Uncyclopedia:VFH/Why?:IPs can't edit the main page

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Why?:IPs can't edit the main page (history, logs)

Article: Why?:IPs can't edit the main page

Score: 18 12 year old boys

Nominated by: Talk Mattsnow 21:12, August 13, 2011 (UTC)
For: 20
  1. Nom and for This article written by n00b extraordinaire Xamralco is just awesome! Very original! Talk Mattsnow 21:12, August 13, 2011 (UTC)
  2. Red links. Best reskin since Bettie Page. --Littleboyonly.jpg TKFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFCK Oldmanonly.jpg 21:13, August 13, 2011 (UTC)
  3. For. Andorin Kato 21:17, August 13, 2011 (UTC)
  4. For. This amuses me ~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 21:55, August 13, 2011 (UTC)
  5. For. I feel bad not getting the pee review done, but it doesn't really need one. This will definitely be a top 10 of the month! ShabiDOO 22:38, August 13, 2011 (UTC)
  6. Yay. --Black Flamingo 23:02, August 13, 2011 (UTC)
  7. Symbol for vote.svg For. I'm honored --Talk to me! Sir Xam Ralco the Mediocre 02:18, August 14, 2011 (UTC)
  8. Symbol for vote.svg For. A masterpiece. Scofield & The Machine 08:36, August 14, 2011 (UTC)
  9. For. FcukmanLOOS3R!!! 08:45, August 14, 2011 (UTC)
    For. tsyhjn ? 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 09:17, 14 August 2011 09:17, August 14, 2011 (UTC)
  10. Symbol for vote.svg For. I understand and I wish to continue. HauntedUndies2.jpg. 10:37, August 14, 2011 (UTC)
  11. Symbol for vote.svg For. Should be a "reskin" -- Prof. Olipro Icons-flag-gb.png KUN (W)Anchor Op Bur. (Harass) 12:41, August 14, 2011 (UTC)
  12. For. This is a work of art! mAttlobster. (hello) 13:27, August 14, 2011 (UTC)
  13. 4. Oh god, so very for. -OptyC Sucks! Icons-flag-us.png CUN14:24, 14 Aug
  14. Yes Please. --Asahatter (annoy) 20:38, August 14, 2011 (UTC)
  15. For. Its so simple and true. Dr. Fenwick 21:00, August 14, 2011 (UTC)
  16. For. Seems to organized, but the concept is still true. Sir Oliphaunte (განხილვა)  Georgia-flag-on-soccer-ball-vector.jpg 22:45, August 14, 2011 (UTC)
  17. For. I would perfer Crappypedia, but this will work Mn-z 23:24, August 14, 2011 (UTC)
  18. Symbol for vote.svg For. F**king awesome. Mnidaydwisww 02:48, August 15, 2011 (UTC)
  19. Gamma287 approves... --Gamma287 By the way, Eduard Khil died. MUN.png Icons-flag-us.png ☭Tetяis? 17:51, August 15, 2011 (UTC)
  20. Symbol for vote.svg For. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 22:05, 15 August 2011
Against: 2
  1. Against. Navelism. Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 08:01, August 15, 2011 (UTC)
  2. Not for me thanks. -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
  • Comment. I'm not going to vote against because I don't want the lame ass "blow back" associated with an Against vote. But this is ONE JOKE with the same punch line told, over and over, ad nauseam. Abstain. Funnybony Icons-flag-th.png Agnideva-small.jpg AGT-logo-small.jpg 16:56, Aug 15 16:56, August 15, 2011 (UTC)
  • HURRAY FOR NAVELISM! YEAH YEAH YEAH! Rocka rocka rocka Navelism. This is the best navelism ever...with powdered sugar on top. Rah rah rah! --ShabiDOO 18:29, August 15, 2011 (UTC)
  • Comment. The joke gets stale quick, but if you glance at the article instead of reading through it to find a better punchline, it'd make a decent irony to put this on the front page. As for me, I abstaint. Voting is just TOO MUCH PRESSURE! DoctorRainCloud 19:20, August 15, 2011 (UTC)
  • What is navelism? I have no idea what that means. --Talk to me! Sir Xam Ralco the Mediocre 19:43, August 15, 2011 (UTC)
    Well Xamralco, Navelism, according to some users, is when an article is self referential to either uncyclopedia and its idiosyncracies, or to a user or an in joke. I dont know why the word used is navelism, but thats the word used. Some users have a problem with Navelism, especially Mimo and Maxus (you know, the guy who writes tons of articles and is here all the time) and they dont like it for various reasons. One reason is that we should be original (though I find your article very funny and original and much more so than most articles as 20 people so far seem to agree). The second reason is that it may scare new readers away from the article, as navelism may be strange or confusing or not interesting, and in their logic, new readers may run away and never come back. My problem with that is, well, we have no idea how many new visitors we have (as no one will come up with a way to record that stat and have a cache or some excuse like that), and even less of an idea of how the hell they will react to anything because we cannot predict how people react to things unless we ask them (which nobody does). I could easily theorise that new readers will find navelism cool and want to join. Who knows? The third reason I can think of, it, perhaps that once someone gets an idea about something, they will keep acting that way, even though someone has turned out a pretty cool, funny and awsome article that anyone could enjoy and deserves to be featured (just like yours). Understand now? --ShabiDOO 20:03, August 15, 2011 (UTC)
    I thought that it had something to do with belly buttons, but I guess that makes more sense --Talk to me! Sir Xam Ralco the Mediocre 21:28, August 15, 2011 (UTC)
    No...it also has a lot to do with belly buttons Xamralco. --ShabiDOO 21:44, August 15, 2011 (UTC)


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