Uncyclopedia:Hall of Shame/Shabidoo

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Features: 57.5

Alzheimers Groundhog's Day, Vending machine vending machine, UnBooks:Those uncomfortable moments when no one knows what to do, Confucius Say: Me Love You Really Long Time (with NoNamesLeft), The Peasant's Dilemma, COVID-19 Solutions Incorporated, UnBooks:Space Jew-hunting, Jimbo Wales, AIDS Popsicles, UnBooks:Sunday my Sunday, Lucifer's userpage (with Scofield), HowTo:Make Breakfast Dew (For Women), UnBooks:Old lady MacIntyre, Fox News, Extreme Piano Playing, The things your family doesn't know, Holding Open Doors (with Mattlobster), Fortnite and homosexuality (with Swineherd), Inter-Lights Inc, My bikini diet, UnBooks:Funeral of the Easter Bunny, Human rights, IEye (with Superbo), Uncycloversity:Rejection Notice (colab), Motorized Shopping Cart (with Socky), Finger Cancer, HowTo:Spell Volodymyr Zelenskyy (with Kakun), This is not an article, Door handle (with Mattsnow), Mosque, Inbox (mass colab), The Milwaukee Cheese Bandit (with Sodapoppers, Norf-Zorg (opera), Mahjong, Waiter, there's a 20 Gallon Bag Full of Dildos in my Soup with TheReturnOfJazz, Nillion (with Funnybony), Krypton (with Mattsnow), Constitution of the United States (actual text) (with Mattsnow and Xamralco), Coronavirus disease 2019 (with various), Apple, The Orbital Resonance Ratio of Jupiter's Largest Moons, Melba Toast, UnBooks:My Summer Vacation in Saudi Arabia, MrX raped by Magic Ponies (with Cat_the_Colourful), White-haired Asian Scientist (with GlobalTourniquet), UnBooks:A Day in the Life of the Canadian Prime Minister‎‎, Baked Potato (collab), Hermaphrodite (colab), Plain Old Elim Garak (with Black flamingo11), HowTo:Walk (colab), Stupid Cats, Streets of Laredo (with NoNamesLeft), Five second rule (with MrX and Kakun), Ozone, Unobtanium (with Funnybony), Lawnmower (by Magicman), Nothing is permanent, Bad things have happened recently, Extra mega brownie points, UnBooks:Guns don't kill people ... people kill themselves, Departments of France, Numbers, F4, Thanos (with various), Uncyclopedia made my life more different, ' (with MrX and Jabberwock), Marble race with WVandZM, Why?:Be a carnivore? (colab), UnNews:Colombia Protests Exclusion from Eurovision; USA Joins in Support (with Kakun), Lost (with various)