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“I'm not prejudiced, I hate all Wogs equally”

~ Naomi Robson on why she's so fantastic

“I am not a Wog”

~ Richard Nixon on responding to the Woggagate Scandal

“The Italian Wog who smiles when his pizza has no salami on it has thought of some other Greek Wog to gun down in his Commodore and Kappa hat”

~ Oscar Wilde on Peace-loving Wogs

“We acknowledge that we are standing on the land that belongs to the Indigenous Italianiginal peoples and the Greek Islander peoples”

~ Lowitja O'Donoghue on the Indigenous Wogs
Italian Wog Pia Miranda - we bet you eat gnocchi, follow Juventus and say 'arrivederci', huh? huh? don't ya??????!!!!!

Wog refers to people of Southern European descent (i.e. Italian, Greek, Lebanese, Albanian, Maltese, Serbian, Croatian, Armenian) who migrated to Australia when it was revealed that Australia had a large supply of rich Vegemite just waiting to be mined and sold to the international vegemite market, which was Australia’s most successful market, valued at $2.00 per year, only behind convict-skinned coats. The term Wog used to apply to people of Albanian descent, but since nobody actually gives a fuck about Albanians, they are no longer considered as Wogs. This was ruled by Australia’s Highest Court, the St Joseph’s College for Rich Gay Mama’s Boys. One of Australia’s greatest mysteries is what does ‘wog’ stand for. Nobody knows for sure but the most popular guesses include ‘Wipe Our Genitals’, ‘Whip Our Genitals’, ‘Wash Our Genitals’, ‘Wet Our Genitals’, ‘Where’s Our Genitals?’ or ‘We Outed Ghandi’. However, according to Aboriginal legend, or Spearchucking'gottabuckforthabusmabrudda'dream time, Wog refers to ‘Whitey Or Gubba’.

History of Wogs[edit | edit source]

Early history[edit | edit source]

The Wog flag. The black symbolises old Wog women's funeral clothes, the red symbolises Bolognese sauce and the yellow symbolises the Honda Prelude god, sacred to young Wog boys

Wog migration to Australia began with the end of the Anglo-Robotic-Werewolves wars of 2134, where Wogs realised they were living in slums when their true desires were to live in dumps so they hopped onto their spaceships, whilst drinking vino and singing ‘Shaddup Ya Face’, sung by legendary Italian singer Luciano Pavawhatafatbastard, and went skipping towards what they believed would be the greatest of all dumps, Brisbane. However Brisbane turned out to be shit which wasn't as good as dump, so Wogs checked out Melbourne and Adelaide, which were crap but Wogs considered crap to be better than shit, although not as good as dump but, at the time, Australia didn't have any dumps, only crap and shit. After careful consideration, Wogs realised their dream of living in a dump would never come true so they settled in the Adelaide and Melbourne craps. Four years later a group of Wogs discovered and migrated to garbage bin, which is now modern day Sydney, and are still yet to be found.

Wogs Get on Non-Wogs' Nerves[edit | edit source]

Greek Wog Toula Hatsitsopandopolopolopolopolous

In 2145, Wog populations began expanding all over Adelaide and Melbourne and the native Australians, the VB Tribes of Westend Draught, became concerned with the ever-increasing presence of gold chains, Nissan Skylines, garlic odours and the constant screenings of My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Furthermore, the natives became concerned with language barriers, as natives used their mouths to talk whereas Wogs used unusual hand gestures which baffled psychologists and check-out chicks. This caused the Government to pass the ‘Fucking Wog Cunt, Get Outta My Country Act 2148’, introduced by Nazi Bitches Party leader Pauline Hanson-Hitler-Smith who, in her maiden speech, stated to Queersland Parliament “I believe we are in danger of being swamped by salami” and this led to Six Pack Beer Bounties being placed on Wogs’ heads. However, this approach was proven insignificant as more Wogs migrated to Adelaide and Melbourne, attracted to the smell of Pizza shops and Calzone stands. The continuing fear of Wogs by the VB Tribes led to the 2146 ‘Carnevale War', which lasted for three terrifying minutes, in which 9 billion Wogs were killed. Consequently, for the next 3 000 years, Australia was invaded and ruled by a large wombat-like creature called Kevin Rudd, who invaded Australia from the Congo, 12km north of Scandinavia, and who ended the war through his powerful army of Julia-Gillardbots and brought peace and never ending supplies of ‘Fuck Work Choices’ badges.

