Watch it kid, you might find yourself floating home.
If you do not play
Grueslayer, I will choke you, Homer Simpson style.
If YOU see or are part of a Major flamewar, tell me, and I'll have all wariors go to my Talk page. I will give my time to keep the flamewars from becoming ban-worthy. Aboutface! At ease, Soldier!
This user has been on Uncyclopedia for 18 years, 1 month and 1 day.
Member of the Order of Uncyclopedia
This person has successfully registered on Uncyclopedia. They should be proud of themselves for making such a smart move.
This menu looks like a telescope. It is a telescope.
High Gen. Grue
Real Name:Gen. Han Solo
Gender: Male
Member since: I forget.
Weight/Mass: Less than 200 pounds
Occupation: High General, IRC surgeon
Favourite Article Game: Game:Grueslayer
Favorite article: Stephen Hawking ran over my cat
Least Favorite Uncyclopedia In-joke: Euroipods
IRC name(s): HighGenGrue, HanSolo
Weapon of Choice: Chaingun/Pump-Action shotgun/Rifle/CHAINSAW THAT IS ON FIRE/Non-Lethal but VERY PAINFUL Riot gun.
Stupidest Action: Feeding a troll.
Infobox ripped off legally taken from AAA!
You are about to enter...
Where you will probably die
my anti-drug
About Me
Hello. You probably think I am always a grue. But you would be an imbecile. I am actually Han Solo, who drank a pial of Morpheous, made by Rebellion workers. Now, when I want to be a grue, I am. I have cats, which I don't huff (Other Cats:Yes).
Now that THAT is done, more stuff. I have beaten Uncy's Zork AND the real Zork. I am currently a Star Wars fanboy, and any snickering will earn you death.
My contributions
TYATU backups
- Note: These may be made by other people
Useless boxes that I like to use
This user is a grue, and while you were reading this, has eaten you. Start over? |
This User founded the Grue Army. FEAR HIM. |
BENSON is better than this user. |
This user is a drill sergeant and just loves to turn n00bs
into real soldiers! |
This user is a native speaker of Bullet and can fire high-caliber rounds in full-automatic mode.
This user believes that you can never have too many text adventures
on Uncyclopedia. |
This user is a Sniper and has their rifle pointing at your head. |
This user denies any involvement with the cabal. There is no cabal. |
This Uncyclopedian has the Need for Speed. |
This user can drift and beat D.K. |
This user is a member of the Reviewing Committee, because they are self opinionated knowitalls.
This User tries to stop flamewars to protect the O-zone layer. |
This user hates George Bush and therefore believes he must be arrested and tried for war crimes. |
This user is a N00bin in Yoinxx and can transfer money in Uncyclopedia with Checks. |
This user is a Disco Bandit, and is therefore Moxious. Be awestruck by his incredible skillz.
An adventurer is this user! He or she plays Kingdom of Loathing. His/her ID number in the game is #1431357. |
This user is a member of the League of Benson, and therefore admits that Benson is better than themselves. |
Grue Army
Welcolme to the page of the Grue Commander, <insert name here>, and please, don't get eaten by A Grue soldier. add yourself if you want.
Members of the Army
These devoted users protect Uncyclopedia, with Honor, Bravery, and Vigilance. They have read the Code of War, and as they gained the knowledge, they pass it on to the next users, who will pass it on to the next, as my mentors had done long ago.
The Grue Army's General with UNSOC's first Preimer Party Member
Covert Ops
Special Ranks
Mechanized Assault Squad
What is the Grue Army?
The Grue Army is a Dedicate Group of Soldiers (Your rank, whatever) trying to eradicate vandalism, break up flame wars that aren't on BHOP, among other things, such as helping other users.
Note:If you need help from us, consult any members, listed above.
Recruitment Stations
Grue fortresses, bases, bunkers...
If you joined, and want to make a base on your userspace, go ahead. IF YOU WANT, i'm not saying you should.
Don't Die!
Entrance of Grue Base
It is dark. You see these words on a plaque: This base is owned by Lt. High Gen. Grue The Few The Proud, The Marines.
Would you like to go to the barracks or High General Grue's office?
My to-do list...