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 | This page is an archive. The contents have been moved from another page for reference purposes only, and should be preserved in their current form. Discussion or voting on this page is not current. Any additions you make will probably not be read. The current version of this page can be found at VFD. |
Score: -1
Keep (4) |
- Keep. Saw the film on him, this article definitely isn't the worst we have. It could use touch-ups, yes, but it's sort of halfway decent. On a side note, it's pretty awesome soap.
 - Not particularly sincere, Sir ColinAYB CUN VFH Whoring More Whoring at 21:25, Thursday 04 November 2010 -  
- Keep Ok, I read it again and it's got enough soap and Bonner things in there to keep. See my comment below. Aleister 16:27 5 11
Keep. After reading some info on the subject, it appears it is valid satire. --Mn-z 13:19, November 6, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. Per above, I guess. —Sir Socky (talk) (stalk) GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 13:51, 6 November 2010
Delete (3) |
- Delete. Apparently, someone was impressed by the name of his off-brand soap, so he came by to make up a random backstory about it and bore us with a bunch of nonsense. Thanks, dude!
pillow talk 06:37, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
"Seriously, wtf." Photo caption sums it up for me. Jews and Hitler reduced to battling memes. Lists of absurdities with no connections. Spıke ¬ 16:11 4-Nov-10
Delete unless someone wants to adopt it. As it stands, it's meaningless to a clueless person. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101106 - 06:04 (UTC)
Comments |
I won't vote to keep, but this is a great soap and shampoo, I've used it for years. Someone even made a documentary about it. Dr. Bonner was a very interesting guy, and his packages are packed with psycho religious sayings and upbeat philosophy. Hippies love this soap. Lastly, I met one of his grandaughter's giving out sample, nicceeeeee. So he had good genes (as did she). Aleister 19:52 4 11
- Kept --ChiefjusticeGameCube 09:04, November 9, 2010 (UTC)
Score: 4
Keep (0) |
No keep votes.
Delete (4) |
Delete. Not wiggidy wack, just the regular kind. A feeble idea, executed poorly. --Count of Monkey Crisco 19:38, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Pickled crap.-- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 22:37, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. "Brineshrimp" occurs six times in Wikipedia, none of them having to do with rap. I was going to abstain as I don't know the genre and can't tell how well the article relates to reality. It seems there is no such reality; this is a random bio of a totally made-up character, unless the repeated references to Indie record labels is real, in which case this guy is very minor. Spıke ¬ 23:36 7-Nov-10
- Delete. Pretty much all over the place.
pillow talk 15:43, November 8, 2010 (UTC)
Comments |
Score: 4
Keep (0) |
No keep votes.
Delete (4) |
Delete. Hey, look! A children's TV character that's actually a junkie, whore and homosexual. What a refreshing and new idea. --Count of Monkey Crisco 19:32, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Oh, so that is an actual subject? I say kill on account of stupidity. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101107 - 19:39 (UTC)
Delete. Someone plugged their shit mixer in for this one. Unfunny template abuse-- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 22:47, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Dysfunctional but totally random biography for Shari Lewis's puppet. Spıke ¬ 23:04 7-Nov-10
Comments |
- I scrubbed the quotes and the intro, but the rest of the article still proves that sociopathy (with no relation to reality) is between trite and unfunny. Attempts to rescue will be hindered by the fact that no one remembers this kiddie show of 40 years ago, and by the usual problems writing funny stuff about a show that was funnier. Spıke ¬ 23:19 7-Nov-10
- FYI Lamb Chop remained a moderately popular puppet up to 1998 in the Shari Lewis produced PBS Show Charlie Horse Music Pizza. The only reason that show was abruptly canceled was Shari's declining health and untimely death later that year. I'd bet a very large number of Uncylopedia's users know about Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop. --Count of Monkey Crisco 01:15, November 8, 2010 (UTC)
Score: 4
Keep (1) |
Keep. Maniac1075. When will the site recognize his greatness. Oh Maniac1075, they no not know what they do (well, they probably do, but let's pretend). When Shakespeare walked among men he was ignored in his lifetime (except for his theater and such). When the Great Gadsby was written nobody cared. And when the Illiad and the Oddiad were discovered, meah. So your time will come, Maniac 1075, it shall arrive on shining horses and chariots made of the cheapest iron. Forgive them all, but especially SPIKE. Aleister 16:02 8 11
- VFD as an institution is ruined if we go from voting on pages based on their contents and likelihood of improvement, to voting on people based on their laurels. This is a crappy article and your reverence for its creator is one proof it is never going to be transformed from a Tourettesian rant to real humor. Spıke ¬ 16:13 8-Nov-10
- It stands in its own perfection, no further work needed and no crumbling of the institution intended. Yes, I revere Maniac1075, who happens to have Tourettes and has lived with it for many years. Your mocking of his illness is sad indeed. I digress. Aleister 16:21 8 11
- If he didn't want his illness mocked he shouldn't have written Shit Pickle. This article justifies the public mocking of every malady below Hodgkin Lymphoma. --Count of Monkey Crisco 19:06, November 8, 2010 (UTC)
- If this article gave me nausea, I'd at least pick a suitable venue for its expression. Spıke ¬ 19:19 8-Nov-10
- To be more serious, since Maniac isn't showing up, the character is based on an interesting video series which can be accessed in the See also section. Many people like this series, just for its satire and strangeness, and that is what the page references. Just because it is written in the style of the character isn't any more reason to huff it than to huff any number of "written in the style of" pages, such as the Kurt Vonnegut masterpiece (which could be improved but still is a fitting honor of the author). You say Shit Pickle is no Kurt Vonnegut? Eye of the beholder Aleister 18:29 8 11
- Bitch please! There's a not very fine line between "written in the style of" and "entire joke stolen from and repeated over and over again." It's the words "shit pickle" repeated 300 times. There's really no alternate interpretation or nuance to be further explored. There's nothing to behold here. This is not parody, mimicking and drawing attention to certain recurring themes and quirks in someone's writing style, this is the words "shit pickle" repeated 300 times. Only a moron couldn't make that distinction.This is forced meme, nothing more.--Count of Monkey Crisco 20:47, November 8, 2010 (UTC)
- Then Hyperbole, below, speaks for me. Spıke ¬ 19:52 8-Nov-10
Delete (5) |
Delete. On of the weaker jokes from Angry Video Game Nerd repeated infinitum. This cannot be killed fast enough. --Count of Monkey Crisco 05:11, November 8, 2010 (UTC)
shit pickle? --
Delete. Spıke ¬ 08:35 8-Nov-10
- Delete. Even if it were a funny joke, it's not ours.
pillow talk 15:34, November 8, 2010 (UTC)
- Delete. As Spike and Hype say. I also think that it falls outside the kind of stuff we should be doing here.--Sycamore (Talk) 21:34, November 8, 2010 (UTC)
Comments |
Score: 5
Keep (2) |
# Keep.Per Hyperbole, but still funny. (and no VFD tag) Yeah, you guys who are playing and laughing sure do hate this page, not a laugh here. It may have been a meme, but I missed it, and so I can laugh for awhile. The article isn't that bad, some things need trimming (I'll do some later) and we can redirect some things to it. Gibberish? /Shakes head sadly, walks away. Aleister 16:10 8 11
Trololo- DON'T YOU FUCKING DELETE IT! |Si Plebius Dato' Joe ang Pinoy CUN|IC Kill | 06:50, November 9, 2010 (UTC)
Trololo- it's funny, just need some polishing, instead of voting to delete it, watch the video, and add something funny --Mazagikeda 07:08, November 9, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (7) |
Trololo Trolololololo. Trololo Trololo Trololo. Trololololo! -- 01:41, November 8, 2010 (UTC)
"Laughing at you because you found this article." A random treatment of the subject of gibberish. Spıke ¬ 01:48 8-Nov-10
Trololo Trololo.... Trolololololo Trolololo Trololo. *Trololo* --Dancing dude 01:56, November 8, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Amusing video, bad article. --Count of Monkey Crisco 02:01, November 8, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Bad implementation of a meme that seems to get vandalised a lot... eh, I'd not miss it. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101108 - 02:55 (UTC)
- Delete. Even if it were funny, this is something for ED or Knowyourmeme, not Uncyclopedia. This is supposed to be a website for original humor content, not "Hey, look at this!"
pillow talk 15:35, November 8, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. If there had been any real effort on this, it would have been better and not just the usual randumbo. The wikipedia article is pretty bad too. Perhaps that needs improving as well (hint to the authors of this thing). -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 18:56, November 8, 2010 (UTC)
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Trololo Trololo Trolololol Trololo. Trolololololo. -- 01:41, November 8, 2010 (UTC)
Trololo Trololo! Trololo Trololo Trolololololo. Trololo.... --Dancing dude 01:56, November 8, 2010 (UTC)
Trololo Trololo Trololo Trololololo!! --
Trololololo! Trololo Trololo Trololo.... Trololololo? --Dancing dude 
Trolo Trololo... *Trololo* --
Trolo! Trololo. Trololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol. --Dancing dude 
"Trololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol." Trololo Trololo. Trololololololo! --
Trololo Trolo? --Dancing dude 
Trolololo Trolololo. --
Trolo Trolo. Trolo! --Dancing dude 
- Oh, shut up. ~
*shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101108 - 03:41 (UTC)
Score: 3
Keep (2) |
Keep. I hate to say it but... I actually kinda like it. -- 15:18, November 6, 2010 (UTC)
Keep.--Count of Monkey Crisco 20:12, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (5) |
- Delete. Basically just a political rant - and one that doesn't hold together well - with Dr. Doom thrown into the mix for very little conceivable reason.
