Uncyclopedia:Featured UnNews Articles
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Featured UnNews articles upto January 2013
- UnNews:"All Narcissists Look In A Mirror Day" celebrated
- UnNews:"Hungry Hungry Hippos" celebrates anniversary
- UnNews:"WWJD?" leads to unfortunate end for local layabout
- UnNews:100m Americans watch West Indies win cricket final
- UnNews:2008: Year in Review
- UnNews:5-year-old tricks Wisconsin governor
- UnNews:911 conspiracies explained by a sandwich
- UnNews:Abraham Lincoln was an asshat, historian concludes
- UnNews:Abu Hamza 'devastated' over Queen revelation
- UnNews:Afghanistan death toll closing in on 9/11 target
- UnNews:Aftershock from Chinese earthquake knocks over American glass of water in "major tragedy"
- UnNews:Alaska woman wins 2011 International Punching-A-Bear-In-The-Face Championship
- UnNews:Alien Invasion Plans Revealed
- UnNews:Amnesty International unfriends Uganda
- UnNews:Apocalypse-expecting cultists come out from cave
- UnNews:Apple unveils iWeapon
- UnNews:Area 51 opened to public
- UnNews:Astronauts starting to suspect no one is coming for them
- UnNews:Australia says "You just don't understand our humour!"
- UnNews:Banks give up defense of burgling customer's houses
- UnNews:Barack Obama proposes legalizing prostitution, pot in effort to balance budget, avoid tax increases
- UnNews:Beethoven isn't deaf, he's just ignoring his girlfriend
- UnNews:Bin Laden captured after checking-in on Foursquare
- UnNews:Bomb bomb bomb – bomb bomb McCain
- UnNews:British Tour de France win, in spite of team's last-minute hitch
- UnNews:Bruce Springsteen recording of "Tick Tock" surfaces
- UnNews:Canada's new phunny munny
- UnNews:Cancer is racist
- UnNews:Cancer research causes cancer
- UnNews:Cannibalism becoming increasingly popular
- UnNews:Chance meeting between acquaintances causes awkward moment
- UnNews:Chinese claim Ron Paul unerectable
- UnNews:Chuck Norris on secularism: the single greatest threat that America has ever faced
- UnNews:Civil war hits Wisconsin
- UnNews:Corrections
- UnNews:Crackpot confirms irrational suspicions after viewing online news piece
- UnNews:Crippled Boy Arrested For Sitting During the Pledge of Allegiance
- UnNews:David Blaine to die for our Sins
- UnNews:Debate over death penalty raging in Canada
- UnNews:Deity seeks Gagging Order
- UnNews:Dewey Defeats Obama
- UnNews:Dinesh D'souza on the real problem with Newtonism
- UnNews:Diogenes searches world for honest mechanic
- UnNews:Doors singer Jim Morrison wins profanity and exposure pardon
- UnNews:Encyclopædia Dramatica ends undramatically, world celebrates
- UnNews:FACT CHECK: Birthday Card not as Accurate as Hoped
- UnNews:Faggot had personal problem with me
- UnNews:Fantasy realms left defenseless in wake of Warcraft expansion pack
- UnNews:FED cites plight of Kennedy, Jesus to warn dissenters
- UnNews:Fred Phelps reads rest of Bible, disbands Westboro Baptist Church
- UnNews:Free in-app commerce is a go on iPhone, oldest profession first to capitalize
- UnNews:French philosopher cites fictional characters in new book, is considered laughingstock
- UnNews:Galactic Empire raises terror alert level to orange
- UnNews:Genocide in Darfur Ends
- UnNews:Getting oiled-up fails to make seabird more attractive to females
- UnNews:God Orders Global Women Recall
- UnNews:God Rewrites the Bible
- UnNews:Grinch calls Whovillians 'invented people'
- UnNews:Humans evolved from dinosaurs
- UnNews:I Am Not An Al Gore Denier - Richard "Dick" Lindzen
- UnNews:I have taken hostages
- UnNews:Ignorance not bliss, new study finds
- UnNews:Infomercial finally convinces area man to pick up phone, call now
- UnNews:Irish voters get it all wrong
- UnNews:Is the Government doing enough to appease the Sun God?
- UnNews:Jim Carrey to star in Liar Liar 10 Year Anniversary Edition
- UnNews:Joe Schmidt "only good driver in the world!"
- UnNews:John McCain calls for War on Bears
- UnNews:Johnnys a big poopy
- UnNews:Journalists unable to wait for the 10th anniversary of 9/11
- UnNews:Junior designer makes her own prom dress
- UnNews:Justin Bieber eats a sandwich
- UnNews:Last spot in heaven taken; hundreds waitlisted
- UnNews:Local author gives up on dream
- UnNews:Local grandmother finally uses printer
- UnNews:Local man disappointed as Twister game fails to turn sexual
- UnNews:Louisiana Governor brazenly taunts volcanoes
- UnNews:Madden 12 to feature new Lockout Mode
- UnNews:Man forgets 9-11
- UnNews:Man wakes up
- UnNews:Man who claimed to have found God arrested for wasting police time
- UnNews:Man with no head swims English Channel
- UnNews:Maria speaks to us
- UnNews:Massive stadium brawl breaks out over contemporary solipsist philosophy
- UnNews:Michael Jackson dies! Also Farrah Fawcett
- UnNews:Michigan supreme court votes in favor of rapper
- UnNews:Militant atheist decides her car keys never existed
- UnNews:Montrealer fed up with strikers dismembers one
- UnNews:Movie character fails to heed helpful advice
- UnNews:National Gay Marriage Threat Level Raised to "Flamboyant"
- UnNews:Nature Now Rated NC-17
- UnNews:New "voice chat" feature proposed for mobile phones
- UnNews:New Range of Low-Tech Personal Music Players Released
- UnNews:Newt Gingrich Doesn't Need You, Newt Gingrich Doesn't Need ANYBODY
- UnNews:NFL Claims Ownership of Every Word That Comes Out of Your Mouth
- UnNews:Nigerian census finds millions of rich, desperate princes
- UnNews:North Korea celebrates Miley's birthday
- UnNews:North Korea purge football team after 7-0 humiliation
- UnNews:Numbers at all time low
- UnNews:Obama doodles random shit
- UnNews:Obama overturns Bush stem cell policy; plans clone of himself
- UnNews:Obama selects cabinet, still undecided on bookshelf and coffee table
- UnNews:Obama shamelessly pushes liberal agenda on schoolchildren
- UnNews:Obama to America: "April Fools!"
