User:Xamralco/Rough Gay Wolf Sex
“I can resist everything except temptation... and rough gay wolf sex.”
Rough gay wolf sex is the primary method of energy generation for the the city of San Fransisco. After an electricity crisis in California during the early 2000s, the San Francisco city council began searching for a new means of powering the city. When nuclear, wind, and solar power were all deemed either too dangerous or not sweaty enough, the city government decided to invest in rough gay wolf sex as an efficient and strangely arousing alternative to fossil fuels.
Rough Gay Process[edit | edit source]
The most productive rough gay wolf sex requires two or more gay wolves, although a sole gay wolf can still produce moderate amounts of electricity after engaging in several hours of rough gay wolf masturbation. Gay wolves left alone in a fluffy forest with some cigarettes, red roses, and Canard-Duchêne often begin to partake in light gay wolf foreplay. From there, it is only a matter of time until one of the wolves initiates the thrusting phase of rough gay energy generation.
There are an estimated 2,000 wolf couples producing energy around-the-clock in a field just outside Austin to provide Dallas with a never-ending flow of clean, renewable power. It's estimated only 30% of wolves participating in the Rough Gay Wolf Sex program are actually gay, and only 70% of those gay couples are in love. As such, wolf morale often falls low. Most wolves are only in the job because they dropped out of high-school, and need to put in 13 hours shifts to support their family at home.
It has been suggested that wolf convicts from the nearby Wolf Penitentiary be brought in for State Labor, under the theory that they'd probably be committing Rough Gay Wolf Rape anyway. However, for reasons unknown, Rough Gay Wolf Rape produces a third less power than consensual Rough Gay Wolf Sex, and bringing criminals into the work environment would likely lower the energy output. Despite this, some people still feel that the convicts need to repay their debt to society one way, and whoring in the Rough Gay Wolf Sex fields as punishment would be justifiable.
Rough Gay Wolf Sex Industry[edit | edit source]

Exclusivity to San Fransisco, CA, and the Supreme Court[edit | edit source]
The man who owns the patent on Rough Gay Wolf Sex, Terry Bradshaw, is such a loyal San Fransisco citizen that he outright refuses to license his technology with the rest of the world so that San Fransisco may have the honour of being the only Rough Gay Wolf Sex-powered city. Mr. Bradshaw is the only man who can decipher his blueprints for the process by which the energy is captured. Seeing the obvious use this process could have in removing America from the influence of foreign oil, some congressmen are pushing for legislation that would force Mr. Bradshaw to divulge his secrets for the good of the nation. As one of the senators was heard to say: "One day we hope to live in an America where there's a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage, and gay wolves fucking in every home."
The case eventually reached the Supreme Court and was eventually decided in the monumental United States V. Bradshaw. Bradshaw argued that to invade the Rough Gay Wolf Sex fields would violate the Wolves' privacy. All wolves in the RGWS Fields are consenting adults and, legally, take up their residence there. The attorney representing the United States, Barney Frank, made a counterargument that all forms of Rough Gay power were amoral, and therefore US Senators should be allowed to exploit them for political gain.
The Supreme Court ruled in Bradshaw's favor, 7-2, and he withheld the right to refuse to share any information on the RGWS method of energy production. However, the court also wrote that Bradshaw does not own the concept of Rough Gay Energy at large, and that private interests were free to develop their own methods of Rough Gay Energy production as they pleased.
Alternate Forms of Rough Gay Energy[edit | edit source]
It is unknown why exactly only Rough Gay Wolf Sex can be used to generate power and not Rough Gay Lemur Sex or Gentle Loving Llama Sex. In fact, tests for alternate sources have proved disastrous. On April 19, 1997, an accident at a development lab in Brisbane, CT killed all 18 researchers inside when a controlled experiment with Rough Gay Raccoon Sex proved to create a black hole that flickered into existence for mere millionths of a second before dissipating into nothingness. Rumor is their souls still haunt the Indian graveyard the lab was built on top of, and the Indian ghosts who were haunting it first have been since relocated to Indian ghost reservations in Oklahoma.
Despite this, the field of Rough Gay Energy is one that is both new and promising. In 2003, the Massachusetts Institute Of Technology became the first American University to offer classes in Rough Gay Energy Theory. Most courses revolve around discussion, such as possible links between fur sheen and energy production, and there are even classes in Biblical Rough Gay Energy.