Geometry Dash

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The Geometry Dash icon, masterfully handcrafted by Robert Nicholas Cage Topala himself.

Geometry Dash is a game that was meticulously designed to infuriate everyone who plays within the first minute of them playing it. The game was made by RobTop, a member of the Swedish Royal Family in 2013.[1]However, AI thinks that this game was inspired by the man Joe Metri Dash. But AI is inferior, so it is wrong. Concidentally, sales of phones had risen up by 250% after the first week of the game being launched. It is currently in its eleventh update (2.2), but RobTop won't ever shut up about not releasing the next one. In it you can find a wide range of levels to play that typically look like shit, especially in it's recent tab filled with players who are plain shit very experienced with the editor, bringing that Mario Maker experience right onto the palm of your hand. Also where the FUCK were you for seven years RobTop?

Important things[edit | edit source]

An average Geometry Dash player

The two important things are levels and difficulties.

Levels[edit | edit source]

  • Bump (Baby) – this level consists of a single spike on the ground.
  • Slick (Very Easy)
  • CYCLOLCYC(Auto 1*)
  • Stereo Madness, bla bla bla, those generic levels ...
  • World's Smallest Violin
  • OMG DEMON (Extreme Demon)
  • Free Stars (Demon 0*)
  • Windy Circles by Erael
  • TON 618
  • Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (Satan)
  • Ashley Wave Trials (Harder)

Difficulties[edit | edit source]

Auto[edit | edit source]

Auto levels are always one-stars, and, as their name suggests, are usually automatic, not requiring any user input. However, in practice, most autos are actually ridden with bugs, due to the game's finicky history with physics changes, and require certain types of tricks to be completed, such as tapping at certain points, fiddling with Smooth Fix and Vertical Sync, or playing on a different device. As such, old auto levels are usually disliked to hell.

In addition, there also exists a handful of auto levels that have never been auto at all! These used to have a different rating, but had one star, and only gained the auto rating in 2.0, when RobTop correlated difficulty with star count. These autos include:

  • Weightlessness by Neil Armstrong
  • Geese by Steve
  • Death by Electric Chair
  • The Challenge by RobTop
  • CYCLOLCYC by Eightos and more

Additionally, it is also impossible to get your auto level rated, unless you make an ENTIRE FREAKING MOVIE, which nobody actually has the time to do.

Easy[edit | edit source]

Easy levels are always worth two stars. As with auto, the name Easy is a misnomer, as it is less for actually easy levels (those would be Normal or Hard) than it is for dumb short levels that aren't good enough for higher ratings. Don't believe me, lemme prove it:

  • Domba by Adaf and more

Normal[edit | edit source]


Hard[edit | edit source]

Most common for loser stargrinders to play. They are usually glow spam levels that have horribly optimized object counts.

Harder[edit | edit source]

Objectively the worst difficulty, all the gameplay sucks and these are made by 10 year olds who want to grind CP.

Insane[edit | edit source]

Insane levels are usually levels that attempt to undershoot the demon difficulty bar.
The best insane level is obviously YOUVE BEEN TROLLED by jackaezie.

The Demons[edit | edit source]

Demon levels are the only thing worth actually playing, every other difficulty sucks shit and they're all lacklustre glow spam bullshit anyways.(Wait isn't this like every difficulty?) RobTop got a little lazy with the addition of extra demon difficulties, (Easy, Medium, Hard, Insane, Extreme, Tsuegra, Tarsorado, Drink your Mind) and decided to steal the names of the other difficulties, then just wrote whatever he thought sounded cool at the time.

The Nightmare is an Easy demon, which is known for being literally free.
Bloodbath is an Extreme demon, which is known for being literally impossible as hell like Congregation.

Cyber[edit | edit source]

Ouuughhhhh soooo cyberr......

So, to recap ...[edit | edit source]

This is not a real level and is a photoshopped image of four levels mixed together for some reason.

A composite image of 15 Geometry Dash levels, approximately arranged from easiest to hardest

The level editor[edit | edit source]

What sets Geometry Dash apart from the game it ripped off is the level editor. With this really-hard-to-get-the-gist-of editor, you can build any level you want! Once you're done (oh, by the way, you have to beat it unless you hack), you can share it online for all your friends to play. Once you upload it, a GD moderator might see it and send it to RobTop to have it star-rated and become very popular (or at least that's how it used to work, now you have to make the fucking Mona Lisa of Geometry Dash with 45 bagillion objects and then beg like it's a life-or-death situation in some random moderator's Twitch channel so they can maybeee send it if they're having a good day and feeling generous). But it probably won't, and the level you worked hard on (unless it's a top 1 or a megacollab) will have 24 downloads and 1 like.

