User talk:Puppy/some archive

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Oh Puppity[edit source]

  • Oh Puppity
    • Oh Puppity
      • Some thought you got uppity
  • And bit the hand
    • That fed you well.
  • Oh Puppity
    • Oh Puppity
      • Don't dare to get uppity
  • For you are a gent
    • And a scholar swell.

Welcome back[edit source]

Glad to have you again. Now we can share stories of how immature we were! :P AimsplodeL A B O R A T O R I E S 15:14, 5 July 2012

Where? --Clicky! Sir CuteRayquazaOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 16:03, July 5, 2012 (UTC)
Over there. *points* --Nominally Humane! 07:47 05 Jul 19:47, July 5, 2012 (UTC)
I love you man! I mean it! I Love you man.jpg
Because I realized that platonic love can exist between two straight men. User:Matthlock/sig2 21:41, July 5, 2012 (UTC)
Awesome party! Good food, good booze, good buddies. I feel great, man. I FEEL GREAT! I don't know - I hate my father, I hate my life, but you guys are great man!
I'm gonna go pick a fight. --Nominally Humane! 10:23 05 Jul 22:23, July 5, 2012 (UTC)

How would you like to participate in a forum I've created?[edit source]

Forum:Are you a Matthlock? User:Matthlock/sig2 20:45, July 5, 2012 (UTC)

Hi! Now that you're back, could you please vote on something?[edit source]

Perv of the Month. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 22:04, 07/05/2012

Should PuppyOnTheRadio vote on anything?[edit source]

  • Symbol declined.svg Against. I shouldn't vote in anything becau- aw fuck! --Nominally Humane! 10:19 05 Jul 22:19, July 5, 2012 (UTC)
    So are you voting on or in something? Wait, this gives me an idea—

Should PuppyOnTheRadio vote on a cat in Schrödinger's box?[edit source]

Welcome Back[edit source]

Glad to see you're back. --Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 12:18, July 6, 2012 (UTC)

I've been hanging around, just not contributing anything of value. So much the same as usual, really. --Nominally Humane! 01:08 06 Jul 13:08, July 6, 2012 (UTC)
I have an idea for something to do around here. ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngFri, Jul 6 '12 13:29 (UTC)
I know. I'm on holidays at the moment, but plan to come back to that. --Nominally Humane! 01:44 06 Jul 13:44, July 6, 2012 (UTC)
I went through two signatures and a userpage overhaul while you were gone. --QZEKЯOM Icons-flag-oly.pngIcons-flag-us.pngIcons-flag-jm.png Proud sponsor of Team Zombiebaron Tw$*ty Tw%#ve G*me$ FTW! Let's go for the g^@d! 19:52, July 6, 2012 (UTC)
Hi, welcome back :}D --Black Flamingo 02:19, July 7, 2012 (UTC)
Good to see the old place hasn't changed since I was... What the hell is THAT? --Nominally Humane! 02:37 07 Jul 02:37, July 7, 2012 (UTC)
Hi, just got back from my fourth of July holiday to find you're back! So welcome back! -- Simsilikesims(♀UN) Talk here. 04:29, July 7, 2012 (UTC)

Now that you're back[edit source]

You can feel free to vandalize my talk page with whatever message or garbage you want, because you're my friend. User:Matthlock/sig2 18:54, July 10, 2012 (UTC)

Message from an angry newbie who doesn't know what talk pages are for[edit source]

Dear RitterWelpeAufDerGeschirrspülmaschine (PuppyOnTheRadio),

I understand that you have removed one of my recent edits on the article 'Pot Noodle', on the basis of the edits being 'unfunny'. The article you referred me to, HTBFANJS, I found to be thorough, informative and a great read. I noticed a disclaimer at the very top of the page that clearly said 'This page is 

considered an ignorable policy on Uncyclopedia'. It also stated that, 'It has wide acceptance among editors and is considered a standard that everyone should follow, unless they don't want to, in which case they are free to ignore it, in which case nobody will care. Please make use of the standing on one knee position to propose to this policy.'

As the article is an ignorable policy, I would therefore like you to return my edits to the page.

You simply cannot remove someone's edits because of your personal opinion.

Again, I thank you for redirecting me to an ignorable policy, to make me fully aware that I do not have to abide by the rules.

TTT (TheTechnoToast)

He can and he will, and if you're not funny, he'll do it every day (and twice on Sunday, or Bob's not your uncle). ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngSun, Jul 15 '12 11:47 (UTC)
I responded on User talk:TheTechnoToast. Thanks for the clarification anyway, Uncle Bob. Nominally Humane! 11:50 15 Jul
Sorry, didn't see you'd already fixed things, and my dial-up internet connection was choking on Long article. ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngSun, Jul 15 '12 11:54 (UTC)
We overlapped. And I keep telling you you need to upgrade your browser to Arachne. Nominally Humane! 11:57 15 Jul

Whattya think?[edit source]

I think Ratfactor kicks ass, and I hope he keeps writing. Feature? ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngTue, Jul 17 '12 8:33 (UTC)

Added them to NotM. If you want to VFH, I'm happy to vote as a for, but might be nicer to ask them first. (Given the penthouse forum mention I'm guessing he's/she's a him.) Nominally Humane! 10:16 17 Jul
Yup, I is a 'he' and I came here to say thanks for the Noob of the Epoch Year Month Moment nomination.  So, thanks! Ratfactor (talk) 17:49, July 17, 2012 (UTC)

The rape of Italy[edit source]

In your humble opinion...of course. --ShabiDOO 16:11, July 17, 2012 (UTC)

