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Featured Vogon Poem


Gashee morphousite

Gashee morphousite, thou expungiest quoopisk Fripping lyshus wimbgunts, awhilst moongrovenly kormzibs. Bleem miserable venchit! Bleem forever mestinglish asunder frapt! Gerond withoutitude form into formless bloit, why not then? Moose. More...

Recently featured: The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul - The Meaning of Liff - Mostly Harmless - Shada

Yesterday's featured poem


Oh Freddled Gruntbuggly,

Oh freddled gruntbuggly, Thy micturations are to me As plurdled gabbleblotchits On a lurgid bee. Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes And hooptiously drangle me With crinkly bindlewurdles, Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon, See if I don't! More...

Vogon Trivia

  • ...That the only way to make an Infinite Improbability Drive is Having a Finite Probably Drive adjusted to the exactly probability of an Infinite Improbability Drive popping out in the air?
  • ...That the spice will flow ONLY if form as/psd45/434/ will be filled thrice, sent, lost, buried, burned, found again and lost once more?
  • ...That the only way to make an Infinite Improbability Drive is Having a Finite Probably Drive adjusted to the exactly probability of an Infinite Improbability Drive popping out in the air?
  • ...That the spice will flow ONLY if form as/psd45/434/ will be filled thrice, sent, lost, buried, burned, found again and lost once more?
  • ...That the only way to make an Infinite Improbability Drive is Having a Finite Probably Drive adjusted to the exactly probability of an Infinite Improbability Drive popping out in the air?
  • ...That the spice will flow ONLY if form as/psd45/434/ will be filled thrice, sent, lost, buried, burned, found again and lost once more?

Constructor Fleet Headlines

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., official portrait (2025).jpg
" least panda meat doesn't give you autism!" ‑RFK Jr.

Ongoing: The wait for GTA VIEurovision Song ContestRussian InvasionIsrael‑Hamas conflict • ICE rounding up illegal immigrantsTaylor Swift's very unlucky, no good yearDOGE firings and budget cuts • Release of all the JFK and Epstein Files, purportedly • March MadnessTornadoes shredding the American South • Post-apocalyptic streaming movies starring Stranger Things actors

Recent deaths: Michelle TrachtenbergGene Hackman, wife and dog, tooSkypeKingda Ka • David Johansen, The New York Dolls, and Buster Poindexter • UnSpoiler and BeGone extensionsSpace GhostTesla's stock • Bob RiversMeghan Markle's Netflix show • The Electric State • Kurt from Good BurgerGeorge Foreman23andMe

Upcoming deaths: Yoon Suk Yeol's presidency and freedomLuigi MangioneKate MiddletonLaura PalmerDEI, for better or for worsePope Francis • Meghan Markle's remaining likeability • "Snow Woke and the Seven Pronouns"Your March Madness bracket and bank accountTornado Alley • Somebody from The Rugrats Movie

On This Day in the Megabrantis cluster...

For every moose you save, another moose is slaughtered and its meat given to a starving Norwegian family

March 25: International Moose Preservation Day

Today's featured picture


The beauty and decisiveness of the Vogon race is apparent with one look at the firm jawline, the blazing eyes, and the oozing smell of stale beer with a hint of burning cat hair

Image Credit: Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz
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Hitchhiker and Towel of the Month


A well-known British hitchiker, Braydie Dent has hitched over a dozen stellar systems. His most known phrases consist of: What? and Tea please!. On his spare time he enjoys insanity, cricket, and that famous game that those British enjoy so much...what was it? Oh! Self loathing. Yes.


This months Towel is the infamous TowelHax. He has captured a unique perspective of the Galaxy's events with his travels across the milky way. Sass that froopy towel. He knows where his towel he is.

Vote for Hiker of the month | Vote for Detached Arm of the Month | Vote for the Triple Breasted Whore of the Month | Past Winners

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