Liberal Fascism
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This article is likely to be pwnt by Glenn Beck. I suggest you run like hell or play some Civilization IV before it pwns you too. |
Liberal Fascism is a term coined by Glenn Beck when he still worked for CNN with Jonah Goldberg and Ben Stein as a response to ultra-left-wingers calling conservatives as fascists. It might very well be an oxymoron as fascism is a right-wing form of government to counter communism and Liberal Fascism might mean Communism instead of Fascism that is Liberal.
“When fascism comes to America, it will not be in brown and black shirts. It will not be with jackboots. It will be Nike sneakers and smiley shirts. Smiley-smiley.”
The Irony of it all[edit | edit source]
Since Fascism was a right-wing response to Communism, then Communism is the original Liberal Fascism. Only when Liberals do it, they usually call it Socialism, Social Justice, Social Conservatism, Green Jobs, ACORN, APOLLO, Tides Foundation,, Black Liberation Theology, IWETHEY, The Daily KOS, Kuro5hin, The New York Times, and other ultra-left-wing nuthouse moonbat foundations and organizations.
The name of some of these Liberal Fascism organizations:
ACORN: Association of Criminals Obama Represented in the Nineties. King Obama he worked for them as a lawyer and they are under investigation for various counts of fraud.
APOLLO: Association of Persons Over Lying Lawyers Organization. The Lawyers lying for the screwing over of the tax payers and the exploitation of poor people that Good Ol' Boy 'Publicans have stood up for always! Note the pagan name. They want to indoctrinate us into Satanism too.
The Daily KOS: Killing Over aged Seniors. Against Teabaggers, mostly senior citizens upset over inferior Medicare/Medicade being cut to fund Universal Health Care despite it being a superior system that is successful in Europe. Finding creative ways to force them into suicide or heart attacks or strokes by writing nasty things about them so they can get stressed out and die. Their solution to health care is to kill off all of the older people dragging down the current system. The death camps will be going to the US of A shortly.
IWETHEY: Internet White Eclectic Trolls Hating Every Youth. Middle Aged child molesters who hate the youth of the nation and abuse them.
TIDES Foundation: Taking In Digital Electronic Salary. In other words laundering money and paying off teachers to brainwash children via Youtube videos that are propaganda and indoctrination videos!
Don't be fooled, your rights and freedoms are at risk if you are not as liberal fascist as these people and their organizations, and they are actually trying to hijack the Democratic Party of America from real pocket-'Publican Liberals and Blue Dog Democrats. Liberal Fascism claims to be Liberalism, but it is not, it is more like I can't believe it's not Liberalism brand imitation Liberalism.
But Why?[edit | edit source]
Since the early 20th century Liberal Fascists had worshiped Fascist Dictators like Mussolini [1] Liberal Fascist Bankers had bankrolled not just Mussolini but Hitler as well as early as 1939. This is because Liberal Fascists support dictators of any sort as they are against freedom and rights and Democracy.
In modern times they support Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Osama bin Laden, and Jimbo Wales.
NPR and PBS are their propaganda media companies controlled by them and funded with federal money. General Electric is one of their companies and with it NBC, CNBC, MSNBC (Founded with that evil corporation Microsoft) that also pushes propaganda, and like an octopus they got tentacles on CBS and ABC but CNN is still Centris and obviously Fox News is Neocon based. Many Independent Libertarian Centris Moderates died to bring you this information in this article, please don't let their sacrifices be in vain. There also are Liberal Fascists who own oil and fossil fuel companies and have deals with the USA's enemies. General Electric will soon force people to use a smart grid that is a big brother technology that spies on people, the software behind the health care reform, the RFID chips that will be implanted in all citizen's right hands or foreheads soon for identification purposes, selling forbidden nuclear and encryption and advanced technology to Iran and other US enemies, and behind the banking and AIG scandals using sockpuppets.
But at least they aren't racist?[edit | edit source]
In fact they are racist. [2] [3] They hold down entire races by controlling the public schools so that each minority in those neighborhoods gets cheated out of an education and given third rate treatments and indoctrinate them via videos and books written and produced by Liberal Fascists. One such video is called "The Story of Stuff" by the Tides Foundation's Annie Leonard, a self avowed communist. Which talks about how greedy capitalists are, and how the world would be better off with communism instead! It shows the supply chain and at the end eliminates government and the corporation to show a communist cycle that is "good for all people and the Earth" without capitalism or private corporation ownership. It completely wrong! It goes against the very foundations of 'Mer'ca!, but teachers give an "A" to any student. For adults Michael Moore's "Capitalism: A Love Story" [4] fabricates video evidence and conversations to attack capitalism and promote communism (called Democracy in the movie. Crafty heathens). The video and movie attacks non-Liberal Fascist white people and blames them for the problems while scaring minorities so they cannot get a good education and good jobs! A Comic Book version is being passed around in public schools and colleges to indoctrinate young minds to the plague of Communism, but only for white people! And all this is really true and not just a rambling conspiracy. Seriously. Honestly. Would we lie to you? Take your Glenn Beck-sponsored happy pill and remember that we would NEVER lie to you.