pillow talk 06:45, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Uncyclopedia is not lacking articles with cynical political science, and this article adds nothing. When he does bring Doom in, the tone becomes salesy. Spıke ¬ 13:12 4-Nov-10
Delete. Meh, still sucks. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101106 - 06:17 (UTC)
Delete. per above. --Mn-z 13:32, November 6, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. A shambles and a disdain to organise material that makes any sense.-- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 23:14, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Comments |
Score: -2
Keep (5) |
Keep. It has some quality pics and It's not that bad after all. --M&M (also known as Mimo&maxus) What do you want? Wanna see my balls? 13:47, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. It probably could use a purging an a healthy dose references to reality (or established cannon in this instance), but it does have a theme. --Mn-z 13:10, November 6, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. Per above. It needs clean up, not deletion. —Sir Socky (talk) (stalk) GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 13:51, 6 November 2010
Keep. Stupid, but not terrible-- Phlegm Leoispotter * (garble! jank!) 04:27, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Weak Keep.--Count of Monkey Crisco 19:01, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (3) |
- Delete. The lede is rambling, unfunny, and trying too hard; the second paragraph is random nonsense; and the rest of the article is listcruft. Awesome!!
pillow talk 06:33, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Rambling author clinches my vote with "Unfortunately, nobody knows what the "X" stands for"--two sentences after he told us what it stands for. Spıke ¬ 13:07 4-Nov-10
- Meh, it has a good paragraph, but the rest of it is so crappy I'll just sit over here and... yeah. Ta. ~
*shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101105 - 04:17 (UTC)
Comments |
Score: 4
Keep (1) |
Keep. He tampered in God's domain. --Count of Monkey Crisco 07:30, November 5, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (5) |
- Delete. Some 2005 random crap about some character from a 1955 Bela Lugosi movie that nobody cares about. Whee!
pillow talk 06:48, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
Help! reader is being flung from bumper to bumper in a game of Meme Pinball. A similar treatment to Dr. Demento, reviewed below. Spıke ¬ 19:01 4-Nov-10
EXTERMINATE! This is bad. --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 19:06, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Eh, what? Why do we care? Oh, apparently we don't. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101106 - 06:21 (UTC)
Delete.Started crap,got worse and will never have a chance of ever improving.-- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 23:05, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Comments |
Score: -5
Keep (5) |
(Formerly .) Am working on it; have suggested to Romartus that it is an empty vessel for his best World History wine. See below. Spıke ¬ 01:47 7-Nov-10
- Romartus is in--and with illustrations to replace the original graphic, which I moved into the text. Spıke ¬ 11:39 7-Nov-10
Keep. Already looks a lot better. —Sir Socky (talk) (stalk) GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 01:48, 7 November 2010
Keep. per Socky; it may have been VFD-quality before, but it's fine now. pillow talk 04:26, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. With the new pics, it looks better so... --M&M (also known as Mimo&maxus) What do you want? Wanna see my balls? 11:48, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. Some guys saved this thumb sucking article. Aleister 10:52 7 11
Delete (0) |
Delete. Hammer it. --UnLaw 21:32, November 6, 2010 (UTC) Has prospects now. --UnLaw 15:54, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Sad? I wouldn't designate it as sad. --M&M (also known as Mimo&maxus) What do you want? Wanna see my balls? 16:50, November 6, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Short, sad and no real cohesion. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101106 - 15:28 (UTC)
- Nomination withdrawn, then. But keep going with it, will you? Please? ~
*shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101107 - 05:01 (UTC)
Delete. A rule of thumb is a general guideline. The intro workably misinterprets this into ruling about, say, an article's deletion with a thumbs-down gesture. Fine, but the only other places author is able to take this is into paraplegia and spousal abuse. There's so much you could say about ruling-by-thumb in the Roman gladiator games. Spıke ¬ 21:24 6-Nov-10
Comments |
- It's not quite as random as it seems. The phrase "rule of thumb" refers to an old French law that said that a man was allowed to beat his wife, as long as the stick he used was no thicker than his thumb. This kind of cranks "violence against women" with respect to "rule of thumb" to a whole new level. That said, it's short and not very well-written; I'm not sure how I want to vote.
pillow talk 22:55, November 6, 2010 (UTC)
- That "old French law" story appears to be neither French nor true. I found this through Another Encyclopedia: [1]. If you have a reliable reference (in English or in French) to such a French law, I'd be interested. --UnLaw 01:04, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
- You appear to be completely correct. "French" was my own misconception. As SPIKE points out, whether or not the law actually existed isn't the point: the point is that it's entered the consciousness of our culture and is therefore a valid target for satire. Other websites suggest that it was probably in the category of "It existed informally, but it was never written in a law book."
pillow talk 04:25, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
- Text from UnLaw's source is now included in the article. Spıke ¬ 11:39 7-Nov-10
- Hold that huff. Whether the old French law is true or not doesn't affect its usefulness to us. Especially if false, it would be a fine addition to the section on wife-beating. Moreover, moments after voting Delete, I asked Romartus if he would like to use this page as a relatively unconstrained vehicle to write some more wacked-up World History. Spıke ¬ 01:14 7-Nov-10
- Kept --ChiefjusticeGameCube 21:18, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Score: 5
Keep (0) |
No keep votes.
Delete (5) |
- Delete. So, it's not a bad concept. "The arch-enemy of Captain Obvious is Professor Subtle." Okay. Makes sense, right? But then the article itself is just randomness and listcruft and bullshit.
pillow talk 06:29, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Article's second sentence: "Everything else written in this article is purely conjecture." In fact, everything else is crap. An article could personify sarcasm (not as tediously as our just-deleted one did), obviousness, randomness, or triteness. But subtlety? Subtle wording in the service of a well-defined joke is masterful, but subtlety for its own sake is just confusing. But don't worry; this author mistakes subtle for merely indecisive. Spıke ¬ 13:01 4-Nov-10
- Delete. There is an art to subtlety. This is not it... this is not even subtle at all. ~
*shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101105 - 04:00 (UTC)
Delete. per above. --Mn-z 13:08, November 6, 2010 (UTC)
Delete.-- Phlegm Leoispotter * (garble! jank!) 04:24, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Comments |
Score: 4
Keep (1) |
Like. Needs Brain work. ~ Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* (talk) (stalk) Π ~ ~ 05 Nov 2010 ~ 03:47 (UTC)
Delete (5) |
- Delete. Another one of those fucking asinine articles where someone names a random cartoon character and then assigns a zany fictional backstory to him. I want to bring these articles all to life just so I can beat the living shit out of them. Shit!!
pillow talk 06:39, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. If Dr. Claw is an arch-adversary of Inspector Gadget, it will be the first time I know the basis and Hyperbole does not. The article spends too much time with memes such as kitten huffing, and explanations of why nothing is known--a trite alternative to real humor. But the caption of "some pussy on the side" is cute. Spıke ¬ 18:52 4-Nov-10
Delete. Suffers from a lack of distinct angle/concept and instead delves into seeming randomness and meanders a lot. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101106 - 06:07 (UTC)
Delete. it has the feeling that it is going out of its way to avoid any mention of reality (i.e. established cannon) except to contradict it. --Mn-z 13:26, November 6, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. I'm going to go ahead and vote against my own article. I hate my early work and there's been nothing I could do to help this one since the day I made it. I have learned (or at least have learned) to try and improve my humor since this creation of this thing. -- Hanyouman 13:47, November 6, 2010 (UTC)
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- It doesn't matter to me if this is deleted or not. It's one of my "young and reckless" articles that I'm not very happy with. I am kind of happy with that 70s Claw pic though.
If it survives, I wouldn't mind someone gutting it out and improving on it. -- Hanyouman 12:06, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
- Dr. Claw is indeed the arch-adversary of Inspector Gadget, but I did know that. I don't know why you thought I didn't.
pillow talk 21:29, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
- Ah, I see, "names" as in "invokes" rather than "invents." Perhaps I'll trip you up later. Spıke ¬ 23:05 4-Nov-10
- If no one minds, I apologize for how terrible my early work is. Can't help but feel a degree of guilt for it. -- Hanyouman 13:58, November 6, 2010 (UTC)
- Heh, we've all written a few stinkers. I had one of my articles on VFD just last week.
pillow talk 04:28, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Score: 5
Keep (0) |
No keep votes.
