User talk:MadMax/Archive4

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Are You Gayer Than Mr. Winkler?[edit source]

Could you redirect this to Are You Gayer Than Mr. Garrison? as this is a better redirect? I would've done this myself, but the page is locked--Æ 13:59, 1 January 2008 (UTC)

CRP[edit source]

As the asshole who recreated an article about a student named matt 6 out of the 8 times, I say i am sorry. It says redirected to Uncyclopedia:CRP but the demeaning and hurtful text still appears on my screen. How can this be fixed so the page is protected so no one else sees it or I am not tempted to do it again? (i don't know my IP) – Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

Max, you'd need to speak with Sannse to see if something can be permanently deleted from the database. I'd imagine that it can be. I'll see if she's on IRC now and let you know if anything can be done. -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
It's done. Comerade Tom didn't huffed previous version before redirecting it. I huffed, recreated and protected. Protect and Survive. Protect and Survive. ~ Mordillo where is my DIPSHIT? 17:00, 4 January 2008 (UTC)
Thanks for the help. :) MadMax 17:12, 4 January 2008 (UTC)

Vandalist[edit source]

Sorry sir, is he 08:03, 9 January 2008 (UTC)

Higgs Boson[edit source]

Sorry, I know the deletion history says otherwise, but it was decided on IRC that this one was actually okay. I didn't get it either, but it makes sense if you read the Wikipedia article. Thanks for catching it, though. :) -- Paw print.jpg 19:49, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

UnScripts:The Tragedy of Oscar Wilde and Template:Newunscripts[edit source]

Please do not add "The Tragedy of Oscar Wilde" to the new UnScripts template. It is a rather old unscript that appeared on the template previously. Thank you. ~ Tophatsig.png

12/01/2008 @ 03:24

Sorry, I noticed it as an orphaned article and assumed it had been recently created. MadMax 03:25, 12 January 2008 (UTC)

I don't appreciate your attitude towards my qesadilla situation[edit source]

Just out of curiousity, why are you keeping this? It's a ripoff (as I think you know) and thusly, there is no reason for it to be kept. Thanks--Æ 23:41, 12 January 2008 (UTC)

Well, as it's not copied word for word from I don't appreciate your attitude towards my potato chip situation, technically it doesn't really qualify for QVFD. There's plenty of articles which already exist as spinoffs or clones if you prefer (the AAAAAAAAA! clones are a good example of this), although there's currently plenty of room on VFD if you'd like to nominate it. MadMax 23:47, 12 January 2008 (UTC)
Is it even eligible for VFD being less than a day old?--Æ 23:51, 12 January 2008 (UTC)

I believe articles can be nominated as long as they have neither a {{construction}}/{{ICU}} tag or really any indication of significant improvements. MadMax 23:56, 12 January 2008 (UTC)

Actually, if it's under a week old, it's preferred that we use ICU/other maintenance tags. But since it's a ripoff, I've nuked it. —Hinoa talk.kun 01:01, 13 January 2008 (UTC)

Hinoa, I added something similar to the Deletion policy page. Hopefully, this should clear up any confusion. MadMax 01:07, 13 January 2008 (UTC)

Main page[edit source]

Could you please unlock the main page for me for only a moment? I'm running the PLS and I need to change the main template. Danke. --EMC [TALK] 06:40, 13 January 2008 (UTC)

Done. MadMax 06:45, 13 January 2008 (UTC)

DragonForce[edit source]

I know this is an oft vandalized article, but would you take it in your heart to move it to semi-protected, and let me start the threads of what hopefully could be an okay article? If you would like me to send you a draft, I could do that also. Railcgun 03:17, 14 January 2008 (UTC)

  • I've unprotected the article and taken it off CVP for the time being. Good luck with this version. MadMax 04:43, 14 January 2008 (UTC)

User:MadMax/Unused images[edit source]

  • Hello MadMax. It's not often that I get the chance to talk to you, but let me start off by saying that I'm a huge fan. You have, however, done something very, shall we say, odd. You see, for the past 7 months, I've been making it my personal mission to huff all of the unused images. I started this personal mission after Wikia gave us the ability to recreate deleted images. Anyway, as you can imagine, I never really expected to finish. That's why, when I came back from a two week holiday, I was suprised to see that they were almost all gone. And, after looking through logs, I could find no trace of them. Then I found your page. Now, I realize that you are only trying to help get these images homes, but we decided to huff them. In the spirit of good fun, I'm not just going to huff your page and all its subpages, but am eagerly awaiting your opinion on this whole matter. -- The Zombiebaron 01:50, 16 January 2008 (UTC)


Originally, I created the pages simply as an easier way of finding unused images rather than searching for each one individually on the Unused images page. While I have found some images homes, many of these seeming to have been removed as articles eventually became vandalised, blanked, rewritten, etc. I've mainly been using those pages to delete the various personal photos, shock and duplicate images I come across. As there's only images from 2007 left, I thought I'd use the pages on a temporary basis for a few weeks to clean out images which would otherwise be deleted on sight. I generally use the New images page for deleting unused images and I thought it would be a useful and more efficient tool for anyone doing the same. I certainly didn't intend it to be anything more than a QVFD for unused images to clear out the 2007 backlog. I can certainly delete the pages if the pages are more of an inconvience if anything else. Again, thanks for letting me know of the problem. MadMax 05:11, 16 January 2008 (UTC)
Well, based on the way that I've been deleting this images previously (opening 50 tabs and then closing them as I copy the links into the batch deleter, and leaving my computer to chug away for 5 minutes), I much prefered the Special Page style list. So, I think what would be best is once you've finished whatever it was that you were using those pages for, you should just delete them. But there's no real rush. -- The Zombiebaron 02:45, 18 January 2008 (UTC)

hay[edit source] --Charitwo 03:57, 17 January 2008 (UTC)