Blocks[edit | edit source]

(Note: all the following blocks require separate "outlines" in order for them to work, because RobTop was too lazy to ever code each variant of them individually in the editor. Most noobs, however, don't realize this and end up making blocks you can pass through. People like them are laughed at.)

  • Seoul blocks
  • Tokyo blocks
  • Blocks with hazard symbols on them
  • Grass blocks
  • Dirt blocks
  • Rainbow blocks
  • Lava blocks
  • Space blocks
  • Mario blocks
  • Luigi blocks
  • Stockholm blocks[2]
  • Stone bricks (2.0)
  • Stone bricks (2.1)
  • Stone bricks (2.2) (holy shit robtop calm down)
  • Indented blocks
  • The same thing as above in shapes no one wanted and will never use, added in 2.2
  • Patterned blocks, that will actually get this game sued

There also exist "template" blocks, which require a full-on tutorial to learn and don't actually work if you have complex block designs. Didn't think that through did you RobTop?

Platforms[edit | edit source]

These aren't exactly half a block for some reason so sorry if you have OCD.

Slopes[edit | edit source]

There are slope versions of every block and platform. I'm not listing them again. Maybe some other guy without a life can do it.

Spikes[edit | edit source]

(These can all be coloured, from 2.1 onwards)

  • Black pits of spikes
  • Black pits of wavy spikes
  • Black pits of thorns
  • Black pits of electro spikes
  • Black pits of ferrofluid like things
  • Black pits of your grandma's ashes

Sawblades[edit | edit source]

Superficially reminiscent of Saw (the movie), the sawblades in-game are boring annoyances that kill the player instantly when bumped into. Even when they are not spinning, they are still deadly; however it is possible to phase through their barbs and re-emerge unharmed, due to their based hitboxes. Sawblades are a staple in every modern level, often cheerfully colored and adorned with glow. A giant moving sawblade is also a prominent feature in Zobros's artful part of the level Love Baba.

3DL[edit | edit source]

These are supposed to be used for making your level 3D. However, because they look exactly the same as outline blocks, most people just use them to make "troll" levels. That is, if they're even used at all, because nowdays 3D objects are almost never used as intended.

Speeds[edit | edit source]

The best way to experience speed as a noob is to play Electrodynamix.

The level starts at 1× or the regular speed. A bit into the first cube part, it becomes 2× speed, limiting reaction time and getting more intense! Then, halfway into the level, a 3× speed launches you forward, really hurling you onto the spikes at speeds fast enough to blur your sight. Of course, if playing a modified version, the best part will be Select All + Group 100 + Move Trigger in the last ship part.

There's also the mysterious √-1 Speed, only appearing in some JonathanGD level.

Some levels also use 0.5x speed, which makes you slower. It's not fun though. 4x speed also exists though the only levels that use it well are top 1s so I'm not counting them.

Decoration[edit | edit source]

  • Pulsing shapes
  • Chains
  • Spikes
  • Clouds
  • Like fourteen different types of connector things
  • Blocks
  • About thirty grass types
  • Water
  • Water
  • and more Water
  • Dripping Water
  • Anti-Water
  • Gears
  • Inverted gears
  • Fake sawblades
  • Circles
  • Nine Circles
  • Squares
  • Clocks
  • Pixel blocks

All this sums up a very stupid game. I don't even like The Gauntlets. Nor THE NEW THINGS. Man, I like old-school levels. Fuck 2.2. 1.0-1.7 was fucking better than the new shit we all expect from Geometry Dash. And Wysteria and Hungry Humphrey ... Why were those created? To scare kids? And, BBT with the porn levels ... REALLY?

History[edit | edit source]

1.0[edit | edit source]

RobTop copied The Impossible Game and called it Geometry Jump, he then later decided to change the name of the game to Geometry Dash because of how fucking dumb it sounds, even though you couldn't dash until four years later. But again, this game doesn't teach you geometry. Luckily, Geometry Dash managed to sell better than The Impossible Game because it had user-made levels and another gamemode.

