
Hello, I'm SPARTAN-984. Although I am active on Halopedia the most, you can find me on other Wikia, like:
Halopedia-The place where I was introduced to Wikia.
Halo Fanon-The place where I am taking part in an RP.
Zombiepedia, Vektapedia-Random Wikia bout my fav topics, Zombies and Killzone (in that order).
WiCapedia-A wikia about World in Conflict that I co-founded. I am one of the two admins there.
Alright, that's basically all. I hope that Uncyclopedia, the second or third biggest wiki on Wikia, will become another base of operations for me.
Oh, and check my (under my namespace) fake merc contracts page.
My Real Userpage[edit | edit source]
My Recorded Signatures[edit | edit source]
This is for testing of my signatures..
First Sig
SPARTAN-A984, Protecting the world from angry Lawn gnomes since 1996 17:10, 1 February 2009 (UTC) - First recorded signature.
SPARTAN-A984, Protecting the world from angry lawn gnomes since 1996 17:11, 1 February 2009 (UTC)- Minor revision, including re-link to existing page about Lawn Gnomes and re-linking to the contribs- SPARTAN-A984, Protecting the world from angry lawn gnomes since 1996 17:13, 1 February 2009 (UTC) - Final revision of first signature, relinking Contributions cause I made a spelling mistake.
Second Sig
Me, SPARTAN-984 Chat here [[Special:Contributions/SPARTAN-984|What I have done for The Party Uncyclopedia 17:56, 1 February 2009 (UTC) - Crapped out again. *sigh* Besides, got it wrong anyways.
Me, SPARTAN-984 Chat here [[Special:Contributions/SPARTAN-984|What I've done 17:59, 1 February 2009 (UTC) - F*ck.
SPARTAN-984 Chat here 18:01, 1 February 2009 (UTC)YES, YES, YES! I DID IT! Anyways, here it is, my new signature that confines to the rules. (It didn't last long anyways.)
SPARTAN-984 Chat here What I've Done 18:03, 1 February 2009 (UTC) - An experiment seeing if I could add the Contribs.
SPARTAN-984|Chat here|What I've Done 18:04, 1 February 2009 (UTC) - Wellp, it worked. This is my new signature... for now.
Third Sig
{{Subst:Nosubst|User:SPARTAN-984/sig} 23:16, 14 February 2009 (UTC) - After Modus begged me to change my signature (with help from Mordillo), this is what I came up with. User:SPARTAN-984/sig is the page where it is located. Change it ONCE and you could get banned. Now, to get to work on that property template and posting on Modus' talk page.
S-984 23:18, 14 February 2009 (UTC) - There was a bit of a problem with my Preferences, as one of the } was missing from the "Signature" part. I quickly fixed it.
Fourth Sig
{{User:SPARTAN-984/sig2}} 19:19, 19 April 2009 (UTC) - I fucked it up. Back to the first sig, and time to die by Flammable's banhammer.
The Userbox Corner[edit | edit source]
I store my userboxes here. As of May 19, 2009, this area has been revamped to meet the SPARTANBase standards.
