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From today's featured article 

1948 election.png

The United States presidential election of 1948 saw the overwhelming defeat of then-President Harry S. Truman at the hands of Thomas Dewey, the Republican governor of New York and former partner in the law firm, Dewey, Cheatem & Howe. Truman was simply unable to overcome the all-but-universal disgust in which voters held his foreign policy, and was further crippled by the devastating three-way split in the Democratic party.

At the outset of 1948, neither party had any difficulty in deciding who their best candidate would be and stuff. The problem was that both parties had decided that that candidate was Dwight D. Eisenhower, who had somehow managed to rise to prominence in the public eye without giving any hint of what his political beliefs were. This led to a frenzied attempt by both parties to get Eisenhower to sign with their team; the Republicans offered him a $30 million contract for ten years, while the Democrats offered a "pay-for-play" contract that was potentially worth twice that amount. However, on the advice of his agent, Drew Rosenhaus, Eisenhower, or "D.E." as he was sometimes known, opted to sit out the 1948 season in hopes of netting an even more lucrative contract in 1952. (Full article...)

Did you know... 

  • ... that spambots suffer from constant self-doubt and low self esteem? They have feelings too you know.
  • ... that apparently, this Charles Norris fellow is quite the ruffian?
  • ... that air is a fictional substance that was once believed to fill the space above the surface of the Earth? While this "air theory" was once used to explain various phenomena, air theory, at last refuted, has joined the gene, the atom, Antarctica, and the free lunch in a long list of scientific red herrings.
  • ... Nautical knots are not knots that can be knotted into knots (most likely not)?
  • ... that dyslexic farmers wear catflaps on their heads?
  • ... that the keyboard you have been using has more germs than your toilet seat?
  • ... that the sport of Water Polo can be greatly improved with the addition of sharks?

In the news 

Biden nodding off debate.jpg
This demented old guy remains the only alternative to having the unhinged old guy back in office

Who the fuck knows?: Noam Chomsky

On this day 

Eat bugs.png

June 30: Dare A Younger Sibling To Eat An Insect Day (pictured)

  • 3000 BC – Cain dares Abel to eat a scorpion. Abel does, and falls dead. Cain tries to explain it was an accident, but nobody will listen.
  • 1500 BC – Aaron dares his younger brother Moses to eat a scarab beetle. Moses does so, and the gritty taste convinces him to lead his people from Egypt.
  • 1859Oscar Wilde, despondent over not having a sibling to dare to eat an insect or be dared to eat an insect by, consumes an earwig.
  • 1921 – U.S. President Warren G. Harding appoints former President William Howard Taft to the Supreme Court, after Taft successfully attempts to eat a small quantitiy of mosquitoes.
  • 1959 – American actor Vincent D'Onofrio is born, paving the way to a career of acting as though he had just accepted a dare to eat a rather nasty-tasting insect.
  • 1971 – Ohio ratifies the 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, lowering the voting age to 18, and lowering the threshold at which younger siblings are no longer required to accept bug-related dares to 16.
  • 1999 – The Court of Bermuda sentences Erik Deli to death for putting mosquito paste on his younger brother's sandwich.

Picture of the day

Jesus on Raptor
Some modifications have been made to the newest translation of the Holy Bible. In this scene (often called "Palm Sunday"), Jesus is now riding a raptor. While this was partially made to help make Jesus more accessible to Today's children, the decision was also made because certain Christians didn't want people to be able to say that Jesus was "riding someone's ass" that day. Both scientists and fundamental Christians question the historical accuracy of this account. From the New Cooler Edition: "And Christ touched the Velociraptor, and the Velociraptor was tamed." Luke 13:37 (NCE)

Image credit: Tshell
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