1.1[edit | edit source]

Soon, there were quite a few people who got really good at creating, like Doorknob, the oldest player in Geometry Dash (second only to RobTop, of course). And so, RobTop decided to add a new song, Time Machine, as well as mirror portals, to jazz things up a bit. Unfortunately, people began making levels that are just mirror portals spammed everywhere, so RobTop decided to remove mirror portals.

1.2[edit | edit source]

RobTop got the idea for the next gamemode after playing VVVVVV and Jetpack Joyride: the ball. To control the ball, you tap to change the gravity, and the ball keeps rolling.

Soon, even more creators started joining the game (half of whom are Korean for some reason), such as ShawnJohnson0924, BunnyGame, and Blue Cube Guy, and started forming clans such as Geometry Dash World. BunnyGame showed early promise, and would go on to become the best one of all. ShawnJohnson0924 made really impossible levels based on fucking Hell, such as The Hell Zone, The Hell World, and The Hell Grill, and everybody hated him. Blue Cube Guy was obnoxious and clickbaity, and wouldn't shut up until RobTop banned him from the game and sent him to Guantanamo Bay.

Before long, everybody (especially ShawnJohnson0924) began to realize they could make levels much harder than anything RobTop had imagined. And so, RobTop added a new difficulty called demon, subsequently ruining the entire game.

The first demon was Demon Park, by MNotCool. The creator tried to make it look nice by building spikes shaped like homeless people, but it ended up just looking ugly as hell.

1.3[edit | edit source]

RobTop doubled the number of blocks (the beginning of a trend), blue pads which made you change gravity (which was later used for lazy transitions), and a leaderboard. You know, now that I think of it, The Impossible Game didn't have those, did they?

If RobTop thought a level was good (RobTop has very low standards), RobTop would give it stars from one to ten depending on the difficulty, and all the official levels came with stars. If you beat a level with stars, you'd gain that amount of stars and ascend to the leaderboard. Here are the top 11 players at the time of the update's release:

  1. MarKushh
  2. SuperHacker123
  3. Factorial Guy Whose Levels RobTop Could Never Accurately Judge The Difficulty Of
  4. SpaceUK
  5. Sorry
  6. Cyclic
  7. Blue Cube Guy
  8. Doorknob
  9. RobTop
  10. Oscar Wilde
  11. Uranus

If RobTop gave stars to your level, you got one creator point; if RobTop featured your level, you got one additional creator point. Here are the top 10 creators at the time of the update's release:

  1. Doorknob
  2. YunHaSeu14
  3. Cody Underdead
  4. RobTop
  5. Doorknob
  6. Uranus
  7. Rabbit. Rabbit. Rabbit. Rabbit. Rabbit. Rabbit. Rabbit. Rabbit. Rabbitrabbitrabbitrabbitrabbitrabbitrabbitrabbit ...
  8. Oscar Wilde
  9. BunnyGame
  10. Blue Cube Guy
  11. Captain Obvious

1.4[edit | edit source]

RobTop added a new portal which made you tiny, as well as new types of blocks, and also gears and mini spikes.

Meanwhile, in Geometry Dash World, ShawnJohnson0924 finally got banned for pissing everyone off with his impossible levels. RobTop unrated them shortly afterwards. But the day after, a "new" player named Roadkill was making his breakthrough. He knew that if he continued making hell-themed demons, he would give himself away too easily. So he created ice-themed demons instead, such as Ice Carbon Zust, Ice Carbon Chaos, and Ice Carbon Destiny. Fortunately for him, RobTop was gullible enough to rate those, too.

By the middle of this update, Other Blue Cube Guy had climbed up to the top of the player leaderboard, even managing to overtake SuperHacker123. He was widely considered the best player for a time, and Sorry the second best.

Blue Cube Guy, before
the KGB hacked him

1.5[edit | edit source]

Another update, another portal.

Blue Cube Guy, after
the KGB hacked him

RobTop must have been very mad when Flappy Bird got removed from the app store, so he stuffed the bird in a UFO costume and added it to Geometry Dash.

In addition to the UFO portal, RobTop added bush-shaped spikes, purple pads and orbs, a way to change the color of blocks (on the outside only 😢), an overused joke, and more kinds of blocks.

