User:High Gen. Grue/Medals

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Awards that have been given to General Han Solo are listed here in his own little trophy case.

Really important awards[edit | edit source]


Ninjastars[edit | edit source]

-From MackMan for being one of the first to play CtF

-From Anotherpongo for starting the Grue Army, being a good editor of Grueslayer, and not eating him

-From UNKNOWNFILE for my IRC lecture

-From Modusoperandi for cleaning up a flamewar... er, I think.

Thank you for voting for...[edit | edit source]

:) Thankyou!!!

-From Jack Mort for voting for Shortcut

FoxyBabe has awarded you with a Key Item!
For voting on HowTo:Live in an RPG.
"I found it inside a weird chest placed mysteriously in Lava Mountain. Still haven't figured out what it does, so keep it in your inventory, it may come in handy to eliminate a dancing mushroom."

- From FoxyBabe for voting for HowTo:Live in an RPG

Dry Martini.png NeedABrain has awarded you a Dry Martini!
For voting on HowTo:Run Away From Fat Ladies

Everything goes easier after this.

- From NeedABrain for voting for HowTo:Run Away From Fat Ladies

Pumpkin pie.jpg Herr Doktor has awarded you a pumpkin pie!
For voting on Gallows Humor

"With your stamina refilled, time to work!"

- From HerrDoktor for voting for UnBooks:Gallows Humor

For voting on my Lego Assassination Image on VFP!

Sliffy thanks you!
I so totally stole this box

Now sing along: “Ebony, Ivory, living in perfect harmony!”
Thanks a Bundle
Alfred.jpg Thanks for voting for Mad TV. Not that it was stressing me out. What, me worry? SNL32NEWLOGO.PNG
Whoops. Wrong logo.

- From Ljlego for voting for Mad TV.

- From Ljlego for voting for UnNews:Procrastinators Unite Today; Shirt Enthusiasts Enraged

- From Ljlego for voting for HowTo:Beat the Odds

Potato Salad.JPG The Led Balloon has awarded you a bowl of Satan's famous potato salad. Who'd have thought he'd be such a good cook?
PS: You get this for voting on 667:Neighbor of The Beast. Now go and "be more like that Satan".

- From TheLedBalloon for voting for 667:Neighbor of the Beast


Do you know you voted for The Muffin Man,

The Muffin Man,

The Muffin Man?

Do you know you voted for The Muffin Man?

It was on VFH

Jocke Pirat thanks you for voting on his article on VFH. In exchange, you get a picture of Peter Sutcliffe in a chef hat on a template. Isn't that nice? Enjoy.

- From Jocke Pirat for voting for Muffin Man


- From Ljlego for voting for UnNews:For Dummies author earns PhD

Thank you for voting
For me, of course.

You voted for Dr. Skullthumper for Noob of the Month! Yes, really. You did, honest. Check the history logs. You still don't remember? Maybe you were drunk, or something. Well anyway — just take my word for it, you did.

So as a thank you, I've decided to give you one of the few existing Magic 8.1 balls. Unlike the Magic 8 ball, it will never give you an inaccurate answer. I've made sure of that. Use it wisely. Like as a paperweight.

- From Dr, Skullthumper for voting for him on NotM

Russian Roulette Guy UGH.jpg
Thekillerfroggy would like to thank you for reading and enjoying his instructional Russian Roulette handbook. Now you can be just like me (pictured)!
Oh, those Russians...

- From TKF for voting.

Volleybeauty.JPG WILSON!! WIILLSOOONN!! Hey, there he is! Anyways, The Led Balloon would like to thank you for voting on UnBooks:The Castaway.
When you get on the raft, don't forget to bring......
Oh, never mind...

- From TheLedBalloon for voting for WILLLLLLSON!!!!!!!

Child abuse.JPG The Led Balloon humbly thanks you for reading and voting on UnNews:Hitting children found to have positive effects on brain development.
Remember, it's for their own damn good!

- From TheLedBalloon'

Cookies[edit | edit source]

Newcookie.gif Insineratehymn has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

- From Insineratehymn for trying to understand his js. file

Newcookie.gif MackMan has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

- From MackMan for being the first to play CtF

Newcookie.gif Trar has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

- From Trar's cookie giveaway

Newcookie.gif Pongo Version 2 has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

- For replying to Pongo's TYATU character request.

User-specific awards[edit | edit source]

Scimitar.jpg Lord Fluffy has awarded you a sword for outstanding valor and/or insanity. Use it well.
Yay! Pointy!

-From Lord Fluffy for giving him two Machine guns

Bagels.jpg Shalom!
Yum! You've received a basket of delicious fresh bagels from RabbiTechno!

מזל טוב

From RabbiTechno for who knows what


-From Emmzee in exchange for a Machine gun

Marly.JPG The Don thanks you

He is pleased with your work, and hopes
that you prosper in your endevours.
He extends a hand of friendship, should you need it.

- For grammar rodeo

Kiss33.jpg Awww... how adorable! You made some other user happy, and they left a kiss for you on your page!

Keep the good work goin' for some more ;u*

- From forestAngel for trying to save Dirty Potter

"WE HATE YOU!" awards[edit | edit source]


-From Manforman