Humility is for pussies! Nominally Humane! 10:22 17 Jul
So your opinion=truth. That's an admirable stance. I look forward to hearing the truth from you about god and about the origin of the earth and about the best classical symphony and about which Australian wine is the best. --ShabiDOO 23:14, July 17, 2012 (UTC)
Of course it's an opinion - I was being honest in saying I couldn't stand it, and that it left me feeling meh. I always vote based upon an opinion. It's well written, but I just find it unfunny. There is no conclusive evidence of the existence of god. Big Bang theory is the most complete theory to date, but has some holes in it. Beethoven's 9th, also known as the choral symphony. By Farr Viognier, which I've only had a couple of times, as it's around $120 a bottle at restaurants, but I do have a fondness for Domain Chandon Cuvée Riche. Thanks for asking. Nominally Humane! 11:28 17 Jul
I prefer to drink Inner Circle Rum, in case you were wondering. Black Dot for cocktails, Green Dot neat or on rocks, Red Dot for cheapness. Nominally Humane! 11:32 17 Jul
I wouldnt care if the whole community said "I dont find it funny". But saying "It is NOT funny" is a different thing...isn't it? --ShabiDOO 23:46, July 17, 2012 (UTC)
Ah - I get what you mean. I always assume "IMO" when reading votes, and I tend to write as if others do the same. I'll add that to the vote if you like, but yes - it's an opinion. Nominally Humane! 11:51 17 Jul
Just imagine...that Im like a woman having a terrible period everytime you give criticism and that IMHO is like a magical shield that will protect everyone from it...and then me and users that I like and whose opinion I respect...can get along very happily!!! --ShabiDOO 01:15, July 18, 2012 (UTC)
You're very pretty. Would you like some chocolate? Nominally Humane! 01:26 18 Jul
And by the way...the lord does exist. He died for your sins and there is so much conclusive evidence for it...that the denial of it...makes you a soviet appologist. Your first ten minutes in hell will be fractionally less painful than the eternity that you will spend there...unless you accept Jesus as your saviour and repent your savage barbaric ways. my humble opinion...that is...of course! ;) ;) ;) --ShabiDOO 03:17, July 18, 2012 (UTC)
If he died for my sins, then that is a great sacrifice, if not the greatest, IMHO. I celebrate this by sinning further, so that it gives more weight to the sacrifice he made. IMHO. Nominally Humane! 03:20 18 Jul

Help me[edit source]

My girlfriend dumped me and moved to another country. Can you find me another girl? User:Matthlock/sig2 19:26, July 17, 2012 (UTC)

She may be slightly decomposed, but sure! Nominally Humane! 10:24 17 Jul
I know this girl who gave her first blowjob as a middle teenager and is now 35 and is a check out clerk at a questionable disco on the weekend. Would you like her phone number? --ShabiDOO 03:19, July 18, 2012 (UTC)
YES! Nominally Humane! 06:53 18 Jul
"house of burlesque is having a massive clean out sale vintage clothing, furniture ,vintage mirrors , London bullet bras going out at $30 suspender belts $20 selected corset sale 1 for $30 2 for $50 steel boned corsets were $120 down to $70 nipple tassels from $10 up $10 tutu,s and much more don't miss out this Sunday from 11am until 5pm the market is ongoing the first sunday of every month."
And now I know where PuppyOnTheRadio shops, and what he wears in his "special time". ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngWed, Jul 18 '12 7:46 (UTC)
At least it's stylish. Nominally Humane! 07:49 18 Jul
Steel-boned corsets? Baby, in the States we call that "cheap". Everybody knows that whale-bone is the stuff. ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngWed, Jul 18 '12 8:10 (UTC)
Whale boning, while enjoyable, is considered cruelty to animals. Besides, only the Japanese are allowed to hunt whales, and that's for scientific research purposes only. Last year they were researching "How many whales can we catch and eat in a year?" They've had to repeat the experiment this year as the results were inconclusive. Nominally Humane! 08:35 18 Jul
I had whale once. It tasted like zebra. ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngWed, Jul 18 '12 8:59 (UTC)
I've never had zebra before. I've heard it's like Komodo dragon but not as gamey. Nominally Humane! 09:41 18 Jul

thank you[edit source]

thank you for the welcome:

my background is that i was an avid contributor to uncyclopedia once. my usenrame was "mowgli." sometime last year or before that i got permabanned by an admin/moderator for the flimsiest of reasons (talking back to them or mocking them -- i think i called them juvenile). this is my page:

the edits of mine you noticed were in sections written by me (long ago).

I just responded on your IP talk page. Nominally Humane! 05:10 19 Jul
thanks for all the trouble you took. i checked olipro's page to see exactly what had transpired then. scroll down to the bottom: "Also, we can permanently ban you if you like, I'll do anything for a quiet life and you don't seem to be here to help us with that" (chiefjusticewii) smacks of total total arrogance. i'm sorry, it is a bit scary. it is also a fact that i once got into a civil argument with others in the dump when chron. sold uncyc. to wikia. "famine" did not like my aruments and, to my surprise, arrogantly he reverted all my edits. i then asked for ALL my edit-history to be erased, to which he gladly obliged. i then left the site (late 2006) after having created and extensively edited many india-centric pages (that still remained). i continued minor editing and occasional maintenance of my pages and in 2010 this incident happened. while i admit there are good folks like you here (i am still spooked that you managed to identify me as a valuable contributor in just a couple of edits or that you at least take time to monitor anon. IP activity!) but it is also true that a vast majority of these admins are just simple jerks who can't laugh at themselves. i am not grovelling in irc to these schmucks. thanks a bunch nevertheless! you're a swell guy.
you can confidently cite me as a serial offender. chiefjusticewii (chief justice? lol -- how, ahem, juvenile. and look at his ban comments: o noes you offended me or something for i cant find it anymore. wish he'd act more responsibly) would be happy to hear this. but to be honest, i really do not want to get addicted to uncyclopedia again. :) i must thank "famine" and the chief justice for this. you all can live in peace. but i also must thank you for the patient hearing!
A lot's changed since you've been gone. Now it's actually the users who are humorless jerks. --Littleboyonly.jpg TKFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFCK Oldmanonly.jpg 16:21, July 19, 2012 (UTC)
LOL! – Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)
I am not humourless! I may be a jerk, but at least I can laugh while jerking. Nominally Humane! 11:35 19 Jul 

Hey Pup. I've added some extra functionality to {{IPjoin}} so that you can now add a custom message as well as your signature as parameters. So the syntax is {{subst:IPjoin|message=YOUR MESSAGE HERE|~~~~}}. --Clicky! Sir CuteRayquazaOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 20:38, July 19, 2012 (UTC)