The new RobTop level for this update was called theory of everything, because it used every block in the game at the time. Doing that in 2.1 is widely recognized as an impossible feat, because there are so many more blocks, triggers, and effects to use, and there's no way anyone can cram them all into one level and make it good enough for a star rating.

By the middle of this update, Sorry had climbed up to the top of the player leaderboard, even managing to overtake Other Blue Cube Guy. He was widely considered the best player for a time, and Factorial Guy the second best. (Yes, SuperHacker123 was technically the second best, but do you really believe that he beat 40 demons in one day?)

GW country map[edit | edit source]

The original Blue Cube Guy hosted a contest in Geometry Dash World, based on different countries of the world. Whoever won would get 99999 free Robux.

Robot Santa, a newcomer to Geometry Dash, was so-so at decoration, but terrible at gameplay. His levels were widely considered – you guessed it – impossible, and were bombarded with dislikes. But guess who won the contest? Robot Santa, because he had the KGB force Blue Cube Guy to kneel down in submission and hand over the victory or else they would hack Blue Cube Guy's Geometry Dash account. He also got them to make the same threats towards RobTop, forcing him to rate all his levels anyway. As it turned out, however, the whole contest was a scam, and Blue Cube Guy refused to give Robot Santa his prize. And so, the KGB hacked into Blue Cube Guy's Geometry Dash account anyway, deleting all his stars and completed levels, and making his icons look ugly.

1.6[edit | edit source]

RobTop finally ran out of new portal ideas.

He also got around to creating an insane level with very good sync, Electroman Adventures, and a demon level, Clubstep. What took him so long? You see, the level was originally meant to be REALLY REALLY IMPOSSIBLE, even rivaling levels like ShawnJohnson0924's in difficulty, and RobTop was really really horrible at the game. So he had a bit of trouble verifying the demon, which caused severe delays in the update's release. The Geometry Dash fans were shaking their fists angrily when their next update took longer than usual. RobTop tried everything: playing the level through multiple times in Practice Mode, messing with the game physics to his own advantage, and even turning off the music to reduce distraction. Ultimately, however, he ended up nerfing it so many times that the level became overhyped trash. But anyway, even with the nerfs, Clubstep became the hardest RobTop level in the game. When compared to the user-created levels, though, it was actually REALLY REALLY EASY. And thus, RobTop's plan to create a demon to show he was keeping up with the community failed ... a common theme in this game's history.

The deco was awesome, featuring lots of "Clubstep monsters" made from blocks, orbs, and spikes. What RobTop didn't tell us, however, was that he had ripped off the majority of the decoration in Clubstep from Robot Santa (who had recently changed his name to Fale Emoshuns).

Unnerfed Clubstep, a.k.a. Silent Club[edit | edit source]

Later, a Geometry Dash World creator named Play 4201337 used an exploit to obtain a copy of the old, unnerfed version of Clubstep. He passed it off as his own level, which succeeded because he had created impossible (duh) levels of his own before. Then, he renamed it "Silent Club", to make fun of the fact that RobTop had made the level audio silent as one of his ways to beat it faster. Play 4201337 had expected RobTop to swing the banhammer and send him to Guantanamo Bay with Blue Cube Guy (not only for stealing his level, but also for having a really spammy username), but RobTop was so satisfied with Play 4201337's duplicity (and so paranoid that Fale Emoshuns would take him to court for "borrowing" his oblong monsters without asking nicely) that he decided to fool him and the rest of Geometry Dash World as well; he played dumb and rated the level.

Play 4201337's true identity remains unknown, because he mysteriously vanished six months later. Some say he's an alternate account of Roadkill, owing to the eerie similarity in their creating styles, but most modern scholars have discredited that.

"Sorry Never Clear"[edit | edit source]

Sorry is the best player of Geometry Dash, all of their levels are the greatest and are super duper fun to play. Sorry "Never Clear" is a lie because with enough dedication I think Sorry can clear anything.[3]

1.7[edit | edit source]

RobTop white supremacist scandal[edit | edit source]


In May 2014 RobTop received a menacing letter from the NAACP, accusing him of white supremacy. According to the letter, the game featured only white blocks and objects, and the game would be racist until RobTop added colored objects. Lots of Karens harped on this unexpected newsflash for the purpose of virtue signaling, tweeting "#RobTopIsCancelled", and playing The Impossible Game instead.

Around the same time many LGBT activist groups started to call out Geometry Dash for under representing LGBT issues.

