User talk:Maniac1075/2

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(older complaints here)

Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo

Contest today, August 2nd (U.S. time) or 3rd (civilized world time)[edit source]

Happymonkey called for a writing contest which will start at 2:00 UTC (10 p.m. eastern time in the United States and other weird countries). Contestents will give each other an exact name of an article at app. 9:59 eastern time, and then we will write until 11:15 (3:15 UTC). We need at least one judge who will look at all the articles, say nay, or yay, or something, and tell us whatever they want to. Please sign up on Happymonkeys talk page, as participant or judge(s), and then we can pair people up around 9:30 eastern and let them know who they will give their page title to. (Inspired by Dr.Skullthumper's contest of a month or so ago). Aleister 16:05 2 8

And VFD page[edit source]

I've never whored a VFD page before, but I've done a save on Puddle of shit and dedicated it to you. Thought you'd like that, so I'll tell you at least. Voting on VFD is kind of fun, but the good part is when you pick a page and do a save on it. My puddle of shit is a save of a page under attack, and whomever would attack a puddle of shit has to get their hands dirty. And their clothes. But especially their shoes. Aleister 17:32 2 8

what the fuck was that shit? I was expecting a hilarious tongue & asscheek ripping on the band Puddle of Mud Shit and how shitty their music is. Instead, i'm presented with a recipe book with no preparation instructions.--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 20:27, August 2, 2010 (UTC)
Bull shit. Nah, this was a hopeful VFD save that people are voting on for a couple of hours more at least, on VFD. I thought some of it was funny, so just went in yesterday and started editing, people on VFD gave me counter-effort saying, paraphrase "no, no, for god's sake don't edit that page, why would you do such a thing???". I thought you would understand, and come stand up for a puddle of shit. If it's saved I'll keep working on it, and you can too of course, and then we can make it into a feature article nominated by HELPME. First we have to save it, and I'll whore it to nobody else but you, who I thought would understand and love the page, take it to bed and marry it. Are you coming by for that contest tonight? Al 20:42 2 8

actually, I kinda like some of the lines from the original article.

  • The original quotes... “I once had a puddle of shit. I was so happy, we named it after my husband.” & “I once had a puddle of shit. But, it ran away.”
  • The high-profile celebrity Tom Cruise was said to have been married to a puddle of shit, once, but it turned out it was meant figuratively. (always room to hang shit on Nicole Kidman)
  • In Mayan culture, puddles of shit were stored away to be ritualistically used in times of war. Not just for body painting but also to trick their enemies into thinking the Mayans were the legendary and abominable Shit Men. ( I dunno why, it made me giggle)
  • Real pet puddles of shit are naturally harder to come across, firstly because it's hard to find a puddle of shit and secondly because it may not like living with humans. (its too stupid not to be put back in)
  • Angelina Jolie has tried to adopt one from Indonesia. (definitely work that back in there somewhere!!!)
  • The word shit has appeared on this article 67 times. The word a only appeared 35 times. (recalculate the new results, but that's kinda shitty, i mean witty)

well, least that shit is here for me to steal later if it does get deleted. Feature it huh? Show me an article I can contribute to that ever gets featured, and i'll show you a cocksucker from Guantanamo Bay! I dunno about the contest, I think i'd suck harder at that sort of thing then any red blooded male with an opportunity to suck the milk from Adele Stephens tits. --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 20:54, August 2, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, I took all those out to make it less random and put an artistic storyline on it. Some of those quotes make the puddle sound alive, others don't, in others the person (N. Kidman) is the pile of shit herself, pretty random. Those quotes are probably the reason it's on VFD right now, so a whole new direction had to be taken to save it--that's one of the arts of saving a page on VFD. I only mention feature because awhile back I saved a page Warm piss water, and HELPME made a comment that I'd probably find a way to get it featured, and I said I'd keep working on it until he nominated it, which he finally did (the point is to make the worst critic of a page happy with it). And the counting of the word shit didn't seem to fit in. But I;ll try to put in the Anelina Jolie thing, that one at least, and the Mayan thing, okay, I;ll tgry to make it sound goodth. Al the shit 21:03 2 8
p.s. Ok, I put the Angelina thing right up front as a quote from Katie Couric.

attaboy... catch

Lol. As for the contest, it;d be fun to have you in it. I'd be looking forward to the contest ending just to see your page and the photos you'd use. Al mere moments later
probably be a picture of a smiley face and the entire entry reads "Once upon a time, there was a man. He asked a woman to marry him... she said, "no".... And he lived happily ever after. Then End". However, under the topic of "How to manage to insert an Oscar Wilde quote on every friggen page of uncyclopedia" is just too far ahead of its time at this moment.--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 21:24, August 2, 2010 (UTC)
You'd be given a title, and have to give someone else an exact title too. I don;t like quotes, and never use them on my original pages (and have removed hundreds of horrible ones from others.) Sometimes Oscar quotes are the worse. Tired of signing in, Al

thats my point, I can only seem to manage to dribble out shit about things I have ideas or hatred towards... asking me to do something I have no clue on, not such a good idea... test me right now, pick a random topic, and i'll show you how how bad i suck at it.