Ah - I noticed that it was subst'ing an empty if clause. I figured it was something like that. Nominally Humane! 11:35 19 Jul
You can subst that automatically by putting subst: at the front in <includeonly> tags. But I decided not to do that because it's not substituted in other places, so it's a compatibility thing. You can just leave it transcluded but messages like that always get subst'ed on Wikipedia. (Or, you can subst the if thing.) --Clicky! Sir CuteRayquazaOnTheRadio [CUNPBJ'12PLS(0)Stuy'16] 16:17, July 20, 2012 (UTC)

I'm going to see the Dark Knight Rises tonight[edit source]

I assume that the movie's already out in your neck of the woods. When you see it, we can chat about the movie and our favorite parts. User:Matthlock/sig2 21:43, July 19, 2012 (UTC)

It's on my list of things to see. All I need is to work out the when. It came out a couple of days ago here. Nominally Humane! 11:37 19 Jul
Yeah, didn't see it last night. Unfortunately it was sold out. I'll see it tomorrow, however. User:Matthlock/sig2 20:09, July 20, 2012 (UTC)

may i ask of you a favour?[edit source]

like "famine" had once kindly obliged, can you kindly put a request in VFD or wherever, on my behalf, to kill my page (and talk):

if you are concerned about it affecting my ban, you can ban my IP after you kill my "mowgli" page. i want it killed for professional reasons. many people have come to know that it is me and i don't want my "contributions" section to reveal info about my past activity. 

let me know (here). -- 13:45, July 20, 2012 (UTC)

I'll pass the request on to Zombiebaron. It's an admin call, and I'm not an admin here. An alternative, however, is that it can be marked __NOINDEX__, which means it won't show on search engines. The difficulty, however, is that even if it were deleted, your contribs will still show on the mirror site, as well as in other sites, such as wayback or fool wiki. It's not a foolproof plan. Personally, I'd just accept it. Given I have been in various managerial roles, I can attest it has never negatively impacted on my professional life. In fact, my experience here actually helped me land a role in the past. Nominally Humane! 01:56 20 Jul
yeah, i can understand what you are saying. i am not unfamiliar with uncyc. zombiebaron is an old contributor. i remember him -- nice guy. expunging my user and talk pages is sufficient. my contributions will still show up in the history of articles (where i have contributed) but not in/through my userpage. the pages i am following will also not show up in my user page (relief!). yeah, mirror sites etc. are fine with me. please kindly put in a request to him to delete my userid. do give me the talk link so i can pursue the subject with him (harass him) further. thanks! -- 14:57, July 20, 2012 (UTC)
shoot. -- 09:10, July 21, 2012 (UTC)
There is only a few ways I know of deleting user contrib details. The first involves deleting every page the user has worked on. The second relies on exporting every page, changing every reference to the user to something different, deleting the current pages, and then re-importing them. The third is contacting Wikia (while logged in) and requesting they change your user name to "Xena the hairdresser", and explaining while you are banned from Uncyclopedia it is important that this be done for professional reasons. The first option is unlikely to be okay. The second option flaunts a huge amount of policy and requires a gigantic amount of work. The third is fairly easy, and covers 98% of what you need. Nominally Humane! 09:13 21 Jul
gotcha! i'll wait to see if zombiebaron does anything. if he doesn't i'll login and go to "Special:Contact" and invoke the "disable my account" request. if that doesn't work, i'll contact wikia (how?? IRC?) and ask that my name be changed -- that will do the trick for me!!! thanks a heap! where you from? USA? how come up so late? bay area? -- 09:21, July 21, 2012 (UTC)
I'm from Australia. And the only way to (effectively) contact Wikia is Special:Contact. As for "disable my account" - I have no idea what that would do to edit histories. Nominally Humane! 09:31 21 Jul
ok, thanks. i'll chart my way for i'm hopeful it'll get done. :) -- 09:35, July 21, 2012 (UTC)
wikia is useless. oh well, got to live with it. -- 17:49, July 23, 2012 (UTC)

Are you an UnLympics sponsor?[edit source]

I've added this imageIcons-flag-oly.png to the flag icons system. (Yeah, I have quite a bit of experience making sprites.) --QZEKЯOM Icons-flag-oly.pngIcons-flag-us.pngIcons-flag-jm.png Proud sponsor of Team Zombiebaron Tw$*ty Tw%#ve G*me$ FTW! Let's go for the g^@d! 19:08, July 20, 2012 (UTC)

Hey Qz. TBH, I'm sick of the Olympics, and they haven't even started yet. Been over them since 1990 when Atlanta won the right to host them ahead of Melbourne and Athens, and I wasn't a fan of them before. Politics, politics, politics. Nominally Humane! 01:19 21 Jul
I hate what NBC does to YouTube videos of the games. It's nothing short of censorship! --QZEKЯOM Icons-flag-oly.pngIcons-flag-us.pngIcons-flag-jm.png Proud sponsor of Team Zombiebaron Tw$*ty Tw%#ve G*me$ FTW! Let's go for the g^@d! 18:26, July 21, 2012 (UTC)
And when London got the games instead of New York... --QZEKЯOM Icons-flag-oly.pngIcons-flag-us.pngIcons-flag-jm.png Proud sponsor of Team Zombiebaron Tw$*ty Tw%#ve G*me$ FTW! Let's go for the g^@d! 15:47, July 26, 2012 (UTC)

Force 'em Backs[edit source]

I was going to delete this as the ICU has expired but it seems to be an Aussie sport..and you being an Aussie Ssport...any suggestions? --Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 12:47, July 21, 2012 (UTC)

It's been bugging me as well. I'm not a sports fan (see above) but I know most major codes of sport played in Oz. This appears to me to be a watered down version of NRL (Rugby League), but I only know what google gave me. TBH, it's notable enough to survive, if the article is funny and coherent. The last time I looked it failed on coherence and as such the funny was lost. If it were a user who created/worked on it I'd say chuck in user space, but honestly I've been of half a mind to QVFD it myself over the last few days. Keytar, on the other hand, had a little promise, and the IP was working on it. I'm happy for that to be restored into my userspace, as I was half thinking about picking it up and giving it a facelift over the last few days myself. Nominally Humane! 01:26 21 Jul
Moved it here User:PuppyOnTheRadio/Force 'em Backs. --Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 13:56, July 22, 2012 (UTC)
Actually, I meant keeping Keytar and moving that there, but it'll do. Nominally Humane! 01:59 22 Jul