17-G |
This user does not speak 1337 and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all 1337 speakers. |
ah-G |
This user does not speak Asshat and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all Asshat speakers. |
au-1 |
This user is able to contribute with a basic level of 'Straylyan. |
ao-G |
This user does not speak AOLer and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all AOLer speakers. |
bs-G |
This user does not speak Bullsh!t and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all Bullsh!t speakers. |
bl-G |
This user does not speak Blasphemy and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all Blasphemy speakers. |
du-G |
This user does not speak Dumbass and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all Dumbass speakers. |
enl-N |
This user is a native speaker of English, but Louder. |
enr-0 |
This user does not understand Engrish (or understands it with considerable difficulties). |
fr-E |
This user only speaks Français because it was a required course in school. |
fh-G |
This user does not speak Fuckhead and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all Fuckhead speakers. |
fur-G |
This user does not speak Furry and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all Furry speakers. |
gb-0 |
This user does not understand Gibberish (or understands it with considerable difficulties). |
gbs-N |
This user is a native speaker of Galactic Basic Standard. |
gee-0 |
This user does not understand Geek (or understands it with considerable difficulties). |
il-N |
This user is a native speaker of Igpay Atinlay. |
ns-G |
This user does not speak Newspeak and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all Newspeak speakers. |
pe-N |
This user is a native speaker of Plain English. |
pika-G |
This user does not speak Pikachu and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all Pikachu speakers. |
re-1 |
This user is able to contribute with a basic level of Recondite English. |
rh-N |
This user is a native speaker of Random Humour. |
us-N |
This user is a native speaker of American English. |
uk-0 |
This user does not understand Correct English (or understands it with considerable difficulties). |
This user is right-handed. In Latin, they would be Dexter. |
This user is an aeroplane, and can be annoying. No offence to pilots. |
This user likes llamas, and rides them on a daily basis. |
See? Look at them. They really like the llamas. |
No, seriously. That's them there, on the llama. ← See? |
Stop scrolling down, and admire the llama. It's much more interesting than the actual userpage, trust me. |
What, you don't believe me? Fine, see for yourself. Don't blame me when you die from lack of llama. |
This user is a grue, and while you were reading this, has eaten you. Start over? |
This user is reading your thoughts! |
![]() |
This user is addicted to Counter-strike, and would like to blow your face off with an AK-47. | id2 |
This user wants The Ultimate Showdown Of Ultimate Destiny featured. |
This space for rent. Lube available. Call 1-800-666-6666. |
This user is the random erudite smelly pair of socks that dried their gluteus maximus inside of your tomatoes so you must largely subpoena them with a dollhouse. |
This user can see what you don't! |
This user is on fire. You can help uncyclopedia by throwing water on their head |
WARNING: this user knows Chuck Norris, and therefore must be either Mr. T, Chuck Norris, Oscar Wilde, or dead. Proceed with caution!!! |
This user is Over 9000. |
∞ |
This user is ∞ years old. Woop-ti-doo. |
∞ |
This user is an ageless immortal, or so they like to think. |
♂ |
This user is a boy and is made of trucks, trains, and airplanes. |
This user fights against the squirrels and sporks conspiring to enslave the human species. |
![]() |
Jesus loves this user, and has blessed this page. |
sub |
subliminal! |
This user is cooler than you. |
This user does not have a user page at Wikipedia because they think that they take things way too seriously over there. |
NO |
This user doesn't care. |
![]() |
This user is addicted to video games. | ![]() |
This user uses Windows because they can't get enough of your lover. |
This user is a Christian
(as long as they put a dollar in the box). |
LV-2 | This user considers themselves an intermediate gamer and so probably has some sort of social life. |
DIFF E | This user plays Video Games on the lowest difficulty setting available as winning makes them feel good about themselves. |
This user is a Gamer and therefore creepy. |
PS2 |
This user plays on a PS2 because it's just as good as a PS3. |
This User tries to stop flamewars to protect the O-zone layer. |
This user is a Transformer and has the powers to obliterate you! Be aware of this user's laser cannon. |
The Black Knight has never been punished by UnBestiary. Learn from their actions and act like them. |
This user loves Maddox. |
![]() |
This user is a cereal killer. |
This user is not and has never been Napoleon. |
This user is a complete, irredeemable arc welder. They are Bat Fuck Insane, and delete at an abba. |
This user is EXTREMELY RANDOM Be advised: Approach with caution and a sense of humor. |
This user is a Ninja, with dominion over everything totally sweet. |
Woohoo! |
This user thought that The Simpsons Movie was better than eleven Super Bowls! |
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring....BANANAPHONE!!!! |
{{{1}}} |
This user has {{{1}}} userboxes. |
Usb! |
No, really! |
USB!!!!!11 |
This user has been blocked Once by Flammable because I edited too much times. |
This user has eye beams. |
This user has joined The Grue Army to help Uncyclopedia kill vandals, and help users. Please join today! |
This user is an Assault Soldier and is pWn1ng n00bs with their quarter gun. |
bu-N | This user is a native speaker of Bullet and can fire high-caliber rounds in full-automatic mode. |
typo-0 | This user does not understand Typo and hates people that speak it because they're all annoying foreigners. |
![]() |
This user cannot follow any orders!! |
You are dead |
This user, SPARTAN-984, has assassinated you. Please refer to his talkpage for the reason of your death. |
Pages I OWNED On[edit | edit source]
Talk:Islam#BAN_THIS_LINK.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-Told the anonymous person that this is UNCYCLOPEDIA, and that it's a humorous look at terrorists. I love the ending line: "If you don't share that sense of humor, I dunno, go sh*t out a brick or something."