Sorry to intrude, I just wanted to express my appreciation for your work. Some of it is utterly inspired. Sincerely, thank you. Myocardialinfarction 09:14, August 4, 2010 (UTC)

I don't know if I should say thanks, or recommend someone who can treat you for that.--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 09:16, August 4, 2010 (UTC)

Please don't revert GapeOnThursdays[edit source]

We're testing an antivandalism bot. --Andorin Kato 21:36, August 9, 2010 (UTC)

Oops, just reverted one of the pages it changed.--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 21:38, August 9, 2010 (UTC)

Re: Gynecology[edit source]

Now there's an edit. Here I am just fiddling away at bits and pieces of it and trying not to get in the way of any of the jokes, and you come along do an Edward Scissorhands on the bloody thing. A pleasure and honour to be outclassed by you, sir! Myocardialinfarction 16:05, August 10, 2010 (UTC)

thats the thing about Gynok.. gyne... not this again... in that field, you sometimes have to be willing to get your hands a little bloody. But don't hold back, if you think you can improve something, go for it.--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 06:30, August 11, 2010 (UTC)

Diarrhea[edit source]

OK, you've gone too far. I have been sent by the powers that be to ask you to just leave us alone, good god man, just torment the others on this wide-open internet and give us our peace back. Diarrhea, what subject is beyond the scope for you, I ask in desperation????? What level will you not sink to, dig around, and sink even further, with one hand still digging and the other having a stranglehold on the site and taking it with you? Do you not know boundries? Did one or several of your parents not tell you that there are some things not spoken about in polite company? Maybe you will come to some of your senses (I realize that some are already irretrivable) and delete the page in question before a child sees it. We can only hope that you will turn your talents to the light and write about Little Lambs and Buttterflies from now on. Jesus Mary and Oprah, beg their forgiveness. Aleister 19:47 15 8

Sigh, you warn them but they don't listen... I suppose I could write a more light hearted story about the day I was born instead. It goes much beyond simply being dropped me on my head. When I popped out between my mommas legs, the Doctor grabbed me, and yelled out to my Dad, "GO LONG" the end resulted in my father missing the catch, but managed to regain me to run 15 yards into the geriatric ward before spiking me to the floor--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 19:54, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Nah, changed my mind. The world needs an article on Diarrhea because it can't be as bad as some of the shit already in it!--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 20:10, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Ah, dashed to the floor in the geriatric ward. So that's how you first became acquainted with diarrhea. Explains a lot, if not everything. Carry on. Aleister 20:12 15 8
I added something special for you at the very bottom of the page--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 02:59, August 16, 2010 (UTC)

Hey[edit source]

Um, Aleister likes you, so I like you... (unless you do something to screw it up of course). He asked me to look at a few of your stuffs, but I can't right now because I'm busy and junk. But I will try to in the future. Instead I leave you with this joke:

A blind man walks into a bar and says, "Ouch!"
The bartender looks up from his want ads
  in the back of his Uncyclopedia Quarterly and asks, 
  "Why did you say 'ouch' when you walked in here?"
The Blind man simply replies, "For the joke."

 Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  19 Aug 2010 ~ 04:44 (UTC)

Bong jornio & cunt knee chi wah. thank you for that joke, I will place it next to my collection of blind man jokes. It shall fit nicely in between the 10 blondes who walk into a bar and say ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch and the if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to see it, does it make a sound with the obvious answer being yes it does make a sound, it goes whoosh creak crack timberrrrrr and the blind man yells OUCH.--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 05:05, August 19, 2010 (UTC)
Ah, most excellent. Hasta Winnebago!  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  19 Aug 2010 ~ 05:36 (UTC)

Heio[edit source]

Nominated you for UGOTM, go vote for yourself, and keep making useless shit.Fudgemobile 00:20, August 20, 2010 (UTC)

(wipes away tears of joy in eyes) finally, someone else is recognizing me for what I really am --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 04:29, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
What, Useless? Fudgemobile 08:04, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
As a cock flavored condom.--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 08:16, August 21, 2010 (UTC)

Hey you cock flavored condom[edit source]

That Gobsite vote, you can only vote once per contest. So if you vote for what's his name now that means your vote is taken away from yourself, and you will lose. Ha hah hah eee hee hee, you will lose. Yuckidy yuck yuck, hee hoooo ho ho. Snort. So maybe you'd like to reconsider. Ha heee.Aleister 21:32 31 8

You're winner![edit source]

Template's on your page, useless piece of shit. --Littleboyonly.jpg TKFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFCK Oldmanonly.jpg 01:26, September 1, 2010 (UTC)

Avast me hearties![edit source]

Colony Potato.jpg
By the powers! this e'er be fer a reminder o' tha great, grand Imperial Colonization be startin' up again!

Whether you be a sprog or a privateer we be expectin' ya ta come 'round an participate in this sweet trade lessen' you be a lily-livered squiffy, scallywag, or scurvy dog thar.

Aye! ~ Buccaneer Happytimes. Happytimes pi.gif

The current project: Dinosaur

Now in the writing phase
(Oh UN:IC, how your rules are now broken....)