Gendall[edit source]

Not sure, but the article might be tangentially related to Justice Warwick Gendall. (See here for a photo.) ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngMon, Jul 23 '12 2:02 (UTC)

Ah - that clears up the confusion. Thanks! Nominally Humane! 02:20 23 Jul
Also, I'm never wrong. Never never never NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER. (And if you don't see an image there instead of the usual title, that's your fault for having a poopy browser with the Javascript turned off). ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngMon, Jul 23 '12 2:36 (UTC) Image? Nominally Humane! 02:39 23 Jul
Oh - the title thing. Doesn't seem to work on all browsers, from my little experimentation I did with this a little while ago. I ended up doing a positioned div just below the title that just chucked the image I wanted over the existing title when I wanted to do that. Nominally Humane! 02:47 23 Jul
Weird. Works in all mine, so long as JavaScript is turned on (and a NoScript extension hasn't stripped out the site's JS). ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngMon, Jul 23 '12 4:28 (UTC)
I'll play with it again when I'm at home. It was a couple of years ago I last tried screwing around with it, so maybe someone has tweaked it since then. Or maybe I was doing something stupid. Nominally Humane! 04:33 23 Jul

Category:Template RL to be removed[edit source]

Hiya Pup! What does this category mean anyway? User:Matthlock/sig2 18:32, July 24, 2012 (UTC)

It means that you have used {{RL}} somewhere on that page, but the link now exists. Because it no longer shows as a redlink, that template can now be removed, and the link can become a normal [[]] link. (I added that in there as the template uses an "expensive" parser function. I have an idea how to improve it slightly, but I haven't gotten there yet.) Nominally Humane! 11:40 24 Jul

I feel unwelcome[edit source]

I demand satisfaction! A dual I challenge you to! --Oblique (talk) 06:30, July 25, 2012 (UTC)

2 of them? Oh, you mean a duel! Let me introduce you to my second. Nominally Humane! 06:35 25 Jul

God damn and rejoicing[edit source]

Puppy, you're back! All is well with the world. I won't be around for awhile some trouble I got into here in Colorado, I'm surprised I can steal a few minutes on a computer here in the warden's office) but will log on from time to time. Glad to see you!!!!!!! Aleister - The Joker - now literally in chains 16:14 July 25, '12

0.o "Colorado"? ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngWed, Jul 25 '12 21:34 (UTC)
According to Wikipedia,
I hope this information proved to be somewhat helpful to you or else annoyed you in accordance with the holy scripture of HowTo:Really really really piss off Bizzeebeever. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 21:44, 25 July 2012
"Southern Rocky Mountains"? WTFROFLCOPTER ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngWed, Jul 25 '12 21:45 (UTC)
According to Wikipedia,
I hope this information proved to be somewhat helpful to you or else annoyed you in accordance with the holy scripture of HowTo:Really really really piss off Bizzeebeever. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 21:50, 25 July 2012
O_o John Denver? Nominally Humane! 10:16 25 Jul
Who's John Denver? Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 22:43, 25 July 2012
According to Wikipedia,
I hope this information proved to be somewhat helpful to you or else annoyed you in accordance with the holy scripture of HowTo:Really really really piss off Sockpuppet of an unregistered user.  ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngWed, Jul 25 '12 23:09 (UTC)
I think you linked the wrong BUTT POOP!!!! nom. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 23:21, 25 July 2012
It's a good thing that I NEVER EVER get annoyed. Nominally Humane! 11:22 25 Jul
Especially not when certain female admins say not-so-positive things about you, eh? Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 23:27, 25 July 2012
As cool as a very cool thing. Nominally Humane! 11:38 25 Jul
Hang on - you mean Famine is actually female? Nominally Humane! 11:39 25 Jul
Maybe... :3 Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 23:55, 25 July 2012

Vocaloid[edit source]

Please stop undoing my revisions. Its actually MY article in the first place. I just wasn't signed in. – Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

  1. There is no such thing as "MY article" when placed in a communal space. Yes, you can be the chief contributor, but that doesn't give ownership.
  2. If you're not signed in, how would I know you from anyone else?
  3. I reverted the edits as they aren't funny. The article in it's entirety is only a slight notch above a VFD nomination. Happy to change the edits back and nominate it for VFD instead.
Nominally Humane! 11:46 26 Jul
  1. Be less passive aggressive when dealing with someone who comes to your talk page with a simple question.
  2. That's really the only thing I had to say.
  3. For a list.
--Littleboyonly.jpg TKFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFCK Oldmanonly.jpg 16:29, July 26, 2012 (UTC)
TKF has a point, so I'll make it clearer. I saw an article that is pretty bad as it is being made worse. I reverted it. I saw the same thing happen again, and I reverted it. That's what I tend to do when I'm here, which is the best way to avoid article rot. The edits you were making may have been factually accurate in part, but they didn't add any humour to the article. As the article is bloated but not that funny, adding more content but no laughs is a bad idea. If someone reverts an edit you have done, talk to them before adding it back, as I saw no reason to not revert it a second or third time when the same content was re-added. If there is a joke in there that works if you know the subject matter well, then explain it to me, as it may be that you're laughing at something that the casual reader will have no hope of understanding, and a slight rewrite of it can make all the difference. As for the other points, please log in when making edits, and use user space if you are trying to change an articles major humour value. This article has already been the point of edit warring between various users. I'm probably being more harsh on it as I'd rather not see that trend continuing forever. As a logged in user you also have a little more respect, simply because I can identify who made the edit and realise that while I may not understand it, the fact that I recognise who did it means that I might understand that you are trying to improve it, and it may not come up on my list of "unpatrolled" edits. Nominally Humane! 12:30 27 Jul

Should we only allow registered users to edit?[edit source]

TBH, I don't like the idea, but most IPs here are fucking vandals. --QZEKЯOM Icons-flag-oly.pngIcons-flag-us.pngIcons-flag-jm.png Proud sponsor of Team Zombiebaron Tw$*ty Tw%#ve G*me$ FTW! Let's go for the g^@d! 15:49, July 26, 2012 (UTC)