It all came to a head when the Korean player Janus (a.k.a. Megadere) released an impossible level called White Trash, containing socio-political commentary, graphic depictions of atrocities committed by white supremacist groups, and a really tight straight fly between two rows of mini spikes. He kidnapped RobTop, brought him to his apartment in Korea, and gave him a choice: either remain tied to the chair in front of the iPad until he could beat White Trash (a daunting task, considering that the game was not available to any monitors at the time, let alone 144hz monitors), or update the game to make it less discriminatory. In the end, RobTop decided to update the game to be less offensive by shifting the hue of the game's graphics to be darker. For more information on this incident, search "Hue Janus" on Google Images.

Official release of 1.7[edit | edit source]

And so, RobTop was forced to add colored objects and rainbow trails to the game. That way, levels in the game would not be dominated by white blocks, spikes, and gears, since now, blocks, spikes, and gears could be of any race, color, sexuality, or ethnicity.

In addition he also introduced speed portals, the auto difficulty, and the copy system.

The new level was known as Electrodynamix. It is insane difficulty, but ever since the level was released, interest groups have been pressuring RobTop to change its difficulty to Demon, on the grounds of "inclusivity" and "making the game easier for noobs".

Rise in popularity[edit | edit source]

The game's inclusiveness shot up so dramatically that the Karens began to applaud RobTop for making such a heel-face turn. Immediately they un-cancelled RobTop on Twitter, and started playing Geometry Dash again.

Consequently, the game soon became #1 on most popular in Steam, thus causing even more people to join the game's community during 1.7. These include the following:

1.8[edit | edit source]

Oh cool, a new update, what does it ha- TWO CUBES?

RobTop decided for the next update to add dual portals, which turn one cube into two. And yes, the two players can have different gamemodes. This broke half the playerbase's brains so hard the dual parts in Hexagon Force, ended up being buggy as all hell. It also added some new stuff to the editor so that's there I guess. Overall not as important as the other updates.

Except for slopes. Slopes are cool.

And a new hardest level.

Oh and also dual mode totally won't be abused to make ENTIRE FUCKING GAMES!

Silent Clubstep[edit | edit source]

Cue drumroll. This is the hardest level.

And it's currently impossible. What a shame.

Some guy by the name of Sailent made a level so hard nobody could possibly beat it. Then he ended up hacking the level so he could publish it. It has:

  • Blue orb spam (Silent Club ripoff)
  • Weird timings that are either buggy or frame perfect
  • 3x speed mini ship frame perfects
  • A ball part that broke in some update and is now actually impossible
  • Silent Club UFO part ripoff
  • That one ball dual part that Vision can't play, followed by
  • 8JoH/Eversince/Final Destination/Final Fantasy/Bob's Burgers challenge extreme
  • Block maze (another Silent Club ripoff)

He then made it easier and made the excuse that the orb broke or something.

Apparently the community is obsessed with this one level and is trying to beat it. As of some time ago some transgender (Pauquoe) beat the level after making it easier and when it got put on the demonlist it was not even top 1. They put it at #4. Why are they doing this? I don't know. It's impossible. The level said so. Apparently not. But then later the desmond list moved it above the original level that was supposed to be harder than it?

1.9[edit | edit source]

Why is everyone obsessed with this update ... oh right, Newgrounds songs. Surely this can't go wrong.

Except it did. People uploaded copyrighted music to Newgrounds so hard RobTop had to step in and make his own system to make sure no copyrighted music got on the game. Sad. Then again, there's Collab Level by Mindcap (despite the fact that's not in 1.9)

Wait ... oh I'm off track. Let me retrace my steps.

So 1.9 added Newgrounds songs to the game, of which there are about a million. There's also the wave gamemode (originally called the "dart"), which is overused, and four color channels, a far cry from 2.0 and 2.1's one thousand channels.

But hey, there are some good levels in there too ...

The suspicious PC transition[edit | edit source]

The GD was originally a mobile game, nice and slick. But when they made it available on Steam, the community got cancerous, and now people are using 360Hz monitors due to a lack of skill (Sorry, that's all I need to say about it.)
Nowadays people more commonly bypass the FPS limit by using an external software called Mega Hack V7.69420. However, do not use Click Between Frames, as you will be nuked from orbit by haters,

The Demon List[edit | edit source]

In 1.9, GDForums created the Demon List, which ranks levels by how high your framerate needs to be to clear them, with the current highest ranked cheater being some 15 year old from The United States of America.