Ole Rag Time Gal[edit source]

Life in the fast lane once again, I see. Good page shaping up, you have a corner on some topics here at Uncy. And nice nom at Writer of the Month again, that's three or four noms and soon it will hit the jackpot! Having my period 16:13 3 9

only 2nd, I think? --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 17:19, September 3, 2010 (UTC)
3rd, at least. I nommed you once and Mordillo nommed you once. Third times not the charm, but soon. . .soon. By the way, your frat brothers all wonder, in unison, if you have read their esteemed article, Taco, on VFH, and when you will be coming to the frat house for your annual bath. My best regards to your gerbil, and may God shine his light upon you this day. Aleister 11:21 4 9
after my last sit down in the toilet, I think it's time for a bath. It smelled rather wipe when i pulled my pants down and was blasted in the face like the smell you get when you open a can of red bull or Guinness and receive that atomic blast of stink straight up your nose.--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 12:20, September 4, 2010 (UTC)
after reading taco I am shocked that no one has mentioned that when you order a taco you need to get some sour cream with it. You need the sour cream to rub onyour asshole in the morning to stop the burning sensation. Well, the way I make a taco does anyway!--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 12:22, September 4, 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for sharing all of that with your readers. We appreciate it. And Toxic-Avenger, once again, a work de' art. Taco made feature, thanks to you. Jeepers creepers. Oh, I mean, thanks from all of the frat bros. Aleister 15:56 7 9

Toxic Avenger, and now Spaceballs. Extraordinary. If you hadn't won potatochopper recently I'd nominate you again for that. Well, so as not to give you a big head, I'll tell you that your mom and I did some verrrryyyyy bad things last night, that's why she was so happy today. Aleister 15:10 10 9

oh yeah? cool! Give me some details! Did she do that thing with her tongue?--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 15:17, September 10, 2010 (UTC)
Not only that thing, but she told me she'd show me moves that she hadn't shown you yet, and did she ever!!! Ask her about the "Double-Donkey Blanket", and see her face turn red. Again. Aleister 15:35 10 9
Ask her about it? Who the hell do you think showed her how to do that trick? --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 15:47, September 10, 2010 (UTC)
When you did it with her were you one of the donkeys or the blanket? Or did you take turns. It makes a big difference. Next time you do it with her she may show you my variation, "The Donkey Climbs Down The Grand Canyon" with appropriate sound effects. Aleister 22:12 11 9
Im sorry but I'm going to have to start charging you $4.95 a minute for the rest of the details. I ain't gonna get you off for free ya know!--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 00:02, September 12, 2010 (UTC)

Argh![edit source]

Seeing you edit at night is so disheartening! I'm sitting here all by myself waiting to maul vandals with the undo button, but noooooo, you have to come along and make good edits! >_< Love, Ethine sig.png 

I keep trying to tell yas im an asshole, but no one believes me!--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 10:45, September 13, 2010 (UTC)
Nooooo, assholes are the folks who blank articles and replace them with a thousand gifs. You just keep coming along and pissing me off with your non-vandalism edits. Love, Ethine sig.png 
I know, i'm an asshole of the 3rd kind. We shit people by shitting them cause we under shit them when they expect to be shitted... or something like that --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 10:51, September 13, 2010 (UTC)

VFH[edit source]

Some deviate (not me this time) put Ex Box on Vote for Highlights. If you drift over there, check out my whoreish pages UnBooks:Fishing For Children (you may actually like this one) and Ann Coulter. I haven't stopped by for awhile, how goes things? Give my best to your mother (in your dreams). Come and visit my talkpage sometime, someone gave me a big cat! I fear to ask, but what are your latest gems. Aleister 1:15 7 10

unfortunately work is getting in the way of me doing more productive things with my time. I have had a couple of ideas fester around my head, but then I forgot them so I am yet to recall them for a new article for you groan at. Hopefully I can get my ass fired soon and have some more free time to write. As for the nomination of my article that I swear is a 100% true story, I am looking forward to seeing all the pretty little red X's cast upon it.--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 03:41, October 7, 2010 (UTC)
You are a man after my own heart. With a carving knife! Thanks for your votes, I now feel that I am a real live boy. Yes, get fired by all means, a job will only stifle your creative output and put food on the table, always a distraction. Now all we need is a woman writing from a woman's point of view about a man's stinky sausage and attachments. More soon, but I must do things on this side of the computer screen, enjoy the comments on X-box nom! Aleister 12:15 7 10

I regret to inform you that Ex Box failed at VFH. The end came about an hour ago. Last rites were performed by a passing candystriper, who poked Ex Box in the eye with her candy cane just to make sure. This is a sad day for all of us, but especially for you. Restuvs in peaceivus, Ex Box's VFH nom, we shall remember you and pay you honor and homage. Aleister 11:14 8 10

Not a sad day for me at all. I knew it wouldn't get past the voting, the day something I write becomes a VFH winner will be an extremely cold day in hell. :D --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 11:55, October 8, 2010 (UTC)
You may not weep, cold hearted vexer, but we of stout character and warm heart mourn that Ex Box will not grace the front page, legs spread, head held high. I can not write for the tears come unhindered and free flowing. Too much, too much to bear. I take my leave. Aleister minutes later
Jerome james2.jpg

