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The Film Portal

Old film.jpg

Film (pronounced fill-um) is as much an artform as it is a business. It was originally developed as a means to display naked people "getting it on" and distributing it to the masses. Films are more commonly known as Brainwashing Sessions (pronounced Ber-rainwashing Sessions). This name came about from the Baze'd faces people get after watching films.

Movies have baffled psychologists as it was found in a study conducted by the government that the majority of movie goers remain expressionless when watching the loss of life, limb, heartbreak, hatred and racism. Moreover it was found that people were often willing to pay money to see such movies, as well as buy food to enjoy themselves while watching it. To this day psychologists still do not fully understand why human beings enjoy watching such movies. Perhaps it is the thought of paying a lot of money to the movies, sitting with stupid noisy people crunching their popcorn, while getting your eyes and ear bombarded by huge screen and noise. Yes, we love movies.. (Full article...)


Highlighted Article

The promotional poster.

The Bourne Pottery Class is the fourth film in the popular Jason Bourne series, starring Matt Damon. The film tells the epic tale of Jason Bourne, the ex-CIA assassin, as he enrolls in a pottery class and learns to make ceramic pots and pans. The film was hailed by critics as "one of the most thrilling depictions of ceramic plate-making since the James Bond movie from the '80s, 'The Spy who Helped Glaze my Clay Vase.'"

The film picks up directly where the last installment, the Bourne Ultimatum, left off--with Jason Bourne swimming in a New York river after falling approximately eight miles from a nearby skyscraper. Bourne swims to the shore and sees a building marked "Mrs. Wheeler's Pottery School."…

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The sequel to Being John Malkovich, Becoming John Tesh.

Nominate stuff Image credit: Zana Dark Image archive


Did You Know...

 The Straw man was a prominent silent film actor until the end of Hollywood's "Golden Age"
 the Bogeyman is terrible at golf.
 Nicolas Cage started life as Nicholas Coppola, but became known by his current surname because famous film director Uncle Francis Ford Coppola used to keep him confined for protection. Ours.

Highlighted Biography

Coppola's performances were criticized for being too "corpselike".

Sofia Carmina Coppola (born May 14, 1971) is an American screenwriter, director, producer, and occasional actress who makes films about nothing.

Early life

Coppola was born in New York City, New York, the youngest child and only daughter of Eleanor Neil and Francis Ford Coppola, granddaughter of the composer Carmine Coppola, sister of Roman Coppola and Gian-Carlo Coppola, niece of August Coppola and Talia Shire, cousin of Nicolas Cage, Jason Schwartzman and Robert Carmine...…

Archive Article credit: Black flamingo11 (more...)



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Film Terminology

File:Ebert Roeper Bird.JPG
Animation  Beta movement  Bond girl  Camera  Carry On Films  Cult film  Digital cinema  Documentary  Experimental film  Fan film  Film criticism  Film festival  Film genre  Film journals and magazines  Film industry  Film theory  History of film  Lost film  Movie Trailer Announcer Guy  Narrative film  Open content film  Persistence of vision  Photographic film  Propaganda  Recording medium  Silent film  Sir Not-Appearing-in-this-Film  Sound stage  Web film  World cinema

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