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The Comedy Portal

A television studio

Comedy is a communication system for people to make other people realize how stupid some things are. Be they stupid people, places or things. Comedy is usually expressed by Comedians which may be Canadians, individuals, teams or troupes. Animators and illustrators may also qualify as comedians, as their product serves the same purpose. Certainly, Propaganda, pornography and laundry detergent advertisements may be funny, and serve as de facto comedy, but they are not officially comedy.

Internet comedy, called Lulz, was initially just about cats and a few other cute animals. It was introduced in the 1950s, with dogs introduced within a year, after much demand in the UK. It also used the terrestrial internet through ground-based modems. Later, high speed via overhead and/or underground wiring and then 3G were introduced. More recently in the 21st century, lulz has increasingly moved from analog to digital technology. (Full article...)


Highlighted Article

What, me worry?

Sir Alfred E. Neuman, OAE is both founder and pundit-numero uno of the absurdist political publication, Mad Magazine. Since Mad's inception it is famously ridiculed for containing non compos mentis maxims of great wit and lunacy attributed to Alfred, who the magazine often refers to as "Mad's maddest cartoon." Alfred’s credo of “What, me worry!?” has both dumbfounded and confounded the lives of his fellow earthlings for decades. But, the mirth be known and laid aside, Alfred's Mad Magazine identity is simply an elaborate ruse to conceal his international secret. Not that anyone would believe it, but Alfred E. Neuman is the real power behind the office of U.S. President, regardless of what decoy appears to win the elections.


Highlighted Biography

They didn't include my middle name in this Uncyclopedia article.

Chris Rock (born February 7, 1965) is a self-ascribed African-American comedian, African-American actor, African-American screenwriter, African-American television producer, African-American film producer and an African-American director. He was voted as the fifth greatest African-American stand-up comedian of all time by Comedy Central. His comedic subject matter frequently focuses on the cultural values, habits, and struggles of African-Americans.

Despite the few occasions when he has passingly made mention of his ethnicity, there are still those who speculate that Rock may actually be a racist white person in prosthetic makeup.…

Archive Article credit: Matfen (more...)

Highlighted Picture

How dare you pull your piece out on the lanes, pendejo.

Comedy News


Did You Know ...

  • ... that he more you drink, the funnier this is.
  • ...that Comedy was invented by God when he created the Duck-billed Platypus?
  • ... a priest, a rabbi and a minister walked into a bar and ordered a drink.
  • ... that Karl Marx is considered the father of Comedism.
  • ... that in Poland, Polish jokes are just called jokes.
  • ... what is more disgusting than a pile of dead light bulbs?
  • ...that Jesus is coming, so try and look busy.
  • ....that no bumper stickers were harmed making this list.


Who's On First?


Main Topics

Main topics

History of comedy:GodMosesCharlie ChaplinCarrot Top

Inventors and pioneers:Some guyA RabbiA PriestA MinisterScrew in light bulbsThe FoolBozo the ClownGumbyMao ZedongFriedrich EngelsKarl MarxVladimir Ilyitch Lenin

Technology:Arrow through headRim shotsLaugh track

Random:Random ComedianRandom Comedy Article

Terms:PunsImprovSketchArmenian genocideWorkers controlling the means of productionKnock knockPunch linePay offMoney shotPeace through strengthDumb blondes


Things You Can Do

Things you can do
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