Delete (5) |
- I am so glad I didn't turn out like all of the faggots who still think this garbage is hilarious. What the fuck is wrong with people. --Roman Dog Bird 21:20, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
- You wouldn't want to know. You probably wouldn't like the answer. Kill it.--Hanyouman 21:34, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Section 6 consists of nothing but THIRTY-TWO quotes with {{Q}}. Again, if there is charm or humor here, it comes from the source and not from Authors. Spıke ¬ 21:43 4-Nov-10
Delete. Oh, gods... this character could lead to something great, but no... there's just this... ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101106 - 06:25 (UTC)
Delete. Much worse than the above one-- Phlegm Leoispotter * (garble! jank!) 04:17, November 7, 2010 (UTC)
Comments |
Score: 4
Keep (0) |
No keep votes.
Delete (4) |
- WHAT MAN CAN DO. DESTROY, DESTROY, DESTROY, DESTROY, DESTROY, DESTROY VIRTUALLY ANYTHING. seriously fuck this page and fuck this shitty shit show. delete all invader zim and porkymen articles right now. --Roman Dog Bird 21:10, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
- I never liked Invader Zim. I hate it's retarded fanbase and the crap they make around it, too. -- Hanyouman
Delete. I've always liked Invader Zim, but Frinko's writing chokes on a bucket of goat anuses. --Count of Monkey Crisco 22:58, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
- My father died choking on a bucket of goat anuses, you insensitive clod!!
pillow talk 17:30, November 5, 2010 (UTC)
- Exactly, Frinko's writing is so bad it's like something that kills your father. At least ONE person understood my metaphor. --Count of Monkey Crisco 18:35, November 5, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Eh, I can see what this is trying to do - Zim himself is not the best speaker, after all, but it just doesn't work. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101106 - 06:24 (UTC)
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Score: 7
Keep (0) |
No keep votes.
Delete (7) |
- I don't even know what this is. --Roman Dog Bird 21:20, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. What this is is a pointless bio of a fictional character, in which the author doesn't add any creativity except that found in the original. Spıke ¬ 21:40 4-Nov-10
Delete. --Count of Monkey Crisco 06:26, November 5, 2010 (UTC)
Weak delete They basically spoiled the plot of Ratchet and Clank except made it sound completely stupid. Again, there's the gay jokes, but unlike Dr. Nefarious (who actually is incredibly flamboyant), this doesn't try. --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 16:35, November 5, 2010 (UTC)
Delete.Junior Uncyclopedia (in a very bad way) -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 19:18, November 5, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Per above. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101106 - 06:28 (UTC)
Delete. It's was gonna be deleted anyway. My vote isn't needed. --M&M (also known as Mimo&maxus) What do you want? Wanna see my balls? 08:42, November 6, 2010 (UTC)
Comments |
Score: -2
Keep (4) |
Keep.. Change of vote. Not a feature but then not again a delete candidate either. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 09:35, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. So it's a hoax article which was almost kept on Wikipedia. I found this yesterday and thought it may be a real page which was just stored here, but if it was kicked off wikipedia and came here as an orphan, let's let it stay and feed it. Similar in some ways but not all to my favorite article on uncy, another hoax which, in its original form, fooled many people on a historical website. Aleister 11:11 1 11 (check out that time readout, cool.)
Salvageable. --High Gen. Meganew (Stuff I've Done) (Chat With Me) (Get an Award!) FORCES ENLIST MUN 21:52, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. Doesn't really look worth deleting, but I didn't actually read past the first two sentences. Anyone who cares to may now hit me with a frying pan if they actually want me to bother... ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101103 - 23:32 (UTC)
Delete (2) |
Delete. Long, unfunny article has been deleted eight times from Wikipedia, the last two for the offense of trying to re-upload an article that members had decided to delete. Someone is using us to store and publish a history lesson. Spıke ¬ 03:14 1-Nov-10
Delete. Does appear to be a wikipedia refugee though I have no idea why it has been rejected there. Is it untrue? Perhaps Madmax knows as he's a user over there. Anyway it isn't funny and shouldn't be left on Uncyclopedia's doorstep. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 08:36, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
- Delete. It is not at all funny. A funny article about the hoax might be warranted, but we are not "Uncyclopedia: the dumping ground for shit no other wiki will take!" Maybe we should see if ?pedia will take it.
pillow talk 15:59, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Comments |
Comment. I tracked back to the original Wikipedia article - or rather the comments page where it has now been housed in the user's space. It is a hoax but one of those stories that unless you clicked on all the links, it wouldn't be so obvious. See here: I think the only thing we can say here is that though it's a very plausibly done, it isn't funny but then again, I don't think it should be deleted. Is clear? -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 09:35, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Score: -2
Keep (7) |
Keep. I kinda like it. Maybe slap an {{expansion}} template on it, though. It could use a couple more sections of inebriated writings. —Sir Socky (talk) (stalk) GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 01:25, 1 November 2010
- Keep. I would have QVFD'ed it, except that when I sobered up, I found that I still liked the line "It emerged from my penis."
pillow talk 08:43, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
- Keep. Because I only vote For. quality...--Sycamore (Talk) 09:02, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. If all these guys like it. . . plus I added a band name I made up years ago which I thought was one of the best unused band names ever (even when I sobered up), My Sister's Urinalysis. Aleister 11:15 1 11
Save. Made me laugh when I first saw it. --High Gen. Meganew (Stuff I've Done) (Chat With Me) (Get an Award!) FORCES ENLIST MUN 21:41, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. per above and stuff. --Mn-z 20:25, November 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Gross.-- Phlegm Leoispotter * (garble! jank!) 01:06, November 3, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (5) |
- I found this article when it was vandalized recently. -- The Zombiebaron 01:09, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Does it all: Stub touts its own humor, disses user Sycamore, and has a penis joke. Spıke ¬ 01:13 1-Nov-10
Delete. Crap and abuse to boot. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 08:38, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Mmmm, crap. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101101 - 19:21 (UTC)
Delete. This must be the stupidest article I've ever seen. --M&M (also known as Mimo&maxus) What do you want? Wanna see my balls? 15:08, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
Comments |
- Zombie, please don't delete the
<!-- comments --> inside the template when you nominate; they are for future voters as well as yourself. Spıke ¬ 01:14 1-Nov-10
- Overtaken by events, as Socky has now removed the comments from the template. I'm fine with that, but new voters may be baffled. Even though we know they don't read stuff. Spıke ¬ 11:30 1-Nov-10
- Though Sycamore has gone along with 'the joke', I don't like to see other contributors trashed in a mainspace article. It also goes against all that stuff about vanity/abuse/bullying which gets other users banned. So why make an exception here? Should be moved to Hype's page as he's claiming ownership or changed to remove Sycamore's name. --
RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 11:40, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
- Well the usual solution is to put the USERNAME joke in there..perhaps that will do...--
RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 12:09, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
- I hate that joke! call it ego, but it always takes me five minutes to realize I've been had. Spıke ¬ 12:53 1-Nov-10
- Since when is affectionately pointing out a perennial 'against' voter considered "trashing"? I would have been utterly shocked if Sycamore had been offended by that. And if he is, no doubt his name should be removed - but I've dropped usernames at least half a dozen times now, in everything from Amanda Steele, Action Cop to More dildos, and I haven't got it wrong yet.
pillow talk 15:14, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
- Yeah, I get so offended, you're a fucking dick splash Hyperbole!--Sycamore (Talk) 20:47, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
- For my part, "except perhaps Sycamore, who votes against everything" doesn't seriously hurt Sycamore; rather, it is some n00b lashing out against his treatment on Uncyclopedia in the text of his article, inherently pursuing something other than humor. Spıke ¬ 20:52 1-Nov-10
- Just because my real name is Richard Splash doesn't mean we're on a first-name basis. That's Mr. Splash to you.
pillow talk 21:00, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
- Yes Mr. Splash;-)--Sycamore (Talk) 21:01, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
- For reference, my username is linked from Antbortion, UnResumes:My Resume, and appears twice in Rolling your head on the keyboard, although the later is a special case. Hype's userspage is also linked from a few articles in mainspace. --Mn-z 01:32, November 2, 2010 (UTC)
- If Sycamore's name was removed wouldn't that ruin the accuracy and heart of the article? ~ Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!*
(talk) (stalk) Π ~ ~ 02 Nov 2010 ~ 23:41 (UTC)
- Kept --ChiefjusticeGameCube 07:37, November 5, 2010 (UTC)
Score: 4
Keep (0) |
No keep votes.
