Son".

Besides having an epic and dramatic storyline, The Bible includes various themes that some consider to be controversial such as war, slavery, racism, murder, alcoholism, magic, genocide, rape, incest, masochism, bestiality, pedophilia, cannibalism, homophobia, and neoconservatism. Despite these controversies, The Bible is commonly and freely read to children. The Bible also employs various literary devices such as symbolism, breaking the Fourth Wall, deus ex machina, McGuffins, Tom Swiftys, foreshadowing, Time Travel, magical realism, poetic justice, and anti-heroism. Interestingly, The Bible refrains from using some more familiar literary devices such as parody, frame story, in media res, back story, romance, and love – which, according to many literary experts, could have enhanced the drama of the stories.


YHWH's previous book, The Tanakh, described the fictional beginnings of Earth by the means of an unnamed invisible sky fairy which has the ultimate orgasm, causing the Big Bang, or "Genesis". This fairy is identified only by a self-description known as We, but later in the series, it is revealed that this We entity is actually The Father, the main protagonist in Volume One. He is sometimes incorrectly referred to as "Lord" or "God". So humble is the author that he even goes on to suggest that he and The Father are the same person, meaning that this character himself would have written the very book that the readers are reading, creating a splendid twist of circular logic that can otherwise be found only through the means of drug use. The story then focuses on the exciting adventures of a tribe of God's chosen people known as the Israelites, who are told to remove their penis foreskin and such other things.

Upon its release, mixed feelings were felt. Stories of harsh punishment, divine intervention, genocide, rape, murder, and 9/11 conspiracy theories made the book very controversial. Roman intellectuals called the book "radical" and "unimpressive". Eratosthenes wrote the following brief review on the book:

Despite this, the book was an unexpected success, growing a (quite literal) cult-following in the Middle East. It became #6 on Heeb Magazine's "Thirty Greatest Hebrew Books To Read Before You Die" and was renowned by Jews everywhere. As a result, YHWH tried to capitalize on this success by writing a sequel, originally titled The Torah II: Electric Boogaloo.


Volume One

Main article: Old Testament
And Moses sayeth: "Yo, check this pimp shit out niggas!"

The first volume of the book, known as the Old Testament, is a retelling of the events that happened in The Torah, intended for the readers that didn't buy the first book. This version of the story has a much more linear timeline; however, it still kept many of its controversial themes and plotlines, such as one found is Genesis, chapter nineteen, particularly verses four through eight, which deal with homosexual gang rape with watersports; as well as verses thirty-four through thirty-six, which deal with Lot's drunken incest with his virgin daughters.[4] Many important characters that are introduced in the Old Testament are influential in the latter plot of the book, such as Moses, Abraham, Joshua, Adam and Eve; one character even makes a comback, the antagonist Satan, which describes himself as the "enemy of God", and God describes Satan as a "faggot" [Citation not needed at all; thank you very much].

There are some very popular themes in the Old Testament. One of the more recognised elements of the Old Testament are the Ten Commandments given to Moses by God on two stone tablets which, in summation, make it wrong for anyone to have any fun and make it impossible for anyone to do anything right, lest the action he takes be deemed a "sin" for which he will pay for in the afterlife when his soul is sent to a vaguely-mentioned hell. Another popular theme is also in the chapter Genesis, where God tells Abraham to travel to Moriah where God then orders Abraham to kill his own son, Isaac. Splendid.

Volume Two

A comicbook artist's rendition of a scene from the New Testament

The New Testament is the second book in the series and is, as its name suggests, newer than the Old Testament. It consists of several different stories of the same things from different perspective. The result is contradiction in the storyline and fabricated genealogy with pasted-together historical inaccuracies that have since drawn the attention of critics who just be playa hatin'.