The Ultimate Phase[edit | edit source]

Ughhh this level blows and is buggy and also a pedophile had a part in it.

Riot vs. Cyclic[edit | edit source]

Riot and Cyclic were said to be the greatest players and it was this huuuuge rivalry but Cyclic apparently sucked so much ass that he couldn't even beat his own level, Sonic Wave, with Riot then claiming best player of all time, even today Riot still plays the game consistently well enough to have the most arbitrary points on a list that says he's the best.

Blast Processing and TOE2[edit | edit source]

So Robtop first made Blast Processing, which was actually fire, despite being more like a hard level. Then Robtop couldn't think of any original ideas for levels anymore, so he created theory of everything 2. However, the annoying ah ship part at 79 percent caused it to be locked up into a vault. Which one, I don't know.

2.0[edit | edit source]

In 2.0 RobTop decided the game was becoming too static, and added the move trigger (A.K.A. the stroke trigger). He also added a ton of other shit but it all became outdated immediately after the update released.

Apparently people really sucked at using the move trigger and started adding way too many unpredictable movements ruining the game. One guy named Danzmen showed how to properly use the move trigger with recreating Chernobyl.

Besides that, we now have INFINITE COLORS. This was heaven for people who were good at making effects, and a good thing about the update is that really cool levels started appearing.

RobTop also added two more main levels called Geometrical Dominator and Deadlocked. Everyone hated Geometrical Dominator because of the rainbow blocks that killed anyone as soon as they looked at the level as well as the impossible dark memory part, so the level was immediately cancelled on Twitter, causing RobTop to remove the level in the 2.01 update. Deadlocked was found to be the hardest main level unless you have shit opinions and exploded in popularity.

Let's not forget the extreme demons, though, because we can never forget them.

Doorknob quit[edit | edit source]

Near the beginning of the update, Doorknob finally announced his retirement.

Factory lore[edit | edit source]

In 2.0 zeSophia, the creator of the industrial-themed insane level "Crimson Days", mysteriously disappeared. Little did the rest of the Geometry Dash community know, she was actually secretly alive in Isaac Wayne's factory, as depicted in Factory by RodriAC.

Spin-off games[edit | edit source]

During 2.0, RobTop released two free spin-offs to Geometry Dash. The first one was called Meltdown and was widely assumed to be a regular sequel, due to the similarities between some of the early main levels and the Meltdown levels. This did not represent RobTop's intentions, so he released Geometry Dash World the year after. Everyone hated it because the levels were really, really short compared to RobTop's previous work, despite it giving new players an opportunity to sample some of the community's own work. Soon, hackers discovered that it was merely a scheme to alert the community of the long-awaited 2.1 update's release, which had taken Robert an entire year to finish.

2.1[edit | edit source]

After 293482342 years of boring waiting, RobTop finally released 2.1[4].

Devil Vortex[edit | edit source]

Back in 2017, someone named Josh deluxe verified a level by Rustam called Devil Vortex. However, the verification was weird - there was a lot of lag and people thought it was hacked. Then people found a bunch of sauce splattered all over the level, probably when josh spilled some after hacking the level while making some pizza. That was proof to them that it was hacked, although josh has mostly deflected these claims. But remember those saws from earlier? Yeah, people started seeing them everywhere and it became a bit of a meme on r/geometrydash.

Geometry Dash SubZero[edit | edit source]

Sometime after 2.1's release, RobTop released the third free Geometry Dash spin-off game. It was called SubZero and it was meant to be a teaser for the upcoming 2.2 update. It showcased new features like camera controls and reversed gameplay, and its first level (called Press Start) featured a really lame bossfight with a giant face. The entire community clickbaited the heck out of it for years because they had nothing else to do, until a YouTuber called GD Cologne did a video about how shit the secret coin placements were, causing RobTop to delete the game for once and all.

Limbo[edit | edit source]

Some guy named Mindcap made a blue and purple 3+ minute long buffed version of the Silent Clubstep cube maze called Limbo, which is designed to induce an aneurysm in anyone who plays it. Someone named BGram verified the level after 109490 aneurysms.[5] There is also a SyQual (get it) called "Return 0" which is based off of some creepypasta shite and will never come out. Mindcap wants Limbo to push Zodick off of the top 10 zestiest lemons but that didn't happen due to Abyss of Darkness being verified[6]. The level has placed at #7 on the demonlist, below Firework and above poocubed, and won in Most-Limbo Like Level category in the 100% NOT RIGGED 2022 awards.