Delete (4) |
- Delete. Random animecruft bullshit that can suck my dick.
pillow talk 06:27, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Me first. Spıke ¬ 12:55 4-Nov-10
- i'm jacking off right now --Roman Dog Bird 18:33, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Mmmmmm. Oh, er... yeah. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101105 - 03:58 (UTC)
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- delete all pokeymen articles --Roman Dog Bird 19:13, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
- yep, they usually insult that series--Poiz, look in my info? 20:18, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
Score: 4
Keep (2) |
Keep and rework. It's at least partially redeemable. --High Gen. Meganew (Stuff I've Done) (Chat With Me) (Get an Award!) FORCES ENLIST MUN 21:37, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Keep and rework. Agreed, though "This ship has too many Captains" (Captain Understatement). --UnLaw 22:42, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (6) |
- Delete. Although one of the most frequently quoted "captains," this article really is amateur hour. There are some slightly better versions in the history, but no good ones.
pillow talk 15:41, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Weak delete. Irrelevant illustrations, one referencing a penis; quote-cruft; a little super-gassy prose; then listcruft. It would have been so easy to become an automatic keeper if authors had simply loaded this article up with, what else?, understatements. Spıke ¬ 16:30 1-Nov-10
Delete. Well who ever wants to save this mangy dog of an article better hurry up.-- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 07:52, November 2, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Kill it for now; doesn't really seem to have enough worth going from in a rework to me. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101103 - 16:55 (UTC)
- Delete No effort has gone into this. It's lazy and unfunny. mAttlobster. (hello) 22:35, November 3, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. I see some concept here. But, there is nothing here that is really original or not obvious. --Mn-z 01:34, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
Comments |
- I watched an afternoon of TV sports yesterday and have begun an article on Captain Trite. Aleister, the next move is yours. Spıke ¬ 17:18 1-Nov-10 post-edited
- A hypothesis: that the better-conceived "Captain" articles (such as this one, Captain Obvious and Captain Oblivious) are not spoof-encyclopedia articles but, rather, tools. They remind me a little of Edward de Bono's "thinking hats". Could they then justifiably be blocked as to length - to not more than one screen, maybe less? Such as could result, for example, from removing all of the "Other Quotes" section, and maybe also the "Arrest" section", from Captain Oblivious. --UnLaw 00:29, November 2, 2010 (UTC)
- True: once you make the point, you gain nothing by making it ten more times. But the only to achieve this is (1) to have an "owner" police the article, and/or (2) protect it against Anons who can only add quotes and Fun Facts to the Trivia section. Spıke ¬ 11:20 2-Nov-10
Score: 4
Keep (1) |
Keep. Certainly the running commentary inside the brackets isn't really for me but I saw that the author of this article was active in September. Perhaps he should be invited to improve it? -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 12:22, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. Conditional - I don't think Sam Worthington is a good actor, but he did land the parts. It totally needs a rewrite. Too many of Uncyclopedia's articles are either factual sporked content or moronic blah or both. Little to nothing distinguishes them from Wikipedia, with content looking same as Wikipedia, and blah looking same as crap. This article, starts out, Samuel Henry J. Worthington ('cause you know J. is a name, don't you?), is an English-born Australian actor (la-de-dah). He rose to prominence playing Jake Sully in James Cameron's (don't get me started on that douche) Avatar (biggest waste of money...). Whoa! Is someone actually envious of a successful man? Or is that a spork with a shit attitude? -- But, funny how? Meanwhile, Samuel Henry J. Worthington is laughing all the way to the bank. This article makes me ashamed of Uncyclopedia, because it's just a spork covered in shit. But the author is a good writer and just needs to rewrite it without the "shit" and adding some humor. Otherwise, it should be deleted.--Funnybony 13:04, Nov 1
- Way to wind me up to nominate it and then vote against me! Around here, "Keep--if rewritten" is spelled, "I volunteer." Spıke ¬ 13:08 1-Nov-10
- No one has the power to wind up Spike. This is not about us. It's about Uncyclopedia. We need this article. But as it is now it should be deleted for sure. I know heavyweight entertainment people and if they read this article they would laugh at me for being involved here - because the article is such pathetic-juvenile-shit.--Funnybony
13:37, Nov 1
Keep. Per Funnybony, for volunteering like the trooper he is, like a man obsessed with saving this article, like a soldier jumping on the grenade while the rest of us watch and point. We are behind you on this, Funnybony, way behind you. Aleister 13:12 1 11
Delete (5) |
Delete. Called to my attention by Funnybony, who seems to like this actor and calls author's humor "envious." Author's rant is entirely a sporked, dry biography interspersed with sniping in parentheses. At the end, author acknowledges his "technique" and the unfunniness of it. Spıke ¬ 12:15 1-Nov-10
- Delete. I think it sucks, and I'm having trouble making sense of the keep votes.
pillow talk 15:31, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Conditional - I don't think Sam Worthington is a good actor, but he did land the parts. It totally needs a rewrite. Too many of Uncyclopedia's articles are either factual sporked content or moronic blah or both. Little to nothing distinguishes them from Wikipedia, with content looking same as Wikipedia, and blah looking same as crap. This article, starts out, Samuel Henry J. Worthington ('cause you know J. is a name, don't you?), is an English-born Australian actor (la-de-dah). He rose to prominence playing Jake Sully in James Cameron's (don't get me started on that douche) Avatar (biggest waste of money...). Whoa! Is someone actually envious of a successful man? Or is that a spork with a shit attitude? -- But, funny how? Meanwhile, Samuel Henry J. Worthington is laughing all the way to the bank. This article makes me ashamed of Uncyclopedia, because it's just a spork covered in shit. But the author is a good writer and just needs to rewrite it without the "shit" and adding some humor. Otherwise, it should be deleted.--Funnybony 13:04, Nov 1
- Now DELETE. Per Funnybony wants to do a rewrite, and his experience with the author who had no intention of improving it. And who is this guy, the guy from Avatar? Is he Blue? Aleister 12:38 2 11
Delete. I like the idea of Funnybony making a new one... ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101104 - 02:09 (UTC)
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I offered to help, but the writer thought he was funny (which itself is goddamn funny). Then he got a Pee Review and it got even WORSE. So much for the use of Pee Reviews. If the author wants help then we have to start from scratch. If they don't want - then delete it, and I'll make a real article on Sam Worthington.--Funnybony 16:07, Nov 1
Score: 5
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No keep votes.
Delete (5) |
Delete. Stupid nonsense. pillow talk 09:20, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Delete and replace with text of The other Captain Marvel. Stupid nonsense. Spıke ¬ 19:41 1-Nov-10
Delete. Falls a bit short. --Count of Monkey Crisco 06:03, November 3, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Something about ancient times, wizards..rubbish runs through this article like the word Blackpool in a stick of rock. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 00:32, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. and possibly redirect to the other captain marvel article. --Mn-z 01:27, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
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- Author has a poor sense of humor that descends to digressing about the ambiguities of his own writing. But Captain Marvel is a real and notable character--several, in fact--and this article is a placeholder for good material that no one yet has seen fit to write. Spıke ¬ 11:37 1-Nov-10
- You know what would be a better placeholder? The other Captain Marvel, which also isn't funny, but at least looks like an article.
pillow talk 15:50, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
- I like the other one. The other one should be this one. Spıke ¬ 19:40 1-Nov-10
Score: -5
Keep (5) |
Keep. I tightened up the verbiage in the intro, and Section 1 hints to the phenomenon, funny and sad, by which a very-nice parent, by the exercise of total good faith, rears a not-nice-at-all child. The rest of the article needs quoticide and listicide, needs to be shorn of using "selfish" to mean "felonious," and could be an insightful but hilarious study of a character disorder. Spıke ¬ 16:22 1-Nov-10
Keep. Conditional with changes that Spike suggests. --UnLaw 22:21, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. Spike seems to have done something to it. Or something. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101102 - 04:19 (UTC)
Keep. Nice work-- Phlegm Leoispotter * (garble! jank!) 01:01, November 3, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. SPIKE does it again, save for the master of canasta. Aleister 1:20 3 11
Delete (0) |
#Delete. About what you'd expect: lots of quotes from "captains," this time on the general theme of selfishness. pillow talk 15:36, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
- Well, my edit has followed Captain Selfish along four career paths where returning less to the customer than the customer is due is standard operating practice, and I've placed or deleted the long scam listcruft and the awful second cartoon. Should be keepable now. Spıke ¬ 01:33 2-Nov-10
- Looks all right to me.
pillow talk 02:53, November 3, 2010 (UTC)
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Score: 4
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No keep votes.
Delete (4) |
- Delete. Fun fact: in 2005, everyone was too concerned about getting some content on the wiki to actually care whether it was good or made sense.
pillow talk 15:34, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Stubby, self-referential article writes a few arbitrary facts about this made-up character: Jokes: (1) He's gay or a paedophile; (2) Bush? drove drunk; and (3) Grandma smells like piss. "Good news for them when a pornstar dies huh?" Spıke ¬ 16:13 1-Nov-10
Delete. --Count of Monkey Crisco 20:08, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Destroy.-- Phlegm Leoispotter * (garble! jank!) 01:02, November 3, 2010 (UTC)
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Comment. Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons was a kids' tv show in the UK using marionette puppets. The mysterons were invisible (thanks to a budget cut in the production apparently) but they made their presence known by shining a light at their intended victim. For those who were still cutting their teeth on a Farley's Rusk, this was scary stuff indeed. What you can't see makes it ten times more dangerous! But this article is junk all the same. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 08:01, November 2, 2010 (UTC)
Score: 4
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No keep votes.