I came across this pic on my Random page's search, and thought you might like it as something to put on one of your pages on bodily functions. It seems like a good fit, and I'm not totally unsure that may not be you (that was a cool half-sentence, does it mean I think it's you or not? I dunno). Feet pointed South! Aleister 21:20 10 10

--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 04:14, October 11, 2010 (UTC)

Some more[edit source]

More on VFH for your kind consideration. In fact VFH is having a lack of voters and things, I don't know if you wander the site but some people seem to have drifted away, and the hallways are either empty or are filled with new kids. So please check out all the stuff on VFH (but esp. the amazing pages "Disguise" and my joy in life, "UnBooks:My Daddy has Two Yachts". That one is marryable). I don't know if you do travel the site, or have a cave here and people have to come find it. You've hidden your page list in a box that others may not bother to open, so they don't know the fuckload of stuff you've done. A month soon you will be focused on like a laser, December or January for sure, and the few old people that are left and those new kids will be shocked, shocked I tell you, when they realize that this thing lives with us, like Shrek in the forest suddenly emerging. I fear those days, but they will come. They will be days of thunder and fright. I fear them, but have weapons to help store the food and protect the womenfolk. Aleister 1:15 15 10

huh huh huh. You said "Shrek".  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  15 Oct 2010 ~ 01:22 (UTC)

Upsilon Sigma Sigma October Newsletter[edit source]


Ok guys, my bad. I was gone for a long time there. I found some free time recently so I'm hoping to get Upsilon Sigma Sigma started up again along with my other project, UnReviews.

At any rate, We're going to keep Weird, the August collaboration open. We're also going to go ahead and open up a November collaboration. The article on the queue that has the most votes is "Blockbuster" so that's the one we're going to do. You can find the collaboration page here. I'm probably going to disappear again because of school in a few weeks, so hopefully we can build up enough momentum here to keep our collaborations going. If you haven't noticed our previous collaborations have been huge hits, all have been featured on the front page. Hopefully "Weird" and "Blockbuster" will too in their own due time.

Looking forward to seeing you guys around the frat!

P.S. we have a FBotM nomination this month, make sure you go vote!

Founder -- SirSf13 (Talk) Upsilon Sigma Sigma's last completed collaboration CUN RotM FBotM VFH SK Maj. ΥΣΣ 2104 EST 22 Oct, 2010

Captain Lou[edit source]

Your Captain Lou page is on VFD, just wanted to warn you. He looks to you for rescue, and even Cyndi hasn't come by to help him. Since I'm here I'll whore a read for my two topical items on VFH, Cemetery and Calif. Marijuana, but I've come mainly to let you know about the Captain. Haven't seen you edit much lately, did you get that damn job? Quit! Get out of the work force now and start writing again. Worker. I call you worker, and the cursed life that follows that. Come back to the holy ranks of the unemployed. Aleister 18:41 28 10

Mammamia, deys a wantta deleta da Mario? I say ribble rabble robble noosa beea bock chop. Which helps the cause as much as those words make sense.--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 03:49, October 29, 2010 (UTC)
You saved that page very well. People should put all your articles on VFD, then you'd touch them up nicely. Did you happen to read this fine page on VFH? Such a topical subject, and even though a man of your refined tastes may not appreciate the grossness of the topic, perchance you can peruse said page. You are a gentleman and a scholar, although I may have gotten those confused with blackhearted and persnickady. And ribble rabble robble noosa beea bock chop to you as well, kind sir. Aleister 2:00 All Hallows Eve
All I did was ad a video!? - The Marijuana thing I started to read, and thought it might be better off as a wikinews article rather then an article. It starts off with "If this happens... then this will" you know what I mean? --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 02:33, October 31, 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for reading it, that's really all I ask when I point articles out. When the California vote is over it will be updated and appropriate closure will be added, I just was trying to get it featured before the vote or on election day, to maybe have one or two more slaggards get off their backpack and go to the poll. I, of course, hold no opinion of who should win this contest of good vs. evil, and will gladly watch either side go up in flames. And since nobody has any outside control of the new voting machines in the states, and they are handled very honestly, I figure it will go the way of all hippie dreams and hopes. Down the tubes of misfortune. Are you going to join that Turkey Week contest here? I don't know what it is, but it sounds good. Keep your ammo dry and your socks hung out the window. Aleister 2:40 All Hallows Eve
Probably not, not only have i been working, I have also developed writers impotency. The ideas have just stopped, it's as if a million oysters cried out at once and then where suddenly silenced. Help me Obi Wun Kan BlowMe, you're my only joke. --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 04:04, October 31, 2010 (UTC)

There is no hope for you, the job has killed your creativity, as it must if you are to survive and eat. But you can try to save your old pages. This is why I come to you, to inform you that Shit Pickle is under attack at VFD, and may sink of its own disgusting weight. I am but a lone voice with his pickle in the dyke, I fear for its demise. Aleister 16:26 8 11

I know, i'm already aware. If it really bothers them so much to just leave it and need the room for a new housing estate, so be it, the property will be burned to the ground and the insurance collected.--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 04:01, November 9, 2010 (UTC)

Ho, Ho, Ho, Eat My Shit, Dancing on the ledge[edit source]