Silent Clubstep verification[edit | edit source]

Then, Joe Biden verified Silent Clubstep (see above)[7].

2.2[edit | edit source]

Nope, wait until October November[8] DECEMBER!!!

It's out. It's actually out. Ten years after the game's release.

Ladies and gentlemen.

May I introduce to you.

Update 2.2.

Theres not a lot but PLATFORMER MODE, like 7 million pixel blocks, and dash but like nothing else.

Thank you rob. making us wait nearly 7 years for a basically just a new mode and a level :/

... and also making us wait longer for explorers :/

The wait[edit | edit source]

6.9 years :)

It rounds to 7 years, and if you say its 6 you failed math.

The update[edit | edit source]

RobTop added a new level, Dash, that was pretty good. He was about to add Explorers but that level fucking sucked so he didn't add it. Somehow the moment everyone got the update they didn't immediately flood the servers with the entire global sewage system (which happened in 2.1) so that's neat. The shaders allowed people to recreate TikToks and the cameras allowed people to make even the best of levels completely unreadable. But it's fine because it's 2.2. It does not look like a 7-year-long update though

Except none of that ever fucking happened. Thanks GD Community. Instead all we got was FIRE IN THE HOLE and it's 2.1 all over again but instead of bad rated levels it's bad recent tab levels. The first 2.2 rated levels were actually good for once though probably because the wait actually let people refine their building skills and people didn't immediately start overusing the new blocks. Also GD Cologne made a video that turned a spider part in Dash into a meme so that happened or something or whatever I guess.

Summary[edit | edit source]

2.3s coming out in 30958748957389567289257943896598 years!!! I love my life!

Reception[edit | edit source]

Many video game websites refused to rate it, because there wasn't -∞ rating for dem sitez. "PPAP is better than this shit," said a hentai fanatic about GD. (I have a RobTop, I have The Impossible Game! Ugh! Geometry Dash!), which is the stupidest thing ever created.

The KKK Grand Wizard before 1.7, called the game a "masterpiece" and a depiction of the current political landscape, and that people should follow it's example. do not trust them→

Controversy[edit | edit source]

Commentary[edit | edit source]

Where do I start. Oh god, where do I start.

To anyone that has not followed GDTWT for at least a minute, you should know that Geometry Dash is one of the most drama-laden games in existence. There's so much it's not even funny. The fact that a single game can erupt into this is genuinely concerning. The following list is, to my knowledge, the actual extent of the Geometry Dash drama rabbit hole.

  • Cyclic hacking scandal
  • Andromeda hacking scandal
  • Riot's YT channel got terminated
  • ToshDeluxe hacking Devil Vortex
  • God Eater Astral Divinity copyright crisis
  • Dolphy hacking accusations
  • The other ToshDeluxe drama
  • VSC hacked verification
  • Vernam harassment drama
  • JAGDP drama[9]
  • Zylenox drama
  • GuitarHeroStyles pedophilia allegations
  • ELEPS allegations
  • orizu allegations
  • MaleVeronica allegations
  • btLisp attempted exposal
  • Crazen allegations
  • AmorAltra pedophilia allegations
  • Cirtrax allegations
  • Geoxor allegations
  • Koraii transphobia allegations
  • Viprin discord allegations
  • SpaceUK hacking scandal
  • Zoink hacking scandal
  • RobTop hacking scandal
  • Skub allegations

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Geometry Dash is also dead. But don't you dare tell that to its fanbase ... or what's left of it. also release date or something
  2. One! Two! Three! Stockholm City!
  3. trust me
  4. 2.1 got released yahoo
  6. abyss of darkness veirification video
  7. silent clubstep veirification video
  8. Thank you RobTop, can't even hold on to your promises. We saw the GD10 video. We saw the October 2023 release date. Thanks for losing the trust of your community all over again.
  9. don't actually remember what this one was, maybe a hacking scandal or something (probably not because he was already a known botter, i think it was something irl but maybe im confusing him with vernam)? i know something happened with JAGDP but idfk
    it was him telling fnm how bad he wanted to cum in him LMFAO