Delete (4) |
- Delete. Received a low-scoring Pee Review about two months ago; author never came back to improve it. Despite the {{PeeReview}} template, it seems safe to delete this one now.
pillow talk 15:55, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Intro suggests this is an inside joke for players of a certain video game, of which I on the outside cannot see the humor. It's structured as six sequel games, for which the final four sections are undeveloped. Accepting Hype's background, this is an abandoned article that no one will be moved to complete. Spıke ¬ 19:20 1-Nov-10
Delete. Bury in quicklime. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 07:40, November 2, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Huh?-- Phlegm Leoispotter * (garble! jank!) 00:57, November 3, 2010 (UTC)
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Score: 4
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No keep votes.
Delete (4) |
Delete. I remember this show, and, indeed, it sucked. However, just saying it sucked, and then describing it, and then reiterating that it sucked, is not really the highest possible form of satire. pillow talk 09:22, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. I don't remember it, but this article sucks. Spıke ¬ 11:34 1-Nov-10
Obliterate. This article sucks. I don't think I ever watched the show, but maybe I better keep it that way. --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 14:50, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Delete.--Count of Monkey Crisco 19:35, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
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Score: 4
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No keep votes.
Delete (4) |
- Delete. Apparently has something to do with the 1990s TV show "Sliders," but I had to look it up. It's not funny.
pillow talk 15:48, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. --Count of Monkey Crisco 20:26, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. "California University"? "As far as his state of mind was"? "Took quite a knack on the professor"? Some of the English in this article on the evidently fictional time-traveller Arturo came from one of the alternate universes. Lots of typoes and non-Mediawiki-isms remain in this article, with only minor repair by Anons since 2007. Spıke ¬ 20:28 1-Nov-10
Delete. Collected works of Professor Randumbo. Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, we know Professor Arturo's a junkie...-- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 07:48, November 2, 2010 (UTC)
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Score: -5
Keep (6) |
- Keep. Despite being something of a drama magnet, I think it's pretty amusing. Nominated for deletion in 2007; kept then.
pillow talk 18:35, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. —Sir Socky (talk) (stalk) GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 19:27, 1 November 2010
Keep. I know you are but what am I? Aleister 19:57 1 11
Keep. Just because. --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 20:23, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. As a 12-year-old, I approve this message. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101102 - 04:17 (UTC)
Keep. -- 13:12, November 2, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (1) |
Delete. This is the most stupid article ever. Special Cases LOOK, A TALK PAGE!!!! 18:32, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
- Damn, this is a little bit biased this deletion because I am 10. Special Cases LOOK, A TALK PAGE!!!! 18:40, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Comments |
- Young and/or inept Internet users are ridiculous, and that tasks us to ridicule them. But this article is more than half way to someone's rant that a Certain Element of Internet user should just go away (and leave it to me and everyone who agrees with me)--followed by a rebuttal by n00bs themselves (though the section in tiny italics was tl;dr). No, the fact that they don't have pubic hair is not the problem, nor is it a joke. Saveable, I guess. Spıke ¬ 19:11 1-Nov-10
Admins are not nice here. Same goes with everyone on WP. Special Cases LOOK, A TALK PAGE!!!! 19:55, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
- The admins are a lot nicer than I am.
pillow talk 04:08, November 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Hyperbole speaks truth; he's a jerk. Not that it really matters. ~
*shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101102 - 04:17 (UTC)
Score: 7
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No keep votes.
Delete (7) |
- Delete. It is not funny, the most edits has been made from anonymous, bad spell and everything... I'm not good at explains.--M&M (also known as Mimo&maxus) What do you want? Wanna see my balls? 16:43, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
- And it appears you're not very good at English either. —Sir Socky
(talk) (stalk) GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 17:32, 1 November 2010
- This doesn't seem to be imitation of the article, so it seems you're right. Spıke ¬ 19:04 1-Nov-10
Delete. Doesn't seem to be very funny. —Sir Socky (talk) (stalk) GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 17:32, 1 November 2010
- Weak delete. I gave this a Pee review back in February 2009. It was my opinion that it was borderline VFD but had a decent concept and was saveable. Unfortunately, the author never worked on it after the review.
pillow talk 17:55, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Unfunny and uninteresting. Intro suggests it is a coded reference to a minor administrator at author's high school who is known as "D." Developed by a single author, who then passed the baton to essentially a single IP, or else forgot his password. Spıke ¬ 19:04 1-Nov-10
Delete. WTF is this? Silly. Special Cases LOOK, A TALK PAGE!!!! 19:23, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. An extreme example of incoherent randumbo. I haven't a clue where all this is going and nor did the author(s) from the evidence produced here. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 07:37, November 2, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 15:16, November 2, 2010 (UTC)
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Score: -5
Keep (6) |
THE MOST STRONGEST KEEP I have ever keeped before! Really?!? You people. ~ Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* (talk) (stalk) Π ~ ~ 30 Oct 2010 ~ 04:39 (UTC)
Keep. For Happytimes, who has logic and money in his corner. Aleister 12:34 30 10
weak keep A plan on doing some cleanup to this when I get time. --Mn-z 12:53, October 30, 2010 (UTC)
- Keep. With some cleanup, this could be a fairly amusing homage to Watterson, I guess. I like the pictures, although I'm sure they're not original.
pillow talk 17:58, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Are you serious? This is most random article on the site. Well, next to those other hundred random articles... --High Gen. Meganew (Stuff I've Done) (Chat With Me) (Get an Award!) FORCES ENLIST MUN 21:48, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
- Obviously. Woody On Fire!
Talking Woody Stalking Woody 22:03, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (1) |
Delete. First sentence of the article: "The only game in the world in which the rules are forever changing and non-existent." It's an Anon crap playground, for which meaningless equals funny. Reminiscent of the Wacky Sport we deleted last summer that was played on elephant-back. Spıke ¬ 22:02 29-Oct-10
Meh. It may be sort of about an actual fictional game, but the implementation still sucks. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101029 - 22:56 (UTC)
- Oh, fine. ~
*shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101030 - 17:49 (UTC)
Comments |
- SPIKE, FYI, Calvinball is a game in the comic "Calvin & Hobbes," and it is, in fact, described as "The only game in the world in which the rules are forever changing and non-existent." So the problem with this isn't that it's wacky - it's that it's plagiarised. I'll check on the actual article later tonight.
pillow talk 22:28, October 29, 2010 (UTC)
Comment. I reworked the intro so as to avoid plagiarism and as a general clean-up. I think reworking the rest would cause this beloved article to loose a good deal of it's charm. (Although I guess I could proof it if you like.) ~ Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* (talk) (stalk) Π ~ ~ 30 Oct 2010 ~ 04:39 (UTC)
- You have not so much avoided the plagiarism as built a respectable intro around it. Your new words are not stolen, but the central concept still is. (Wikipedia:Calvin and Hobbes#Calvinball.) The original authors wanted more to write a rulebook that was implied but not stated in the comic, than write humor. The one real piece of humor--morphing the characters' names to medieval philosophers--is of course telling the same joke backwards that Watterson told in naming the characters originally. That the game is "never played twice the same way" is also a cuteness that belongs to Watterson (as well as being trite, as it describes the lack of rigor many childhood pastimes). This article may be endearing to you, but its soul is theft. Spıke ¬ 17:55 30-Oct-10
- You say potato, I say parody. I think the article honors Watterson rather than plagiarizes him. (I've often wanted to smash in the back windows of vehicles with the "Calvin peeing" graphic; mostly because I worship the brilliance that is the strip.) In conclusion, Bill is a God and Calvinball is hilarious even when devoid of humor. Also this. ~ Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!*
(talk) (stalk) Π ~ ~ 01 Nov 2010 ~ 06:43 (UTC)
- Kept --ChiefjusticeGameCube 07:46, November 2, 2010 (UTC)
Score: 0
Keep (4) |
- Keep. This is funny.--Sycamore (Talk) 08:47, October 27, 2010 (UTC)
- Keep It's a good idea and it has some amusing moments. It could do with some work, but it doesn't deserve to die. mAttlobster. (hello) 20:21, October 27, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. ^ ~ Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* (talk) (stalk) Π ~ ~ 30 Oct 2010 ~ 04:41 (UTC)
Keep. I don't hate it enough. —Sir Socky (talk) (stalk) GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 12:35, 1 November 2010
Delete (4) |
Delete. Er... eh? ~ Lyrithya *shifty eyes* (words) (actions) -- 20101026 - 13:21 (UTC)
- Weak delete. It's not horrible, and I'd vote keep if User:Garrett was still active. But since he's not, and no one else is likely to ever want to work on this, this is probably as good as it will ever get, and that ain't good enough.