Requesting an edit on a Protected Page[edit source]

Could you edit American (species) (a protected page) and link too Fat Americans where the header "Obese American" is? Thank you--Æ 16:23, 20 January 2008 (UTC)

Protect[edit source]

Hi! Why did you protect this article? I've created an account yet and I'd like to make a good contribution to this article. Please cancel the protection. Yamazaki 21:37, 23 January 2008 (UTC)

  • I semi-protected the article because its been a popular target for vandalism (and its previous versions) by anonymous users for a long time. The article is only under semi-protection meaning registered users are able to edit it whereas full protection would mean only administrators may edit. MadMax 06:21, 24 January 2008 (UTC)

Block for blanker[edit source]

Hi there. Can we get a speedy block for (TalkContribs (del)Block (rem-lst-all)WhoisCityProxy?WP Edits) who started a blanking spree and is now replacing pages with the lyrics to "Crank Dat"? Thanks awfully. --Sir Under User (Hi, How Are You?) VFH KUN 15:53, 24 January 2008 (UTC)

Swift work. Thanks! --Sir Under User (Hi, How Are You?) VFH KUN 15:56, 24 January 2008 (UTC)
Newcookie.gif User:Under user has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

Just a Heads Up[edit source]

Hey bud, just wanted to let you know that this is going to be replacing this god-awful mess sometime soon (working out last minute kinks, but I'm thinking probably tonight or tomorrow night). As such, I'm anticipating a flood of vandalisms, complaints, and other such fun doings as a result. I don't know if its gunna need semi-protecting or anything that extreme, but I suppose we'll see what goes down once its moved. Anyway, just wanted to let you know to keep an eye out; I'm sure I'll be well on top of it also. Thanks dude!! --THINKER 19:51, 24 January 2008 (UTC)

That's some pretty amazing work, I definatly hope someone puts that up for VFH soon. I definatly be watching it for a while. MadMax 08:46, 25 January 2008 (UTC)
Thanks dude! I just made the switchover; lets see how this turns out :) --THINKER 12:32, 25 January 2008 (UTC)

Hey, just wanted to say thanks for adding the wikipedia template (which I think is fine honestly, unless there is a funnier stylized one which can still link to the wikipedia page), and for your vote on the VFH nom. And look, we even got our first vandal!! Just imagine if it makes it to the Main Page! :D --THINKER 04:17, 26 January 2008 (UTC)

No trouble, it was a pleasure to read. You could create your own version of the {{wikipediapar}} template by copying the actual code and altering the text to whatever you want. Its been used to good effect on a few pages, particularly the nonsense pages. MadMax 04:28, 26 January 2008 (UTC)
Er Max, while I understand your logic of protecting the article, we are setting an dangerous precedent here. We'll end up protecting every article nommed on VFH. Plus, while I like Thinker's writing as everyone else around here, I don't think that we should start protecting articles unless they have a record of vandalism (and I mean vandalism, not editing). We are a wiki, after all and registered users should not get protection from IPs unless we have a very good reason. What do you think? ~ Mordillo where is my DIPSHIT? 12:57, 26 January 2008 (UTC)
Sorry, the article had already been vandalized twice yesterday. Although the second might be considered an unfunny edit, the editor's edits to The Colbert Report seemed to be made in bad faith. I've since unprotected the article. MadMax 13:07, 26 January 2008 (UTC)
I don't contest the fact that you have to fight unfunny edits on each and every step of the way, but let Thinker decide which parts are relevant for his rewrite. To tell the truth, I'd like to protect each and every one of my articles...but still. Of course, if it turns to be an all out IP party we can reprotect it, but at the moment it doesn't seem to be the case. Thanks! ~ Mordillo where is my DIPSHIT? 13:15, 26 January 2008 (UTC)

Oh no, I understand your point. I was just trying explain a temporary overreaction on my part. I think my patience is starting to wear thin with all the minor flame wars this week. MadMax 13:26, 26 January 2008 (UTC)

Oh? Did I miss something? I didn't see anything special but the usual noise. ~ Mordillo where is my DIPSHIT? 13:38, 26 January 2008 (UTC)

Mexico, George W. Bush and The Marine Hotel to name a few. Its not exactly a big deal, but it isn't something I like spending a lot of time on either. MadMax 13:41, 26 January 2008 (UTC)

Though this is obviously resolved, I just wanted to mention that the vandals not only will get reverted swiftly, but actually play right into the message of the article itself. I'm actually planning on making a subpage of the vandalisms as a "proof of idiocy" type log. If it does reach main page, I suspect I'll have volumes upon volumes! :D --THINKER 17:53, 26 January 2008 (UTC)

saria[edit source]

why won't you let me create Saria page? – Preceding unsigned comment added by Linka8 (talk • contribs)

