HowTo:Write an average Uncyclopedia article
There are many aspiring would-be-Uncyclopedians who simply do not know where and how to start. This HowTo page offers the standard guidelines that are used by most contributors to Uncyclopedia.
What an average article must include[edit | edit source]
An average article must involve at least eight (preferably all) of the following. To 'involve' means here 'to be mentioned'. An article cannot be funny without the following:
- Jesus
- Oprah
- George W. Bush
- Nazi
- Oscar Wilde
- Darth Vader
- World War III
- Terrorist
- Dr. Phil
- Oprah
- Squirrels
- God
- Oprah
- Hitler
- Chuck Norris
- Russian Reversal
- Jesus
- Your Mom
- Borat
Bear in mind we said 'average article', so if you want your article to be average, be sure to include them as much as you can.
Other useful albeit optional characters include Paris Hilton (be sure to mix the hotel up with her real article, this will make your page better) and Osama bin Laden.
Fear their wrath, and beware their contrived names. If you are still confused about which one you want, you were probably much better off with Original Hitler. | |
Hitler the Red-Nosed Reindeer: Satan Claus' favorite ride. | HONK HONK! Don't be sad with Clown Hitler |
Darth Hitler: Join the white side, we have baths :) | Watch out, Poland! It's the Attack of the 50ft Hitler |
Hadolf Itler: The Jews' greatest ally. | You shouldn't drop your soap around Gay Hitler |
Adolf Hitler, Jr.: He's got the sadism from pappa! | The official nazi indoctrination channel: British Hitler Channel |
Everyone is Hitler: Because in this world, anybody can be Hitler... | ...well, anybody except for, of course, I Can't Believe It's Not Hitler |
Evil Illuminati Adolf Hitler Clone Society: The folks behind this madness | |
If you are still unsatisfied with these Hitlers, you can always check out even... | |
More Hitlers |
Choosing a topic[edit | edit source]
Now when you know what to mention, it's the time to choose your topic. Think of a celebrity and add "Zombie" to his name. This is a good and original way of inventing genuinely funny articles. Another way is to think of any word and add Jesus after it. For a hipster-inspired twist, try "Messiah", especially after a noun or abstract quality (e.g. Racecar Messiah).
A list of celebrities currently available for Zombie articles[edit | edit source]
- Zombie John Wayne
- Zombie Britney Spears
- Zombie Prince Charles
- Zombie Brad Pitt
- Zombie Madonna
- Zombie Marx
- Zombie George W. Bush
- Zombie Your Mom
- Zombie Oprah
- Zombie Dr. Phil
- Zombie Charles Nelson Reilly
- Zombie Pol Pot
Content[edit | edit source]
Content is the easiest part. Every seventh word of an average Uncyclopedia article should be a (preferably American) celebrity name, mostly the ones mentioned above. The remaining six words are not as important. They could include something about blowing up, blowing to pieces, killing, dying, and sexual perversions.
Style[edit | edit source]
Structure[edit | edit source]
Structure tends to be overvalued. It's the random celebrity names that count. If you feel like dividing your article into separate sections called chapters you may do it. It's optional, but if you do so, you must think of a good headline. No matter what the chapter is about, the headline should include something dramatic like war, civil war, ultimate demise, explosion, World War XVIII, the damned, rising from the grave, zombie, curse, apocalypse, or George W. Bush Murders Space Aliens With Oprah in Hollywood!!!!!!!!. Exclamation marks are not to be used economically.
Quotes[edit | edit source]
No average Uncyclopedia article is complete without quotes from at least three of the following: Oscar Wilde, Steve Ballmer, Kanye West, Friedrich Nietzsche, or God. If you can include all of them, so much the better. Ideally, the finished article should have more quotes than actual content. Also see the tip on templates below.
Illustrations[edit | edit source]
Illustrations should be as vomit-inducing and irrelevant to your topic as possible. Select your illustrations with a view to getting Uncyclopedia readers fired or arrested merely for loading the thumbnail version. Use Microsoft Paint for that extra-professional editing job.
Now What?[edit | edit source]
After doing all this, you don't need to check your text once. It's bound to be funny and original if you've followed the guidelines provided in this article. Add as many templates as you can, even if they seemingly have nothing to do with your article.
If you have written an article strictly following these guidelines, you are truly a world class humorist and comedian. If you feel the article is finished, immediately exit Uncyclopedia and shut down your computer. Do not, under any circumstances, click the "Save page" button below the editing space. It is merely a scam to distract newcomers to Uncyclopedia.