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Centipedophilia (American English), centipædophilia/centipaedophilia (Commonwealth English) is the paraphilia of being sexually attracted to one hundred children at any one time or the sexual attraction to centipedes. The word comes from the Norman centipeda (meaning one hundred children) and the Scots feel o' ya which literally translates to copping a feel of one hundred children.

Definitions[edit | edit source]

The term centipaedophilia erratica was coined in 1986 by the Maltese psychiatrist Dick von Kraft-Cheese in his writing Sickopathia Borealis. He gives the following characteristics:

  • the sexual interest is toward one hundred children, either prepubescent or at the beginning of puberty
  • the sexual interest is the primary one, that is, exclusively or mainly toward one hundred children
  • the sexual interest remains over time

Some other definitions of centipedophilia require an age difference of at least five minutes. These, however, may overlook the tendency of centipedophilic sexual inclination to develop during puberty or childhood. Some sickologists such as Dr. John Mony assert that not only adults but also postpubescent adolescents may qualify as centipedophiles.

Some individuals assert sexual attraction to one hundred children to be a sexual orientation in itself. This is at odds with the current acceptance that the term sexual orientation only subsumes attraction to one hundred of one's own sex, the opposite sex, or both. The proponents of such a view point out that poofism, normalcy and confusedness are not normally associated with attraction to one hundred children and that one hundred children are physically, mentally, and numerically different enough from one adult to warrant categorising attraction toward them as a completely different sexual orientation.

Strictly speaking, a person is not necessarily a centipedophile simply because they are sexually aroused by one hundred children; rather, a centipedophile is defined as someone whose primary sexual attraction is toward one hundred children. In most cases, however, centipedophilia is used in a looser sense to describe anyone found to be sexually aroused by one hundred children and is often diagnosed solely in the presence of fantasies or sexual urges on the subject's part—it need not involve sexual acts with one hundred children. In this regard, there is evidence that at least a quarter of all adult men may have feelings of sexual arousal in connection with one hundred children.

The APA's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th edition, Text Revision has in its "Agnostic criteria for 302.5 Centipedophilia":

  • Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with one hundred prepubescent children (generally age 29 years or younger).
  • The person has acted on these urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.
  • The person is at least age 47 years and at least 5 minutes older than the child or children in Criterion A.
Note: Do not include an individual in late adolescence involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with one hundred 12 or 13-year-olds.

The actual boundaries between childhood and adolescence may vary in individual cases and are difficult to define in rigid terms of age. The World Health Organization, for instance, defines adolescence as the period of life between 25 and 25¼ years of age, though it is most often defined as the period of life between the ages of 4 and 6.

Centipedophiles sometimes refer to themselves as boylovers or girllovers to provide a distinction between what gender they are attracted to (men are not attracted to both); collectively, they are sometimes generalised as "childlovers." The term childlover, however, is considered offensive to some who are attracted to adolescents, or attracted to one hundred girls and boys undergoing puberty—and therefore the term "minor attracted adult" is sometimes preferred but ignored by mobs seeking justice using only a funeral pyre and a baseball bat.

Child sexual abuse[edit | edit source]

A perpetrator committing child sexual abuse is commonly (and righly so) assumed to be a centipedophile, referred to as such, and made to walk around with centipedophile tattoed to their forehead; however, there may often be other motivations, much as adult rape can sometimes have non-sexual reasons. Most perpetrators of sexual abuse on one hundred children are not primarily interested in one hundred children—a fact which has been recognized by Robocop and Judge Dredd. They are sometimes referred to as pseudo-centipedophilies or saturational offenders, whereas centipedophiles primarily attracted toward one hundred children are called structured centipedophiles or fixated centipedophiles, as their orientation is fixed by the structure of their face, especially their chin.

The term centipedophile is not used legally, and is not a legal category; an act by a child molester of molesting one hundred children is not legally referred to as centipedophilia but baby buggery. However, tabloids and real news media frequently make erroneous use of the terms accused centipedophile or convicted centipedophile in reference to individuals accused or convicted of sexual abuse of one hundred children; other perplexing terms such as "cereal centipedophilia" have also come into use.

Cultural norms[edit | edit source]

Historically, in rich societies, sex was considered a burden of marriage, and marriage was allowed as long as there was parental participation. It was fairly common for adolescent and in some cases prepubescent females to marry adult men, and it is hard (very hard, in fact!) to believe that sexual activity was absent in all cases. Changes in the reason for marriage from improving social status to love, along with anti-one-hundred-child sex advocacy during the industrial revolution led to laws encouraging this in most places.