It was previously deleted by another administrator User:Mordillo, who deleted it because someone listed the page on QVFD. MadMax 17:40, 26 January 2008 (UTC)

thanks![edit source]

Thanks for formatting the bull mouse page. It being my first wiki article ever, I really appreciate the help. Right neighborly of you. --Quirkster 22:28, 27 January 2008 (UTC)

Glad I could be of service. MadMax 22:34, 27 January 2008 (UTC)

Good day Sir[edit source]

I'm obviously missing a trick. Perhaps you would be good enough to pass on some words of wisdom to this still rather N00by chap. I noticed that you huffed 'Survivor sucks' with a note about us not being wiki's trash bin. I watched the article get created, and actually thought that it was OK. As you noticed I'm sure I put of message on the talk page... Was this an article from a source which we don't approve of? Or was it the subject matter that was a problem? I only ask as I'm keen to learn how things are done around here, and clearly made a mistake on this occasion... Thanks in advance. :) MrN MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 22:48, Jan 27

The article was a copy/paste of an article recently deleted on Wikipedia. According to Uncyclopedia's deletion policy, the page falls under QVFD. MadMax 22:56, 27 January 2008 (UTC)
Ah, got you. Guess I could have found that out myself. Thanks for the reply. MrN MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 23:02, Jan 27

Sig Image Huffed[edit source]

Hello, good sir. The Thinker said you may be able to unhuff my huffed sig image, ZDsig.gif.

I would greatly appreciate it.

~Formerly Annoying Crap 02:47, 28 January 2008 (UTC)

Oh nevermind, I will reupload. ~Formerly Annoying Crap 02:49, 28 January 2008 (UTC)

re:Image:Padlock.svg[edit source]

Hullo! Sorry about this - The image was in fact unused when you added it to your gallery on 1/8/8, but I found a use for it on 1/15/8. I've re-uploaded (under the same name and everything, since the article it's used in is locked...) it with one of those used unused images thingies and just wanted to make sure you weren't confused by its re-appearance or anything. Keep up the good work and all. --monika 19:27, 29 January 2008 (UTC)

  • Sorry about that. I'll take it off the list. MadMax 21:17, 29 January 2008 (UTC)

May I request a CVP or CRP?[edit source]

The article on some person named Kyle Gass has been huffed 7 times. The last time was on Jan. 26 by Mordillo. I see even you have huffed this vanity page before, on November 5, 2007. I doubt this guy will ever quit recreating the page(he's been doing it for about a year now...). That is why I request that you CVP or CRP the page in order to deter this person from recreating it again. --Dexter111344 21:36, 29 January 2008 (UTC)

Thanks Max. --Dexter111344 21:45, 29 January 2008 (UTC)

No problem. MadMax 21:47, 29 January 2008 (UTC)

Dynasty Warriors[edit source]

Hi MadMax,

My watchlist notifications have not been working lately. I logged in today to discover something has happened to my page Dynasty Warriors. There is a redirect to the PDRC. Was my article deleted, and for what reason? YouFang 21:53, 29 January 2008 (UTC)

  • Unfortunatly, yes it was nominated for deletion a week or so ago. I can restore the article to your userpage while I check the history to see if the article was rewritten shortly before its nomination. I've seen that happen to MTV, Mexico and a few other articles. MadMax 22:01, 29 January 2008 (UTC)

Jesus! Was it ever rewritten! It got crammed up with bullshit and nonsense. I can see why it was deleted. Is there a chance it could be reinstated under my last edit?

  • That's what I figured, I'll restore the edit history to your last edit. Also, I left a message on User:Mhaille's talk page about moving your version back to mainspace. MadMax 22:41, 29 January 2008 (UTC)

Wow. Thanks so much for your understanding. YouFang 23:34, 29 January 2008 (UTC)

  • Don't worry about it. Let me know when your finished and I can move it back to mainspace (unless you'd like to do that yourself). MadMax 23:59, 29 January 2008 (UTC)

Thank you very much. I edited out all the stuff about the characters, which I think is boring to non-players and is frequently the target of Anonymous IP nonsense. I threw it all back on the mainspace today. She's lean, mean and free of literary diarrhea (for the time being).

Forum:Put the VFD limit up to 20?[edit source]

  • Dear MadMax, I would like to know what you, an admin who uses VFD, think about raising the VFD limit to 20. -- The Zombiebaron 23:06, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
Its funny, I was talking to User:Mhaille about this a few days ago. I'm surprised people want the VFD limit up. It dosen't seem to be a particularly long wait to get articles on VFD and there's not really that many people now who vote on a regular or consistant basis. At the risk of sounding nostalgic, compared to say a year or two ago VFD seems to have declined a bit. MadMax 19:42, 2 February 2008 (UTC)

International Page Blanking Day[edit source]

Hi Max, can you remove the category as the page is only suppose to be 0 characters long (Instead 58 like it is now)? Thanks--Æ 01:53, 2 February 2008 (UTC)

Why did you Huff my Mygeeto page[edit source]

What was wrong with my Mygeeto page? Why did you huff it? – Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

I've temporaily restored Mygeeto, however I would suggest improving it over the next few days. Otherwise, another administrator will delete the article for similar reasons. MadMax 05:04, 4 February 2008 (UTC)[edit source]

