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The Society Portal

Society is an abstract concept that envisions people and culture as a unified entity, thinking and acting in harmony. It represents a collective human aspiration, yet it is constantly mistaken as something already achieved. This illusion diminishes its true value and purpose, leading to its gradual decline.

Society only finds skinny people attractive, but is fat itself. Society doesn't like to stereotype people, except those damn Mexicans with their beans and rice. Society thinks foreigners should learn English before coming to America, but needs to find an English-speaker when it goes on vacation abroad. Society finds prison rape hilarious. Society believes America to be the greatest country on the motherfucking planet! Society preaches that gays should have equal rights... Just not in front of Society. Society knows that anyone who doesn't stand up during the Star-Spangled Banner is obviously a Communist. Society has no gender, yet seems to favor straight white men. But trust us, Society's not biased or hypocritical at all. (See more...)
Featured Folk
Happy Aztec.jpg

The Aztecs, long considered as the Mesoamerican equivalent of Spartans, were a collection of ethnic groups well known for perfecting the delicate art of ripping the still beating heart from a man's rib-cage. Their intricate culture of random violence and ceremonial organ theft became known throughout the West through the chronicles of Spanish explorer Hernando Cortez in which he described the natives as "batshit insane lunatics" and "get me the f**k out of here".

Many of these unique cultural hallmarks stem from the Aztec’s religion which roughly dictates that their pantheon of gods require round-the-clock blood donations to continue functioning or the world would implode on itself [citation needed]. However, since the local population felt less than eager to kill themselves, the Aztec high council simply decided to outsource the task to other Indians, in the most hilariously invasive ways possible.

Selected Image
Trojan horse.png
Despite multiple marketing campaigns, bestiality remains too big of a societal taboo to be marketable. Still, some brands continue to hedge their bets.
Society in the News

THE HOUSE, Somewhere – The man who lives in the house amazed onlookers today when, at about the time the sun came up, he woke up. This life-changing event officially marked the end of a very boring period of time when it was dark and the man was asleep and there was nothing to do. It was horrible. I didn't think it was ever going to end.

But it did!!!!!

The man got out of bed and stood up, and I just about had a heart attack from excitement. I was so excited, I knocked him over! He didn't seem very happy about that, but I just couldn't contain myself. Nothing this exciting has ever happened before. Actually, now that I think about it really hard, it's possible that he's woken up once or twice before. I think. I'm not totally sure. Then I brought him a ball, and he kicked it down the stairs!!

Did you know
  • ... that you're a burden to society, and your mother never loved you, and your dog looks at you in shame, and...
  • ... that prostitution may be the oldest profession, but passing the buck to someone else is the oldest hobby?
  • ... that you don't exist, but are merely an illusion created by your own brain, which also doesn't exist?
  • ... that you don't exist, but are merely an illusion created by your own brain, which also doesn't exist?
Quote of the Day
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