(walks up and butts into the conversation) I agree, but I think most of the admins would be opposed. Also, you were once an IP, Q, and you only joined after someone invited you to. Like, several times. If you couldn't have edited as an IP, would you have ever joined? :)  ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngThu, Jul 26 '12 21:07 (UTC)
No. Of the unpatrolled edits, about 5-10% are genuine vandalism. Of the remainder, about half of that is just poorly done, and gets reverted or undone. The rest either has some promise or is good on it's own. Nominally Humane! 11:58 26 Jul

A call to arms![edit source]

Greetings, fellow colonizer! As you know, we have chosen Futurama as our article of choice in our quest to resurrect the once grand and glorious empire of Imperial Colonization. After considerable debate, we have decided on our battle strategy and plan on subduing and annexing this article into our Empire forthwith. As a God-fearing solider of our order, it is your duty to contribute to our conquest of this brute. Help us! Should you have any questions or suggestions for a new battle approach, please talk to your fellow imperialists.

Happy hunting!

Saberwolf116 (talk) 19:01, July 26, 2012 (UTC)

An enormous PurpleDickVote.svg favor[edit source]

Hi! Could you do me a favor and test my new social-media sharing buttons in all the browsers you can? TKF wants to add 'em for the whole site, but I need to check for bugs first. To test 'em, include the following code in your <skin>.js file:

importScript( "User:Bizzeebeever/scripts/sharing.js" );
importStylesheet( "User:Bizzeebeever/styles/sharing.css" );

Any ideas for improvement would be appreciated. Also, as I don't have a Google+ account (and apparently can't get one; incidentally, fuck Google), I can't test that particular button. Thanks! ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngThu, Jul 26 '12 21:15 (UTC)

I'll start screwing with it this weekend. My workplace has limitations on social networking sites, so it will cry if I try and get there from work. I had a G+ account - probably still do - but I rarely use it. Qzekrom uses it regularly, as far as I'm aware. I also don't use Klout or 4sq, but given the nature of 4sq it has no point here. I could probably set up Klout if needed though. Nominally Humane! 12:37 27 Jul
The share-box I slapped together only has Facebutt, Twatter, Google Pus, StubbleUpon, and Rubbit, on the advice of the person who requested it. For now, anyway. ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngFri, Jul 27 '12 1:09 (UTC)
That's probably enough. TBH most savvy net users probs use Butt, Twat and Pus as their main point of social networking anyway. The others are just cream on the cake. Nominally Humane! 01:15 27 Jul
I find all of them equally useless, except for StubbleUpon. I actually sorta like that one. ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngFri, Jul 27 '12 1:30 (UTC)
I twat regularly myself. Nominally Humane! 01:38 27 Jul
By the way - I got nothing. Nominally Humane! 05:03 27 Jul
Uh-ohhhh...are you sure? You should see a blue "share" tab in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen that doesn't move when you scroll the page. What browser are you using? And did you make sure to clear your cache? ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngFri, Jul 27 '12 5:46 (UTC)
Nope. I have probably bollocked up the js import somewhere, as the three browsers are giving me nothing. I'll try that later. Nominally Humane! 07:20 27 Jul
It's probably your cache. I looked at both of your .js files and I see no errors. Just do a hard reload of any page on the site (instructions are at the top of those files). ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngFri, Jul 27 '12 7:53 (UTC)
It finally kicked in on my phone (which I never refresh cache on). Very cool. It needs to "shrink" if you click again on the "share" tab, however. Nominally Humane! 11:18 27 Jul
Oh, crap. It uses a :hover CSS pseudo-selector, like our .sighidden class. Are you saying you have to "click" on your phone in order to "hover" it, and then it stays expanded permanently? ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngFri, Jul 27 '12 12:19 (UTC)

I have the same issue with sighidden. If that's the case, don't stress. sighidden rarely works on my phone UNLESS there is a link/fakelink that goes with it. It's an iPhone browser issue that I haven't been able to work out a code work-around that is still workable cross browser. (Stupid iPhone!) Nominally Humane! 01:00 27 Jul

More testing[edit source]

Just swapped the code around a bit, and made changes so it will load quicker (probably). Anyway, let me know of any issues; if the testing is successful this week, it'll go site-wide.

On a related note: any page "liked" shows up on Facebook as being from Wikia (!). (No apparent mention of uncyclopedia). Think I should change the base url to ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngThu, Aug 2 '12 12:38 (UTC)

I have a feeling there is something you can do with the URL encoding to say it's from Uncyc. Have a look at the link to FB from Microsoft knowledge base as that's when I started playing with these myself. As for testing - still have an issue with Chrome while at work (as in tab doesn't display). I'm wondering if it's related to the companies "no social networking sites" restrictions, but I can't see how. It definitely blocks the data from G+ and FB being displayed. I'll play with it on home PC and see how that fares. Nominally Humane! 12:46 02 Aug
If your workplace is using proxy filtering, then that would probably be whats causing the badges to fail. If the tab itself is not showing up...well, it's possible that's also being filtered out, as it is loaded from If they use keyword's possible that it's filtering out my .js and .css files because they have the word "sharing" in their names (although I find that unlikely). You might open your JS console (F12 or SHIFT+CTRL+I), and then pastebin any error messages you see there. ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngThu, Aug 2 '12 12:54 (UTC)
It'll be imageshack. I know they've blocked that one. The badges are definitely due to the sites they come from, but that's not a surprise. Locally host the tab image? Or maybe have something under it so it has a fallback if that image fails? Nominally Humane! 01:02 02 Aug
Oh, it's going to be locally hosted, as soon as I've made sure I like the way it looks. So, you know, yesterday. ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngThu, Aug 2 '12 13:17 (UTC)
Also, is it just me, or is Alex Morgan the hottest chick in the world with no boobs? ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngThu, Aug 2 '12 13:24 (UTC)
I've know of at least one flat chested girl who I would say if hotter, but then again I'm not a fan of fake tan. Nominally Humane! 01:27 02 Aug
Fake tan or no fake tan, she's pretty cute. But seriously: I'm a dude, and my "pecs" are bigger. Honest. ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngThu, Aug 2 '12 13:36 (UTC)

don't "be around less"[edit source]

plz? ~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 09:42, July 27, 2012 (UTC)