pillow talk 15:45, October 26, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Upgraded from Comment--Hype is right; the history shows that Garrett did all the heavy lifting on this, ending in Jul-07. Garrett left the office on 4-Jul-10. The article is one of many you have to look up by its punch line. No one will miss it. Spıke ¬ 16:04 26-Oct-10
Delete. Introduces idea early but seems the author got bored and went out to walk the dog. Rest of it just bounces around without meaningful purpose.-- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 07:30, October 27, 2010 (UTC)
Comments |
- The concept--force-fit William Shatner to the Atkins Diet--is serviceable. The execution is goofy and doesn't relate to Shatner but merely to the shows he starred in. The humor is present but manufactured. Spıke ¬ 13:37 26-Oct-10
- Kept --ChiefjusticeGameCube 19:58, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
Score: 5
Keep (1) |
Keep. Just change that picture. --M&M (also known as Mimo&maxus) What do you want? Wanna see my balls? 12:06, October 29, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (6) |
- Another retard template. It the kind of thing that ends up being spammed all over the place - I think it should go.--Sycamore (Talk) 09:06, October 29, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Worse than that, "Nothing you see here relates to the real world" means "nothing here is as funny as it could be." Take whatever liberties with my world that you want, but relate your article to my world. This template is absolution on bad comedy. Spıke ¬ 11:59 29-Oct-10
Delete. Huh... I was going to say it was pointless and stupid, but what SPIKE says sounds a lot more intelligent, so I'll just agree with him. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101029 - 22:52 (UTC)
Delete. to build my legacy or something. --Mn-z 01:15, October 30, 2010 (UTC)
Delete.-- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 22:01, October 30, 2010 (UTC)
- Delete Let's just delete this and never mention it again. mAttlobster. (hello) 11:07, October 31, 2010 (UTC)
Comments |
Comment - This template was way more badass. Never Forget. – Kip > Talk • Works •• 02:20, Oct. 30, 2010
- Except it's too big to ever really be useful, either... ~
*shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101030 - 17:51 (UTC)
- The main reason it was awesome. – Kip > Talk • Works ••
21:20, Oct. 30, 2010
Score: 8
Keep (0) |
No keep votes.
Delete (8) |
- What's the point? It has two articles in it, one of which is also in the category Europe... ~
*shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101030 - 17:40 (UTC)
Delete. Baffling why this exists, or whom it would help. Spıke ¬ 17:46 30-Oct-10
EXTERMINATE! —Sir Socky (talk) (stalk) GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 17:59, 30 October 2010
Delete. --Count of Monkey Crisco 18:56, October 30, 2010 (UTC)
Delete.-- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 21:58, October 30, 2010 (UTC)
- Please
Delete., it's pointless and nonsensical.--Faizaguo 08:16, October 31, 2010 (UTC)
- Delete The whole point of Europe is that it's old. mAttlobster. (hello) 11:08, October 31, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 11:56, October 31, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. ----M&M (also known as Mimo&maxus) What do you want? Wanna see my balls? 12:57, October 31, 2010 (UTC)
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Score: 8
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No keep votes.
Delete (8) |
Delete. What the shit?? pillow talk 15:58, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. A 19th-century Federation of Planets? Counties within Montreal? The months of Decembril and Febrember? (Anyone here from Illogicopedia?) Gibberish isn't humor--except over there. Spıke ¬ 17:00 28-Oct-10
Delete. It floats with as much elegance as a turd in the ocean. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 17:08, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. --Count of Monkey Crisco 19:30, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Gaah. Fuck **f. Myocardialinfarction 01:30, October 29, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 22:03, October 29, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Reads like a mad-lib, but doesn't even use complete sentences... ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101029 - 22:49 (UTC)
– Kip > Talk • Works •• 06:33, Oct. 30, 2010
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Score: 6
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No keep votes.
Delete (6) |
Delete. Pooped out in May 2006 by an IP in a single edit, this page has seen little improvement in the 4.4 years since. pillow talk 15:56, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Scuttle this one. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 16:43, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. We have plenty of Captains, also plenty of Jesii. Author thought he was still writing about Captain Jack Sparrow the pirate. Spıke ¬ 16:56 28-Oct-10
Delete.--Count of Monkey Crisco 19:12, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Just... make it go away. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101029 - 22:48 (UTC)
Captain Cruft/Christcruft – Kip > Talk • Works •• 06:37, Oct. 30, 2010
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Score: 5
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No keep votes.
Delete (5) |
Delete. One of those horrible messes edited exclusively by new users and IPs, stretching back to 2006. At some point, a vandal added "THIS IS A LOAD OF BULL SHIT!!!" to the top of the page, and no one bothered to remove it, because it's the only thing in the page that's funny. pillow talk 15:52, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
BOrn from a huge vagina attached to a hippo --the start of Section 1 tells you all you need to know about author's commitment to humor. Spıke ¬ 16:54 28-Oct-10
Delete.It sinks with all hands. A wreath on a stormy sea, a note in Lloyd's register to mark the passing. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 17:06, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Kill it. Wow, that's... made up crap, zigg-zaggy approach, nonsense and random crap and general idiocy, and oh, look, a raptor... eh. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101029 - 22:47 (UTC)
THIS IS A LOAD OF BULL SHIT!!! – Kip > Talk • Works •• 06:46, Oct. 30, 2010
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Score: 6
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Delete (6) |
Delete. So... this was truly horrible 2006cruft. Instead of nomming it for VFD, some enterprising user tried to "fix" it by inserting chunks of Moby Dick into the article. The results, in retrospect, were predictable. pillow talk 15:45, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Let us punish this approach to creating an article. Three small paragraphs might be funny. But they aren't. Two huge paragraphs sporked from the novel are guaranteed not to be. Spıke ¬ 16:44 28-Oct-10
Delete.Call me anything but quality. Sleep soundly with the fishes eh? -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 17:02, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. My brain hurts. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101029 - 22:42 (UTC)
Delete. Though we ought to have an article on Captain Ahab. --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 22:54, October 29, 2010 (UTC)
To the last I grapple with thee; from Hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee. – Kip > Talk • Works •• 06:54, Oct. 30, 2010
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Score: -3
Keep (5) |
Mild Keep. --Count of Monkey Crisco 18:57, October 26, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. I see some potential here. ~ Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* (talk) (stalk) Π ~ ~ 27 Oct 2010 ~ 00:29 (UTC)
- Keep. -- Sir Mhaille
(talk to me)
- Keep. Made me smile several times.
pillow talk 16:14, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
- Keep Just not VFD. mAttlobster. (hello) 23:29, October 29, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (2) |
Delete. While plenty of returnees seem to need a guide, I don't think this is it. ~ Lyrithya *shifty eyes* (words) (actions) -- 20101026 - 13:21 (UTC)
Delete. Is it a useful guide or something to coat hang some real lame stuff?-- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 07:26, October 27, 2010 (UTC)
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- There is no future in insisting on humor in the preachy HowTo: space, but this article features gassy writing, meandering to the unremarkable events such as forgetting your password. Spıke ¬ 13:44 26-Oct-10
- Kept --ChiefjusticeGameCube 17:13, October 30, 2010 (UTC)
Score: -3
Keep (3) |
Keep., I let Maniac1075 know his page was in front of the firing squad, and hopefully he'll come by to talk them down. But last I heard he had a job interview, a horrid thing to contemplate, so I hope he logs on. Aleister 18:45 28 10
- I wouldn't worry too hard about the article being deleted while he's out; I'm sure any admin would be more than happy to restore it to his userspace if he wants to work on it.
pillow talk 18:49, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
- Only problem there is Uncy has no policy about restoring deleted pages. Catch-a-22. Aleister 19:14 28 10
- There'll always be mirror uncyc (except when it's down)! —Sir Socky
(talk) (stalk) GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 00:19, 29 October 2010
- Should we advise the admins to handle a Delete decision via mercy-move to userspace? Spıke ¬ 00:22 29-Oct-10
- I just read it again, from the point of view of knowing that the author is not only a good writer but one of Uncy's best writers, and laughed like a donkey, a few times at least. He captures Mario very well, relating the game and character in context (see Hyperbole's comment below), and then satirizes Albano's real-life career. Then again, I've read lots of Maniac1075 pages, and have a little hold on his style. Aleister 00:43 29 10
- If it takes such inside information to appreciate the article, then perhaps the article isn't as funny as it could be, and perhaps you could remedy this. Spıke ¬ 01:30 29-Oct-10
- Oh, all right. Spıke ¬ 01:18 29-Oct-10
Keep. I'm with those niggers. Don't delete this. Myocardialinfarction 01:23, October 29, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (0) |
Delete. An example of possibly my least favorite category of Uncyclopedia articles: unfunny articles about funny people. pillow talk 16:00, October 28, 2010 (UTC) All right, fine, nom withdrawn. Not my cup of tea, but apparently it has its place. pillow talk 08:18, October 29, 2010 (UTC)
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- Note: Wikia's broken spam filter will not let me add the VFD tag to this article.
pillow talk 16:01, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Abstain. An inexplicable force-fit of the professional wrestler to video-game Mario. No mention of the time a commercial airliner had to improvise because he could not fit into the latrine. Unfortunately, as we seem to have a fully-stocked WWF cabinet, it is predictable that some of the bottles will have an unpleasant taste. Spıke ¬ 17:08 28-Oct-10
- It's not inexplicable. Captain Lou Albano played the role of Mario in a brief live-action Mario children's show. It was horrific, but the theme song fell into the "so-bad-it's-hilarious" category and has become something of an Internet meme.
pillow talk 17:12, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
- Maniac1075 is a talentless douchebag anyway. --
-Maniac1075Complain Here 03:45, October 29, 2010 (UTC)
Score: 4
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No keep votes.