Thanks for the block and reverts, can you please autoconfirm my userpage? It's quite the target. --{{User:Charitwo/sig}} 23:29, 6 February 2008 (UTC)

Jimmy Hill[edit source]

Hi, why do you keep deleting my Jimmy Hill page the instant I start typing it? It's gonna be funny, honest!! :D --Cp833 09:39, 8 February 2008 (UTC)

I've restored the article to your username. MadMax 09:43, 8 February 2008 (UTC)

WTF[edit source]

WTF DUDE I JUS WANTED 2 START AN ARTICLE – Preceding unsigned comment added by Bsod (talk • contribs)

I'm sorry if you're upset, however the article in question contained only the title of the article (Codyism). I'd suggest working on a more substancial version on your userpage (or at least using {{construction}}) before submitting it again. Otherwise, it'll most likely become deleted by another administrator. MadMax 03:05, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

Regards to my Boyle's Vengeance[edit source]

You've just deleted one of my new article on Boyle's Vengeance. Yes its new but its been revised a few times and its done. No doubt Boyle's Vengeance is pure parody to EA's attempt on expansion sets in various games. In addition, before that user:MrN9000 even agreed with me and was happy to remove the ICU. He said "It does look like it has the makings of a good article, but I still think it needs more work." I believe you should be kind enough to revive this article and let me try to pimp it up and make it one of another's C&C parody. Thanks.--ASHPD 03:28, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

I've restored the article to your userpage, however you should probably talk to the original administrator who deleted the article before moving the article back to mainspace. MadMax 03:37, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

Ok after remodifying and pimpin' this article up, which took since just now all the way until now, I feel it is ready to be moved to the mainspace. I hope its acceptable for you guys, especially zombiebaron dude and it'll be great that this article is part of the C&C uncyclopedia family again. I may need suggestions of improvements as well. Thanks.--ASHPD 10:10, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

Good to hear. You should probably put it up for Pee Review if you need any suggestions. MadMax 10:12, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

How do I put it up for pee review? Just put

This Piss is being Reviewed
This article is incomplete, but help is on the way. Please don't delete it until the bear cavalry comes.
Help this page by leaving comments for its author on its talk page
or on the article's entry in Pee Review.

on my userpage and wait? or do i have to submit something in the pee review page??? sorry I have no idea on how pee review works. I guess you are my only help.--ASHPD 10:37, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

First, put {{PeeReview}} at the top of your article. Then go to Pee Review and enter the title of the article at the bottom of the page (New entry). As well as leaving a brief message from yourself, it automatically generates a form from which another user can leave eventually a review. Hope that helps. MadMax 10:54, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

I have to thank you for helping me whenever possible, espcially the cleanup you did. I've talked to zombiebaron and for some reason he still refuse to have my article posted on the mainspace. He didn't like it and it doesn't make sense because I've shown it to others including my fellow hardcore C&C fans and they were going "lol" and finding it humorous. Now I'm at a loss of what to do. All the effort put in to make a C&C parody has gone to waste. This is absolutely disappointing.--ASHPD 06:43, 10 February 2008 (UTC)

I did some minor cleanup although it mostly involved spacing and cleaning up some of the red links although I can try to go through the article again if you'd like. I don't ususally contribute to writing articles so I try not to make any noticable changes to other users articles beyond basic formatting. Even the funniest article will seem less humorous if its hard to read and I think Zombiebaron's main concern. Another problem I think most writers face when writing something from video games to anime is that they can be very funny to fans, but probably won't appeal to the average person. Of course you shouldn't be discouraged over your first article, especially before its even been reviewed.
I'm most definatly the last person to ask for advice on writing satire, however I would suggest checking out the Uncyclopedia's Beginner's Guide and Writing Tips. You could also check out other computer and video game-related articles, particularly ones which have been on Pee Review and VFH, to get an idea of what's generally expected from the average CVG game on Uncyclopedia. Age of Umpires, Holocaust Tycoon and Super Smash Bros.: Xtreme Beach Volleyball are a few examples.
Your best shot of getting the article back into mainspace is getting a decent score on Pee Review. This really isn't that difficult as long as editors put a decent amount of work and effort into their articles. Some of the best writers on Uncyclopedia regularly review articles on Pee Review so I'd take their advice very seriously. Even if you get a poor score, you can keep refining your article over time bringing it back to Pee Review occasionaly as well as asking for advice from other editors and administrators. If you're attending high school or college, you could also bring it to a teacher or professor involved in english/creative writing. I hope this helped, although from someone who has never written an article you'll have to take that for what its worth. :) MadMax 08:03, 10 February 2008 (UTC)

ol' dirty bastard[edit source]

Hey MadMax, do you happen to know what happened to the Ol' Dirty Bastard article? Apparently it's gone. It wasn't in the VFD archives or anything, and it certainly wasn't huff material. By the way, I chose you to ask this because 1. We dealt with this article once in the past, and 2. You are a (hyper)active user that could probably get to the bottom of this quickly/easily. Thanks in advance. --So So 04:31, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