James_Bond_(character)-Click the link and then go to the history tab. What I said: "No offense, but FUCK YOU, YOU TWAT!" I need to revise that, replacing the second "you" with "ya" and then put "cumguzzling" inbetween "ya" and "twat". Well, if I could revise it anyways. :'(
My Youtube Videos[edit | edit source]
These are some YouTube videos I found online. Enjoy.
Idiots of GMOD and Idiots of GMOD 2
See what happens when some people decide to play with a physics modification for games like Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, and CounterStrike. In the second one there may be sketches which parody Internet memes. Enjoy the second one... but at your own risk.
Some Guitar Hero Videos
These are some of the videos from Guitar Hero. There are two at the time: the GHIV opening sequence (just the animation), and the GH: Metallica trailer. In the first one, there is a 360 friends alert. Sorry bout that, it was a chance happening.
Spishak Products/MadTV Craziness.
Here, I'll find the MadTV Spishak products. Beware, the quality of these videos may change. The two currently here are: Bug Zapper Only The Bugs Are Deer Instead, Mach 20. There is also a Grand Theft Auto boardgame.
The Grue Army Newsletter[edit | edit source]
Grue Army Newsletter
main base • recruitment • UNSOC • newsroom
- New Requests for Promotion rule
- Requests for Promotion section moved!
- Grue Army adds new ranks for the first time in who knows how
- Magic man promoted to 2nd-in-command
- J-Shea attempts Coup!
- Meganew Takes Control of Grue Army
- Rosie the Editer: WE CAN DO IT!
- We are all doomed. Famine was right.
- Grue Army Fundraising Game Starts
- Grue Army Treasury Opens
- The previous report was a hoax
- Absolute power temporarily ceded to Thekillerfroggy
- Grue army IRC Chan starts taking Promotion Requests
- The Grue Army Fund is established
- THEDUDEMAN promoted to PSO
- New news system created
- Grue Army and UNSOC channel opens on freenode
Guestbook[edit | edit source]
Read this page? Sign here!
Hehehe, first sign by page creator! SPARTAN-984 03:25, 21 January 2009 (UTC)
- User 17
- User ah
- User au
- User ao
- User bs
- User bl
- User ca
- User du
- User en
- User enl
- User enr
- User fig
- User fr
- User fh
- User fur
- User gb
- User gbs
- User gee
- User il
- User ns
- User pe
- User pika
- User quo
- User re
- User rh
- User us
- User uk
- Canadian Uncyclopedians
- Right Handed Uncyclopedians
- Ducky Approved
- Grue Uncyclopedians
- Uncyclopedians with Shuvels
- Uncyclopedians who know where their Towel is
- Over 9000
- Uncyclopedians by age
- Male Uncyclopedians
- Heterosexual Uncyclopedians
- Freedom Fighters
- Holiest of the Holys
- User cool
- Profane Uncyclopedians
- Members of the International Apathy Society
- Uncyclopedians who use Windows
- Christian Uncyclopedians
- Uncyclopedia firefighters
- Uncyclopedian assassins
- Uncyclopedians who read Maddox
- Insane Uncyclopedians
- Bat Fuck Insane Uncyclopedians
- Eye Beams
- Members of the Grue Army
- Uncyclopedian snipers
- User bu
- User Typo