Liberal Fascists keep the minorities down, and then blame the conservatives for that, thus winning their votes when they turn 18. Liberal Fascists sabotage minorities and indoctrinate them, sponsor groups like Al Qaeda and the Manson family to fuel their race war, and claim that every problem they have is not because they got a bad education but racism, capitalism, the federal government, and the fact that Liberal Fascists when in office got attacked by Fascist Conservatives from getting stuff done but Fascist Conservatives are Assholes and that is why they can get things done even if Liberals try to stop them. Oh yeah they are racist as well, even if George W. Bush hired a lot of house minorities to keep the ethnic minority quota in his administration he is a racist by default for being a neocon.
When Liberal Fascists hire minorities for their non-profit groups like ACORN they almost always keep them at entry level jobs so they can take the blame for voter fraud or giving a pimp and underaged hooker a loan application and get fired. Even if they were just following orders and policies from the White Liberal Fascists. The minorities are used and abused as disposable employees or pawns on a chess board. That's racist! Seriously! I mean there is no real proof that this happens, but it is true. Period.
ACORN, APOLLO, and the Tides Foundation use Coyote smugglers for Latino illegal immigrants and Snakehead smugglers for Asian illegal immigrants so they can be imported to the USA to work as slaves for the various Liberal Fascism organizations and corporations. Underage illegal immigrant girls will be given home loans via ACORN and set up their own brothels with members of ACORN as their Pimps. Illegal immigrants will be smuggled into houses ACORN and APOLLO own with over 18 per house, some locked in closets, others locked under the stairs and most sleeping on the bare floor with no AC or Heating. Liberal Fascists don't care about the rights and freedoms of minority illegal immigrants as they treat them as slaves anyway. They even cut them out of the universal health care bills as well, because they think they aren't worth the health insurance money.
Since the star of the Iraqi War, 8,987,735 fetuses have died due to abortion, about 5,237,890 of them are minorities forced into abortion by Liberal Fascists to keep the population of minorities down so they can stay a minority! It is no lie, no conspiracy theory! Wake up to the threat of Liberal Fascism today.
Article endorsed by the Distant Cousins of The American Revolution, The Kandy Klown Klan and The Coffee Party and GOB (The Government of The Bourgeoisie, the 'Publican Party).
But I still have freedom of speech?[edit | edit source]
Sorry but if you don't agree to their opinions and views you'll have to stand over just a bit. Move over a bit more, a bit more, towards that barbed wire near the people with rifles and riot gear in order to make your statements. You anger is fake, and part of Fox News even if you don't watch it or aren't a conservative. You'll be constantly attacked and called names like racist, idiot, fascist, neocon, capitalist pig, dim, conservative stooge, carbon hog, meat eater, car driver, NRA member, Sarah Palin wannabe, Windows User, Wal Mart Shopper, eater of fast food junk, fatty fat fatty, insane person, evil, media vampire, news zombie, Internet hobgoblin, radio werewolf, etc. All to silence your voice so that they can force their own opinions and views down your throat and silence anyone who doesn't agree with them. When they take over, you'll be one of the first against the wall or put into FEMA Concentration Camps. The day will come! You know that day before JEBUS! comes back, but after the Garden of Eden. Yeah that day. God Bless the Bible for showing us the way.
They use college and high school students to patrol the Internet and get on Digg Reddit and other web sites and submit articles that promote their agenda. Oh come on! They are not just young people with those opinions, they are being paid to hold those opinions! They also frequent Wiki sites, forums, Scoop sites, and other areas using sockpuppets to drown out the competition. They troll and they troll hard all for the cause of bringing about a revolution and a new Fascist Republic of Liberal Commies.
“..and to the communist party, for which we stand. One nation, under control. Without liberty, and justice except for the chosen members of the communist party.”
References[edit | edit source]
Truthful facts from liberal news web sites used in this article:
See Also[edit | edit source]
- Doublespeak
- American liberals
- Non-God-Fearing Democrats
- Liberals
- Holy Bible: Revised Liberal Edition
- Democrats
- Socialism
- Liberal Terrorists
- HowTo:Be a conservative
- HowTo:Be a liberal
- Liberal media
- Sarcasm
- I can't believe it's not Liberalism
- HowTo:Be a Hypocritical Liberal
- HowTo:Be For Something Before You Are Against It
- Why?:Why do Non-Conservatives Exist?
- Leftist