- UnNews:Obama unveils education reform plans
- UnNews:Obama: We're not responsible for drones with US Army emblem's actions
- UnNews:OJ Simpson found guilty, sentenced to fifteen years in a resort hotel
- UnNews:Old people more likely to die, study shows
- UnNews:Osama bin Laden awarded star on the Walk of Fame
- UnNews:Our Great Leader Kim Jong-un brings even more prosperity to us glorious North Koreans
- UnNews:PBS facing lawsuit after The Count's televised drunken profanity
- UnNews:Point-Counterpoint:Is Obama smart to bring back the era of big government?
- UnNews:Police investigate "bizarre incidents" at Walmart
- UnNews:Political extremism on the rise in animal world
- UnNews:Polls indicate Americans are terrified
- UnNews:Pope urges Church to reflect on abuse
- UnNews:Post-structuralist engineer blamed for bridge disaster
- UnNews:Presidential candidates devote all remaining funds to one voter
- UnNews:Prof sues law school for bias against conservatives
- UnNews:Protests erupt as Australia braces for Aimee Mann concert
- UnNews:Recession forces Santa to relocate
- UnNews:Recession now affecting time itself; one hour lost Sunday
- UnNews:Refugee Pandas safe in Scotland
- UnNews:Release of new Elder Scrolls game results in mass existential crisis
- UnNews:Renewed violence in 506,220th day of Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- UnNews:RIAA CEO discusses the analog hole
- UnNews:Romney/Ryan to re-institute Negro slavery
- UnNews:Scientists devote massive funds from cancer research to production of an 'orgasmatron'
- UnNews:Six Flags to sell severed legs in gift shop
- UnNews:Snickers launches new advertising campaign
- UnNews:Some guy does some stuff
- UnNews:Something Wicked This Way Comes
- UnNews:Son of Gaddafi caught attempting to enter Canada
- UnNews:Spector leaves Republican Party: They're not who I am anymore
- UnNews:Sputnik is launch!
- UnNews:Stand Up to Stand Up to Cancer
- UnNews:Stay strong, great people, for Kim Jong-il passed away
- UnNews:Stop dressing like whores, you whores!
- UnNews:Strange "white stuff" falls from sky, America baffled
- UnNews:Study reveals 1 in 4 teen girls has an STD; America congratulates teen boys on sexual exploits
- UnNews:Study: Blueberries are actually just peas holding their breath
- UnNews:Stupid kid drowns in pond
- UnNews:Surprise winner of Masters Golf Tournament cries "Ow!"
- UnNews:Survey on apathy cancelled due to lack of interest
- UnNews:Tea Party supporters oppose plans to display severed heads of 9/11 victims at Ground Zero
- UnNews:Teenager admits to having fun; D.E.A. moves to classify 'fun' as a Schedule I drug
- UnNews:The God Interview
- UnNews:The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants angry about misrepresentation in movie
- UnNews:Things that have been done to Christians but would never be done to Muslims show sharp year on year increase
- UnNews:TIME magazine names "Person of the Year": Not You
- UnNews:Tobacco picketing found to be addictive
- UnNews:Tom Boonen wins Paris-Roubaix cycling race while smoking a cigar
- UnNews:Tour de France 2011 filled with controversies
- UnNews:Tournament of Hell to be played again for first time in six years
- UnNews:Town council takes 'steps' to tackle crime
- UnNews:Tragic misunderstanding leads to hotel shooting
- UnNews:Tupperware Rave Is Huge Success
- UnNews:U.N. warns Syria to halt violence or face further warnings
- UnNews:U.S. Supreme Court allows everyone to go naked
- UnNews:Uncyclopedia UnSignpost to appear before Leveson Inquiry
- UnNews:UnNews editors vote: 'We wanted an iPad 3'
- UnNews:Unrest in Syria, nobody cares
- UnNews:US Stimulus not enough
- UnNews:Vampire hunter confused by ancient writings
- UnNews:Warrant sent out for the arrest of the Wonderpets
- UnNews:Washed Up 70's Rock Band touring to promote new album
- UnNews:WikiLeaks reveals I was an accident
- UnNews:Wind farms are solution to global warming
- UnNews:Wisconsin resident becomes last man in nation to approve of Congress
- UnNews:Wolverine hits the big screen
- UnNews:World distracted, Israel reverts to scheming
- UnNews:Would-be-hero fatally defeated by common slime
- UnNews:You Are Reading This Headline; About To Click On It
- UnNews:Your family died
- UnNews:Zeus Endorses Schwarzenegger for Republican Presidential Candidacy