I'm pretty pissed at the moment. (Drunk, not angry.) The politics here is becoming stifling, and TBH it's hard for me not to be here. I'll be around, just not as much. Nominally Humane! 11:12 27 Jul

Cerveza[edit source]

My bad I thought I was logged in all the time.--UNmarine777 20:28, July 28, 2012 (UTC)

What the fuck ...[edit source] up with the mirror? Is the software being updated or something? ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngSun, Jul 29 '12 8:43 (UTC)

I haven't been there for a few days, and Carlb isn't exactly chatty, so I have no idea. Nominally Humane! 09:10 29 Jul

A message from your local N00b[edit source]

Thank you for editing my article, I really think you made it better. I appreciate your contribution and I just wanted to thank you. Snoousual17

That's cool. I don't know much about the series, only ever having played one Sonic game and never even noticed the storyline. I could see where you were going with it though. Try and stick to calling him Robotnik throughout it though. The swapping of names makes it hard for people not as familiar with the game (ie. me) to keep track of it. And I only know him as Dr Robotnik. I didn't even realize he had a first name. (Sort of like the way you'd refer to JFK as Kennedy rather than John.) Nominally Humane! 11:05 31 Jul

Qvfd[edit source]

When listing pages for quick deletion, you need to add them to UN:QVFD, not add the {{delete}} template and blank them as you did on Sniffy Weed and Luke mcnamara; on Uncyclopedia, {{delete}} is a comment template used when voting and has nothing to do with the actual deletions. Also, please do not blank the pages unless there is a very good reason to blank them, such as if they contain phone numbers or other identifying information, as having to go through multiple revisions of history just makes it that much harder for the admin considering the request. Thanks. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 18:15, 1 August 2012

They were both added to QVFD. One was by me and the other by Frosty (I think). I was using Sniffy Weed quickly as a test page for an edit conflict, and the other page was pure cyberbullying with personal information in there. Of course, the personal information was how name so what I did was completely useless, but I didn't think of that until after the fact. I will change content on pages that are cyberbullying while waiting for them to be deleted though, as I've noted that IPs that start, and realise that they can get away with it for a while, tend to repeat it. As the only people who seem to be regularly patrolling edits are mainly the rollbackers, that seems to be the fastest way to eliminate the bullying, as QVFD tends to be slower these days. Given these are added to QVFD as a judgement call by those patrolling, I see no issue in them using the same judgement to remove content. Rollbackers do that when reverting changes to existing articles, so the principle should be the same. It surprises me that you don't have faith in the judgement of the people who have been given roll back for exactly that reason. Nominally Humane! 11:00 01 Aug
Okay, but if I run into you doing that again I'll just block you. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 16:03, 8 August 2012
Could you direct me to where on the policies here or on WP that states users mustn't change the content of a page that is slated for deletion? Or any of the forums where the community has voted that it's a bannable offence? I'm sorry that three extra clicks is hard work for you. If the burden of being an admin is too much then you are welcome to resign. Otherwise, don't come around with your arbitrary rule making shit again. Nominally Humane! 10:15 08 Aug
Can you show me a policy where it says that you should blank pages? Oh that's right, blanking pages is a bannable offense. -- The Zombiebaron 04:35, August 11, 2012 (UTC)
Maybe you should restore those pages then? Nominally Humane! 07:11 12 Aug

Nomination[edit source]

Nominated for the Foolitzer Prize
This user has been nominated for the Foolitzer Prize—you can vote for them or nominate your favourite users at Uncyclopedia:Foolitzer Prize.

Talk Mattsnow 19:36, August 3, 2012 (UTC)

I've been nominated for perv of the month[edit source]

Vote for me, muthafucka! User:Matthlock/sig2 19:07, August 4, 2012 (UTC)

Phil Ochs loves Australia![edit source]

Especially the drought. What are you still doing reading this? Go vote for Phil Ochs, who only needs some more votes to VFH. "Give me a few guns and a matinee ticket and I'll show you how it's done" was one of Ochs' better lines, but then he hung himself. I can't express how nice it is to come here and see you around again. You have nothing to fear but fear itself. I must go find pictures to put captions on!!!!! Aleister 16:20 8-7 7-8

Huh?[edit source]

Please rethink your vote on this, for the good of the diversity and fun of Uncy. The Foolitzer is under attack, the yearly awards are under attack. It's madness, I tells ya, madness. Are you aware of this? Aleister 18:00 8-7-'012

Regarding your Advice[edit source]

I appreciate your politeness, but given how impossible it is to please any admin on this site, I've decided not to contribute anymore. I find the Garfield stuff funny, and so do a lot of others. If an admin doesn't, I understand, but to have the power to take anything down at any time on one's whim detracts from the fun of this site. I'm sure you'll defend yourself by saying I'm no great loss, but keep in mind that I had intended to do a few articles in their entirety that would have been different from Garfield humor. Now I won't. I'm not sorry in the slightest about calling XamRalco a cunt. Tell him I said so. If I find this account banned, no big deal. You may respond if you like, but I will not read it. – Preceding unsigned comment added by FlameHorse (talk • contribs)

Why did you revert my edits on Ash-Reepy1[edit source]


Because other than the removal (Squirtle on Jigglypuff) of a couple (Squirtle on Jigglypuff) of images, and adding a couple (Squirtle on Jigglypuff) more in, there wasn't really anything you did that improved the article. It is in severe need (Squirtle on Jigglypuff) of a rewrite and some decent formatting, as the template on top (Squirtle on Jigglypuff) suggests. In short, your edits were like pouring a bottle of Evian into the ocean and saying that you are fighting pollution in the water. Theoretically correct, but in reality (Squirtle on Jigglypuff) it did nothing to improve it. You'll also notice that (Squirtle on Jigglypuff) the same three words forced into the text with no apparent purpose doesn't (Squirtle on Jigglypuff) actually make something funny. Nominally Humane! 01:42 08 Aug
And I apologise for not adding that in the edit summary. Because of the excessive sex and rape references in that article, it doesn't allow me to undo the edits with a summary due to my employers web filter. Nominally Humane! 01:45 08 Aug
And if you want innuendo, you can't go past my favourite innuendo Pokemon: Spr_2c_108.gif Nominally Humane! 01:49 08 Aug