Delete (4) |
Delete. "Dude, Captain Haddock is awesome! What should I write about him? Ooh! He's a fascist! And.. wow, I can't think of anything to say. Oh, well. Save page!" pillow talk 15:40, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Ooo, Hyperbole's back to his captain lynching eh? This one's pretty damn bad, though. Seems rather unfinished and ill-formatted and rather out-right stupid. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101028 - 15:57 (UTC)
Delete. Anti-Semite funnies! Article's only accomplishment is getting an unqualified opinion out of Lyrithya, above. Spıke ¬ 16:40 28-Oct-10
Delete. Has some demented 'charm' but it can still walk the plank. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 16:53, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
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Delete (6) |
Delete. Empty Irish-bashing. Nothing funny at all, at all. --UnLaw 03:07, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Normally, I love empty Irish-bashing. But not crap articles like this. The intro uses a nonsense year number and a couple of trite plays on the subject's supposed name. The sections leap into memes, both Uncyclopedia memes and general memes. Recurring memes, such as Commies, could be funny if they related to the subject in any way. The concept of using this title to poke Irish as essentially unphilosophical could work, if it weren't this dumb. Spıke ¬ 22:08 27-Oct-10
Delete. One liner randumbo. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 07:49, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Delete.--Count of Monkey Crisco 08:51, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Just delete. Myocardialinfarction 09:23, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 15:02, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
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Abstain. 'Cause I think it could be funny. But now it's fucking crap. Maybe Imperial Colonization? --Magic man is happy it's halloween! Time for orange , & black 01:13, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Score: -3
Keep (4) |
Keep. I don't see why this should be deleted. 'Can't be bothered to fill out all the information'? I made it up!!! It might need a tweak here and there but this certainly has more substance than Bloodbath World Cup 2006 and other similar articles. Mixing in Nazism, well that's just one flag. I would hardly say 'nonsense year numbers' either; a) they all run together in chronological order and b) Tolkien said that the events of LOTR were about 6,000 years BP (ref: The Magical Worlds of LOTR by David Corbett). If I may say so deleting it is very heavy handed, and the points to which you refer can easily be changed. Blur boy 11:19, October 27, 2010 (UTC)
- Get started. Spıke ¬ 11:43 27-Oct-10
Keep. Lots of soccer humour. ~ Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* (talk) (stalk) Π ~ ~ 28 Oct 2010 ~ 03:05 (UTC)
Keep. Lately (since I've been around) it's rare for an author to come here to defend and then rework his article. Kudo's to Blur boy. The page isn't my cup of tea (that would be an entire cup filled with tea), but fixing is good, and Happytimes is a friend to help edit the page. Aleister 11:10 28 10
- Keep on principle. I don't care if it's the worst piece of shit on the wiki; if the author wants to keep working on it and comes here to tell us that, that's good enough for me.
pillow talk 16:13, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (1) |
Delete. Yay, made up games... it lost me at Mordor. ~ Lyrithya *shifty eyes* (words) (actions) -- 20101027 - 02:07 (UTC)
- Eh, go on, then. It at least makes some sense, now. ~
*shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101028 - 17:34 (UTC)
"can't be bothered to type all the names tbh" The concept--morph the World Cup onto Lord of the Rings--is, well, a concept. But author had to do more than provide names of individuals and countries from the Trilogy; he had to weave in actual similarities. Mixing in Naziism further blurs it. Nonsense year numbers everywhere, even in the title. No humor anywhere. Spıke ¬ 02:14 27-Oct-10
- Rescinded. All right, it's alive now, and with obvious playfulness in it. The overlong article about a made-up event still isn't compelling, though, and much of the charm comes not from the editors but from Tolkien. Change the name. Spıke ¬ 11:31 28-Oct-10
Delete. If the author can't be bothered to fill out all the information for this article, can't see why he should expect anyone else to waste time reading what turns out to be double dollop of dull. Shame. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 07:17, October 27, 2010 (UTC)
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- Blur boy, above, is right about one thing: Bloodbath World Cup 2006 is worse. No, in fact it is essentially the same article. And its See also contains a list of other Bloodbath World Cups, which I'd bet you are each essentially the same article. Spıke ¬ 01:23 28-Oct-10
- Both myself and Happytimes have now significantly cleaned up the article, and all the problems posted here have been sorted (except the year dates, but see above for that). I hope therefore that this is now satisfactory. Blur boy 10:20, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Score: 4
Keep (1) |
Weak Keep simply for the fact that it's the only explanation for TYATU, one of my old projects, going under. --High Gen. Meganew (Stuff I've Done) (Chat With Me) (Get an Award!) FORCES ENLIST MUN 20:02, October 23, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (5) |
Delete. Almost certainly vanity over somebody's YouTube channel. Still not worth a shit if it was about something important. --Count of Monkey Crisco 19:55, October 23, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. To the Count: dittoes. To Meganew: It's not clear why Uncyclopedia needs an explanation of why TYATU went under. May I suggest ? Spıke ¬ 20:49 23-Oct-10
Meh. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101025 - 02:01 (UTC)
Delete. Oh no..TYATU related stuff again. Quick, hang the garlic out again. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 12:27, October 26, 2010 (UTC)
- Delete Lazy and bad in everyway. mAttlobster. (hello) 06:37, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
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Score: -4
Keep (5) |
- Keep. At lot of people seem interested in this guy judging by the history - if we huff it we'll lose some of that interest. Also, its not great,but it does not really seem to be bad enough to be huffed.--Sycamore (Talk) 08:53, October 27, 2010 (UTC)
85in long cock. James, his "talents," his decision to take "his talents" to South Beach (which is not where Miami plays), and his self-important press conference to announce same, show both his importance and his suitability for treatment by Uncyclopedia. He is the reason why Boston broadcasters announced last night's game as "the most-hyped NBA opener ever" (spoiler: self-fulfilling prophecy). Has attracted intense interest over the summer, virtually all from anons, whose preferred humor revolves around sex organs. I cleaned up Brian Scalabrine (he's unremarkable, except for white skin) and am now policing it from the same people. I'd take over this one and fill in the large gaps in my knowledge from Wikipedia, if it were only restricted to registered users. Then the fans Sycamore notes would keep coming--and would have to pick a username! nya ha ha Spıke ¬ 10:59 27-Oct-10
- Rewritten with photo assist from Mimo. Spıke ¬ 14:07 27-Oct-10
Keep. You guys have done a real number on this. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101027 - 19:20 (UTC)
Keep. It's now decent and the best joke (quote) was kept at the top. ~ Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* (talk) (stalk) Π ~ ~ 28 Oct 2010 ~ 03:30 (UTC)
Keep, changed vote Just keep it. ----M&M (also known as Mimo&maxus) What do you want? Wanna see my balls? 07:29, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (1) |
Delete. Current version is mainly jokes about rape and penises. Older version contain less rape, but still are mostly about penises. With a lack of real humor ideas this just keeps going to the penis well. Also: penis. --Count of Monkey Crisco 09:41, October 27, 2010 (UTC)
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Comment. Seems to be stuffed with a lot of stupid from the first lines alone. As I don't know anything about basketball,perhaps someone else with more knowledge can junk the gunk and trim it down somewhat.-- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 07:33, October 27, 2010 (UTC)
- Many of our NBA-related articles are equally crappy, and {{NBA}} is mostly junk links, so as to avoid red-links. Are there experts who could improve these articles? and defend them from Anon afterward? Spıke ¬ 15:30 27-Oct-10
- Kept --ChiefjusticeGameCube 07:55, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Score: 5
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- Keep. Very good topic, this might serve as a good starting point for someone to write about him.--Sycamore (Talk) 08:48, October 27, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (6) |
Delete. Actually, what this needs is a hug. I just am feeling really spiteful right now. ~ Lyrithya *shifty eyes* (words) (actions) -- 20101026 - 13:21 (UTC)
Delete. Author does seem to know that von Trier is a Danish film director. But to what does casting him to a dog breed relate? Is it merely a hatchet-job on a celebrity? The only humor is the use of Satan and Jews as memes. Spıke ¬ 13:41 26-Oct-10
Delete. --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 15:00, October 26, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. --Count of Monkey Crisco 19:40, October 26, 2010 (UTC)
- Delete I think this article may have been written by Lars von Trier. mAttlobster. (hello) 21:22, October 26, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. A Randumbo dog's arse. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 07:18, October 27, 2010 (UTC)
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Score: 4
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No keep votes.
