Uncyclopedia:VFH/UnNews:New High School Musical Movie Gets Mixed Reaction

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UnNews:New High School Musical Movie Gets Mixed Reaction (history, logs)

Article: UnNews:New High School Musical Movie Gets Mixed Reaction

Score: 5.5 school killings

Nominated by: Staircase CUNt 04:23, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
For: 14.5
  1. Nom and for. This is the greatest UnNews I have read. But then again, I have only been here for six days. Staircase CUNt 04:23, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
  2. For. I'm back. (So vote "For" or I'll go away again.) -- posh Ape (reward) (Riot Porn) 04:51, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
  3. For. Not only cuz it was good, but also for Ape   Le Cejak <4:54 Jun 01, 2009>
  4. For. per above. Mnb'z 05:30, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
  5. For Oh wow he's back, and very well done.    Tagstit    talk    contribs    awards   06:00, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
  6. Yes! Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 09:08, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
  7. For Yeah, good fun. An nice, interesting snipe at High School Musical always get a vote from me. --I live in your eyes 22:21, 5 June 2009 (UTC)
  8. Symbol for vote.svg FUCK YEAH! GiratinaOriginForme.png |Si Plebius Dato' Joe ang Kyurem CUN|IC Kill Don't be fooled. I'm an Aussie too. | 10:26, 6 June 2009 (UTC)
  9. Weak For. It was good, but that last part gave me the willies. Necropaxx (T) {~} 15:24, Jun 1
  10. Symbol for vote.svg For. May be not quite the finished article but I will let that go as I like the sick idea of turning the Columbine massacre into a musical - sort of. In fact uncyclopedia is probably 40 years too early with this but it will come eventually. Probably Staircase CUNt will re-submit then if this doesn't go through. --Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate). 15:48, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
    If it fails I'll leave it be. Staircase CUNt 16:45, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
  11. I'm all for singing and dancing their way into the history books Littleboyonly.jpg TKFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFCK Oldmanonly.jpg 05:03, 2 June 2009 (UTC)
  12. For. Yep, HSM did suck! TheValentineBros 21:27, 2 June 2009 (UTC)
  13. YA!. iz good. thats all. made me laugh inside 01:05, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
  14. Ankh smite.png Bless.. I liked it. That's saying a lot seeing as I hate anything realted to High School Musical Icons-flag-it.png Don 15px-AAN.jpg20px-Oberst.jpg Puttano cHeDDs 15px-Jenny_Spy_Revised_Again.jpg 19px-Leprechaun_army.jpg 15px-TMMAN.jpeg 20px-Missmurder.jpeg 15px-SCBBQGPOS.jpg User talk:CheddarBBQ 22:44,10June,2009 22:44, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
  15. For. I've been waiting for this... Colin Explode fire.gifALL YOUR BASEExplode fire.gifHeaney! Casa Bey Superfly Portfolio 23:10, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
  16. Bowling for.... -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
Against: 9
  1. Against. A bit predictable. Gallean88 09:06, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
  2. Against As above, and I think it failed to capitalize on the idea. You could see the end coming a mile away. Also Zac Efron looks like some hideous robot made of the douchiest parts of the douchiest corpses some Disney agent could dig up from the "OD'ed on popped collars" section of the cemetery. --Sir DJ ~ Irreverent OZ! Noobaward.jpg Wotm.jpg Unbooks mousepad.PNG GUN.png 12:59, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
  3. Against--Rimecuka ;D 20:08, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
  4. Symbol declined.svg Against. per Cryst, except I don't mind it being a dick move. It's not a feature, so I'm voting against.  Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize  writings  critchat) 05:15 Jun 02, 2009
  5. Against We've already done the idea of a school massacre being a musical. We featured it already, too. This was just too predictable for me to really laugh. Sorry Ape. MegaPleb Dexter111344 Complain here 05:21, 2 June 2009 (UTC)
  6. Against. Per Dex. -OptyC Sucks! Icons-flag-us.png CUN22:06, 2 Jun
  7. Against as previously put, too predicatable. --Saleenmustang.jpg fuentfue Saleenmustang.jpg My Talk : My Awards 20:54, 9 June 2009 (UTC)
  8. against. the humor-to-morbidity ratio was too low for me. SirGerrycheeversGunTalk 15:38, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
  9. Against. IronLung 04:52, 14 June 2009 (UTC)
  • Abstain. This is possibly the best premise ever. But the execution is off. It either needed to be a shiny, happy HSM musical about the Columbine kids, or a dark, metal-tinged, Columbine-sounding musical about teenage puppy love. But I'm not gonna vote against it because that'd be a dick move. Cryst 20:53, 1 June 2009 (UTC) 20:52, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
  • Comment. I'm not sure my article is all that similar to the Virginia Tech one. -- posh Ape (reward) (Riot Porn) 05:32, 2 June 2009 (UTC)
  • Symbol neutral vote.svg Abstain. Can't decide. I sorta smirked, but I also hated it at the same time enough to not want to cast a vote. -- DameViktoria Heart_anim.gif Grew up with a butler, cook and a nanny, she qualifies, doesn't she? - (Contribs) - (Talk) - (Block log) 11:37, 13 Jun 11:37, 13 June 2009 (UTC)


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