Hi. Nobody has written you here since a month ago. Fuck that. I'm writing now. Came to whore you like the slut I am to read and hopefully approve Never on Sunday on VFH (you may like this one, a Virgin/Whore take gone to the extreme of the number one Virgin turned into histories favorite whore). But, that important business aside, I must wish you holiday greetings and hopes that this season you don't shit yourself in public, that when you hit the sauce you keep it in your pants this time, and that when I open your mom like a Christmas present right under my yule log I'll think of you and the best holiday you're will be having in years. Ho de ho ho. Aleister 2:14 9 12

Fuck, it's xmas time again? I hate Xmas. Stupid carolers and midgets in elf costumes trying to seduce me with pixie sticks painted like an old barbers pole. Which reminds me, now is the time to release that stupid letter to santa thingie that will probably get VFD cause it's a letter, not an article. but fuck 'em.--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 05:42, December 9, 2010 (UTC) now to go see what you wrote, this better have the line "the only meat a priest eats on Sunday is nun"

Hahahah, it got featured without you, and even your lame attempt at vandalism was caught immediately by an eagle-eyed user. Not only will Christmas knock on your door and throw elves into the path of your car, but this year you are being forced to make your own toys! Do you have a link to that Christmas Santa letter you speak of? And why haven't you voted for "Mike Tyson" on VFH as yet, the page is as Christmasy as a two-dollar whore (about a buck more than I'm used to paying). Plus, why did you hide all of your page in boxes and templates and whatever else you have them tucked away in, can't you at least make a decent extra page where your articles are laid out like a three-dollar whore (they call those callgirls). You can run your things along the side of the page like you do here, I'm just interested in seeing all of your pages in one place so I know what's what and what's not what. Happy Xmas to you and your slaughtered relatives. Aleister 12:06 10 12

Ze fartsy elf article is titled Letter to Santa. And viewers be advised that several kittens did die in the making of it. As well the make-up was tested on Animals and they looked like 12 dollar whores, which is much more expensive then your cheap ass hookers you mentioned. you need to pay at least 12 to be assured they don't lube up the condoms with deep heat before they apply one to you. And I boxed them up cause it cluttered the page up and was too long, but, if you go here to the boxes main thingie and watch it, you can see if i change something on it --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 07:10, December 11, 2010 (UTC)

Fuck you six or seven times[edit source]

Where have you gone? Working? Yech. I didn't come back here for weeks, so if I had seen Letter to Santa I would have VFH nommed it. My fault, yours actually for not coming around and voting more and hanging out with people. Asswipe. You're up for Writer of the Month again, so come back, little Sheba. Aleister 20:42 1 '11

Fuck you very much for thanking in my ass. I also have been busy with the new girlfriend. I managed to find someone who can take me for walks daily, feed me, rub my belly and help me with my obsession to slide my butthole all over the floor. Now I just rub my butthole on her when it itches.--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 01:55, January 7, 2011 (UTC)
I won't even touch that. Your girlfriend, I mean. Any woman who allows you to touch her must not only have suicidal tendencies, but may very well be dead already. Anyway, some idiot nominated you for Writer of the Year too, a reasonable mistake. Aleister 2:08 7 1 '11
Now what sort of fuckknuckle went and did that?--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 01:57, January 8, 2011 (UTC)
Hello, I saw your name on changes just now. Will you ever be coming back (i.e. did she dump you yet, or did she meet the sorry end of your blade)? You are up again for wotm, someday the boat will come in, covered with barnacles and leaking bilge. And to brag or anything, look to my user page to see what the deluded people on this site have done to me. I hope ye are returned from the sea. Aleister 12:47 3-2-'11
Aye, I stills be sailing with the ole Banchee in search of the hidden pearls of her vaginal walls. I no be walkin' the plank yet me hearty... however she is pissing me off with her obsession with that XP increasing mini version of Wheres Waldo named Harry Potsmoker... so I has been a makin' a page about the limp wristed, little tail gunning, visitor to the places most men will not lick, and believe me I too am one of those people who know an ass is like a battery, and you shouldn't, but you lick it anyway, but Harry Potter goes beyond it by sucking the farts of the ass and holding them in like a bong hit. --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 23:23, February 3, 2011 (UTC)
And you haven't won writer of the month yet?? You could nom your answer on VFH and get seven votes without batting a breast too and fro. When you want to visit the writer of the year award you can make an appointment with my personal secretary for a view, and I've told her to give you a free ride on her lap too. I look forward to reading your Harry pottstick page at some point. Aleister 1:18 4-2-'11
Euhh, you know me, I never venture must past the front gates, let alone flash my own mangina-cuntspuss at the passing postman!--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 02:49, February 4, 2011 (UTC)

I saw you near my cave, and wrote you a note there, but will put one here too, to see if the sun finds it. Look to Cemetery of the Absurd for what you seek. There be things a'plenty there. Aye. Aleister 11:36 10-2-'11

Thank a you so sweetly my little sugar booger honey bum --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 12:20, February 10, 2011 (UTC)

There are two maniacs[edit source]

As there are two maniacs, we shall have an editing war. --     Vote here for Maniac of the Month. Or not. Red and green are awsome colours, eh? Go Crazy Canada Awards ~ Contribs ~ Gallery ~ Piglet 01:44, February 15, 2011 (UTC)

