(now permenantly archived on the nutbuster13 page for all to see)
Bibiquadium is the 224(th!!) element of the peroidic table, consisting of two bi's, and one quad.
One quad four wheeler, and two bisexual flags, or people.
It can automatically transform into a quad four wheeler, with somewhat weird tastes, i guess.
Which, if you don't know the very big(ish) story behind bibiquadium, it'd be fine, but just look at it!
The Story Behind Bibiquadium[edit | edit source]
Ok, so bibiquadium came from when two bisexual people decided to go on a quad four wheeler together, but they crashed very fatally. But when it happened, a chemical reaction suddenly happened where they fused to make the first ever Bibiquadium atom. The fate of the two bisexual people is unknown, but it is likely that they probably died.
How to make it yourself?[edit | edit source]
You'd think you would need the two bisexual people, but you'd be wrong, you can make a synthetic version of bibiquadium by using the following: two (2) ((dos)) bisexual flags and one (1) ((uno)) quad four wheeler. The four wheeler is unavoidable, since it's a very mandatory step in making this alternate version of bibiquadium. Althought it is very inefficent, since it costs a lot to make just a single atom, but it's very simple.
What does it do?[edit | edit source]
It can combine with Belgium, which is an element that is pretty similar.
Belgium combined with Bibiquadium can make the compound , which is a knockoff of the oganesson-tessesine thingie.
Bibiquadium on it's own can be used as an alternative for BBQ, which is saying that Bibiquadium is pretty tasty.
You can also use it as fertilizer for lemon trees, which is also pretty cool/tasty.
Make sure you memorize these for the test!
*Technically an atom of Cheesium has an atomic number of four (4), but that's only for the idiotic table.