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This article contains material related to Japanese animation and was done by an Otaku—Japanese for loser. Don't be scared by the huge eyes and enormous tits!

I think I'm turning Japanese, I really think so. YAY anime !!!! this list is so short. really you could just typ it into google and get more than this i am outraged. My personal favorite anime is the one with all the giant robots, aliens, and cute girls.

non animated animes also exist an example of one is.

  • Doctor Who (due to the lesbian relationship with a potato creature)
  • Star Trek (bathe my feet in water, I swear this is sexual intercourse, is a common trope in star trek)
  • The Amazing Race (they can film from outside the cars while the people are driving, can make hours fit into a 30 minute episode, and always have time to talk to the camera.


This category has the following 11 subcategories, out of 11 total.









Pages in category "Anime"

The following 119 pages are in this category, out of 119 total.

Media in category "Anime"

The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.