Hmm...seems this was one of several articles deleted by User:Zombiebaron over the past two days. I'll look into it and see if I can find out a bit more. MadMax 05:45, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
Apparently, Ol' Dirty Bastard was listed here along with a lot of other articles which have since been deleted by ZB. I do notice a few other articles which were fairly decent in my opinion (while there were also some that weren't so good). I'm assuming there probably was something wrong with them when they were deleted. I'm kind of "out of the loop" more often then not so I left a message on Mhaille's talk page to see if he can shed some light on the matter. MadMax 05:51, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
Thanks a lot for the quick response. Apparently it was Squiggle's idea to kill it and I respect his opinion so I've contacted him about it. I'll try to settle this with either him or Zombiebaron, so you don't need to trouble yourself with it anymore. Much appreciated. --So So 06:09, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

Sure, glad I could help. I moved restored the article to your user page in the meantime, although feel free to move it back to mainspace when everything is settled. MadMax 06:11, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

I think this highlights a serious problem we seem to have at the moment, that is that VFD seems to be running amok, and some admins and other users are creating their own "deathlists" for articles that, in their opinion, don't make the grade. -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
  • The purpose of the "DelList" was originally to give Villahj_Ideeut a place to list all of the innumerable crappy one-liners that he was telling me about in private message. I feel that we have since dealt with VI's list, both through VFD, reverts, and just simple deletion. Squiggle, on the other hand, expressed an interest in listing all the crappy pages that he was finding via Special:Random, without flooding the Poopsmith Lounge or VFD. I have therefore allowed him the space on the "DelList" to list such pages, that I have then reviewed and dealt with according to my judgment. If anyone doesn't agree with the final judgments that I have made, I'm probably the person that should be contacted to sort out any concerns pertaining to them. -- The Zombiebaron 19:39, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
I wasn't implying that I specifically had a problem. I only asked Mhaille beforehand (an unfortunate habit I have for anything Admin-related) because I wasn't sure what was going on. As you pointed out the images discussion earlier, I didn't want to start restoring articles if there had been some previous consensus I wasn't aware of. MadMax 20:31, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
Well, Max, feel free to restore anything. Except This page does not exist. Its better to have people tell you to stop doing good work than to stop. Unless you're doing bad work, in which case its the opposite. But you never do bad work, so you needn't worry. -- The Zombiebaron 23:15, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
Why exactly are we creating a private Squiggle death list that bypasses all the regular deleting processes? Brigadier Sir Mordillo Icons-flag-il.png GUN UotY WotM FP UotM AotM MI3 AnotM VFH +S 19:44, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

Request[edit source]

Could you please unlock the PLS page and throw this template onto the front page to replace the current one? --EMC [TALK] 06:22, 10 February 2008 (UTC)

Fanfic[edit source]

Hey, did you read it? LegendarySpyroGyro, I mean. Also I want tocreate a pee review template for it. Can I? ----Gp75motorsports REV LIMITER 01:53, 11 February 2008 (UTC)

Sure, just place {{PeeReview}} at the top of your article and follow the directions on Pee Review to submit it. If you create anymore fanfiction, you should create it under UnBooks or another of Uncyclopedia's sister projects. MadMax 01:58, 11 February 2008 (UTC)

Dragons - a users guide[edit source]

Why did you delete my article on this, i hadn't even finished with it? – Preceding unsigned comment added by Immortald (talk • contribs)

Edit, nevermind, you moved it. – Preceding unsigned comment added by Immortald (talk • contribs)

Just A Quick Thanks[edit source]

For Categorizing This Program Is Not Responding. I've forgotten categories in my last 3 Entries. Thanks. --Super Duck 17:39, 13 February 2008 (UTC)

  • No problem. MadMax 17:42, 13 February 2008 (UTC)

Thanks![edit source]

Thanks for cleaning up the article on Wyvern FM It really needed it...

I think i'm writing this in the wrong place but I don't know how to leave a message. You left the pictures from the old Spain article on the new Spain page, do you have any of the text from the old article?! It was brilliant! 11:30, 15 February 2008 (UTC) \

Ugh[edit source]

Hi, MadMax. I've just reviewed my Radiohead article. It seems that during my Great Watchlist Debacle, of which I let you know Dynasty Warriors was a casualty, you deleted an image. This image was the second of three images I created for Radiohead, called Thomyorke002.JPG. It is a parody of Thom Yorke's art. I'm curious to know why you deleted it. YouFang 04:21, 17 February 2008 (UTC)

Thanks. Isn't it pretty adorning your talk page now? YouFang 00:37, 19 February 2008 (UTC)

Statue of Liberty[edit source]

I was wondering if you could unprotect this page. It has been locked since May 2006 apparently due to some vandalism at the time and I feel it needs a little cleanup, or possibly a VFD nom. Thanks in advance for any help :) BonSig.png (Bonner) (Talk) Feb 18, 08:50

New England Patriots[edit source]

Hi Max, a little while ago you protected the above article for a while due to vandalism from anonymous IPs. Have you seen how many have been at it since the protection expired? I wondered if there was a case for protecting it again? I did think about reverting it to the last halfway decent version, but I had trouble finding one amongst all the piffle, and I think it would be wasted effort as it would be vandalised again rather quickly. Would appreciate your thoughts. --SirU.U.Esq. VFH | GUN | Natter | Uh oh | Pee 12:08, 18 February 2008 (UTC)

Claire Bennet and Primatech Paper Company[edit source]