The New Testament introduces a new character to the series named Jesus Christ, who serves as the main character in the book. In it, Jesus is the "Son of God", birthed by his virgin mother, Mary. Throughout the first four sections of the book, Jesus plays the role of a messiah-like figure with strong moral values such as the value of the family, pacifism, and looking like a hippie. As mentioned, he gets himself nailed to something where the plot then turns semi-musical, including a memorable poetic hymn titled "If You're Jesus And You Know It, Clap Your Hands". That's a bit of a climax in the fourth book, Jesus Christ and The Philosopher's Stone. In the later three parts of the book, the disciples of Jesus go around dressing like hippies while doing lewd things and writing boring letters.

The tone of the New Testament, in contrast to its predecessor, is entirely more gentile, as it has less scenes of killing and sex, and instead focuses on alcohol use and torture. For the most part, Jews (fans of the previous book) have labeled the book as a rip-off and unoriginal. Fundamentalist Christians also claim that the New Testament portrays God as being far too soft, and that it "just doesn't have that badass biblical feeling."

One of the more interesting chapters in the New Testament is the Book of Revelations, who was awarded for "Most Confusing Use of Time Travel in Historical Fantasy." That chapter comes just after all those tedious letters. Unfortunately many readers may be discouraged before they reach Revelations. There is a full revelation about the Scarlet Woman of Babylon who was clearly a whore. Revelations is a chapter full of imagery and symbolism used to describe a fictional event known as the apocalypse and the events preceding it. A very entertaining section indeed, the Book of Revelations, some believe, suggests the particular number "666" as being the "mark of the beast." More confusing riff-raff is abundant in this chapter as well concerning the anti-Christ and Israel, but nobody cares since no plot ever comes of it.

Lost books to the New Testament known as the Gnostic gospels were found much time after the initial publication of the New Testament. Even more contradiction and nonsense is abundant in these parts and the publishing company ultimately decided to not include them in continued prints.


Much like its predecesor, The Bible was first received with mixed views, but would soon achieve critical acclaim. Albeit this time, The Bible managed to become a worldwide success, selling millions of copies around the world. Talk of a third book, strangely titled "The Second Cumming" has been put on hold indefinitely pending lawsuits from Playboy magazine.


Here's one preferred method of reading it: by not reading it and looking the other way with your index finger in the air.

An entire cult-like subculture has developed around The Bible. The mainstream fan club is called Christianity, a moniker adopted by one of the main characters during Volume Two. However, the fan club is divided into various organisations based on their interpretation of the book(s), including Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism.[5] Parody clubs have also emerged. Those who dislike The Bible are generally (but often inaccurately) called atheists or heathens.

Arguably, The Bible is one of the greatest and oldest literary efforts ever. Throughout the years, there have been weirdos and some outright psychopaths who were influenced by The Bible. Many followed took the fictional ideas, values and beliefs in the book to the point of becoming martyrs. The Crusades, terrorism, genocide, and Christian rock music are some horrifying examples.

Billions of dollars have been spent throughout the centuries to build churches, synagogues and temples in which people can get together and read and celebrate a work of fiction; people have come to worship the book as though it were some sort of religious doctrine.


The fame of The Bible has bred many fan-fictions which have either revised or elaborated further on either of the original two books. Most of them are boring though, and more than likely started out as a joke in the beginning. Movies have been produced, but none of them were entertaining enough to keep audiences' attention, even in the shortest ninety-hours-long condensed movie The Bible's Libel

The most notable Bible fan-fiction is Book of Mormon. Now a revised and reformed version of earlier texts, the book is a rigid manifesto, written by Joseph Smith, for those who are referred to as the "Latter Day Saints" in the book. It tells about the evil of pop and candy and the joys of polygamy and kitten huffing. It's not a very interesting read except for the parts about kitten huffing. It has been rejected by just about everybody outside the state of Utah. Fans of the book refer to themselves as "Morons".


Readers and scholars have pointed out the contradictions in storyline within the Bible, often pointing to major examples such as the fabricated genealogy of Jesus, the stories of happenings to Mary and her manmeat while Jesus was in utero, historical inaccuracies, and Jesus's last words. (The Book of Matthew says "I'll be back," but the Book of Luke says, "Say hello to my little friend!")