Maniac1075 would eat you up, spit you out, eat up the spitted out portion, poop some of that out and spit out the rest, and that would be that. At least that's how my Maniac vs Maniac gameboy plays it. Aleister 1:46 15-2-'11
Hmmph, still playing that. There's a new version of that on my Wii. --     Vote here for Maniac of the Month. Or not. Red and green are awsome colours, eh? Go Crazy Canada Awards ~ Contribs ~ Gallery ~ Piglet 01:52, February 15, 2011 (UTC)
I feel I am being challenged here, so let the games begin. I shall start by sitting here in my cage, and begin to jerk off, and as a large crowed begins to gather, the two of you shall be stuck in the front with no way to get out of the way when i make the tough decision, aim a load at you, or quickly poop in my hand, eat it, then regurgitate it, and then fling it at your faces.... then i will ask you to enter the cave and return it to me... hopefully a little snowballing action is not out of the question?--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 04:49, February 15, 2011 (UTC)
Okay, I'm a little odd, but out of that last comment the thing that struck me the most was the used of the word crowed (a verb in past tense) when you were looking for the word crowd (a noun). Of course given its context I realizes that you meant to have a noun there, but the first one that I thought of is the noun that the verb is based upon (crow) and that made me wonder why you fantasised about giant birds watching you spanking monkeys. In a cage that turns into a cave, nonetheless. Which of course made me think that we were talking about a cage at the zoo which was made to look natural, and maybe the crow was a euphemism for a large cock. Which of course had me thinking of Al and Maniac McPhee stuck in the equivalent of a mosh pit at the monkey enclosure at the zoo where you were pleasuring a giant rooster until it reached climax where you then proceeded to eat the, ahem, discharge, regurgitate it and then fling it at the crowd and then invite someone in. And that is why I always suggest proofreading your work to avoid these natural but erroneous understandings. Pup 01:56 15 Feb '11
You really suggest proofreading, do you? You? 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 15:42, 15 February 2011
I hate iPhone spell check. Pup 08:14 15 Feb '11
It is MCPEE, not Mcphee. Wow. Idiot. --     Vote here for Maniac of the Month. Or not. Red and green are awsome colours, eh? Go Crazy Canada Awards ~ Contribs ~ Gallery ~ Piglet 21:15, February 15, 2011 (UTC)
Oh, that part was deliberate. Pup 09:28 15 Feb '11
Okay, Poopy on the Radio. --     Vote here for Maniac of the Month. Or not. Red and green are awsome colours, eh? Go Crazy Canada Awards ~ Contribs ~ Gallery ~ Piglet 22:43, February 15, 2011 (UTC)
  1. As soon as you stoop down to my level, you lose
  2. As soon as you use a comment about an individual that they have used themselves, you lose (especially as that used to be my sig)
  3. As soon as you allow yourself to be distracted from the main challenge, you lose.
Careful about issuing challenges of any type if you're not prepared to battle. Sorry about the rather blunt object lesson, but you're still a n00b in a lot of ways, and you bite at too much too quickly. Forget the stupid challenges, the attempts at vanity, and focus instead on working on your writing and getting yourself to a level where you can write an outstanding piece of prose. That is the real purpose in being here, and being a dick will never help. Pup 01:47 16 Feb '11
Like my mommy decided about my diapers... I no change :P--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 02:05, February 16, 2011 (UTC)
Which is a shame. Pup 04:10 16 Feb '11
You are a shame, Pippin In The Rodeo, hahahahahahahaha I know you are but what am I? (See Brainiac McFly, that's how to do it. Now Puppy is mad, vindictive, and a lower level than he has been on is created which he will now come down to, and once there, the mud people will come out of the walls and that's it, game over, scrubbed clean, time to go home to see what's on the telly) Aleister 4:12 16-2-'11
Al Easter Insane. Poopy on the Radio. Insaniac10000000075. --     Vote here for Maniac of the Month. Or not. Red and green are awsome colours, eh? Go Crazy Canada Awards ~ Contribs ~ Gallery ~ Piglet 21:26, February 16, 2011 (UTC)
Al, getting to your level would require me taking class A hallucinogenics. Have you got any spare? Otherwise I'll just sit around with my candied popcorn Pup 09:48 16 Feb '11
Oh shut up, Pup. You're starting to get on my nerves. You make me sick. I'd blank your talk page, but then i'd get banned again. Asshole. --     Vote here for Maniac of the Month. Or not. Red and green are awsome colours, eh? Go Crazy Canada Awards ~ Contribs ~ Gallery ~ Piglet 23:56, February 18, 2011 (UTC)
Jerry, Jerry, Jerry

Eatingpopcorn.gif --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 03:46, February 21, 2011 (UTC)

Ha ha ha, no one's talked to you in almost a month, what are you, a leper?[edit source]