Why Wogs Are On Top[edit | edit source]

"and remember Wogs Rule!" - Steve Irwin, the woggiest Wog of them all

Wogs are on top because they have wonderful food, culture and beliefes. Wogs are passionet people. Wogs always protect each other no matter the curcumstances. if you have a problem with wog people or you hate them then you are not normal. wog people are amazing people ever. they are incedibly respectful and they are always kind to you if your kind to them and their family. wogs will make many jokes but they wouldnt want ypu to take it to heart because they want you to know that they are joking around and you will have to know that they are very abusive and very passionet about their nonnas food.

There is money to be made out of Wogs[edit | edit source]

Wogs are a major tourism attraction in Adelaide and Melbourne and generate around 85 cents per year for SA Tourism (yes we have tourists so stop laughing bastards) and $1.89 per year for Victorian Tourism. Although they are hard to spot, Wogs can be identified through their Adidas track pants, Everlast hats and Alfa Romeo cars and are usually seen hanging around nightclubs in the deepest darkest jungles of Henley Beach, where tourists are often mesmerised by their ‘lets play soccer bro, sick bro sick, sick, sick, give me some biscotti bro’ chants.

If Lindsay Lohan was a Wog, her life would be completely fucked much better

wogs have microscopic penises, way smaller than the human species classified as the "nigger". Wogs have intercourse 7 times a lifetime with hairy ugly women, and is achieved by inserting their penises into 'female' wogs belly buttons (as their vaginas are to hard to find.) When a wog is about to cum he sticks his dick in the ground and ejaculates; 9 months later a baby sprouts out of the ground , when the baby is sprouting out of the ground the wog 'female' sits on the baby and consumes it through the vagina. the baby then comes out of the female's mouth. It is best to avoid any queer wogs as they will break a nail and get really angry and call on their cousins where 10-1 is a fair fight.

"Wogs are the cause of South Australia's drought, they race their cars which released smoke which formed clouds and now the bloody rain can't get through those clouds, its scientific fact Goddamit!" - South Australian Premier Mike Rammed

We Don't Love Wogs[edit | edit source]

WOGS are the most racist robots who despise the asian cyborbs. They seem to prefer unthinking and to communicate they use subhuman grunts, homo-erotic ass grabs and various associated wog tribal sub-routines. It is believed that wogs have never had rice before and think honey chicken is the height of exotic cuisine. It has been documented that grandma Erhk Uleh Erkkkkkkapopalous tasted thai food one time and had a stroke. So from then all on all stupid wogs have vowed to hate the idea of trying new things. Try to get a common greek wog to taste Saganaki and their likely reply would be 'I dont eat japanase shit' followed by them trying to sodomise you.

Wogs are usually fat mothers boys who, having been raised by an illiterate single slag mother, so they have a pathetic upbringing. Eventualy when they turn 85 whale years they step up to adulthood by marrying their grandmas. It is at that stage they start eating on their very own. Usually they eat potatoe cakes until they are 1000kilos and then they consist on nothing but steriods until they become 5000 kilos. A fat wog is a normal wog. Wogs believe that being healthy is a sign of being a poof, as does using a word longer than half a syllible .

Wogs hate reading it actually is an allergy to them, which is why book stores have been installed in various shopping malls as a way to repel filthy idiotic wogs. There was a case when a 3 year old wog 'boy' wandered into a borders books chain unsupervised (normally he is stuffed in his fathers armpit) he was mesmerised by all the books and things there until the father found out. He was so horrified at his poofta son that when he tried to reclain his woglin the close proximity to 'fucken books' cause his bowels to erupt and his brain to explode. POor wog

Basicly Wogs are idiotic robots who are devolving. Every 3rd world nation and shitty country wants to become a wog. Which is very helpful because it will make it much easier to round up and destroy all the scum when we have to massively lower the world population. Intelligent Alien Invasion 2009

See also[edit | edit source]

Tony "drug dealer" Pepperoni Robbie "That Black Wog" Threadgate

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