“Don’t get me wrong. It’s alright. Nothing on Lord of the Rings though.”

~ God on The Bible


~ Satan on The Bible


~ God on above statement

“I learnt that lies made the baby Jee Man cry.”

~ Oscar Wilde on above statement

“Less interesting than the Harry Potter series, but better than Eragon.”

~ The New York Times on The Bible

“I’d rather die than read this.”

~ William Murderface on The Bible

“They stamped it, didn’t they? Those damn Gideons.”

~ John Voight on The Bible

“This book sucks, seriously.”

~ Dr. Josef Mengele on The Bible


~ Fred Phelps on The Bible

Special editions

Once again, trying to capitalize in the fame that The Bible got, YHWH tried to sell new versions of the same book.

King James Version

Main article: King James Version

The King James Version of the Bible is a reproduction of the Bible which introduces new themes in the text, such as the recursion of the word "thou", and the appearance of unicorns.

Red-letter editions

Note: This should not be confused with wiki links which appear in red letters, as that means something altogether different.

In many modern books of The Bible the dialogue of the character Jesus are printed in red letters. Although this is fairly recent among English-language editions, the practice itself dates back to the earliest known manuscripts of the Gospels, in which the dialogue of Jesus was written using the author's own blood.

Many Biblical scholars theorise that some of the apparent inconsistencies that appear in parts of the text may actually have been the result of severe blood loss. In fact, the Gospel of St. James the Lesser was never completed, because he (the author) had a rare blood disease and bled to death while attempting to transcribe.


Using the Old Testament as a handy reference, a Medieval monk is seen working on the first draft of the New Testament.

Accusations of plagiarism

Readers and scholars have pointed out the contradictions in storyline within the Bible, often pointing to major examples such as the fabricated genealogy of Jesus, the stories of happenings to Mary and her manmeat while Jesus was in utero, historical inaccuracies, and Jesus's last words. (The Book of Matthew says "I'll be back," but the Book of Luke says, "Say hello to my little friend!")

The author of the Bible has been accused of plagiarism several times. The Old Testament's story of Noah's Ark is surprisingly similar to the deluge myth found in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Hindu Puranic, in Greek myths surrounding Deucalion, and Dr. Seuss's story Big Flood, Little Ark. Others including Krishna, Buddha, Horus, Zoroaster, Mithras, Attis, Dionysus-Bacchus, and David Icke have all claimed intellectual property theft.

Authorship dispute

Judaism, a fan club of the first book in the Bible series, originally centred in the Roman province of Judea; have started an authorship debate after questioning whether this book was truly written by the author known as "YHWH". They claim this book has "departed from the true spirit of the story" and "is ruined by the introduction of this "Jesus" character". "Jews" (the nickname for members of Judaism fan club) do not see The Son as canon, since it deviates from the original foreshadowing in Volume One.

On top of this, a third book, known as Al-Quran, is believed by some to be the third installment of the series, which would make it a complete trilogy. Published in Saudi Arabia, and promoted and subsidised by the local government; Al-Quran has too met with a cult-following. The fans of this book, known as "Muslims", have claimed their respective texts as legitimate canon that do not compromise the original storyline of the Bible. Christians and Jews alike have since attempted to reject these works as canon. A holy war is still pending.


On diplomacy

On friendship

On gambling

On virginity

On bullies

On mothers-in-law

Health advisory

The Surgeon General of the United States issued a warning to fans of The Bible, stating that "some side effects have been observed among avid readers." A common conspiracy theory is that the writers of the books intended them to act as hypnotic passages to trick readers into funding the New World Order. An example of this so-called "hypnosis effect" is the following extract of Jesus's genealogy:

See also


  1. Still not better than Lord of the Rings or Star Wars though.
  2. alternate pronouncitationː Holy Ghost-written
  3. God (6000 BC) The Bible: Reflections on life, love, history and hope New York: Stone Tablets Press. ISBN 0-000-00000-0
  4. These literary depictions were very influential to later author Marquis de Sade.
  5. A collective term for many fans is "Bible thumpers".

External links