A leper. Could be worse, You might be a leper with things like claws growing out of your back which grab your shirt when you try to put it on and rip it to shreds. So you can never wear a shirt. That's how it could be worse. Since anyone has talked to you lots of things have happened. For one I stole your popcorn image and put it right on my user page, and when people praise its creativity I say "Thank you" and get laid. Another thing is you look like you might win the Writer of the Month this month, and it's about fucking time. The morons lurking around here have either never read your stuff or they can't read and like the pretty pictures instead. But five of us morons learned how to sign our names and have signed them on your nomination for writer of the month. Five isn't a lot, and they might have all been drunk and thought they were voting for Carly Simon for all I know, but a vote is a vote. So if this trend continues you can dust off a place on your electronic shelf for the electronic representation of the writer of the month award, but the voting still has 21 days to go and so I am confident people will come to their senses and vote for some noob or something. Aleister 13:00 10-3-'11

Don't make fun of me being a leper... or I will bend you over and fuck you in the ass, and you can keep the tip... just don't ask me to give you a hand when you wanna get up from the assault i put your ass through! ... ok, I think i'm done with leper jokes... oh no wait, I need to sing that song to "Yesterday" that goes, "Leprosy, I'm not half the man I used to be"... ok I'm done now! How about you gimmie a hand for that one? ... wait, I did that already... fuck it, i'm here all week! Don;t forget to tip over your waiter and steal her purse.

Now down to business... me as writer of the month?? Well, that would certainly fuck up my goal to never write a damn thing thats worth a shit... but the real question still remains... WHAT THE FUCK????? ARE YAS NUTS?????????? --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 13:24, March 10, 2011 (UTC)

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Seeing as no one will respond to me[edit source]

I've decided to take this into my own hands, I'm going to move Dinosaur into mainspace at ten fourty-five EST tomorrow. Anyone who wants to make their final edits can do so within that time frame. Thanks. --Wanna see a magic trick? 15:06, March 21, 2011 (UTC)

Congratulations[edit source]

Writer of the Month Award Writer of the Month March 2011

--ChiefjusticeWii 00:31, April 1, 2011 (UTC)

Congratulations too![edit source]

This is the best news all day. Congrats, well deserved, well earned, and your Godhood has been affirmed. No joking around, this is a great award for a great writer and uncy editor. Aleister 1:27 1-4-'11

How the fucked this happen? It mustve been a cold day in my mothers undies again, or everyone else on this site packed up and left? Either way, my 10th grade English teacher told me I would never amount to anything in life, and now that I have this award, it just goes to prove... the bitch was right :S--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 12:51, April 4, 2011 (UTC)

Much Thanks for making Padmé[edit source]

Your support is what made Padmé!

--Funnybony Icons-flag-th.png Agnideva-small.jpg AGT-logo-small.jpg 18:02, Jul 10

Jeez, nobody writes you, you're like a hermit with AIDS and leprosy, sores running and arms out to embrace anyone who comes near[edit source]

Hi, and I hope all goes well. Some asswipes organized a wholesale destruction of articles recently, and they huffed 12 of years. Please ask for all of them back on the site, every one!! You should have had no articles huffed in that holocaust. "SAVE THE MANIAC DOZEN" is my battlecry. Aleister 15:45 20something-8-'11

Some of those where pretty crap tho. I'll re-write the ones I wanted to save and do them even betterly (a new word I just invented).--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 10:16, August 25, 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for the blowjob last night. It was wunnerfull. Flowers are being sent as I type. I think I'm in love. Sigh. Mumble. */writes AIC & M1075 in school notebook over and over* Aleister 16:40 7-10'11

Hey, man[edit source]

I don't know if you come around anymore. Happy new year and all that. I just nominated your Cheech & Chong article for feature, so if you have a minute maybe go there and vote for it. Or against it. Are you writing much anymore, or did you get parole? Aleister 19:30 20-1-'12

Yeah I'm around somewhere. I haven't had much to say, I think I vented all my anger, wrote every stupid idea my mind can come up with, and kicked enough midgets in the nuts to start a forest fire. I don't do new years wishes, it's just a time for everyone to say "congratulation, you made another trip around the sun without dying. I think it's overrated. I think it's better for people to say "good luck getting laid", so I wish you all the best in getting your dickie-bird wet, and may your orgasms be delightful. --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 07:36, January 21, 2012 (UTC)

P.S: Oh I almost forgot. I did do something. On my beavis and buttbreath page, I did an audio for the page using my own crappy impersonations of them.

Your Cheech and Chong page is doing very well on VFH, lots of votes and it should probably be featured soon. When it is on the front page I will smoke a nice one in honor of the boys (who I thought set up a horrible stereotype, but, hey). Congrats. Aleister 21:11 Chink New Yer 2012
Awesome! I'll celebrate in my hardcore way by opening a nice box of cookies and downing it down with some hard-ass Koolaid.--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 23:25, January 23, 2012 (UTC)
Well, stock up. Your feature is the next one up on the que, so at 00:00 on the 26th it will grace the main page of this godfors'kin site. That's later today, since it's already 5:00, only 19 hours to go. God speed John Glenn. Aleister 4:57 25-1-'12
I'd like to thank all those who wrote articles that weren't as good as mine at this present time, without you guys, this could never have been done! --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 09:50, January 25, 2012 (UTC)
While I haven't read C&C yet, my patriotism makes me despair that on Australia Day we won't have an Australian themed article. If only there was an article only a few votes off a feature... Pup 11:04 25 Jan '12

Your feature should have got you laid by now[edit source]