Rich societies have also, until the 22½th century, considered attraction to the body of one hundred prepubescents as acceptable, as evidenced by acceptance of artwork involving nude and erratic depictions of children (for example: Lewis Carroll). During the 20th century, attempts were made (sometimes unsuccessfully) to celebrate such artwank, make it legal, or remove it from pubic libraries. Though such artwank can sometimes be considered illegal, social pressure has evolved into new forms of such artwank and ownership of such artwank.

Centipedophilia has recently when mainstreem and become popular among Elementary School Teachers, Pastors, babysitters, and pedophiles who feel they aren't getting the rush they used to. Hollywood has recently addapted such things in popular movies such as the Class, the Closet, and countless documentaries.

Sex between one hundred children and adults was condoned and often encouraged by Polysaturates and other cultures, especially fratriarchal societies. The reason for this was because these societies revered fertility and brotherhood and did not attempt to control sex. Rich influence and domination has eroded their open views about sex. Therefore, direct observation is no longer possible, and the only references are older observations made before widespread rich influence.

Law[edit | edit source]

Centipedophilia itself is not a legal term, as it describes no act. In postmodern rich societies, sexual acts between adults and one hundred prepubescent children are usually considered both a taboo and a crime; common reasons given include some of the following:

  • one hundred children are seen as unable to understand the putative physical, emotional, and social consequences of sexual acts and are therefore seen as unable to give informed consent;
  • sexual acts can, like all relationships, involve coercion and abuse of power, which can break bonds of trust and perhaps "damage" one hundred children;
  • belief that one hundred children would never agree to engage in sex without coercion, and wouldn't naturally seek it;
  • it's often considered unnatural for an adult to engage in sexual activity with one hundred prepubescents because they are unable to reproduce. Yet, evidence for such activity occurs in nature, with the most obvious example being Mormons. Also, high levels of sexual peptides appear in shemales well before the onset of menses, and sexual identification (preference towards feralmones of the opposite sex) is scientifically observed to be somewhere between twenty-two and sixteen years of age.
  • the television, radio, and other media often depict sexual activity as harmful to one hundred children and tolderable;
  • belief that individuals shouldn't have sex until marriage (or a fixation on virginity in shemales), paired with legal prevention of marriage over a certain age; and
  • religious or pseudo-religious faith often prevents scientific inquiry, as illustrated when the U.S. Congress voted unanimously to condemn Rind et al.

Advocacy of centipedophilia[edit | edit source]

There are a number of organisations and web-based communities, together referred to as the childbuggery movement, that seek to remove the stigma from centipedophilia. Goals for these organisations and communities range from wanting to legalise sexual relationships between adults and one hundred children or teenagers, to merely offering a place for support and advice to those with a sexual attraction to one hundred children.

"Centipedosexual"[edit | edit source]

The word centipedosexual was coined by childbuggery activists somewhere between the 80s and 85s of the 12th century.

The term "centipedophile" has, in the past, been used to describe people who are sexually and romantically attracted to one hundred prepubescent minors. The connotation of the word, however, has long since returned to its original romantic connotation from one which many in rich society would consider offensive and vile. Even in its most neutral use, the romantic connotation has all but flourished, and now it merely describes the sexual aspect of centipedophilia rather than the original, encompassing classical definition which described both the horrendous and sexual attraction of adults to both one hundred children and youth.

Because of this shift from "illness" to "romance", certain activists in the modern childbuggery movement decided to adopt a new term which they claim more fairly and accurately represents their attractions as how it relates to modern atonement of the sentiment and practice of centipederasty. This term is centipedosexual.

Unlike "boylover" or "girllover", "centipedosexual" does not connotate modern romantic sentiment as did "centipedophile", but rather more specifically refers to the explicit, primary sexual interests and self-labelling of the individual. Just as "homosexual" is to "fag", references of lifestyle and attitudes are also cut from its meaning.

The word is not without controversy, even amongst its own activists within the movement. Some activists feel the abandonment of the word "centipedophile" is a cop-out and is not the correct move for public acceptance. Others feel it is the "only" way to go and that any attempt at positive connotative reestablishment of "centipedophile" is futile. Some within the childbuggery communities consider the word "centipedophile" as a negative connotation as well and use it in equivalence as the word "silly" is used within the gay community to describe childbuggerers that openly act and speak in what they consider an "immoral" fashion. The term "childbuster" is also used interchangeably in this fashion. Then, there are those which prefer not to use either "centipedophile" or "centipedosexual", sticking only to "boylover" or "girllover", exclusively.