Why have you deleted Claire Bennet and Primatech Paper Company. I just placed them on yesterday and found they had been deleted just now. As far as i can tell i adhered to the rules of uncyclopedia and see no reason for their deletion. could you please restore them. Thanx. – Preceding unsigned comment added by LilRebel616 (talk • contribs)

I've moved them to your user page (User:LilRebel616/Claire Bennet andUser:LilRebel616/Primatech Paper Company), although I'd suggest working on them a little more before moving them back to mainspace. MadMax 03:04, 28 February 2008 (UTC)

There's nothing on my user page though. User:LilRebel616

Huffed images[edit source]

Thought I'd ask, since I'm still a noob and unfortunately not the best one of them around. You have huffed I think three of my recent image uploads. I understand that at least the two latter, titled Ropeplay-on-time-logo.gif and RPoL-spoof.gif are only used in one article, and that still in my userspace, which means the images aren't entirely "legit", that is their purpose is comedic. However I do not entirely get why the little Heart anim.gif was huffed. It is made by me from scratch, with my computer, with a legit registered copy of Photoshop for my sig, and if I remember correctly, it was marked as released to the public domain by the author. Since I'm still a beginner, I thought I'd ask what I did wrong before I do so again if I upload at least the heart again. Hugs'n'kisses and all that -- DameViktoria Heart_anim.gif Grew up with a butler, cook and a nanny, she qualifies, doesn't she? - (Contribs) - (Talk) - (Block log) 06:43, 3 Mar

Sorry, they were listed as unused at the time I deleted them. I've restored the images and moved them to your user page so they won't show up on the unused images list. MadMax 08:19, 3 March 2008 (UTC)
I don't know about how it works, so I can't tell where I did wrong for them to appear among unused images. Thanks to you. /me tacklehugs MadMax ;) -- DameViktoria Heart_anim.gif Grew up with a butler, cook and a nanny, she qualifies, doesn't she? - (Contribs) - (Talk) - (Block log) 11:48, 3 Mar
Sorry to turn burst in on your talk page MadMax, but is there not a NODELETE tag or something like that which indicates a pic which should not be deleted as it's linked to in some strange way? I think that's what Luvvy is asking. I saw it once I think, but don't remember what it was exactly... MrN MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 19:31, Mar 3

I believe its the {{Notorphan}} template. MadMax 00:40, 4 March 2008 (UTC)

Ahh, thanks. MrN MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 00:42, Mar 4

Charles Sumner[edit source]

Dear MadMax,

Thank you so much for your thoughtful edits of Charles Sumner. You even kindly whored my article for me by linking the few mentions of Charles Sumner on Uncyclopedia to the article. Bless you, sir. YouFang 06:29, 4 March 2008 (UTC)

Thanks for contributions to Beavis and Butt-Head[edit source]

I changed the captions on the pictures to make them internally consistent, but otherwise I like the touches you've added. Let's hope this article survives. For better or worse, B&B and similar cartoons have been a major influence on my work at Uncyclopedia, and I doubt I'm the only one who can say that! --Naughtius Maximus Leaf.jpg F@H Woof!Za slice.jpg MeowMUN 21:44, 4 March 2008 (UTC)

User:lumpolard[edit source]

why is it that you deleted a good portion of my champion page???? (please post on user:lumpolard my page, and tell me)

--Lumpolard 17:44, 5 March 2008 (UTC)

oldvfd template old now?[edit source]

Hi MadMax. I noticed that you had been adding {{oldvfd}} to articles kept via VFD. I did not know if you had noticed that ZB and myself have changed the VFD instructions a little here [1]. As we are now recommending that people check 'What links here' to find old VFD nominations will that not mean that we actually don't need to add the {{oldvfd}} template any more? I have noticed that people have not really been that consistent in adding {{oldvfd}} in the past anyway, and wonder if it's actually best to stop doing it. This would mean that we could reduce the number of talk pages created, and obviously cut down on a bit of messing about... What do you think? MrN MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 18:42, Mar 10

Actually, I was the person who originally created the template and I've been regularly adding it to VFD's articles since its creation although I'm sure it's used by other editors. While its a great change in VFD policy, some people might like checking an article's talk page as an alternative.
Of course, this was meant to be used other then a tool for keeping track of VFD nominations. I had intended it to be a counterpart of a VFH template I'd been working on previously to help improve articles although I've admittedly gotten sidetracked recently. I suppose you could bring this up at the Village Dump? MadMax 05:56, 12 March 2008 (UTC)

Your vacation[edit source]

With your uncertain "due back" date. What's up with that?-Sir Ljlego, GUN VFH FIYC WotM SG WHotM PWotM AotM EGAEDM ANotM + (Talk) 00:37, 11 March 2008 (UTC)

I added that way back when classes started up again a few months ago. Obviously, I have been back since then although I'm generally not around for the regular 10-12+ hours a day I used to. Occassionally, I'll have a day or two when I have nothing to do. MadMax 06:02, 12 March 2008 (UTC)
Classes, the killer of us all. I personally know that I have exams starting on Friday and that I really shouldn't be here, but I am. You've still been damn good at outshining everyone, though, so congratulations for that.-20:33, 12 March 2008 (UTC)

Hello[edit source]

You huffed 4 images that belong here, for some reason. ~ Kakun · talk 09:51, 15 March 2008 (UTC)