Delete (4) |
Delete. Another unfunny, pointless expression of Ryanasaurus0077's obsession with the cast of the Harry Potter movies using generic jokes about well worn Uncyclopedia mainstay subjects. --Count of Monkey Crisco 20:09, October 23, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Plain, pointless, randumbo. NRV. --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 21:24, October 23, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Pointless, stupid, not funny... buh. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101025 - 03:24 (UTC)
Delete. I don't know what language this was originally written in but it's still piss from foulest stream. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 12:22, October 26, 2010 (UTC)
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Score: 5
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No keep votes.
Delete (5) |
Delete. I care not, this revolt, for it north bother meth, for it , for a, for a dream, for a frog.--Count of Monkey Crisco 19:05, October 23, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Krapski! -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 19:45, October 23, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. A gibberish article with a gibberish title. It wouldn't be good even if all the sentences were complete. Spıke ¬ 20:32 23-Oct-10
Kill it! My brain just tried to reach out and throttle my eyes so they'd stop looking at it. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101023 - 20:56 (UTC)
EXTERMINATE! --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 21:25, October 23, 2010 (UTC)
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Score: 5
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No keep votes.
Delete (5) |
Delete. Unfunny point-based-system-cruft --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 15:05, October 21, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. A smidgen of self-deprecation does not help this article, a point-based system to gauge things that the author regards as ridiculous. Spıke ¬ 18:01 21-Oct-10
Meh. That's just silly. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101021 - 18:26 (UTC)
Delete. OK concept but woefully underdeveloped. --Count of Monkey Crisco 19:08, October 23, 2010 (UTC)
Delete.-- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 19:41, October 23, 2010 (UTC)
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not sure I think it's bad. But not really sure if it needs to be deleted or not. --Magic man is happy it's halloween! Time for orange , & black 23:09, October 23, 2010 (UTC)
Score: 4
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No keep votes.
Delete (4) |
Delete. Another unfunny, pointless expression of Ryanasaurus0077's sick, perverted obsession with the cast of the Harry Potter movies using generic jokes about well worn Uncyclopedia mainstay subjects. --Count of Monkey Crisco 20:09, October 23, 2010 (UTC)
EXTERMINATE! Actually worse than the Rupert Grint one. "Luckily, none of the following quotes were actually taken from statements made by Watson, but are in fact completely made up for the purpose of making others laugh and chuckle." Yeah, it failed to do so. And failure is always met with death. NRV --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 21:29, October 23, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Wilytank's excerpt, which is from the intro, made me leave mainspace and look at this. You ought not include in any page on Uncyclopedia: "Hey, look at me, I am being a comedian!" Spıke ¬ 00:46 24-Oct-10
Delete. What they said. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101025 - 03:23 (UTC)
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Score: -1
Keep (4) |
Keep. Funny enough, and as I always say... there will never be a funnier article on this subject. ~ Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* (talk) (stalk) Π ~ ~ 21 Oct 2010 ~ 02:22 (UTC)
Feature This page had me at the first sentence of Spike's delete comment. Then it got better when I actually looked at and read the page. Well written, a new twist on a new twist, and well illustrated. Feature. Lyrithya channels pi, s/he scares me. Aleister 9:43 21 10
- p.s. Researching the user history, this may be a Todd Lyons page. It's far too well-done to be a toss off, and was worked on and polished for quite awhile.
Keep. You've got to be mellioning me! This page is definitely funny enough. —Sir Socky (talk) (stalk) GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 20:14, 21 October 2010
- Keep This is actually rather great. mAttlobster. (hello) 22:18, October 21, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (3) |
Delete. What is this and why is it here? (Did a search; word appears to have originated with this article) ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101020 - 18:16 (UTC)
Delete. The sole author (User:Mellionista) defines the verb as notifying a web publisher that he has misspelled the name of Australian actor John Meillon. Quaint but not funny, and something makes me think that he is a didactic individual who does a good deed and then writes an Uncyclopedia article to thank himself for it. Though coded, it is essentially vanity--especially if author is John Meillon. Spıke ¬ 18:30 20-Oct-10
Delete. Unless proven, suspect vanity and therefore a bin it vote against retention. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 18:11, October 21, 2010 (UTC)
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Batman. Ehhh... It's definately a made up subject but it is kind of humorous. Plus, who doesn't like gaining self pleasure from watching someone from behind a door? I'll abstain until the drugs wear off. -- ~ *You can be Robin* (talk) 18:26, October 20, 2010 (UTC)
- Kept. ~
10:46, October 23, 2010 (UTC)
Score: 5
Keep (1) |
Keep. Come on its the falcon punch, you know the galaxy expolder fist. Not to mention the falcon abortion answer to all lifes problems. Writing can be corrected and can be made better. – Preceding unsigned comment added by Knuckleskillsall (talk • contribs)
- Not by you, if the above vote is any indication. Spıke ¬ 13:16 20-Oct-10
Delete (6) |
Delete. Notable subject; shitty article. pillow talk 09:19, October 20, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. Horrible writing. An awful look inside a cartoon-fed mind. Spıke ¬ 09:36 20-Oct-10
Delete. Astoundingly terribly done, and appears to have been written fairly in earnest, so that's not even remotely funny. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101021 - 17:16 (UTC)
Delete.Junior Uncyclopedia or perhaps our true demographic: Thirteen year old kids. -- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 18:07, October 21, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 19:07, October 22, 2010 (UTC)
- Delete I'm not angry with this article, I'm just disappointed. mAttlobster. (hello) 23:43, October 22, 2010 (UTC)
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Score: 0
Keep (4) |
- Keep. The first eight entries or so are pretty amusing satire. This should be taken off the "Top 100" lists, moved to HowTo:Kill Sarah Connor, and trimmed to the first eight - and it'll be a fine start to a funny article.
pillow talk 21:45, October 18, 2010 (UTC)
- Are you volunteering? ~
*shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101019 - 01:34 (UTC)
- You kidding? I've got important stuff to do!!
pillow talk 01:37, October 19, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. what he said. ~ Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* (talk) (stalk) Π ~ ~ 19 Oct 2010 ~ 02:26 (UTC)
Couple good entries etc. I've removed a couple entries I didn't like. I didn't get all the way to the end though. —Sir Socky (talk) (stalk) GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 23:36, 19 October 2010
Trim and move, same as Hyperbole. --High Gen. Meganew (Stuff I've Done) (Chat With Me) (Get an Award!) FORCES ENLIST MUN 19:37, October 21, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (4) |
Delete.It's got that painful, struggling tedium that makes you feel bad for the people who wrote it. Author officially disowns it on the article talk page and admits getting bored with it by item 58, which is 50 better than my boredom threshold for this crapstain. --Count of Monkey Crisco 17:31, October 18, 2010 (UTC)
Delete. In fact, author Rio GT, who inexplicably signs himself [Leo Bt], got all the way to 100. Others have since taken it to 105. The title gives away that the article is a list (to which any Anon is good for two one-liners), that the object is the fictional Sarah Connor, that the subject is redressing annoyance with murder, and that the comedy concept is slapstick, where neither author nor any of his helpers lay the groundwork to make any particular murder funny. Typical entry: "Hit her in the face with a car battery." Ah, let me wipe away the tears of laughter. Spıke ¬ 18:51 18-Oct-10
Ugh. --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 19:04, October 18, 2010 (UTC)
Delete.Desperate. I guess there is probably a nostalgia preservation order on this one.-- RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 21:42, October 18, 2010 (UTC)
Comments |
- I've thought long and hard about this one... and I've come to the conclusion that I just don't care. ~
*shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101021 - 17:15 (UTC)
- Kept ~
10:45, October 23, 2010 (UTC)
Score: -1
Keep (3) |
- Keep.--Sycamore (Talk) 20:17, October 18, 2010 (UTC)
Keep. Not good, but not a complete load of rubbish, either. I don't like it, but it has an idea to it. Someone could clean it up. ~ *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101019 - 01:31 (UTC)
- "Are you volunteering?" Spıke ¬ 01:37 19-Oct-10
- Nope. Never. Shuddup. ~
*shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101019 - 21:30 (UTC)
- Keep: Has some good ideas but does insist on using the word 'noob'. I hate the word 'noob'. I don't really like sprouts either. To me they taste like earwax. I may be going off topic. In summary: ....I can't think of a summary. That's not my summary. mAttlobster. (hello) 11:39, October 19, 2010 (UTC)
Delete (2) |
wut? ...What is this? I don't even...? (Sigh) Too random and too many sex jokes. --FoxTrax 01:26, October 18, 2010 (UTC)
Delete.I got it, I just don't like it. --Count of Monkey Crisco 09:46, October 18, 2010 (UTC)
Comments |
- An example of the copious use of swears to not make an article the least bit funnier. Author's forte is not humor writing but the sit-com playing inside his head. But the concept is good: HD DVD is a needless technology converted to a best-seller solely from its ability to let the viewer count the pubic hairs. Spıke ¬ 10:15 18-Oct-10
- Kept. ~
10:44, October 23, 2010 (UTC)