Nice explanation. :)

{{FA}}[edit source]

Hello. Kindly do not restore that article to your userpage; transcluding anything with a {{FA}} template causes it to show up in the lists due to the way the DPL extension handles transclusions. I'm really not in the mood to explain this; suffice to say stop reverting me or RAHB will block you. Good day. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 04:29, 11 August 2012

I'm not transclusion an FA template. You might want to double check on what is being transcluded. The {{FA}} is in <noinclude> tags. Rather than using an axe to fix your concern I used a scalpel. Nominally Humane! 04:32 11 Aug
Okay, you've been blocked for a day for revert warring and being a pointless pain in the arse. When anyone, especially an admin, tells you you are breaking something, the onus is on you to provide proof otherwise; reverting them is not the solution. Also, noinclude doesn't affect the DPL extension used here. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 04:39, 11 August 2012 04:39, August 11, 2012 (UTC)
If I might, 1 day seems awful harsh for what is an argument over the user in questions own page. It might hae also been helpful to mention "Also, noinclude doesn't affect the DPL extension used here." before blocking. Just a thought. ~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 04:51, August 11, 2012 (UTC)
Even if there is a valid reason for an edit, it is never appropriate to edit war over it, regardless of where. Given PotR's history of tendentious editing, he could have been blocked for much longer. -— Lyrithya 05:02, August 11, 2012 (UTC)
Fair enough. ~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 05:04, August 11, 2012 (UTC)
The DPL calls for the page linked to [[Template:FA/date]]. The <noinclude> means the {{FA}} is not transcluded. This means the link in a hidden span is also not transcluded. Is there anything else about wiki coding you need me to teach you? Or do you just need to learn how to share nicely with the other children? Nominally Humane! 05:38 12 Aug
The DPL extension, which the FA system uses, doesn't respect the noinclude tag when calculating usages. -— Lyrithya 08:39, August 13, 2012 (UTC)
Sorry, what were you saying? Nominally Humane! 09:04 13 Aug
Please see UN:BEST. -— Lyrithya 15:10, August 15, 2012 (UTC)
Okay - code is now identical to the dpl in UN:BEST, and draws in on your template. The only change is using the link to Template:FAux/date as year and Template:FAux/date as day month year. And STILL it's not showing on the mock-up of the DPL. Also:
The only two pages showing on Mock up of DPL are the mock FAs, not the trasclusion with noinclude or the transclusion as part of choose/option. So in short, "the onus is on you to provide proof otherwise". There is your proof. Nominally Humane! 01:38 16 Aug
And the other point I should make out - I actually checked UN:BEST when I added these to my page the first time to ensure that it didn't pick up on my user page. I purged all the pages in question to make sure that it didn't give any false positives, and I also checked this on a different wiki where it wouldn't make any impact on this one and your issue.I went back and double checked it a day or two later to ensure that when the server worked itself our that it would still work smoothly, and I checked the "last touched date" on each of the pages as well. In short, I'd exhaustively done all the testing possible before adding to my user page. The reason I asked for proof is that if there was an issue I wanted to work out how there was an issue. Did my user page appear on UN:BEST? Nominally Humane! 01:44 16 Aug
Mon, I'm not sure what options have to do with this; they just mean it sometimes shows up and sometimes doesn't. Unfortunately, as I'm not entirely sure at this point what you're proving with your templates, I can't really speak to that at all, but I have taken the opportunity to test this myself on my piggy; as a piggy, there is no reason why it shouldn't be featured. If in a day or three it hasn't shown up on UN:BEST, then you are correct and the noinclude has since been fixed and thus messing up official pages is not a concern here.
But regardless, you really oughtn't need to transclude articles on your userpage in the first place - it's your userpage, not an extension of article space - nor to be so rude. -— Lyrithya 17:17, August 22, 2012 (UTC)
I feel like I was just told to stop being stupid by George W Bush. Nominally Humane! 12:43 23 Aug
There we go - the <option> does include it. the <noiclude> doesn't. So my fix prior to your block worked. UN:HAX needs to be updated to remove the erroneous section.Nominally Humane! 01:32 23 Aug

50 shades of grey[edit source]

Who'se eggplant sized penis did you suckle on to get that piece of #@## @#@@ featured? It doesn't even have any #@@#ing text nor a god damn #~#@## image. Its just a bunch of different shades of a #@##ing colour. No...I take that isn't even a #~##ing colour its a @#~#ing non-colour is what that is. Its articles like these that are going to turn this @#~@-ass place into a bloody @#@##@###@#@-@#@@@##. If I was the president of uncyclopedia I would atom bobm the country you live in and then spew all of its ashes into a sty of pig-@#@#. Oh yeah...and one more thing Mr. #@@##@@#-Puppy...I love you...and that's why I may seem so hard on comes from @#@@# love!

awsome article by the way

--ShabiDOO 17:25, August 11, 2012 (UTC)

Thank you for the chastising. I needed it. Nominally Humane! 12:31 13 Aug

Messages of love[edit source]

No I'm just going to read some Foucault, Keep the Vibrator for yourself thanks for the offer though, I might be sane yet.

You seem fine to me. :) – Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 06:55, August 13, 2012

It wasn't a vibrator - it was a personal massager. But you're welcome all the same. Nominally Humane! 06:58 13 Aug

iBauer[edit source]

Thank you very much for your vote. I always used to thank people (until someone acted like a bent prick). It is a nice gesture and I want to continue it. Much appreciated! BTW: Please take a look at Uncyclopedian (our collab). I think it is better now and ready for a renom. What do you say, Pup? Cheers!--Funnybony Icons-flag-th.png Agnideva-small.jpg AGT-logo-small.jpg 11:02, Aug 15

I loved iBauer. Especially given I saw an earlier incarnation of that article I dodn't have much hope for and you polished it into a gem. Uncyclopedian is likely to be relegated to the status of a loved in-joke, however. Especially given the voting against anything with the slightest amount of injokiness that's happening on VFH recently. If it's nommed I'll vote for (because I like it) but I'm not too fussy about whether this makes the front page or not. Nominally Humane! 11:38 15 Aug

Hi and thanks[edit source]

...for the UnSignpost response. Needless to say, I made some changes to it. I don't want to cyberbully Hypster or anything. ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 17:43, 08/15/2012

Conservative Party[edit source]

I've made some changes of my own to it and trimmed out some of the weaker stuff. Generally I think the article has its moments and some of it is written fairly well. The execution is flawed and I've tried to get rid of the material that was cluttering that up. I will probably do a bit more work on it shortly, but I'd say it shouldn't be deleted because overall it's not particularly bad. I'm unsure about adding a fix tag to it, mainly because I think that is unlikely to result in anything other than the article being canned in a months time.