They were deleted because they were listed on Special:Unusedimages. When using images under an option tag, internal and external links, you should use the {{Notorphan}} template. MadMax 23:22, 15 March 2008 (UTC)
ok thanks. ~ Kakun · talk 10:31, 16 March 2008 (UTC)

Thankyou[edit source]

Hey just thought id show my appreciation to your help with the Sunny D topic. Your assistance is greatly appreciated on the count of when i started it, it was shite. And now its just above shite. So thankyou! Maff Icons-flag-gb.png (talk) 11:04, 15 March 2008 (UTC)

No problem. MadMax 23:23, 15 March 2008 (UTC)

hey! WHAT THE FUCK, MAN!?[edit source]

you deleted my images. Why you son of a bitch?--Firefoxi1 13:55, 15 March 2008 (UTC)

Let's be civil, now. I think MadMax prefers to be called Mr. Son of a Bitch.-Sir Ljlego, GUN VFH FIYC WotM SG WHotM PWotM AotM EGAEDM ANotM + (Talk) 15:30, 15 March 2008 (UTC)

Your images were listed on Special:Unusedimages, with the exception of Image:Ismo1.jpg which was apparently never created, although I've restore the other two images and moved all your images to your user page. MadMax 23:33, 15 March 2008 (UTC)

Ohh MadMax! You total BASTARD SON OF A BITCH! Such a hart-less thing to do. /end sarcasm... /me watches a master in anti-flaming with admiration... MrN MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 02:37, Mar 16

I have a feeling these images are being used on another site. Does this website allow hotlinking of images, or whatever its called? That puts load on our server. --Allahgator 12:07, 21 March 2008 (UTC)

Ta for the help[edit source]

Uma Thurman looks way better now, thanks:)--Sycamore (Talk) 12:28, 25 March 2008 (UTC)

Thanks![edit source]

Thanks! --monika 20:35, 26 March 2008 (UTC)

Thanks[edit source]

For the image here. --OptyC Sucks! Icons-flag-us.png CUN 21:21, 28 March 2008 (UTC)

Image:Emperor jansa.jpg[edit source]

Hey MadMax, could you hack up the image again? It was being used in Palpatine... Thanks, man!   Le Cejak <Mar 30, 2008 [14:13]>

Use the ban hammer![edit source]

Hey seen as ur an Admin could you use the ban hammer on this ip or atleast try to get it banned. The site is being abused by people and breaking rules. – Preceding unsigned comment added by Maff (talk • contribs)

Template:Cite newsgroup[edit source]

It's been marked expand, and I noticed that you're the only one to have made an edit to it. I'm unsure as to what to do with it, as the {{expansion}} tag expired. I bumped it up for you so I could give you this heads-up and query you as to what exactly you expected it to be expanded to, if anything.-Sir Ljlego, GUN VFH FIYC WotM SG WHotM PWotM AotM EGAEDM ANotM + (Talk) 00:08, 5 April 2008 (UTC)

Thanks for letting me know. I imported it from Wikipedia awhile back for another article although I've deleted it since it's now unused. MadMax 00:56, 5 April 2008 (UTC)
No problemo. In fact, I should take this opportunity to let you know that, since I've become an admin, I've been trying to model my actions after yours.-Sir Ljlego, GUN VFH FIYC WotM SG WHotM PWotM AotM EGAEDM ANotM + (Talk) 01:28, 5 April 2008 (UTC)

CVP[edit source]

Can you CVP Korn and Runescape Noob Song (you can see the deletion logs when you go to edit them) and unprotect Barney the Dinosaur? Me and some other guys made a rewrite here. --Kurgan 15:58, 5 April 2008 (UTC)

Done. MadMax 01:10, 6 April 2008 (UTC)
I was pretty sure we're not using CVP anymore... I thought the admins just started working to clear the backlog so the pages go on DPP.  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  critchat) 01:14 Apr 06, 2008
It is still being used, just like they always say if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it. --Kurgan 01:42, 6 April 2008 (UTC)
In addition to what I said earlier, they are only cleaning out the ones that were CVP'd years ago. --Kurgan 18:39, 7 April 2008 (UTC)
Not true; the attempt is being made to deprecate CVP in favor of DPP entirely. I don't know how many admins have gotten the message, though. I bet it was lost in transit. Damn telegraph machines.-Sir Ljlego, GUN VFH FIYC WotM SG WHotM PWotM AotM EGAEDM ANotM + (Talk) 22:39, 7 April 2008 (UTC)
Now that I know that, I can help you do it quicker. If you would let me be an admin, I can huff all the old CVP links and DPP them. I have nothing to do after I finish my homework so I can get a lot of it done within the next few days. --Kurgan 18:56, 8 April 2008 (UTC)

Can you please tell me how to become an admin or do we nominate ourselves to do it? Please respond to me on my talk page. Bunji Talk

Thanks yous[edit source]

For deleting User:VGDictator/sig2.

Newcookie.gif VGDictator has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

Image War[edit source]

I uploaded an image, Image:Ubergeek.jpg, for use on articles like "Geek" and "Hacker". Some n00b keeps on uploading a picture of Connor MacLeod, the protagonist from the movie Highlander in its place, and I always have to revert it. Can you full-protect it as the original image because his account is over 4 days old and he seems persistent, almost as if he wants us both banned for some reason. I dont want him banned or anything, I just want the image protected. --Kurgan's Back. Prepare to get pwned. (Unless you are Chuck Norris)Confederate Navy Jack.svg 19:03, 22 April 2008 (UTC)

Userpage[edit source]

Thanks for making Black Knights a real category. I could'nt get it to work Right.