At least once. Am I missing something or haven't you mainspaced your Diary of a Madman? You may have and I haven't looked, I just ran across your Insanity page in user space and that's what it was. When it is mainspaced it should be an UnBooks, that's how these weirdos do it here. We, that is your mom and I, discussed it over the kitchen table last night, think it would be fitting to get you into the Hall of Shame, for what is the hall of shame without you in it? Something, but not that. And Diary looks like a good choice for a feature (haven't proofread it, is it polished like a diamond? Like a faux diamond at least, one of those QVC ones?). What else looks good? Lots of them, in my opinion, and many of your should have been featured already, but you need at least two more, so...... Aleister 00:35 29-1-'12

I'm shocked at my mom, I didn't know she had that good a taste for dinner guests. Diary of a Madman was set to a main page called "this pages comments page is better then the main page" but it was huffed. It may be better as you said, as a book page. Also, I should probably add more references to Alfred E Newman? --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 20:49, January 29, 2012 (UTC)
Nothing about your mom shocks me anymore. Ah, the nights, and the days for that matter. Yes, Diary of a Madman should be UnBooks:Diary of a Madman. It is a diary, for Zeus's sake. I like it a lot, and lol lol when I look at it, but it's hard to tell what people here like or not like when VFH is concerned. Alfred Newman is so 2005 man, or 1975, or maybe 2025. I went thru lots of your pages seeing what was featurable, and lollol. You are one funny guy, and people who miss it are lacking a part of the humour bone which sticks into a weird universe of humour. I'll have to look at the talk page of the Madman page, haven't looked at it. Gleep. Al 12:18 30-1-'12
p.s. there is no talk page on Insanity! Where'd it go?
It was on the main page when it was on the site, it was huffed, now the page is just in my area.--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 06:55, January 31, 2012 (UTC)
By main page do you mean it was featured and then someone saw it featured and said, "WTF, I have to huff this" or do you mean it was on recent written articles? Anyway, I'd say all you'd have to do is ask an admin for the talk page back, move the whole thing to "UnBooks:Diary of a Madman" and put it up again, and that way it's a book and not an encyclopedic article, and all is well. I haven't read it word for word but the parts I've read and skimmed and looked at make me lol. I don't know if you know, but lots of huffing went on here for months (look at the list of people Wilt Chamberlin had sex with in your Wilt article, lots of red links) so a few of your pages bit the dust when the dust storm hit. I linked Wonder Shozam into one of my pages yesterday. Aleister 10:19 the day after 30-1-'12
No it was never featured. I mean I created the page "this pages comments look better then the main page" which had next to nothing on it but a few words and a pic saying something about the page was really crap... then in the Discussion page of that page, I put the "Diary of a madman" in there. But I guess some people didn't like it, get it, or never realized it was in there. Everything that was in it, is still in the DOAM page, just not the front page crap, it was huffed. --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 02:35, February 1, 2012 (UTC)
I don't know what you're talking about. You must be on those red ones again. Anyway, ask an admin for the whole thing back, or if all you want is the Diary of a Madman, unname it "UnBooks:Diary of a Madman" and put it back on main space (it would survive, I'm pretty sure, as an UnBook) and then we all can lol at it like I do. Those pics are among the best on the site, imnho. This I say (red ones kicking in, whoooooooooo, monkeys!!!! They dance, and say my name, and then....and then.....stop! Kill the dolphin later, monkey, not in front of me AGAIN!!!! /no escape, they walk on two legs, sometimes three, they keep coming, oh blowmejesus here they come again!!! Sincerely, Aleister 2:45 1-2-'12
What I am saying was, I put it on the main space under the title page "This pages discussion page is better then the main page" and the main page had little crappy looking content. When you clicked "discussion" thats where you read the "Diary of a madman". Anyway, it's done now. Click this to check if your balls are up to standard size, weight & taste for my moms delight--ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 03:10, February 1, 2012 (UTC)
Why would you do something like that? Putting up a huffed article, hiding it under a false name and then even directing people to it? Have you no shame? I'm almost at the point of something and will read it on the morrow. Yay Diary of a Madman! Aleister 3:18 1-2-'12

This is one you're going to like[edit source]

Look at this, you've been nominated for Perv of the month! You just have a few losers to beat down for the prize. It's not only your lucky day, but the day itself has squirmed just right to find a foothold. Congrats! Aleister 00:11 12-2-'12

And here's more I thought you'd like. Check out this picture, I came across it today looking for a pic, and its perfection is spot on. It wasn't categorized, so I've never come across it before (I've thrown a few categories on). Taking something like shit, (whoa, I just thought of a whole page in the poop throwing monkey series) to its limits. Thought I'd turn you on to it. If shit was accepted in the Louvre this would be hanging next to Mona. Al 00:40 19-2-'12
Gives new meaning to the "21 gun salute" --ManiacJaSg.gif-Maniac1075Complain Here 04:35, February 19, 2012 (UTC)
Not to mention lock and load. Pup 05:23 19 Feb '12

I've been busy as a bee chased by a rattlesnake. I'll look at your pages tomorrow, or the next week, and upon a quick glance of Deal or no deal I scanned the link to Howdy Doody and laughed. A good sign, as I only laugh at my own image in the mirror and nothing else. Good to see you around again. Al 4:16 22-2-'12