What do you reckon? To tag or not to tag? That is the question. --ChiefjusticePS3 09:53, August 16, 2012 (UTC)

From my perspective, this is at least as important as Australian Labor Party or Liberal Party of Australia, although would have a much larger audience. Given the only member who was actively trying to salvage articles with {{fix}} was, as far as I know, C₂H₆O, that is now tantamount to a death sentence. If it can be salvaged, better to salvage. Nominally Humane! 10:12 16 Aug 

Feminism[edit source]

you know what? we are losing more and more borderline articles due to fix bombing sprees.--WELCOME TO UNCYCLOPEDIA HELL!!!! Offensive flag.png 07:12, August 19, 2012 (UTC)

I would hardly call a single tagging a spree... ~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 07:38, August 19, 2012 (UTC)
UN:FIX. 16 in total. If you make an edit to one of these every second day they won't be deleted. If you fix them then they definitely won't be deleted. If you just start removing tags you'll be banned. What is easier to do? Nominally Humane! 07:47 19 Aug

Uncyclopedia used to be funny[edit source]

but then it took an arrow to the knee...

Just kidding, but it really used to be funny. If pages becomes rigid to changes, it's not gonna be very funny. ADHD, i returned that ranting because it is relevant to the page, i myself has an ADHD and i know very well that it is SUPPOSED to be RANDOM, that is the main point of having an ADHD, because of having critically low focus that people with ADHD are definitely random.

"Be a Comedian: Advice About Nonsense and Opposites" "The truth is usually funnier than nonsense. The funniest pages are those closest to the truth."

Being Random is TRUE to ADHD because they are not capable of having a long attention to a single thing, thus they are generally distracted.

"A longer, but still clever, article is better than spamming the index full of thousands of small one liners about giraffes and bathtubs." Sure, that is true but then that style of writing is STILL RELEVANT for the case of the ADHD.

"Some basic techniques of humor writing" "Repetition"

Well, a lot of things are repeated repetitively

"Misdirection" Um, yeah the direction of the though branched out from ADHD to kitties, saxophones, oscar wilde etc.

"Escalation" The rate of the "Speaker" at being distracted rises overtime

"Be silly about serious things." ADHD is a little bit serious but as the attention of the speaker is gone, then he's getting a lot more silly.

"The Straight Man" The definition of ADHD is quite serious, until the next sentence.

"Write in a Consistent Style" UN-fortunately, i didn't write this.

"State the Obvious" Well obviously, ADHD being random is stated obviously.

Honestly, i read everything but i'm already getting lazy answering so these are my arguments.– Preceding unsigned comment added by The6thMessenger (talk • contribs) 08:08, August 20, 2012

Cool. The problem is that this was likely to be placed up for deletion due to the fact that it switches from the encyclopaedic voice to the ADHD voice halfway through. It got to be a little contentious and a number of user, including myself, Frosty, Mr-ex777, Simsilikesims, my sockpuppet, and Lyrithya worked on it to get it to a standard we were all happy with. Changing it back to the variation that was potentially going to de deleted just means that it will be put up for deletion again. Nominally Humane! 08:17 20 Aug

Sorry for forgetting to sign it... So it's because the style of voice changes, Wait, it is possible to create a separate page? like "Talk; Doctor with an ADHD talks about ADHD" --The6thMessenger (talk) 08:21, August 20, 2012 (UTC)

Maybe An inquiry into the nature and origin of mental derangement: comprehending a concise system of the physiology and pathology of the human mind and a history of the passions and their effects. (See WP:Alexander Crichton). Nominally Humane! 08:25 20 Aug
And we can add the following template to ADHD
Whoops! Maybe you were looking for An inquiry into the nature and origin of mental derangement: comprehending a concise system of the physiology and pathology of the human mind and a history of the passions and their effects?
Nominally Humane! 08:27 20 Aug

Oh... thanks, i'll just toss it in there? okay pretty straight forward... --The6thMessenger (talk) 08:28, August 20, 2012 (UTC)

Love messages - because I am an international gay icon.[edit source]


VAFFANCULO FROCIONE FATTI I CAZZI TUOI – Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 09:16, August 21, 2012

Walla walla washington! Nominally Humane! 09:19 21 Aug

BASTARDO[edit source]

FATTI I CAZZI TUOI FROCIONE – Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

I would love a gelato, thank you. Nominally Humane! 09:23 21 Aug

E FINISCILA[edit source]

DIO CANE FINISCILA CAZZO PORCO DIO! – Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

A large pepperoni, lots of cheese. Nominally Humane! 09:23 21 Aug

And back to your scheduled program[edit source]

Uh...[edit source]

It's my fucking HSC! I have to do my HSC in November, which means I am on temporary leave on Pee Review starting October 15! GiratinaOriginForme.png |Si Plebius Dato' Joe ang Giratina CUN|IC Kill Don't be fooled. I'm an Aussie too. | 10:30, August 21, 2012 (UTC)

Cool. Take time away from the site and do well on your exams. They suck royally, but it won't be long until they're over. Nominally Humane! 10:53 21 Aug

You're back[edit source]

I never did thank you for that Pee Review awhile back, so here it goes: thank you. Glad to see you back.--Iwillkillyou.gif 333.gif TALK What's it like to be a heretic? 01:23, August 22, 2012 (UTC)

User talk:Matthlock/Barnes Been Beyond Before But Believe Barnes, Barnes Being Bolmontious Bout Being There[edit source]

You got new messages on that page. User:Matthlock/sig2 18:28, August 24, 2012 (UTC)