Newcookie.gif Raiespio has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

NecroBladeSTFU Ninja Army (AT WORK)

Sure, no problem. MadMax 01:54, 27 April 2008 (UTC)

Hea MadMax![edit source]

Wallace in wrong trousers.jpg You are not pants
MrN9000 could not help but notice that you are not pants.
As such, you have been awarded the Titanium Trousers by way of recognition.
Any suggestion that this is a pants award will be treated accordingly...

Have not seen you around the wiki for a while. :-( Hope you are OK, and that all is well. Anyway, I was wondering if you might like to have a go at a collaboration on an article when you come back? MrN MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 20:01, May 23

Wow, that's a first. :) I'm not sure how much help I might be, but I'd be more than happy to work on something. I might have a few ideas, but I suppose so does everyone. Thanks for the concern by the way. Nothing too serious, I've just been busy with school and other things. MadMax 17:06, 8 July 2008 (UTC)
Ah, it does me good to see you around on recent changes again Max! --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 17:49, Jul 8
Amen to that... MrN MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 17:56, Jul 8

Collaboration[edit source]

Awesome to see you back around the place again! Very few users have been awarded the Titanium Trousers. There are not given out easily I assure you...

You are up for a collaboration? Awesome. :-) I have a few ideas myself...

In the UK, we have a thing called User:MadMax\Neighbourhood Watch which is when the locals get together to try to help fight crime by keeping an eye out on what's going on and reporting anything suspicious to the police. I was thinking it would be funny if this were written in terms of perverts looking through their neighbours windows, and stealing washing off the line etc. I think you are in the US, so you might not get this...

I have started an Un-News here If you look at it, you will get the idea. Maybe this could be turned into an article rather than a Un-News, I'm not sure. You get the idea I'm sure... All those places listed are real British places, and I thought something funny could be done with how the censers reacted to this. You might now like all the swearing! I'm not sure... :-)

This is a parody of HTBFANJS I have been working on which you might think could be amusing. Basically I'm trying to make fun of those authors who write articles which are not really that funny, but just try and boost their own feeling of self importance. I am about half way through this one, but I'm running out of ideas...

this might be called User:MadMax\Possession is nine months of the law. I think there is a fair bit of scope there to make something funny out of this concept. I have made a few notes HERE, you get the idea.

Obviously if you wanted to chip into any of the above that would be a colaboration, and if we did (somehow) manage a feature then it would be split between us...

Do any of these ideas take your fancy? Did you have any yourself? As you can see, I have a bit of a habit of starting things but not finnishing them, but I'm ready to work on one article a bit more seriously, and a colab with yourself would be awesome. MrN MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 17:56, Jul 8

  • Mr. N,
Sorry I haven't been able to get back to you. I've been having trouble getting internet access and its a long wait to use library computers lately. I like all these ideas and I think they all have potentential to be really great articles. I'll try to be online when I can, but I'm not how how often I'll be able to get access to a computer.
  1. Neighborhood Watch: A few ideas come to mind. Maybe nosey busybody senior citizens with too much time on their hands ? I do have an idea on spoofing 1950s-era PSA style ads. Something along the lines of "keeping your neighborhoods free of the Red Menace" and describing seemingly everyday normal activities as evidence of "Communist infiltrators" while ignoring obvious signs of crime.
  2. British Censors Screwed: I like this story. This would be great PC satire, especially in the United States, and I could definatly see something like "Crisis in British Parliment threatens to bankrupt Great Britain" or "[Insert Special Interest Group] achieves its lifetime goal of censoring over half the United Kingdom".
  3. How to be Clever and Not Funny: I'm suprised there aren't more satire of Uncyclopedia (or Wikipedia) pages. This looks really good, although I don't know how much I could add that isn't repeated in other articles. Maybe a section on possible responses to a ICU/VFD nomination, responding to general criticism or dealing with Admins who "don't get it". Or trying to get article's featured. I also had a similar idea for a Spammers guide to using Uncyclopedia.
  4. Possession is nine tenths of the law: There's a lot of potential for this one. This could be turned into anything from an argument for imperialism to stealing someone's girlfriend or a sibling's prized posession.

MadMax 21:32, 15 August 2008 (UTC)

Cool, well I will keep an eye out for your return. When you do... We can get cracking. :) MrN MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 02:03, Sep 7

Request for unblocking[edit source]

For the Mexico article, it was blocked on January 18, 2008 and it's really lacking humour. It's been really long since one was able to edit it. --The Antichrist 05:36, 16 July 2008 (UTC)

I like to right[edit source]

Thanks for the proton monkey typewriter pic! Was that you? (Sorry for the delay, I haven't logged on in forever) --AmericanBastard 02:43, 2 November 2008 (UTC)

Here's Your Christmas Tree[edit source]

--The preceding unsigned comment was added by Sawblade5 (talk • contribs) 09:21, 25 December 2008 (UTC)

  • Thanks. :) MadMax 19:25, 22 January 2009 (UTC)